Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or its characters - these were created by Eric Kripke - I'm just borrowing them. I'm not making any commercial gain. No harm or infringement intended.

SPN100 Challenge: spurt and blob. Dean's not getting it at first, but he gets there at the end. 100 word drabble.

Dedicated to all the lovely people at Asylum 16 this weekend.



"We must be mad," grumbled Dean, as he fought the large, amorphous blob. He cursed as his punch went through the creature without causing it harm.

"Why's that?" gasped Sam, too focused on avoiding the creature's crushing bulk to listen.

"To do this job," Dean replied, grinning as he finally retrieved his machete. "No pay, no thanks..."

"No dental," added Sam, rubbing his jaw from where he'd been thrown against the wall.

Dean slammed home his blade and the creature burst apart, spurting a thick, foul-smelling mucous over his brother.

"But you can't beat the job satisfaction, though!" he chuckled.
