Author's Note: This story is deviating from the first original thought it would take. It will be continuing to deviate as I cannot write it the same way I first thought of writing it, as a backstory the original story works fine, but I've grown far too attached to LittleSeverus in this story to not have him be rescued somehow.

I've also got a bit of a twist coming up involving the Mauranders. Muahhahahahhhhahhhahhh…. *cough* This story will be much more fun and a lot less dark I think. Hehehe! I hope you guys like the change it will take.

Also I'd like to apologize to everyone of my followers, friends and readers (new and old) for my lack of activity and my slowness at replying to everything from Reviews to PMs. I am in my last month of this semester and it is just eating me up alive. If I get this chapter up before exams are over it will be a miniature miracle. On another note. Do remember I will NEVER abandon a written work that I have posted here. So every one of my stories will get finished. Regardless of how long it takes me. Again sorry for the delays. Hopefully this summer I'll be able to update more frequently.

CHAPTER TEN: Hidden Secrets

Horace opened the door to his office and waiting for the other's to enter first. Albus led the way inside followed by Lucius and Narcissa. Albus settled on one of the seats that remained from their earlier meeting and indicated that everyone should join him. Lucius had a guarded dark expression on his face while Narcissa wore one of anxious fear. It was clear to Albus that both knew what had transpired here. Or at least the majority of it. Albus explained quickly and was not surprised that neither of the two older students reacted to his words.

"I need to know if either of you know anything that could help us locate Mr. Snape," Albus said to the two students.

"Yes, but neither of us can say anything about it," Lucius replied forgoing his usual candid nature. That alone told Albus how worried the older student was.

"Why is that Mr. Malfoy?" Albus pushed.

"We have sworn an oath on our magic, well I have actually, Narcissa does not know enough to make that necessary. I forced the issue with Severus and it was the only way to gain the knowledge," Lucius informed Albus surprising both Albus and Horace with his forthcoming words. Lucius was never this candid.

"You are surprised that I'm telling you what you need to know. Don't be. Severus is perhaps the most intelligent student I have ever met, he is truly gifted. Narcissa and I consider him our friend. He is currently somewhere in Hogwarts, could possibly he hurt, he's definitely scared and alone. That alone gives me reason to speak candidly to you. I want to find him, as much as you do, or maybe more so," Lucius told Albus his voice growing cold. He pushed on, "you've punished Severus for things that were not his fault, refused to see what was going on. I have little faith in you helping in this situation, but at least you'll find him. We will help him, as we've always done. He's one of ours Headmaster, and Slytherin sticks together. We take care of our own."

"Mr. Malfoy, I am not sure why you have so little faith in me, but I want nothing more then to help Mr. Snape," Albus began, but Narcissa cut him off.

"Neither one of us are naif enough to believe that Headmaster. What we are is concerned for our friend. So kindly stop with the platitudes and let us focus on the lost eleven-year-old child currently somewhere in the dungeons," Narcissa told him coldly. Her eyes flashing a dark azure blue.

"Very well," Albus began, he truly felt a deep sadness at the cold words and evident mistrust that the two young people before him offered him. Where had he failed so much as to make children think he couldn't protect them. Now that he thought about it a second Albus realized his blatant favouritism of Gryffindor house had alienated him from Slytherin. He sighed. He'd been warned this would happen by quite a few people, now he was witnessing the results of that lack. "Mr. Malfoy, the vow you took what were the exact wording?"

"I Lucius Abraxas Malfoy do so swear that I shall keep the details of this discussion confidential between myself and Severus Snape," Lucius repeated the words he had vowed. He was wondering what Albus was getting at. He could see a smile twinkling at the edges of Albus's mouth and it infuriated him.

"You are certain you spoke exactly these words?" Albus inquired. Lucius only nodded.

"Fantastic my boy! I must contact your father as I will require his permission to use Legilimency on you," Albus stated rising. "Please follow me to my office."

Albus felt elated. He knew that 'to keep the details of a certain discussion confidential would prevent the boy from speaking about it, or writing it down, but it wouldn't prevent Albus from taking a look at the boy's memories so long as the boy didn't attempt to show him that specific memory. Which meant they couldn't use a pensieve.

