I do not own Harry Potter or anything you may recognize. Grace belongs to me, and is the product of my imagination. Any similarities to persons living or dead are purely coincidental.

Chapter One-

This is not the story of a good little girl, who saves the day with Harry Potter, thwarting Voldemort and his Death Eaters, befriending the Gryffindors, and being a lovable little sod. If you came here for that kind of story, I'm afraid you are sorely mistaken. For this is the story of quite an ordinary little girl, -who was actually 19 years old- who just happened to stumble upon a book one day in the library. Oh, but this was no ordinary book, for even though it seemed just like every other copy of Harry Potter, (Which happened to have all of the books in one, giant book) as she touched it, she was sucked in to the Harry Potter world. And as she landed in quite a huff, in what seemed to be a forest, a note appeared in front of her. The note read-

Dear lucky participant!

You have been randomly chosen to live in this world! Definitely on purpose, not like

we accidently screwed up your life or anything… Okay, okay. We screwed up a spell

or something, and now you're trapped until the story finishes. Sorry! But, as an

apology, we'll give you magic, and you can pick whatever age you want to be. In fact,

we'll even grant you ten wishes! Isn't that nice! Please don't sue us? Anyway, the book

is in-world with you, and only you will be able to read it, to avoid somebody knowing

what will happen in their future. So make your wishes, and enjoy your adventure!


The Department of Plotlines

And as that not-so little girl grinned, hoisting the book that sent her here in one hand, she decided that she would be evil.

I chuckled to myself as I read the note again, before tucking it into the book that brought me here.

"Ten wishes, eh?" I said, contemplating what I should do. "And should I stay my age or become younger? Be a Hogwarts student?" I considered my options, and pouted. "I can't decide! I'll be evil, so I'll side with Moldy, but should I become a Dark Lady, or just tag along at Hogwarts? Oh, I wish I could just be a metamorphmagus so that I could change my age at will!"

My face paled as I realised what I had just said, and before I could take it back, I heard a female voice say "Wish granted. To use Metamorphic Ability, just focus on what you want to look like, and channel magic to activate. Beware, strong emotions may trigger involuntary changes, such as hair or eye colour change. Memories of how to use this ability are now in your mind. You have nine wishes left. Do you wish to use another?"

I shook my head and jumped up, crying, "No!"

The voice just said calmly, "Very well. Again, you have nine wishes. Do you wish to incorporate a safe word, to avoid accidental wishing?" I gaped, and very quickly agreed. "Very well," the voice said. "What do you wish the safe word to be?"

I thought about various phrases that I could remember, but eventually, I said, "My safe word will be… I wish upon a star" The voice was silent for a moment.

"Are you aware that 'I wish upon a star' is more than one word?"


"Very well. When you make a wish, you must state, 'I wish upon a star'. For example, if you were to wish for world peace, you would say, 'I wish upon a star, I wish for world peace.' Is this correct?"


"Very well. Have a nice day. Goodbye." The voice grew silent, and I winced.

"Oh, dear lord I wasted a wish… At least it was on something cool, I guess?" Humming, I thought about my wishes. "Well, unless I decide to attend school, I won't know any magic, except for what I can remember from the series…" I thought out loud. "And I would love to know wandless magic. So that's three wishes gone. And I need to be from a wealthy pureblood family if I am going to be able to do anything. So if I combine that into one wish… Say… I wish to be the only living member of the richest pureblood family… Or should I use two wishes and wish for an unlimited supply of money and make up a last name and have that become a pureblood family? I'll come to it when I get to it." I shook my head and decided to use two wishes now, to get out of this forest. "I wish upon a star," I said. "I wish that I have mastered wandless magic."

"Wish granted. To use Wandless Magic, channel magic to the part of your body that you wish to cast out of, and focus on the spell you wish to cast. Memories of how to cast wandless magic are now in your mind. You have eight wishes left. Do you wish to use another?"

"Yes," I said.

