Dagur paced the floor. The Bludvists headquarters were not to his liking. He liked things to look dangerous. Drago liked things to look business-like. Then again, he thought, the Bludvist clan was one of the richer vampire clans.

He stopped in surprise when he saw Drago enter the lobby, flanked by his guards and attendants, one of which had a figure slung over his shoulder. "Who the fuck—" he began, before he started cackling. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the Queen Bitch. Are we going to kill her? Please let me kill her—I want to see the look on Hiccup's face when I deliver her head to him on a silver platter—"

"We're not killing her," Drago said, giving him a silencing look. "Keep an eye out. I'll be interrogating her in my office."

"Fine, fine," Dagur put his hands up in defense. "Whatever you say."

Drago and his personnel, as well as the unconscious Camicazi, got onto his private elevator. Dagur continued to pace, wondering what the big deal was. Why was he stuck down here on glorified security detail while Drago got to interrogate Camicazi?

Dagur hated Camicazi.

He wanted to interrogate her.

"Sir?" the guard at the security desk motioned for him to walk over to them.

"What is it?" he snapped, walking over and peering at the screen of one of the computers.

"Two unidentifiable persons just entered the electrical room," the guard said. "I couldn't get a good look at them, but they're both blonde."

"What?" Dagur peered at the screen, curious, when the screen suddenly went dead. So did the other screens, and the lights. "What the fuck?" he said, straightening.

The guard stood, and rushed to the door, but it was secured shut. "The doors are programmable," he said. "Whoever those intruders were must have hijacked the system for the building."

"What the fuck?" Dagur repeated. He was just about to continue on, to ask what they could possibly want with hijacking the building, when the door was blasted in, and vampires and humans alike began storming into the room.

In hindsight, Astrid thought, it was a good plan. Ruffnut and Tuffnut disguised themselves as workmen, got into the electrical room and hijacked the system. Like most modern business centers in the city, the building was automated and electronic.

More of the Bludvists and Berserkers were coming into the room, but the hunters and Bogs and Haddocks were spreading out throughout the building.

She breathed a sigh of relief, when someone hit her from behind. She let out a grunt and turned, landing on her back and pointing her gun at the figure. It was female vampire—Bludvist or Berserker, she didn't know.

The hulking form stamped the foot down on Astrid stomach, just as Astrid fired her gun.

The bullet grazed the vampire's cheek, but didn't hit anything major. Her stomach screamed in protest. She felt as though her organs were going to burst. She rolled to the side, using her leg to trip the vampire. It did little to nothing. She scrambled to her feet, shooting the vampire in the side. The vampire let out a cry, and the punched her hard in the shoulder, causing Astrid to spin around and fall to her knees. She rolled again as the vampire tried to kick her, just missed by a few inches.

Astrid lay on the ground, face down, gasping for air, knowing that any moment, the vampire would reach her and end her. Just before the last moment, Astrid rolled to her back, and shot the vampire in the face.

And then she spotted him.


He was fighting someone—some female vampire that Astird thought was called Rose. She aimed, and shot him in the leg.

Dagur let out a scream, and dropped to one knee, he turned to see her running up to him, his eyes growing wide for a moment, before she slammed her body into him, knocking him fully to the ground. He rolled so that he was on top of her, and knocked her gun out of the way. "Have been looking forward to this," he muttered in her ear, "Been thinking about you for a long time."

She flipped him off of her, grabbing her gun, and shot him in the gut.

He grunted painfully, and she stood up. "This time I'm not wounded," she said, kicking him in the face. He spluttered, spitting out two teeth, his mouth and nose bleeding profusely, let alone his abdomen and leg. She stepped up to him, pointing the gun down at his head. "Goodbye, motherfucker," she said, and was just about to fire, when she felt someone looking at her. She looked over her shoulder, and saw Hiccup standing there. He gave a short nod. She looked back at Dagur, and fired.

Camicazi opened her eyes, blearily looking around. Then she looked at the fancy, vintage clock behind Drago's desk. She smiled internally. By this time, Tuffnut and Ruffnut would have hijacked the system. The lights and electronics were on in this room, so as to not give Drago any indication that thirty floor down, a siege was taking place.

"I never counted you as foolish, Camicazi," Drago said, from his seat. "I never thought you would have done something so… idiotic."

"I guess you just didn't know me at all," she said.

"I am considering letting you go," he said, changing the subject. "Under a few conditions."

"Conditions?" she asked.

"Yes," he said, narrowing his eyes. "I know that you are planning something. You wouldn't have revealed yourself in such a way had you not."

"Maybe I'm just bitter that you killed Eric," she said.

"He's not the first person I killed, nor the last," Drago said, leaning back in his seat. "But I do have a solution for both our problems."

"Problems?" she raised her eyebrows.

"Join me," he said. "The Bludvist Clan and the Bogs will join together and create a more powerful union than has ever been seen."

"What about the Berserker clan?" she asked.

