They hovered over Elena like nervous mother hens over their roosts, checking her every couple of minutes, neither of them seemed able to take their worry filled eyes off her. Damon on one side and Stefan on the other, while the unconscious Elena shivered in the middle.
Bonnie tried not to watch from her place at her old, worn table. She tried not to feel what she was feeling, the bitter pain of watching Elena be cared for so devotedly and the unwanted worry she carried for Elena.
They didn't worry about her, so why should she worry about them? Besides, Elena had enough people worrying about her.
Bonnie stood, her side bumping into the table causing it to rattle, which drew both of the brother's attentions. She grabbed her long blade off the table and strapped it to her side.
"You have until weeks end to leave. She has until weeks end to get better because that's when I'm kicking you out." She was annoyed by Stefan's grateful and relived look and Damon's blank, studying gaze.
"Where are you going?" Damon asked her, standing from his crouch.
Bonnie didn't feel as if he deserved an answer, so she didn't bother. Instead she headed towards the door and climbed the worn, water damaged stairs and exited out into sunlight. She squinted then blinked, forcing her eyes to adjust to the new light. She climbed out of the basement and just before she could close the door, Damon poked his head out and his arm went out to hold the door open.
Bonnie huffed and glared at him. "What are you doing?" She hissed.
He ignored her question and climbed out fully, pulling the soggy, wood door from her hand and allowing it to fall shut. "Where are you going?" He asked again as she glared angrily at him.
Bonnie took a step back from him and her hand tightened around her knife, she gritted her teeth together. Damon simply stood there, waiting for her to respond, with limp hair and dark ringed eyes. In the light of day and without the blindness of anger, she noticed he was thinner than she remembered and tired looking.
He smirked at her for some reason, which successfully pissed her off. "I'm going out." She found herself answering his question heatedly. "Look for more supplies since I have a bunch of unwanted guests."
She watched as her attitude rolled off of him with a roll of his shoulders. "Great, I'll help you than."
She couldn't believe the nerve of him. He would help? She scoffed. "I work alone, you would only get in the way." She turned on her heels and began to march away. "Don't follow me, I don't need your help." Of course he didn't bother listening and fell into step behind her.
She ignored him. She ignored him as she moved swiftly into the woods and she ignored him when they reached the road, but she couldn't put her own worries behind her. "They aren't coming after you, right?" She asked as she rounded an abandoned car in the middle of the deserted street. The thought had been nagging her. "You said she was a favorite or something." Damon didn't answer her right away, which made her stop and spin around to face him. He stopped abruptly and met her eyes with his. "Fuck, they are chasing you, aren't they?" She cursed. Rage filled her and she found herself pushing Damon as hard as she could, causing him to stumble back a couple of steps. "How dare you?" She almost shouted. How dare they put her in danger by leading vampires right to her home?
She knew the vampires were possessive creatures, she had heard that some kept their favorite humans as little pets. She had heard a dozen stories about these escaped pets and their owners draining whole settlements and hideaways in search of their human.
"We've been running for a long time, they haven't found us yet." Damon finally said. "Maybe Elena wasn't as important to him as we thought."
Bonnie sneered. "Yeah, sure, its not as if every male that Elena comes in contact with becomes obsessed for whatever reason." She turned away from him and peered around the deserted road and line of trees around her, heart pounding. "They're probably on their way right now."
"I'm telling you, he's not coming." Damon said. Bonnie turned to face him again, she glared hard. "We took care of him."
Bonnie paused and cocked an eye brow, she studied Damon's serious, dirty face. "You killed a vampire?" She had killed a vampire before and it had almost been the end of her and it had just been one of those night ones, the day walkers were suppose to be 10x stronger. "A day walker?" Damon looked pale as he nodded once, rubbing his arm, fingers twitchy. She was impressed. She took in a breath and eyed Damon for a full minute. "Who is chasing you if the vampire is dead?"
Damon looked away from her. "You don't have to worry about it."
Bonnie's anger returned automatically. "I think it is considering they'll follow your trail straight to me."
He frowned, seeming to think. "We were being sold right before it all went down with the vampire obsessed with Elena, Stefan and me," he rubbed the back of his neck, "we ran away before than."
Bonnie cocked her head, not understanding fully. She knew vampires had blood farms to harvest human blood and that some vampires had their personal blood bags. It dawned on her a second later, the vampires were selling humans to one another. She wasn't surprised.
"So you were already sold and promised to a vampire before you split." She guessed. She studied his face for a moment, taking in his dirty black hair and attention grabbing blue eyes. "I'm guess you and Stefan were a special order for some vampire." Vampires liked pretty, and even she could admit Damon and Stefan were pretty, despite their current rugged appearances.
Damon shrugged obviously not wanting to talk about it. "Where are we going?"
Bonnie pressed her lips together, slightly annoyed. "A neighborhood about fifteen minutes away from here, the last time I checked it was pretty untouched." She had also checked and scooped it out for three days to make sure it was a trap made by some vampire.
"Sounds like a plan," he nodded.
Bonnie turned away from him. "Just don't cause me any more trouble than you've already been."
"I found alcohol, band-aids, tweezers, and four bottles of unopened water that had rolled underneath a spider infested cupboard." Damon said proudly as they met back up in the middle of the neighborhood, his spoils held in a dusty plastic bag.
Bonnie wondered was she suppose to be impressed. She raised an eyebrow. "No food?" She turned and began heading down the street. It was getting dark, so it was time to return home. Her own bag, and abandoned backpack, was home to various food items and half empty medicine bottles.
"The houses I checked were pretty much empty," he defended himself as he caught up to her.
"That's why you're only suppose to check the house where its obvious that the owners left in a hurry or didn't get to leave at all." She rolled her eyes. "There are very clear signs as soon as you open the door, that way you won't have to waste your time." She glanced at him, smirking at his frown. "First, people who left in a early or didn't exactly leave on their own free will wouldn't go through the trouble to lock their door. Second, a trail of clothing and other items throughout the house showing that the person was on the run." She shrugged. "Its obvious why we want to check the houses that the owners obviously didn't vacate on their own, but I check the ones that seem to look like the owners left in a hurry because of the likely hood that they forgot quite a few essentials."
"You're a regular survival specialist," he said in a tone that didn't give a hint as to if he was teasing her or not.
She turned her gaze back onto the road in front of them, feeling annoyed. "You have to be." she started walking faster, hoping she would be able to leave him behind.