Chapter 2: Jakob
Jakob lets a big sigh. It's been a week since he and Corrin confess their love for each other, but he forgets to prepare one important item to give to her: a ring. He went to every jeweler he could find, only to find himself mulling over the design, carat, cut, clarity and color of each ring he sees. His search proves fruitless as he couldn't decide what kind of ring to present his lady love with. Right now, he was beating himself up over the matter.
"This is so unforgivable. How could a man like me forget such an important item?!" He thought. Staring the display window, full of engagement rings, a forgotten memory surfaced in his mind. A long time ago when Jakob was still under Gunther's guidance and Felicia and Flora had just arrived at the fortress, Nohr held a winter festival to celebrate the joyous Christmas holiday. Everyone was welcome to go; all expect for Corrin. King Ganon forbid the princess from ever leaving the Northern fortress so going to the festival was impossible for her. That particular year, Corrin decided to give everyone a break so they can go to the Winter Festival.
"I don't want to go!" protested a young Jakob to Gunther. Gunther was handing out new winter coats to the twins to wear, an early Christmas present from Corrin to them. Gunther will be the only one staying behind to protect and keep the princess company.
"Jakob, Lady Corrin has already expressed her wish for you, Felicia and Flora to enjoy yourself at the Winter festival." Gunther replies.
"It's not fair to her! Why do we have to go while Lady Corrin is stay here in this drafty castle?!"
"You know the rules, Jakob. King Ganon personally order that Lady Corrin remains within these walls. So, you're telling me that you disregard the King's order in favor of your own selfishness?"
"No, I just want her to come with us." Jakob swallows back the rest of his argument. To defy the King's order was wishing for a death sentence upon oneself. He remembers how Corrin's playmate Silas was nearly executed for taking her off the fortress' ground. If Corrin had not stepped in, there was no doubt the king would have spill blood that day. Instead, Silas receive banishment and was never allowed to see Corrin again. To see his Lady crying after losing a beloved friend, it nearly broke his heart. Seeing a frozen Jakob, Gunter went over to him and place a hand on his shoulder, snapping Jakob out of his state.
"I understand how you feel, Jakob. In our Lady's heart, she doesn't want to lose anyone important to her, but also wishes not to confine any of us to this suffocating solitude." Gunther said.
"Now, go with Felicia and Flora and the rest of the servants and enjoy yourself."
"I understand..." Jakob answered. After wearing his winter coat, he went outside where the carriage was waiting for him and the twins.
"Jakob!" Jakob turned around to see Corrin in her own winter clothes, came running toward him. Jakob was surprised to see her.
"Lady Corrin, what are you doing here?" he asked.
"I come to see you off. I hope that you, Felicia and Flora have a great time at the festival today."
"Yes, Milady..."
"When you come back, we will have a huge feast and drink hot cocoa by the fireplace and hide the presents under the tree." Corrin's cheerful demeanor manages to squeeze a smile out of Jakob, despite the grim circumstances.
"Milady, what would you like as a present?" He asked. His Lady give him so much hope and joy in his life, buying her a present is the least he could do.
"A present? How about an enchanted rose, just like the one from that fairytale I love so much? Just kidding, I would like anything you get me, Jakob."
"But Milady- "
"Don't worry about it, Jakob. Now you need to get going or you'll miss the festival." Corrin shoves him into the carriage and off he went to the festival with the image of Corrin waving goodbye with Gunther by her side etched into his mind. The town was filled holiday joy and cheer as trimmings and garlands made of pine branches and holly berries decorated the entire town as the candlelight guided the roads. However, the cheerful atmosphere did nothing to calm down Jakob's racing thoughts.
"Then must be something here that Lady Corrin will like." He wandered from booth to booth, examining toys and dolls to sugary desserts and treats, but nothing seems perfect to him. Felicia already bought a new story book while Flora picked out a lovely scarf for the young princess. Time was running out and Jakob knew it.
"There must be something here that I buy for the princess." Then something glittering caught his eyes. There was a glassmaking booth selling colorful glass figures and ornaments. As he walked over, he saw that the booth sells an array of glass rings. One item caught his eye. A crystal cut glass ring in the shape of a rose with tiny blue glass beads embedded into flower's petals and white rhinestone in the middle. It was beautiful, exactly the gift Jakob was looking for.
"Hey, old guy!" He yelled out, catching the glassmaker's attention.
"How much for this ring?"
"First of all, who are you calling old, sonny? Secondly, you should talk kindly to your elders or you aren't getting anything."
"I don't care, just tell me how much it costs?" The glassmaker just zipped his lips tight and just stared at Jakob with a blank expression. Normally, Jakob would just get angry and stomp away from the place, but he really wanted that ring.
