As promised, my new baby, my new story, is born!

Things you should know:

-The fire still happened but the Hales don't know it was Kate, they have their suspicions though, especially Jessie (OC, Derek's younger sister).

-Derek never dated Kate, the only history between the Hales and the Argents is that they hunt what Derek's family is/were.

-Derek bit Isaac. His pack consists of 3 werewolves; himself, Isaac and Scott, and of 3 humans; Stiles, Jessie and Danny (OC, Scott's younger sister, good friend of Jessie's).

-Rafael McCall (The McCall's father) passed away when they were young. The Sheriff and Melissa are now married, and Scott, Stiles and Danny all live together with them.

-This story will not follow any of the television seasons, but will have parts of plots amongst my own storyline, if that makes sense.


Danny McCall (OC: Looks like a young Miley Cyrus, when she had the shoulder length blonde hair and the gold nose ring) - 16, in 6th form

Jessie Hale (OC: Looks like a young Briana Evigan , Andie from the Step Up Movies, with the fringe but lighter eyes, more hazel/blue) - 16, in 6th form

Scott McCall - 17, in 6th form

Stiles Stilinski - 17, in 6th form

Isaac Lahey - 17, in 6th form

(Note: Even with the small gap in age, they are all still in the same year group)

Derek Hale - 21

Ashlyn Williams (OC: Looks like Ksenia Solo with just a small pinch of Lauren Cohan (Maggie from Walking Dead) but with black hair) - 21

Melissa McCall - 40

John Stilinski - 43

Warnings for some rough language, for some darker themes maybe too!

Favourite and follow because there is definitely more to come! Will update about once a week! And, of course, review! Because I love to know what you think!

And there you have it, enjoy!


Tuesday 10th May - Early Hours Of The Morning

On heavy paws, she weakly limps.

She pushes the exhausted child further up her back with her muzzle because he's slipping, he isn't holding on as tightly anymore, and even that action takes more energy from her, not that she has much more to give.

She passes a large stump, and that's when her legs buckle and she falls to her side, falling against it with a thud.

The jaguar can no longer carry herself or the child. She can no longer push herself.

The glowing green of her eyes fade out and blinking becomes too much of a chore.

That's where she passes out, the child dangerously close to unconsciousness on her back.


"We don't normally go this far out." Scott says, glancing at the Alpha walking a few steps ahead of him, his eyes peeled.

"You're telling me you can't smell that?" Derek asks, looking back at him with raised eyebrows, before looking back in front of him, watching each shadow, making sure they're only trees and nothing alive or moving.

"No, man. I don't smell anything." Scott shakes his head.

Derek doesn't say anything else, he just keeps walking.

Scott follows, and he doesn't say anything else either.

It's silent for another 5 minutes, and Scott still doesn't know what they're looking for. They're patrolling the borders, in case whatever killed that man and his two daughters is still around, but they've gone off the reservation and Scott doesn't know why.

"Derek-" He tries.

"Quiet." Derek stops him, holding his finger to his lips. He comes to an abrupt stop, grabbing Scott's arm so he stops as well. Derek just points it out before Scott can even open his mouth.

"Wake up, Puddy Tat." The child pokes at the jaguar's face, trying to rouse it. "Puddy Tat."

"Derek, we have too-" Scott says under his breath, because that's a child poking a jaguar in the face.

"Stop." Derek grabs his arm again, much tighter. "That's not just a jaguar."

Scott frowns in confusion, looking back over at it again.

And then he finally understands what Derek was smelling.

"You get it now?" Derek asks him, his voice quiet too.

"Were-Jaguar?" Scott asks him, his face screwed up in disbelief.

"My Mom used to talk about their kind, like they were a myth." He says in confirmation.

"What do we do about the kid?" Scott asks, glancing at the young boy with worry again, because he's now pulling at the jaguar's whiskers. And the animal isn't doing anything, it isn't moving.

"Stay behind me." Derek gives as an answer, letting his arm go.

Scott doesn't question it, he just follows the Alpha as he silently and slowly approaches the large feline sprawled out alongside the stump of a cut-down tree.