Lucius was confused, but he followed Albus up to his office as did Narcissa and Horace. Horace had no idea what was going on and why such a vow would even be made by any of his students. Something more then what he'd first assumed was going on. Something truly sinister. It scared Horace. Narcissa was secretly smiling cruelly as she knew that this time they would succeed.

A few moments later and everyone was seated in the Headmaster's office on couches sipping tea and waiting for the elder Malfoy's to arrive. A knock sounded breaking the silence as the door opened and the tall figure of Abraxas Malfoy stepped into the room followed by his wife and three other females.

"My wife Ixchel Malfoy," Abraxas introduced the female who stepped up to stand by his side. "Our twin daughters Bryanne and Sabella, and this is a Narcissa's aunt Imogen Black. Narcissa your mother couldn't be present and your father is out of the country, therefore they have asked that Imogen act as their representatives for this meeting," Abraxas declared coldly. His eyes focusing on Albus and it became evident to Albus that Abraxas was not in the mood for games. This was a display of power.

"Please take a seat, we will be here for a while, might I offer you all tea?" Albus offered. Indicating the tray which had refilled with fresh tea and cups. Abraxas nodded and took a seat. The rest of his family took seats around him and Albus remembered something he'd heard at a Wizengamot meeting. Bryanne is a highly placed member of the Child Welfare Office at the Ministry of Magic. Sabella is an international liaison officer with the Office of International Affairs at the Ministry of Magic and engaged to an American wizard of some prominent political family. I do not know anything about this Imogen Black however, but the Black family is very prominent.

"Why was I contacted and informed to come to Hogwarts?" Abraxas demanded coldly.

"As I explained a student is in danger and your son has information is his unable to provide due to a vow on his magic. The only way around this is for me to use Legilimency upon him," Albus explained.

"Unacceptable," Bryanne declared in a cold ice voice that sliced through the room effortlessly. "Legilimency on a child is dangerous!"

"Mr. Malfoy is hardly a child, he is seventeen, meaning he's an adult," Albus informed her. She regarded him coldly.

"He is correct Bryanne, hold your tongue," Abraxas told his daughter. His eyes narrowing on Albus, "tell me why you require this information first. I want to know everything Dumbledore."

"Of course Lord Malfoy," Albus said politely. His tone taking on the normal one he used when at a Wizengamot meeting. Albus quickly told Abraxas and his entourage what had transpired. Finally finishing his tale with, "although Mr. Malfoy could provide the necessary permission for me to perform the magic legally upon your son, I thought that you would appreciate being informed."

"Why did you make the vow Lucius?" Abraxas demanded of his son.

"It achieved my goal," Lucius responded, but it was evident to Albus that undertones to his words was telling his father a lot more then the simple words were.

"It was absolutely necessary?" Abraxas inquired.

"Yes," was all Lucius replied.

"Very well, Imogen will perform the Legilimency and tell you what you need to know," Abraxas informed Albus. Albus frowned. Although that would achieve the same thing, he was concerned none the less.

"Would it not be simpler for me to perform the Legilimency spell?" Albus inquired genially. Hopping his grandfatherly nature with a splash of magical force would entice the Malfoy family to see things his way.

"Simpler perhaps," Sabella said, a small smile curving her lips, "however, we have reason to doubt you would be forthcoming with information." Sabella opened the beaded purse she had in her hand and pulled out a thick envelop with the Ministry seal upon it. She handed it over and Albus opened the envelope wondering what it contained. As he read the header he was shocked. He knew what this letter contained. Hogwarts was under investigation. Now he knew why he'd felt uneasy seeing Sabella entering his office. He recognized the seal of office on the letter. It belonged to the International Liaison Office for International Education Standards. Sabella was head of the department. "The reason that my father invited us all here today is two fold Professor Dumbledore. A very troubling trend has been happening and the Ministry is no longer impressed with the falling standards of Hogwarts as the a world renowned magical education academy. The high turnover rate of your Defence Against the Dark Arts and the lower scores of students on the NEWTs compared to world standards, has brought the attention of my department to your school. The letters from my brother concerned my parents and they had me investigate. I interviewed a few students from Hogwarts both past and present over the last week and have discovered a disturbing common theme. Now that you've lost a student somewhere in the dungeons of Hogwarts is even more troubling Professor Dumbledore. We had not expected the oversights to be due to your ignorance and indulgence, but perhaps my department was incorrect in its assessment of your position."

