A/N: Sorry for the wait, Details on this chapter and why the wait was so long can be found at the end. I hope you enjoy! Thank you!

"That's not impossible." The minister said, "We can inform the president right out as she is aware of the existence of magic. How should I tell them to contact you if they wish? How should this be handled when it comes to press?"

"You release it to your most trusted news source. You let the officials get their hands on it and then it doesn't matter what sources it trickles down too. For the muggles, keep Hermione a mystery. Press is unavoidable but if we can lead the muggles to believe that she is an Asgardian, her use of magic is believable and natural to them, as they've all witnessed multiple Asgardians wielding it in the past." Loki told her.

"Tell any muggle official that wishes to contact us that they can do so through SHEILD." Hermione smirked slightly, "That's the easiest."

The minister nodded. "Most muggles assume that occurrences of magic are caused by mutants, Britain is one of the few communities that still keeps it's Secrecy laws so closely guarded and enforced. " The Minister said, "Though Minister Shackbolt is far more open minded than the last few, so I've been told."

Hermione smiled. "He's a good man," She informed, "I trust him deeply."

That was enough to send a few more mutters over the crowd. Loki quirked an eyebrow picking up on her tactic instantly. The last few Minsters had created a rift between the American society of wizards, and Kingsley had been struggling to mend that rift. The golden trio's influence had spread rather rapidly after the defeat of Voldemort, however, and even Hermione's reputation was built up enough that the casual statement made the Minister grin.

"I'm glad to hear that." She told the younger woman, "Please remember that we shall aid you if there is anything you need."

Hermione grinned. "Thank you. I do think that we must be going Minister, I have a few other important meetings to attend as well. I also believe that Harry is expecting a letter."

"Of course."

Loki was tugged along behind Hermione, no longer glamoured, and drew a few looks and whispers as they passed the others in the building. "I have to speak to Natasha right away," Hermione told him as they neared the apparition point, "Because It'll get to Fury faster that way and he'll know he can't hold anything over our heads in America at least."

When they arrived back at Stark Tower, Hermione found Natasha and surprisingly, Thor and Jane.

"Brother! I was surprised to see you gone when I arrived!"

Hermione grinned, eyes meeting Natasha's with a triumphant glint, "Of course Thor, We were simply getting Loki's name cleared with the American Magic community, and of course, others as news spreads."

There was a beat of silence as Hermione and Natasha continued to stare each other down and something like admiration flickered in the red haired woman's eyes. She nodded to Jane, "I have a some things I need to do," She told the other woman, and without another word left the room.

Loki leaned down and whispered something in Hermione's ear before disappearing down the hall.

"Is he alright?" Jane asked hesitantly, glancing down the hall after him.

"He needs some time to himself," Hermione said, "He insisted he view the memories this time."

"He did?" Thor asked her, "How did he react?"

"He..I think he just needs time to process this. He saw things he may not have remembered and he probably feels the need to try to resort through his thoughts."

"Should he be left alone?"

"He's sifting through his own mind," Hermione answered automatically, "It's something best done on ones own. Though he knows that if he needs me I will not hesitate to come to him."

Hermione caught Thor's concerned expression and smiled softly. "While he'd appreciate the concern of his brother, he would prefer space for now."

"I understand."

"I wonder how soon I'll hear from Fury?" Hermione mused, "I'm sure he'll have a lot to say about this. Not that I particularly care." She grinned at the other two in the room, amusement clear on her face.

"You don't think He'll try to cause issues?"

"Hmm? Oh no, I'm sure he won't be happy about it, but he knows that I'm his only solid connection to Harry Potter and I've made it clear that I can easily slip off his radar again if I so choose. He won't chance that just because we've gone over his head, Fury's got anger issues and ambition for miles; he's not stupid enough to jeopardize the benefits I can offer."

"I suppose you have a good point."


Only a day later, Hermione was reading (another Asgaurdian book) when there was a firm knock on the door. She didn't think much of it when she opened it until she saw it was a man dressed in a stiff suit stood there, though there was a glimmer of amusement in his eyes the rest of his expression was schooled pretty well.

"Agent Phil Coulson," Hermione greeted stiffly, "To what do I owe the pleasure?" Her voice lacked it's usual edge, but she never really had a problem with the man before, in fact she respected him for putting up with Fury.

"We've gotten..numerous calls..from some very important people wishing to speak to you." He said, lips twitching into a small smile.

"I see. I suppose your here so that arrangements can be made?"

"That would be correct."

"Great, Let's go see where Loki's gone off too now." She smiled, "Jarvis?"

"Ms. Granger, how may I help you?"

"Could you please tell me where to find Loki?"

"It would appear that he is currently speaking with his brother in the dining area."

"Excellent. Thank you, Jarvis."

Hermione slipped past Coulson and made her way to the dining area, her smile not slipping from her face but her mind trying to put everything they could possibly need together.