"Grab the kid. I'll watch it." Derek directs.

Scott nods, stepping closer to the boy.

The young child realizes he isn't alone, and he looks up at them. His pale blue eyes look between the two of them with many questions.

"Shhh, it's okay." Scott coaxes, moving closer to him.

Derek watches the jaguar's body, listening to it's heartbeat, which is a lot slower and weaker than it should be. He watches the muscles in it's legs, because they'll be the first thing to move if it were to wake up.

"C'mere." Scott brings his hands under the boy's arms, lifting him up.

"We need to leave." Derek says, looking at Scott.

"What about.." He looks down at the dark beast. "What if it's hurt or something?"

"If it wakes up then-" Derek doesn't even get to finish his sentence.

The jaguar's eyes snap open, shining a bright green colour. It didn't take long for her barely conscious state to realize the child was no longer leant against her, touching her.

"Get back." Derek's over to Scott in a split second, getting in front of him and the child.

Scott clutches the boy, stepping back.

Derek's eyes light up red as the jaguar snaps out angry growls, seeing Scott is now in possession of the child.

But she tries to get to her feet, because she's not letting anyone else try to hurt this child or take him away. She staggers, her legs still weak, her body still sore and her head still swimming.

"Derek.. It's hurt." Scott says, able to see the dried blood in the dark fur on the jaguar's hind leg, and the blood staining the stump, a more darkish colour.

"Stay back." Derek declines as Scott tries to step closer for a better look.

The jaguar's vision blurs, but she can smell that these wolves posses the child she tramped miles with on her back. She snarls, a vicious sound, warning them to leave them be.

But to Derek's ears, it's weak, it's feeble. He knows he could beat the animal, he sees that now.

"Derek." Scott says, looking at the Alpha. It's more than obvious the animal is not in good health.

"Puddy Tat." The toddler in Scott's arms frowns, wiggling and making grabby hands at the dark feline.

"Derek, something's not right." Scott says, because the child wouldn't have the reaction if he were in trouble being around the animal.

Derek's brow furrows, and he sees this too.

The jaguar steps forward, and before Derek can counter, she collapses again, falling back down.

"Puddy Tat!" The boy cries out, his eyes filling with tears. "My Puddy Tat! My Puddy Tat!" He cries, trying his hardest to get away from Scott and to get over to the jaguar. "Puddy!"


She wakes, very slow, in a haze.

Her throat stings, it's dry and sore. She's dehydrated from a lack of water during her long hike.

The feline's body aches, all over.

The only thing that feels familiar is the small hand rubbing between her ears.

She rubs her head against it, she knows it's the child, and she's glad he's safe and that he's with her again.

Deaton watches the action from the window in the door with an inqusitive face. He nods, like he's putting thoughts together and linking them up, before he looks at Derek and Scott.

"Where did you find it?" Deaton asks.

"Outside of town, deep in the woods." Derek tells him. "They were together."

Deaton nods again. He looks over at the animal again, crossing his arms over his chest.

"The child is in pretty good health, besides being sleep deprived, but the jaguar.. He's hurt."

"What can you do?" Scott asks the Vet.

"Nothing." Deaton shakes his head.

"N-Nothing?" Scott questions. He shares a confused look with Derek before he looks back at the older man. "You're a Vet, he's an animal. You have to help him, were-creature or not."

"I wouldn't be able to get close enough." Deaton elaborates. "He'd bite my hand off before I could even touch him."

"He's weak, we'll keep him down." Derek says.

"It doesn't work like that." Deaton shakes his head. "You'd only stress him, possibly make it worse."

"Then what do we do?" Derek asks, impatient and blunt.

Deaton just turns to him, giving him this look.

"Scott, try to go in there." Deaton says.

"What?" Scott asks.

"Try go in there." Deaton repeats.

"Okay, why?"

"Just do it."

"Um.. Okay.." The younger wolf puts his hand on the door handle, pushing it open.

Her eyes snap up, adrenaline coursing through her. She shoots up, her entire body objects to it. She slams herself into the door, pushing it closed again, making Scott jump back.