"Please, good sir, will you please let me buy this ring?" Jakob finally said, biting back his pride. Upon seeing Jakob's tensed up face after saying those words, the glassmaker broke his self-imposed silence.
"Well, that's more like it. See that's all you need to do."
"Salty old coot..." Jakob muttered under his breath.
"What was that?"
"Nothing, nothing!"
"Now what's a youngster like you going to do with a ring-ohhh." The glassmaker finally understands and broke out into a big wide grin.
"Why you little rascal, you're already have a sweetheart at your age. Damn, you're a lucky lad!"
"Shut up!" Jakob blushes a bright red. Of course, Jakob cares about his princess. When he was abandoned by his parents and bullied by the servants and other serving boys, he wanted nothing more than to be alone, but deep down, he really wanted someone to by his side. It was the princess who extended her hand to him when no one else would. She showered him with warmth, kindness and joy he never thought he deserved. She was someone special, the person he would give up his life for. His heartbeat was beating like crazy every time he is near her.
"She must be special for you to turn rosy red like that." said the glassmaker as he packed the ring into a small velvet box. It is true Jakob felt very flustered about his feelings, causing him to be even more embarrassed.
"Shut up!" he cried. The glassmaker just laughs at his outburst. After haggling over the price of the ring, Jakob happily remember to the castle with his gift in hand. Corrin smiles when everyone return, and they had a huge feast together. Later that night, Jakob got up from his bed to check on his present for the princess for the millionth time. He was incredibly nervous about the gift exchange that was going to happen in the morning. He had to make sure that his gift was in the right position for the princess to see it. When he reaches the main room with the fireplace burn quietly, he was shocked to see Corrin there, her blanket wrapped around her and sitting close to the fireplace.
"Princess, what are you doing here?" Jakob asked.
"Oh, Jakob. I couldn't sleep so I thought I would just sit here for a little bit." Corrin answered. Jakob sat down next to her as she drapes her blanket over his shoulders. He felt a gentle warmth coming from the princess. Such a warm and gentle person shouldn't be locked away in this cold and lonely prison like this.
"Milady, if you can leave this fortress, where would you go?" Corrin ponder on his question for a while until she finally responded.
"I would go see the world around me. I want to see places I have never been to and meet people from all walks of life." Feeling very sleepy, Jakob lay his head on the princess' tiny shoulder.
"When that happens, take me with you..." he said. Back in the present, Jakob's flashback ends when he remembered the scolding, he and Corrin received from Gunther for sleeping on the floor and the surprised look on her face when she saw the ring. He doesn't remember what Corrin said next that night. Having an idea of the ideal ring, Jakob went into another jewelry store. A while later, Jakob return home in the astral plains with a joyful smile on his face.
"I am back." Jakob said when he notices Corrin couch down and rummage through her belongings in her chest.
"Milady, what are you doing?" Corrin look up from her search with a smile on her face.
"Oh Jakob, look what I have." she said, pulling out a small velvet box. She stood up and handed the box to Jakob.
"This is-" He open the box and saw the small glass ring he give her that day rest in a velvet cushion. The ring still sparkles and glitter, despite the passing years.
"You kept this ring all this time?" He looks at Corrin who was blushing bright red.
"It is a little embarrassing, but I kept it with me as a good luck charm. Looking at this ring again, it made me realize how much I have fallen in love with you, Jakob." Corrin admitted. Moved by his lady's love, Jakob get down on one knee and pulled out an identical velvet box from his pocket.
"I know this is a bit late, but I love you with all my being, Corrin. Will please do me the honor of being my wife?" he proposed, revealing a white gold ring in the shape of a rose with a diamond in the middle. Corrin lets out a sharp grasp, surprised by the sudden proposal.
"Yes, yes I will marry you, Jakob." she finally answered. He stood up and slipped the ring onto her finger. Soon, his lips touched hers, in a long and deep kiss. After breaking up their kiss, Corrin starts to giggle.
"What's so funny, Milady?"
"Haha, it looks like you kept my promise to me."
"My promise?"
"That night from a long time ago, you told me to take you with me to see the world. I answered back that you would have to propose to me someday, so we can always be together." Jakob blushed in embarrassment and delight. Her words alone were enough to bring out a rare smile on his face. He wraps his arms around Corrin's waist and pull her close to him.
"Haha, you really are a cunning mistress. But I cannot be happier. I love you now and forever." he said.
"I love you too, Jakob. Let's spend the rest of our lives together." Corrin said. They went in for another kiss, sealing their newly formed vows to each other.