"Very well. Since you entered the safe word previously, you will not have to do it again. Please state your wish." The voice said.

"I wish to know how to do every working spell that has ever existed." I wished, knowing that if this was a story I'd be on the fast track to Mary-Sue land.

"Wish granted. The knowledge will be inserted into your brain. You have seven wishes left. Do you wish to use another?"


"Very well. Have a nice day. Goodbye." I grinned and searched my new memories for the knowledge on how to disparate and apparate. I picked up my book, shrunk it, and used my new metamorphmagus skill to change my dyed purple hair to a mousy brown. My eyes went from blue to hazel and my face faded to a forgettable nobody. I became slightly plump with next to no figure, and I shrunk a few inches. All in all, I looked like someone you wouldn't glance twice at. Perfect. With a twist of my hand, I apparated into a place that every Harry Potter fan knows- The Leaky Cauldron. I strode up to the bar, and cleared my throat. The barman, Tom, I think his name is, smiled at me and put a glass that he was cleaning away.

"What can I do for you, Mam?" He asked, leaning on the bar.

I gave him a smile. "Just a room for the night thanks… I have to pop off to Gringotts first though, if you don't mind…"

He nodded and pulled out a book and quill, flipping to a clean page. "And what was your name?"

"Grace Smith," I said using a common last name. Tom smiled and jotted it down, before putting the book away.

"Just see me for your key when you get back from Gringotts, okay?" I agreed, then exited the Cauldron to the small ally behind it, where you get into Diagon Ally. Since there was no one else out there, I decided to use a wish.

"I wish upon a star, I wish to have a never ending pouch of wizarding money."

The female voice returned, stating, "Wish granted. In a moment, a pouch will appear in your hand. Please hold one hand open to the sky." I did as she asked, and a moment later, a small brown bag thudded lightly onto my palm. "When you wish to withdraw money, place your hand in the pouch and think of the amount of money you would like. The money will appear in your hand. When withdrawing large amounts, please withdraw multiple small lumps of money instead of one large sum. You have six wishes left. Do you wish to use another?"


"Very well. Have a nice day. Goodbye." At this, I tucked the pouch into my pocket and channelled magic into my finger, tapping the bricks. Staring like a delighted child as it opened, I wandered down the street. I spotted many of the shops I had read about, but the first shop I visited was a trunk shop. As I walked in, I heard a bell chime, and a tall man came out from behind a shelf.

"Ah, yes, how do you do? What can I help you with mam?" He said, rubbing his palms together.

"Just browsing thanks," I said, winding through the trunks. There were your ordinary trunks like Harry's in the books, but there were also ones with rooms in them, ones that only opened with a drop your blood, even chilled trunks for food, or storing potions. Eventually I settled on one of the roomed ones, with feather light, stabilising and shrinking charms on it. The rooms inside the trunk were basic, it had a bathroom, a bedroom and a kitchen, but it also had a magic-proof training room. For disguise purposes, it had a section which made it look like an ordinary one sectioned Hogwarts trunk too. "This'll be great," I thought, "If I decide to be a student…" Paying for the trunk, I shrunk it down and stuck it in my pocket. Quickly, I checked to see if anyone was looking, -there wasn't- I conjured a checklist. I checked off getting a trunk, -don't ask me where I got the pen- and read the next item on the list. "Robes. Madam Malkins then, I suppose!" I shoved the list in my pocket, and strolled down the street. I passed the Owl Emporium and vowed to visit it later. I went into Malkins, and signalled a helper. She came bustling over, a tape measure slung around her, and pins stuck in her robe.

"Welcome to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, how can I help you?" She said, guiding me to a mirror where she waved her wand, and the measuring tape started fluttering about.

"Uh, I'd like a set of everyday robes thanks…" I said, my voice timid, suiting my outward appearance. (I had transfigured my clothes into plain robes earlier)

"Any particular colour, or material?" she questioned, rummaging through some fabric. "We can also enchant your robes for a gallon, adding a sickle for every extra spell after the first."