"Is this really the best time for this Miss Malfoy?" Albus said in a low tone. His eyes had taken on a hard cold edge.

"There is no time better Professor Dumbledore. You require that my brother undergo Legilimency in order to uncover a secret that could potentially help find a lost eleven-year-old child, who we have reason to believe is being bullied and punished for it, leads me to believe that it is imperative that we begin the investigation into Hogwarts School right away," Sabella told him. "Imogen was hired by my department to interview the staff of Hogwarts as a third party. She will be more then sufficient in performing the necessary magic on my brother, seeing as that is part of her job, she is after all an Department of Magical Law Enforcement investigator."

"Of course, I'm sorry you feel this is necessary, Miss Black I presume you will inform me of what I require to know?" Albus inquired turning away from the cold ice blue eyes of Sabella.

"Of course Professor Dumbledore," Imogen said, her voice smooth as silk as she turned her gaze to meet Lucius's eyes. "I will be scanning your memories from the beginning of term until now. All I require is that you remain relaxed and allow me to guide the flow of memories. Do not worry about anything and try not to fight me. I can provide you with a calming draught if you believe it will help you remain relaxed while I work." Her voice was gentle as she spoke to Lucius.

"I understand, I do not require a calming draught Ma'am." Lucius stated nodding his head politely before he focused his blue-grey eyes onto her dark green gaze. His body relaxed back into the seat and though he tensed slightly as Imogen spoke "legilimens" he soon relaxed again. Clearly forcing himself to be calm.

Severus had been running for so long he didn't even know where he was or where he was going. He just knew he had to keep going. He was panting for breath, his chest heaving, his heart pounding and his head beginning to spin slightly. His vision was blurry from tears and sweat and he didn't know what he was doing. He had no idea where he was going, he just kept turning down random hallways until he came to what he assumed was a blank wall down a long dark corridor. Collapsing against the stone before him. Severus breathed raggedly as he tried to catch his breath. His legs were shaking and he felt cramps and pain in both his lungs and abdomen. He let the wall take his weight and would have slid down it's surface if he hadn't fallen right through it.

Tumbling over he landed sprawled on his back on the other side of a blank wall. Staring up at an odd angle at the largest picture of Salazar Slytherin he'd ever seen. The tall man looked down at him from his throne like chair set in a posh library like he'd seen in many pureblood mansion. The snake coiled around his chair was huge. Also a basilisk from the look of the snake. Though the odd shimmer over it's eyes rendered the snake's deadly gaze inert. Interesting. The small snakes coiling over Salazar's hands which rested in his lap also caught his attention. The three snakes turned to regard him and the basilisk flicked out a tongue in his direction.

"Hâlettung ungewintred n¯ædre" (Greeting young snake) Salazar said, speaking for the first time since Severus had laid eyes on the portrait outside of the common room. Severus had no idea what the man said at all.

"Hi, I'm Snape, Severus Snape. Where am I?" Severus asked the picture. Wondering if the man spoke english at all.

"Yfel ofdr¯ædan êow æfnan hnot wiste me macian êow medeme wyrm cnafa?" (I fear you do not understand me do you little snake child?) Salazar said a faint smile curving his lips.

"I have no idea what you are saying," Severus told the picture pushing himself so he was sitting up instead of lying on his back. He was still panting for breath, but at least now his head wasn't spinning as badly and he could actually sit up. He regarded the snakes and wondered if it wouldn't be easier to speak to them.

"Winnan ne onsittan snaca magotûdor, êow spr¯æc infindan wiðinnan h¯ælnes. ætsamne êower langian dôð lybcræft munuclîf yfel fordêman ofâcsian êower ðê gêar âweaxanðurhwadan hwæt yfel tilian wýscan ingenga to mîn inland." (Do not fear snake child, you will find within sanctuary. Once you pass the magic barrier I will learn your language. Many a year has come to pass since I have had a visitor in my domain.) Salazar informed Severus who just gaped at him wondering if there was a way he'd ever be able to understand the weird man. Really why didn't pictures speak english. Then again wasn't the founder in the Headmasters office? How was it he didn't understand English? For that matter why was this man so different from the other pictures of the founder?

