Haruka chuckled as she watched Michiru attempt to feed the squirming toddler.
"Want help?"
she offered, earning a slight glare.
"Go ahead...I need to go get smashed peas out of my hair before it dries."
Michiru answered with a small, irritated glance toward the laughing child before adding
"Don't mess up your papa too much!"
Haruka laughed a little as she took the jar of baby food from her lover and slid her chair over to the child's highchair.
"Okay now firefly. Try to get more of this in you than on you."
Michiru walked back into the room to find Haruka mumbling over the sink, dressed in only her pants and her bra while she scrubbed at a large stain on her white shirt.
"The little demon decided to throw her food all over the front of my favorite shirt."
Haruka grumbled though she didn't sound angry just irritated.
"she's a baby, they do things like that."
Michiru chuckled, picking up the toddler who was playing with a squeaky ball.
"I know...Doesn't make it easier for me to get this shit out of my shirt!"
Haruka retorted, earning a laugh from Michiru.
"You know you're gonna regret cursing around her when she gets old enough to repeat after you."
Michiru teased before adding
"how about you put that thing in the wash, I'll get her cleaned up."
Much later Haruka returned to their room, chuckling as she saw that Michiru had dozed off with the baby in her arms.
"Hey princess, why don't we let your Mama Michiru sleep and I'll put ya to bed."