A witness, a backup plan, an escape route,-They had the story, the evidence, the important parts.

"It seems some important people would like to speak with us," Hermione said as she entered the Dinning area.

"At your earliest convenience," Coulson told them, watching the two lock eyes, seeming to have a conversation in mere moments.

"Who exactly will we be meeting with?" Loki asked.

"Everyone in the know, which I have been told includes the President, Secretary of Defense, and some other important Department heads. We've also been informed that the Minister and high level Auror's will be present at the meeting."

There's was another silent moment between them, then Hermione smiled at Coulson, "I'm assuming you'll be escorting us?" He nodded, "How's tomorrow morning sound? Bright and early? Earliest convenience of course."

"I'll send word."

Loki turned back to Thor, stepping slightly closer, "Not a word of the conversation to anyone," He whispered lowly, "Not until it's in the clear."

"Of course, brother," Thor grinned and clapped Loki hard on the back, causing him to stumble slightly, "I wish you the best of Luck."

Hermione had dreamed of going to the White house as a small child. Back before she understood the existence of monsters and mayhem and gods, she had wanted to be Prime Minister for a time. She'd wanted to change the world for the better, and meet other world leaders.

Now that she stood before the building she realized that this was pretty damn close to her childhood fantasy. Just with more magic.

"You think he's innocent?" The question was aimed at Hermione, the stern looking woman, Kate Laurens, head of Defense sat up a little straighter as Hermione locked eyes with her.

"With all due respect, we have proof that Loki was not the one who planned or orchestrated the attacks on Earth. Rather, someone powerful manipulated and controlled him as a tool."

"You're telling me someone who claims to be a god was controlled by someone else?"

"The mad Titan is a powerful, dangerous enemy." Loki spoke, his voice low but managing to grab the attention of everyone in the room, "Not just in force alone, but he know how to twist minds. Desires, dreams, feelings, he melds them to his own wants by any means possible. He is deluded, thinking he courts death, is death's chosen, nearly impossible to kill."

"And the mad titan decided to target you? Over Thor? Any other Asgardian? Even any other person, magical, mutant, on earth?"

"He chose me because I was at my weakest and I was the easiest to reach."


Loki was silent for a long moment, but he inhaled deeply and then spoke once more.

"I was informed of something deeply troubling, and In my foolish anger I sought to right what I felt was a wrong. There was a fight and in my despair I let myself fall from the bridge, down into the void between realms. When I next woke, I was on a dead planet, and he was there. I will save you the details but much of that time, those memories are hazy for me."

"Why don't you try to recall them?"

Hermione spoke up again, voice perfectly calm as her eyes flashed, "I respect you, as one soldier to another, I understand the need to be thorough, the need to be absolutely positive the people you protect are not in danger," Everyone's eyes turned to Hermione, as she kept her voice and posture carefully composed, "But those memories are painful. I saw them. Felt them. He spares you the details of what he can recall as a kindness. I ask you respect that decision."

"Of course." She said after a moment, "But we still need proof."

"We have that." Hermione produced a folder and set it down on the table in front of her, "Signed statements, photos, medical files, any paper evidence you need is right here, everything Mundane that might help you see."

After a moment Hermione reached into her bag and pulled out a different folder, and a small glass vial with a silvery substance inside. "For everyone in the know," Hermione explained, "This folder contains magically verified documents, a copy of the examinations the Asgardian healers preformed."

"And This," Hermione picked up the small vial, holding it so that the light caught it and it seemed to shimmer, "Is a last resort. A copy of my memories. When I found my way to Asgard and confronted Loki. If I were not serious about this, If this situation were anything less than dire I would not even think of giving this so freely."

The people in the room could hear the hesitance in her voice as she continued, "These are not to be viewed unless you truly cannot trust any of the other evidence given to you," she reached over and handed the vial to the Minister, who took it with no hesitance.

"We will discuss the evidence you have given us, and we will inform you of our decision after it has been made."

"It is greatly appreciated." Loki's voice was smooth as silk and he drew himself up suddenly, "A word of caution, however, Hermione's identity is to remain for the most part, a mystery. Let them speculate, draw conclusions, assume Asgardian status, but do not thrust her into the media light with your reports." Loki's aura had swept through the room, and while it was certainly intoxicating and powerful, it was less threat and more warning.


A/n: It's shorter than I originally planned but I felt bad for keeping everyone waiting for so long. The delay of this chapter was partly due to issues in life (College, Illness, work) and a case of writers block. I probably opened the file on my computer hundreds of times, restarted this chapter a few, and in a fit of frustration almost entirely cut the interaction with the muggle government. (Most of it was cut, but at least there is something.)

I do not think it shall be nearly as long of a wait for the next chapter, however.

As always, thank you for your continued support and feedback!