"Holy shit." Scott says, wide-eyed. He peeks through the window, finding the feline is panting, in pain, laying against the door.

The child moves over to her, and sits down in front of her, scratching between her ears again.

"We're not getting near that animal without losing a body part." Deaton concludes.

"And, uh, another thing? That's not a male." Scott points out, now that they can see the underside of the animal.

"It's female." Derek sees.

"You're right." Deaton says. "Well, that makes things even harder then."

"Why's that?" Scott asks.

"Mothers are very protective, especially of their young." Derek says, his eyes downcast. He knows this firsthand, from his own mother.

"He's right." Deaton says. "I don't think anything with a wolf's scent is getting into that room."

"What about you? You're human." Scott says.

"And male." Deaton says.

"So, what? We need a female human who doesn't seem threatening to a mother or child to go in there?" Scott asks. "Where are we gonna find someone like that who's willing to do this?"

Then Deaton looks at Derek, with this look.

"No." Derek shakes his head, putting it together. "No, there's no way."

"Oh.. Jessie." Scott realizes.

"No, not her." Derek declines.


"I said, no!" He snaps, eyes turning red. "I'm not sending my sister in there with that thing, it's not happening." He says firmly.

"Let's all calm down." Deaton advises, holding his hands up. "We'll figure something out."

Derek huffs a breath out his nose, gives the jaguar and the child one more look, then walks out of the animal clinic.

Jessie going in there?

Not happening.



"No." Derek shakes his head.

"I can help." Jessie says, looking at him.

"I said, no." Derek says, looking back at her.

"I'm 16 years old, I can decide for myself whether I do this or not." She says.

"And I'm 22, I'm your guardian, and I still say no." He replies without missing a beat.

They turn away from each other, looking over at the room dividing the animal and themselves when there's a quiet knocking.

"Puddy Tat need wat'r." Comes the boy's voice.

Jessie steps forward but Derek grabs her arm, stepping out in front of her and walking over to the door. Jessie rolls her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest.

Derek looks out the window, looking down at the young boy. The jaguar's now moved over to where there's bags of dog food. She's taken to laying on them, making some kind of makeshift bed as opposed to the floor.

"Puddy need wat'r." The boy says, looking up at Derek with a worried frown.

"No one but Jessie is getting in the room." Deaton says.

Derek turns and looks at him with a scowl.

"No. It doesn't even make that much sense, I'm not going on a whim." He declines again.

"It makes perfect sense, Derek, and you know it." Jessie says.

Derek looks at her now, because there was more than a little attitude in her voice when she said that.

"I can go in there, I can make sure the child is okay, and check out the jaguar too." Jessie says.

"And if that jaguar tries to tear you to pieces, then what?" Derek asks.

"That's why you'll all be outside the door." Jessie says. "Just in case."

"And if we don't get in there fast enough?" Derek asks.

Jessie sighs.

"Okay, Derek. I won't do this then. I won't go in there, I won't take that risk." Jessie says, but you can hear the sarcasm in her voice. "But, then what? She sits in there, that child sits in there, and then what? If she's hurt, she could die. What if she hurts the kid because of that? Wounded animals do some crazy things." Jessie says. "If she hurts that kid, that's on us."

Derek exhales out his nose, giving her this look. They know why he's objective, because Jessie could get hurt.

"We'll be right here, Derek." Scott says, because Jessie's right.

Derek looks at him.

"Kid's gonna need to eat." Jessie throws in, seeing her brother's slowly giving in to the idea.

"That thing so much as growls and I'm coming in." Derek says, his way of agreeing.

Jessie gives him a small smile, and a grateful nod.


Jessie quietly closes the door behind her.

The jaguar's head comes up, eyes narrowing at her.

"She needed water, right?" Jessie says, looking at the young boy.

He nods.

Jessie, smartly, hands the bowl of water to the boy to give to the feline, and she watches Jessie like a hawk.

"Here, Puddy Tat." The boy says, putting it in front of her.

She looks at it appreciatively before lapping her tongue into it, her eyes still watching Jessie though.