I nodded, and said, "A dark grey please, and whatever material you think is best… Something that's comfortable, but elegant and easy to move around in."

She nodded, and pulled a swatch of silk, saying, "This is Acromantula silk, if you're willing to spend just that little bit more. It's extremely comfortable, and as you can see, very elegant. It's also 5 gallons a meter. Do you want it?" I nodded, and she continued. "The different enchantments that can be added to it include stain and wrinkle proofing, making it tougher and not so easy to tear, and a spell to make your robe grow with you. Only a few sizes, though, the material won't stretch that far. A full list is available at the counter."

"I'll want all of those spells you mentioned added to it please?"

She nodded, and waved her wand, causing the tape measure to stop measuring me, and go back around her neck. "How many robes do you want?"

"Two, thanks," I said. She nodded and said that they'd be ready within the hour, and I left the shop, pulling out my list. "Let's see, I won't check off the robes just yet, because I still have to come back. Books… Hmm… You know, I think I will go to Hogwarts. But not as a student… As a teacher… Not the Dark Arts position, of course… But something else… Hmm… Anyway, I should go and buy a copy of the Prophet, to see if there is a job advert in there…" Luckily, I could see a branch office from here, so I walked towards it. I entered the building, and saw a rack of today's newspaper. Grabbing one, I walked up to an information desk, and cleared my throat.

A petite blond lady looked up and gave me a fake smile. "Welcome to the Daily Prophet, Diagon Alley Branch! How can I help you?"

"Yes, I'd like to buy this, and subscribe, thanks," I said, setting the paper down.

"Certainly! That'll be one knut for the paper, and two knuts for the initial subscription fee." I paid her, and she pulled out some paper from a draw, and handed me a quill. Tapping both with her wand, -which made words appear on the paper- she smiled again. "There we go! Just fill that out and give it back to me, and you'll be done!" Quickly scribbling my details on the form, I gave it and the quill back to her. She took them and I left, exiting the office. Heading back to the Leaky Cauldron, I paid Tom the money for a night, and ordered some lunch. -"Just a bowl of soup, thanks!"- As I sat down, I pulled out the newspaper and flicked to the job section. The DADA position was there, as well as a position for a Potions Assistant. "This wasn't in the book…" A strange sensation came over me, and I had the oddest urge to look at the note that appeared when I landed in this world. Sure enough, when I pulled it out, (after I had enlarged the book) some new writing had appeared down the bottom.

P.S.- Since you've decided not to change your age, we've decided to

give you a teaching position so you can be close to the action. You've

also received teaching qualifications for that subject, and in a minute,

you'll suddenly be an expert in Potions! In your new trunk, (nice choice,

by the way) will be the suitable documentation, as well as a

magical birth certificate, under the name Grace Kellingsworth, a

pureblood family known for potions, of which you are the last member.

Oh yeah, and documents saying you've been home-schooled and have a

masters degree in Potion making. Enjoy!

- The Department of Plotlines

I sat back as a wash of information entered my head, and my eyes blurred slightly.

Tom came over with my food and looked at me worryingly. "Are you alright?" he asked, putting my food on the table. I nodded, paid him, and started eating, mentally going over the new information in my brain. He shook his head and walked away, collecting glasses here and there. I finished eating, and re-shrunk the book and note, tucked the paper under my arm and headed to Ollivanders, to buy my first wand.

Hello everyone! Thanks for sticking around until the end of the chapter! This is my first (published) story, so any constructive criticism is welcomed! And yes, I am aware of how dangerously close my OC, Grace is to becoming a Mary Sue. But I promise that there will be repercussions of simply wishing for magic! And not everyone will like her either, or be fooled by her mask of beauty and grace.

I will be updating this once a week, every Sunday. (Australian time)I hope to see you again soon!

If you have any advice, and/or constructive criticism, please leave a review!

-2425 words this chapter-