When I was 15, I was a huge geek, into mythology, preternatural things like ghost, vampires, werewolves, witches, and such, time travel. Another big thing about me, I have telepathic abilities and I was slightly psychic, I could see things, things that no other human could see.

The most beautiful things, I processed the world differently, not colors and sights; I saw past, present, and future. That's what I saw, things that have happened, things that could happen, and things that will happen.

I saw I was going to leave my world soon, my family, my friends, everything. I saw I was going to be important to many people in many places. And was okay with this, I knew I was going to meet amazing people and amazing creatures.

I saw what was going to happen to me, I wasn't going to be human, I would be taken, changed, and then I would be rescued. By a man, a man named Jack Harkness.

It was coming soon the day I no longer exist in this world. But become part of another. The day was only a few days after my nineteenth birthday.

It had come the day my life would change, the day the krillitanes would capture and experiment on me for three years, mixing different species into my DNA. Mixing a bit of Time Lord, slowing my ageing process allowing me to live for centuries, and enlarging my brain capacity.

Replacing parts of my body, mostly internal. I didn't need as much oxygen, and I didn't get cold or ill. I could translate every language and speak it too.

A bit of killitane its self. They gave me the wings of an angel, not an actual angel but they were pretty enough to be from one, with the ability to hide them out of sight, which was very helpful, imagine trying to find clothes that would fit around wings. Large wings that came above my head to drag the floor, while they were folded, black as the night.

They changed little things, like my eyes they could glow red with bright golden flecks. They glowed whenever I wanted them to or when I was scared or angry. And my teeth, as a scare factor, they lengthened my canine teeth on the top row. If I grinned just right I looked like one of those sparkling vampires from the book, um midnight or, what was it? Oh twilight that's it with my red eyes and all. Could be a cool Halloween costume, the evil angel with fangs. I could hide the wings after some practice, only bringing them out when necessary.

Then Jack came, took me under his wing, became like a father or a brother, to me. Trained me for torchwood three, gave a vortex manipulator told that one day it would set itself and it would inform me when I was needed, when I met a man, he would call himself The Doctor, and when he needed me the most my manipulator would activate itself for the first time and take me there.