He shrugged, smiling at her wryly. "I'm planning of disposing of Dagur eventually. He's essentially useless. He does more damage than good, such as the other day."

"So you want me to replace him?" she asked. "Doesn't sound like a good prospective to me."

"Together we will be strong," Drago told her. "Unstoppable. Soon the other clans will adhere to our rule."

Camicazi made a show of considering his offer, if only to buy some time. "I'm afraid that's a no-can-do," she said. "There's only one man worthy of my affections and loyalty—and you killed his father."

"Ah, but I didn't," he corrected. "Dagur did. I'll let you take the first blow, if you wish."

"He might have made the killing shot," she spat. "But you're the one who would have killed him eventually. If you think I'll ever join you, you—"

She gasped as he was by her side in an instant, grabbing her throat and lifting her into the air as if she weighted nothing. "Then," he said, glaring into her face. "I'll just deal with you the way I deal with everything that is no longer useful to me."

Suddenly, the door to his office was knocked down. He dropped Camicazi in surprise, as Hiccup, Astrid, and a plethora of others walked in, guns aimed at his head.

Astrid watched as Drago calmly looked around at them. Hiccup stepped forward, grabbing Camicazi by the arm and lifting her to her feet. He didn't push her behind him, but they stood side-by-side, before Drago.

"I'm curious," Drago said, "How you managed to get a bunch of hunters to join forces with you."

He was looking at Kanata, Reeves and Old Man Naqu.

"Any chance to kill vampires," Reeves shrugged.

"The hunters know that the age of vampires is over," Hiccup said. "They're helping us complete that age."

Drago raised his eyebrows.

"The cure is almost complete," Hiccup said. "After that, there won't be any more vampires around. Not even you. Soon, there won't be a need for hunters. Or vampires."

Drago raised both eyebrows higher now. He scoffed, looking at Hiccup as if he were crazy. "What if I kill the girl," he asked, pointing at Astrid.

"Then we'll kill you," Camicazi answered. "We have you surrounded, Drago."

"And we have all your people surrounded," Hiccup said. "The entire building is fortified by us."

Drago nodded his head. "Bold move."

"It was actually surprisingly easy," Hiccup said, shrugging. "We just needed to keep you distracted. Then we—"

"Look," Camicazi said, "You don't have to explain the whole plan, just shoot him in the head."

"I wasn't explaining the whole plan," Hiccup snapped. "Can't I have one good last line? Or did you forget that time we—"

Astrid cleared her throat, and both of them looked at her, before sheepishly turning back to Drago.

"So, you're going to kill me now?" Drago asked, looking at them skeptically.

Hiccup smiled, slowly, a sickly satisfied look on his face. "No, in fact," he said. "You know that little thing about Astrid being immune? Turns out our guys were able to do something with that." His smile widened, "And I know the perfect first test subject."

Drago's eyes widened, as Tatiana and Jacobs walked up to him, handcuffing him and forcing him to his knees.

"These prisons are made for vampires," Hiccup told Astrid. They were in the Haddocks' headquarters in New York. "Normal prison cells can sometimes be escaped from by fully fed vampires. These… not so much."

Fishlegs stepped into the cell, flanked by Tatiana and Jacobs. "This may hurt a little," he said. "And you may die."

Toothless purred slightly from Hiccup's shoulder. He was watching in interest. "I know, Bud," Hiccup said softly. "I'm excited for this too."

Drago tried to move away from Fishlegs, but Tatiana and Jacobs held him firmly in place. Fishlegs injected Drago with the serum, and then the three of them quickly left the cell. The door was locked, and they watched to see any signs of it working.

Drago sat there, and nothing happened, until suddenly he began to convulse. He started screaming, and then his mouth clamped shut in pain and he fell to his side, shaking and shuddering, until finally, he lays still.

After a long, stunned silence, Fishlegs reentered the cell, and touched his cheek. Before he could make his assessment, Astrid lifted goggles to her eyes and turned on the heat sensors.

"It worked," she breathed, the moment Fishlegs shouted, "It worked!"

Everyone in the room breathed in relief. Some began whooping—others, crying, and others, laughing. Astrid found herself pulled into an embrace by Tatiana and Jacobs.

Fishlegs came out of the cell. "He's in critical condition," he said. "We'll need to bring him to a hospital."

"Send word to a hospital with a vampire employees," Hiccup said. "They'll have a better idea of how to treat him."

"Right," Fishlegs said, nodding his head in agreement. He took out his cellphone and dialed the number, walking off to explain things.

Hiccup sighs. "What is it?" Astrid asked, finally having gotten free of the two vampires that had been hugging her tightly. She walked up to him, placing a hand on his arm.

"The time for vampires are over," he said. "Our curse is finished."

"Not all vampires will consent to change back," Camicazi reminded him.

"True," Hiccup agreed. "But we'll make sure it's highly encouraged. At least anyone Turned against their will will have a chance to go back to the way they were."

