Hello, everyone. It's been a while. I've been thinking about this fic quite a bit (as well as Ready For It) given the advent of AEW, the return of Jon Moxley, and the new rivalry between him and Kenny Omega. It's almost like the universe wanted me to write more wrestling fics so it pitted the two guys I ship Hannah with against each other in real life XD. Speaking of people I ship Hannah with - I've decided to put the kibosh on any romantic notions between her and Seth (which is something that was being explored in Ready For It, if you haven't read that fic). All my fabulous readers loved them so much as BFFs, and I do too; anything romantic between them would just be too much (plus I adore him and Becky as a couple so there's that).

All that being said, I think I've come to the decision that Steal the Show will, unfortunately, be discontinued. There's so much else going on in the wrestling world now that I believe I just need to move on from it. However, I do have some good news: I would like to move forward with some sort of Jon Moxley and/or Kenny Omega fic that still utilizes Hannah as the OC AND recognizes her history with Jon in StS; but I'm not quite sure how to tackle it or where to start. Perhaps start from AEW Double or Nothing? If you have any thoughts or suggestions, please don't hesitate to throw them my way. I'm open to any and all ideas. Also, if there's anyone out there who wants to co-write a new story with me, I'm totally open to that, too. Maybe if I had a co-author I'd actually finish something for once XD

Anyway, I thank everyone who's stuck with me the past 6 years. Hopefully there's more good writing to come.

- Katie