Jessie glances at the wolves, nodding, to tell them it's going fine.

She moves a little closer to the two, and the jaguar stops drinking.

"Okay.. Here's where I stop." Jessie says, not coming any closer, kneeling down.

The feline slowly begins drinking again, still watching Jessie.

"You know.. Your leg's cut up pretty bad." Jessie says, looking back at the jaguar, because she knows there's a real girl in there.

The animal doesn't do anything to indicate she even heard that, she keeps drinking, still watching Jessie.

"I could look at it, if you want. I could check him over as well. I'm not gonna hurt you, or him." Jessie coaxes.

Jessie's heart leaps into her throat as the jaguar staggers back to it's feet. She backs up a little, and Derek's claws are already coming out, ready.

But the jaguar doesn't attack, it doesn't even advance on Jessie. She moves over to the boy, wrapping her body around him and sitting back down, closing him off from her.

I mean.. It's not a NO!, but it's not a Yes either.

"Okay.. Well.. What will you let me do?" Jessie asks her.

The jaguar blows a breath out her nose, then rests her head over the young boy's knees. His little hand comes up and he scratches between her ears again.


So, Jessie needs to try a different approach.

"Hi." Jessie looks at the boy now.

"Hi." He says back, glancing at her, then looking at the large animal again.

"Can you tell me what happened to her leg? And why you were out in the woods?" Jessie asks him.

The jaguar raises her head again, snorting out a more angry breath out her nose.

Jessie looks over at Derek and Scott, for some kind of guidance.

Scott shakes his head, because that one was a No.

Jessie nods, looking back over at the two.

"Okay, well.. I'm gonna leave this here." Jessie says, placing a brown paper bag down beside her. "It's just food, for the both of you. It's safe, I promise." Jessie says, slowly standing up again.

"T'anks." The boy says.

Jessie gives him a small smile, then she slips back out the door again.

"Are you okay?" Derek asks her.

She doesn't say anything back, she just looks back in the room at the two again.

The boy curls up close the the large cat, tucking his face into her sleek, black fur.

The jaguar tightens it's body around him.

The bag is left there, untouched and not paid any mind.

"They'll investigate it when they're ready." Deaton tells Jessie.

Jessie looks at him and nods. She looks at her brother now.

"I'm fine." She says, before walking into the other room.

Derek frowns a little, because Jessie looks..disappointed.

"She wishes she could have done more." Scott says, seeing it too.

"She did the best she could." Derek says, before following after her.


That Night

Derek's the first awake as the pack are staying over at the animal clinic for now, and he's at the window, checking on their..prisoners? Guests? Patients? What do they call them?

The jaguar investigates the bag, sniffing at it, circling it.

"It food." The boy tells her, like Jessie said.

When he reaches for it, the jaguar pushes his hand away with her snout. She's not ready to let him go into it. She wants to make sure it's 100% safe first.

And the boy doesn't try again, he allows her to finish.

She sniffs at it intently, studying each smell. She pushes it over with her paw, allowing the contents to fall out. She sniffs at them too, even though it's obvious what it is.

The jaguar catches the end of the banana in her teeth gently, and carries it to the boy, dropping it into his lap. She pushes it closer to him to show him it's for him.

The boy smiles, taking it into his hands and ripping into it eagerly.

Derek just watches, almost impressed by how the human and the jaguar communicate and how they are together.

She sniffs even more, pushing her muzzle into the bag. Once she's pushes past the wrapping, she finds a raw flank of beef. She pulls it out of the bag, dropping it to the floor with a loud, wet slap. She smells it, and accepts it, because she opens her mouth to bite it. But she stops.

The jaguar's eyes come up, spotting Derek.

Derek meets her eyes, not looking away.

She bares a little of her teeth, growling under her breath, her tail smacking against the floor, not in a playful way either. Weak or not, she heard how Derek spoke of her, the things he suggested. He's the one that decided to take the child away from her. Even if she was put back with him, she doesn't like that at all.

Derek's eyebrows drop, a glare coming to his face, his eyes slowly starting to shine red. He's an Alpha. He's not taking that from her.

