Twist Upside-down



Disclaimer: SV and Superman belong to so many people I'm not going to list them all here, okay? Just be assured they don't belong to me.

Author's Note: I've always enjoyed reading epic H/C fics. So, I've finally decided to write one, and give back to the community. I do plan on this being long, and it is shamelessly H/C. No ending guaranteed yet, though!

Set-up: 2nd season, post- "Insurgence." AU after that, though I may or may not roughly follow the events of later eps. Clex, established relationship.

Summary: When a deadly illness befalls Lex, Clark will stand at his side. But what will the effect be upon their relationship with each other and the rest of their loved ones? Clex.

Rating: Will change as we go. This chapter: G



"Lex, this isn't good."

"I know that!"

"You need to do something about it, before it gets out of hand!"

"I'm afraid that's not possible."

"Well, as your physician, I'm telling you, you're going to have to make it possible!"

"I'm the owner of a company and a major executive in another. I can't just take time off to be sick!"

"If you don't take the time off to be sick, you won't be alive to be either of those things in six months!"

Sigh. "How long?"

"For what?"

"How long for the treatment? How long am I going to be puking my guts out in a hospital?"

"Well, not everybody experiences such radical nausea with the treatments-"

"How LONG?"

"The treatment will last at least three weeks."

"And on the other extreme?"

"Years, maybe. We really have no way of knowing."

"And there's no way I'm going to survive this without treatment."


Another sigh. "Alright. I'll check myself into Metropolis General the day after tomorrow."

"Mr. Luthor-"

"I'm a busy man. If I'm going to be out of commission for three weeks, I have things I need to put in order. The hospital will just have to wait for my scintillating presence until Friday."

"I'm going to put it on the record that I'm against waiting."

"You do that. Now, I have assignments to shift, and power designations to make, and this is going to take all of my attention for the next few hours."

The door clicked shut behind the frowning doctor, and Lex dropped into his desk chair. He sighed, and resting his elbows on the desk, put his head in his hands.

"This is just great," he muttered to himself. "Just great."

There was a brief knock on the door then, and Lex looked up. "Come in!" He called, and it swung open slowly to reveal Clark Kent on the other side. He was frowning, too.

"Lex, isn't that your doctor I saw leaving? Did you talk to him?"

Lex sighed. "Yes."

"Is something wrong?"

Lex sighed again, and didn't answer. Clark came closer, and hitched his hip up on the front edge of Lex's desk. Leaning over, he gave the younger Luthor that earnest, concerned look that nobody in Smallville could resist. "Lex?"

He nodded, reluctantly. "Yes."

"What is it?"

"Promise not to tell anybody, okay? I don't need this getting out before it has to."

Clark nodded solemnly, his eyes showing his genuine concern for Lex's health. "Sure. Now tell me, what is it?"

"I have leukemia."