"Where am I?" Severus hissed to the snake in parseltongue. Surprise filtered across the portrait's face.

"Speaker. Place your palm to my frame. Blood speaks louder then words," Salazar hissed back. Though his voice was thickly accented the sibilant sounds of the words made them easily understood to Severus. Merlin be thanked. He'd feared the man's speech would be even harder to understand.

Severus pushed himself up to his feet unsteadily and placed his hand on the frame where Salazar had pointed and waited. He could feel the squirming of the serpent that decorated the edge of the large gold gilded frame as it withed beneath his palm until something that felt unnervingly like two fangs sank into his palm making him gasp out in surprise, but he didn't pull his hand away, now that he looked down he couldn't have pulled away, the golden serpent had woven around his wrist and it's head rested right beneath his palm sinking it's fangs into his flesh. Soon it withdrew and the frame swung open leaving a startled Severus taking a step back as the portrait open enough to reveal the room beyond and Severus gaped.

The room was gorgeous in a way that was absolutely stunning. The walls were covered in either oak bookcases stained a dark near black or by ancient tapestries. The first tapestry his eyes landed on depicted a family tree he knew to be Slytherin's from the gilded heading. Another tapestry showed a list of years and the name of every student who had ever attended Hogwarts and been in Slytherin house. This tapestry was rolled neatly on in a case of dark stained oak that sat right beneath it. The tapestry was woven from the youngest generation no doubt to the very first generation. The third tapestry was depicting the construction of Hogwarts by the founders. The final tapestry was showcasing the birth of Arthur Pendragon with Merlin Emrys putting the sword into the stone as the Lady of the Lake watched. The centre of the tapestry was the triquetra. The bookcases filled up the space between the tapestries except for the two Slytherin tapestries. Between those two sat a large fireplace that burned a bright green. Over the large mantel sat an identical portrait to the one that guarded the entrance. A large desk with four comfortable chairs sat in the exact centre of the room. Severus walked over to the table where twin lamps burned bright. He regarded the room in awe as the portrait shut.

"Little snake, your language has been learned by my master, but he is concerned with the paleness of your flesh. Sit, tell us what has you so sickly child," the large basilisk hissed at him.

"I don't understand what you mean?" Severus said slipping back to english in his startled daze.

"Serenity is inquiring of your health little snake child," Salazar said in his silky rich and deeply accented voice.

"I'm fine," Severus said hastily.

"That I do not believe to be truth, you fear speaking to us as you fear that I will alert others to your secrets. Fear not little snake, none of my other portraits will know what I know, for we are not connected. Only these two mirrors are one. The others are not connected to us. I can see you are confused by this, very well I will explain further. We are a soul fragment of the great Salazar Slytherin to preserve his knowledge and wisdom, created when he felt the need to leave Hogwarts to protect its students. The threat to his unborn grandchild forced him to abandon his position here and leave, but he would not leave his students unprotected and so he created us. A part of himself left here for ever to guard, forever to watch, forever to protect that which is his legacy. There us to be a time long past when we were seen by all young Slytherin, when his blood heirs would open us and allow our knowledge to flow through generations. It has been many years since we have been awoken. You young one hold our blood, though weak as it is, you are still of our blood. You are of the Emrys-Ambrosias female line. Merlin only had one daughter Morgana who married into the Ambrosias line and she only produced one child, a daughter named Nimue who married into the Prince line. The male line continued through their son all the way to your grandfather. My two daughters are all the succeed me for I never had a male child to continue my lineage, my youngest married into the Prince line, a direct descendent of yours little snake. My eldest married into the Gaunt lineage and became the mother of it's direct male lineage." The portrait paused and regarded the child before it. Severus narrowed his gaze on the man. Wondering what all this was about. "So you see little snake, you are one of the two remaining males to carry my lineage another generation."

"So?" Severus inquired rather rudely and on purpose.

"So I would never cause harm to befall one of my heirs, you Severus Snape are very powerful. I wish only to see you take up your rightful place. To do that you need to learn what is contained within these wall, but you cannot remain here for more then three hours until your coming of age, or you will be trapped here forever and shall perish. We have three hours in which to speak," Salazar told him.