"Puddy Tat."

The jaguar completely forgets about him like he's nothing when she hears the young boy's voice.

Derek blinks, his eyes becoming human green again.

The jaguar drags her meat over to the boy. She sits down beside him and starts to eat as he eats his banana.

"Majestic, isn't she?"

Derek turns around. He didn't realize Deaton was up too.

"Hmm." Derek gives as an answer.

"I've been thinking, maybe the boy is her's." Deaton says. "The way she looks after him, how she tends to him before herself, he must be her young."

"But she's.. A cat." Derek says.

"She's a girl too. You should remember that." Deaton says.

"Hmm." Derek says again. He looks back at the animal and the boy, and he finds her licking the boy's hair.

The young child laughs as she grooms him in her own feline way.

"She must be a mother, or maybe a sister. He's something important to her." Deaton says, watching them too now.


Later That Night

The jaguar is becoming more and more restless, and increasingly weak as well as blood continues to seep slowly from the claw wound to her back leg and another wound further up the same leg.

She paces the room with a limp, feeling as is there's not enough air in here anymore.

She stops, looking up when the door's opened again. She remembers it's the same girl from yesterday, or maybe it was just earlier, the feline is losing track of time.

"I really gotta look at your leg." Jessie says, looking at her.

The feline looks down at it, seeing it looks worse. And that's when she notices the drops of blood on the floor from how she's been walking around. And bleeding on the floor, apparently.

"Bleedin'." Tyson frowns. "Look, bleedin'."

The jaguar looks at Tyson, then looks at Jessie.

She knows she's getting weaker, and she'll probably only get worse. And if she's weak, she can't protect Tyson.

When the jaguar doesn't move or anything, Jessie slowly advances towards it.

She gets the closest she's ever gotten to it, stopping in front of the animal.

"Okay.. Not scary at all.." Jessie mutter to herself, kneeling down.

The jaguar watches her with razor-like vision.

"I'm gonna, like..touch you now, okay?" Jessie says.

The jaguar doesn't move.

"Okay. Here we go." Jessie says. She grabs the wet rag and inches her hand forward, watching the jaguar closely.

She flinches back when it moves.

But the feline just lays down, so her wounded hind leg is of better view and reaching distance to the girl.

Jessie nods, calming herself again before she goes in again. She's watching the animal like a hawk as she very gently dabs at the blood around the two wounds, trying to clean them up a little.

"See? Everything's okay." Jessie rambles in the silence, trying to keep both the beast calm and herself calm too. "This might sting a little, but it'll be fine." She warns before pressing the rag over her one of the wounds with a little more pressure.

The jaguar's leg twitches a little, but other than that she stays still.

"I'm not gonna lie, this is gonna sting, a lot. But, it's gonna clean it out, stop you from getting an infection, okay?" Jessie says, grabbing another rag from the supplies Deaton gave her.

She tips antiseptic on the rag and the strong smell stings the feline's nose.

"It's okay." Tyson comforts, moving over to the two now to pet the jaguar's head, because he was sitting shyly in the corner. "I kiss the boo boos better." Tyson says.

Jessie gives a small smile and brings the rag to her wound.

And she was right, it stings. Like hell.

The jaguar squirms, pulling her leg back, getting to her feet, her whole body weak and swaying dizzily.

Jessie just watches, unsure what's going to happen.

Then the most unexpected thing does happen.

The jaguar can't help but give into her pains and weaknesses. She collapses onto the floor, barely conscious.

Before Jessie can get over to her, she stops, shocked in place.

The girl's fur starts to disappear, being replaced with sun-kissed skin.

And soon, a girl lays on the floor, a mess of long, black hair surrounding her.

Jessie rushes to find some kind of blanket or something. The one she finds reeks of dog, but it's all that's in here. She covers the girl's bare body with it.

The girl's eyes barely open enough to look at Jessie, a pale blue locking onto Jessie's face. Then she passes out, her eyes rolling back and closing, her body slumping against the floor.

"Deaton!" Jessie calls out.



What do we think so far, hmm? Things we like, things we don't like, things we want to see happen?

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