"A lot of the Bludvists and Berserkers are already volunteering for the serum," Gladys told them. "I think it'll only be outliers that reject it."

"We can pool our money to offer incentives to the rest," Hiccup suggested.

"I want it, the cure," someone said from behind them.

Hiccup and Astrid turned to see Heather standing before them.

"Of course," Hiccup said, and then he hugged her. He spoke to her, but Astrid couldn't hear what he said. Then he and Heather separated, and she turned to Astrid.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I'm sorry for Dagur's attacks on you—and for what he did to you."

Astrid said nothing. "I killed him," she said.

Heather smiled. "I know."

She walked off, leaving Astrid and the rest alone.

"Can we trust her?" she asked Hiccup.

"I think so, at least," he said, nodding.

"We'll have to hold those of the Bludvists and Berserkers that are still loyal to Drago and Dagur," Camicazi said. "Make sure they don't try to do anything underhanded."

"Good idea," Hiccup said.

"Well," Camicazi said, stretching. "What a day. A lot of people are signing up for the cure. I probably won't be one of them," she laughed. Then she sobered. "But I probably will."

She walked up to Astrid and Hiccup. "I'm happy to have known you, Hiccup. I'm happy to have known you for over a thousand years."

Hiccup smiled. She reached out for his hand, and he gave it to her. She squeezed it. "I hope you two can make things work, once you're human again," she said. She turned to follow Gladys from the room, "And if you're ever single at the crotchety old age of sixty or older, I'll be available, probably. Fake hips and all," she added with a wink. She then left with Gladys to oversee transitions.

The room was almost empty now. Most people had left, bringing the catatonic, unconscious form of Drago with them.

"Well?" Astrid asked, looking at him, "Looks like I might have a claim on you until you're sixty."

"Much longer than that, hopefully," Hiccup said, gathering her into his arms and kissing her.

"Hey, Kid," someone said.

Astrid broke apart from Hiccup to see Reeves and Kanata walk up to them.

"Yeah, Reeves?" she asked, unsure of what the man's intentions were.

Reeves hesitated for a moment, looking clearly reluctant. Kanata elbowed in him the side. "You did good," Reeves finally muttered. "This whole… 'cure' thing… it's gonna' be good."

"Since my pal and I will be out of a job," Kanata said, "Perhaps we can call a truce?"

Astrid raised her eyebrows. Then she smirked. "Fine," she said, offering out her hand. Kanata shook it. Reeves stand at her outstretched hand, before finally, reluctantly, shaking it as well.

"See you around, Kid," he said. He turned and quickly left.

Kanata smiled knowingly at Astrid and nodded his head in goodbye, and followed Reeves out of the room.

Astrid turned to look at Hiccup, raising her eyebrows in mock shock. Then she kissed him again.

Astrid watched as Hiccup opened his eyes. They were glossy and bleary, and as he looked around, it was clear he was confused. For a moment, he seemed not to realize why he was in a hospital bed, in a hospital room. He finally looked at her, and the look of confusion on his face disappeared. He smiled softly at her.

"How are you feeling?" she asked him.

He frowned, opening his mouth, and then frowning again. He looked around once more, gathering his thoughts. Then he looked down at his hands and body, though most of it was covered in a blanket. "I feel…" he said, his voice somewhat raspy and coarse, due to having had a tube down his throat. "I feel… different. It feels… good." He looked at her again, smiling wider. "I feel normal. I mean I feel like shit. But it's a good kind of feeling like shit."

She returned her smile. Big and wide and excited. "That's good," she said. Then she leaned down and opened her backpack. "Cause I've got some things for you."

She began unpacking items from the backpack onto the bed. Chips. Crackers. Cheese. Cookies. Sodas. Juices. A bunch of stuff. Hiccup laughs as she put the last few items before him.

"How much do you expect me to eat?" he asked.

"Well," she shrugged, grinning at him. "I want to be present when you try eating food again. And I wanted to see you try a bunch of stuff."

He grinned back at her, reaching for a bag of chips. "You know, I never was able to really taste these. Ever."

"Exactly," she said, walking to the other side of the bed and sliding in beside him. "You can't leave the hospital for a while, but that doesn't mean we can't have our first date."

He raised his eyebrows. "Some date," he said.

"Hey," she shook her head. "For me? This is a perfect date."

She grabbed the bag form him and opened it, offering it to him. He took a chip, and sniffed it, smiling. He was just about to put it in his mouth, when she spoke, stopping him. "How does it feel to be so close to me?"

He looked at her in surprise.

"It feels… amazing," he said. "To be with you, and to be human again."

He kissed her.

"Now," she said, as they separated. "Eat the fucking chip. And then describe every feeling and emotion and sensation that comes to you."

"As you wish," he said, sending her one last smile, before putting the chip in his mouth.


Thank you so much for reading this story! I'm so happy you stuck with me until the end :)