"I can't tell you, just as I cannot let them find out, you don't understand. No one does," Severus said resigned. His eyes closing in pain.

"Then make me understand child of the serpent," Salazar demanded.

"How?" Severus pleaded looking up into Salazar's emerald eyes. "How do I make you understand that if he ever learned I'd told anyone her life would be forfeit? How could I ever make you understand that I cannot let her die! Not for me. I'm not worth it."

"You speak of things as though I wouldn't understand, but you do not know me Severus. You believe what history has made clear of my actions and motives, yet history is written by the victors. I did not win my arguments and disagreements with Godric and therefore the history that was later written about us made it seem like all I wanted was the destruction of all non-pure-bloods. Yet none of us are truly pure are we Severus. Families become pure and some become un-pure as the generations shift. No one really even knowns if I was a pureblood or just a half-blood who happened to inherit his father's kingdom. You see, I am painted by history in the way of many, as a monster who desired death and destruction, when the truth of the matter is I desired protection and secrecy! We were hunted to the very brink of extinction and Hogwarts was one of the only safe havens left to all of wizardkin. I wanted to strengthen the wards, to insure that any muggleborn witch or wizard was never returned to their muggle family. Yes what I proposed was akin to kidnaping children of magical blood, but it would have saved them! Many of the muggleborn were murdered when they left the safety of Hogwarts, since their families couldn't hide them as easily as wizardkind could hide it's own. There are many half-blood families and muggleborn families who experience the same stigma that has plagued our young since before Hogwarts. The fear and prejudice against magic has always existed and continues to exist and it is the children of magic blood who have muggle parents who suffer for it." Salazar explained. His voice soft.

"I have watched children come through these doors battered and fearful of all adults, I have seen children die at the hands of family, friends and neighbours. I have seen extremes unlike any you're likely to understand," Salazar went on, "yet still you fear I will not understand that you yourself suffer the hatred of muggle prejudice. Your father, is it not, fears magic and strives to oppress you to the point you live in fear of fighting back for he is stronger then you are. Even with magic you couldn't defeat him. He holds your mother in much the same way. Her fear for you keeps her from leaving. Pureblood prejudice and supremacist views have led your mother's family to near extinction and her disinheritance. Your own grandmother contributes to the problem of your suppression because she views you as tainted blood and yet is forced to pass the family heritage to you or watch her line disappear without hope of renewal. So here you are paying the cost of my own inaction. All because had I remained here rather then go into hiding with my grandchildren I would have lost my family. I was unwilling to fight openly least my children and grandchildren be harmed. When my daughter's unborn child came under threat I took them and fled to hide them away until such time it was safe to emerge once more. I must presume it never was as I soon lost all contact with the outside world and became the guardian of an empty room filled with knowledge. Waiting until an heir rose who could open the gates into the chambers of secrets hidden within this castles dungeons. Only one room was ever open and it was used in a way it had never been designed. Used to harm those within it's walls. My chambers were meant to be used to protect, teach and preserve our heritage and populace. Not to harm the magical children contained within Hogwarts regardless of blood status."

"Why are you telling me all this?" Severus asked intrigued.

"I am telling you this little snake because you will continue my work. You will show the world what the truth of Slytherin is. I can see it in your eyes little snake. You are far older then your years, yet you are far younger then them as well. You little one are going to be the Guardian of Hogwarts, much as I was. So you will learn, and you will study, but more then that little snake, you will trust that I can help you. That we will do so. Hogwarts is crumbling from within itself. We are failing at what we were meant to be. Knowledge is power as you know, but that power is being lost. Once proud and strong we are now weak and divided. We need a leader who acts from the shadows. Who walks the dark path, who protects those within it's walls. Now is not the time, but soon, from within these walls will rise a force of greater darkness, but also one of light and one of shadows. For only through the shadows can the light be seen. You child will be the bridge of shadows between the light and the dark. For not all is as it seems." Salazar told him. Severus gaped at the man. Utterly confused and lost.

"I'm not some hero, and I don't want to be!" Severus growled at the man. He didn't need attention, he just wanted to succeed and get away from his parents. Away from his father and get his mother away from the monster too. He just wanted and needed to survive.

"No, and you won't be. Shadows never are," Salazar said. "Come now. Why don't you enjoy the library of information. Nothing may leave and you have only a few hours left to be here. When it is closer to the time you must leave we will have some further discussion before you are on your way," Salazar informed him. Severus eyed the portrait as the man rose and left his snakes slithering out of the frame with him. No doubt to return to the outside portrait from whence he'd come.

Severus took another look around. Walking the room's parameter as he read the titles of books. Pulling a few down and taking them to the table. He was being given an amazing opportunity. As he opened a book he watched the words shimmer and dematerialize into english. Grinning as he was now able to read the translated text. This was wicked!

"It is nearly time for you to leave little snake," Salazar's voice broke through Severus's thoughts as he looked up from the book he'd been devouring. He didn't want to leave.

"When can I come back?" Severus inquired.

"Once a week you may return, no more then three hours and it must be a full week since the last time you came," Salazar informed him. "Tell me Severus will you consent to answer three questions with full honesty?"

"Why?" Severus inquired suddenly weary.

"I wish to give you advice, to help, but I require three true and complete answers to three questions that I will ask as payment," Salazar informed him. Severus shrugged and nodded. Salazar gave him a sly smirk. "Are all muggles evil?"

"No," Severus responded and hesitated before he continued with the complete answer. "I can name two who are not evil at all, but rathe kind and gentle. People fear what they don't understand, so when faced with something they cannot explain often people will respond with violence. My father wasn't an evil man, or even a bad one, a little misguided perhaps, but when faced with the unexplainable and with nothing but his prejudiced upbringing I was proof of evil existing in my mother and through her me. We became the feared unexplainable and he reacted violently."

"Why do you hide your true strength and power," Salazar inquired.

"Fear," Severus answered honestly, this time continuing on with only a slight pause. "To protect myself and mother. If my father guessed that I could control my magic much better then he assumed or that I was stronger then he thought I would be dead and mother would be made to suffer. To protect myself and to protect her no one can known."

"Is it better for two to suffer in silence then for one to take a stand and make a difference?" Salazar inquired.

"It is better for none to suffer," Severus answered.

"Your answer is vague Severus," Salazar told him with narrowed eyes.

"That would be because I know what you are truly asking and I refuse to endanger my mother, even with simply answering the question. If it were anyone else at risk I'd take the risk, but she's all I have in this world. I won't endanger her, regardless of what is happening to me," Severus replied. Though he had to wonder why his mother didn't write to him, she had not responded to his letter. He wondered if that was because his father was forbidding it.

"Very well I will accept that as truth, but it is incomplete. You are angry at her for not taking you away and going to her mother as your grandmother has informed you has been requested since the day of your birth. Your mother fears your grandmother as much as your father Severus. Both homes are no place to raise a child. Take a stand little one, for things are not as they seem. Allow those who wish to help to to do so," Salazar told him gently. "Things are about to change here Severus. It's time that your life changed too. Remember little one. The shadows are not safe, but they are necessary. Now it is time for you to return to those who are alive and wish to help you. Those who care for you. You are not as alone as you think little snake. Simply look at those who have been worried by your absence. Remember that you are a Slytherin Severus and we stick together in times of trial."

Severus didn't know what to say. He rose leaving the book where it was, "thanks for everything Salazar," Severus said tentatively and the portrait smiled warmly at him. "You are welcome little snake, now go."

Severus left the hidden library with a sense of foreboding. He walked through the dead end wall and somehow he could clearly remember how to get from here to the Slytherin Common Room. He frowned as he made his way through the dungeons. How could he know where Slytherin's hidden chambers lay? When he'd arrived at the dead end wall he'd barely even remembered running. Now he was exhausted just walking back towards the common room. He was scared and jittery and he knew, somehow, that Hogwarts had alerted the Headmaster that he was walking back to Slytherin house.

"Headmaster," the portrait of Salazar Slytherin in the headmaster's office called out. "We have found young Mr. Snape, he is currently in the east wing of the dungeons making his way through deserted corridors towards the common room."

"Thank you Salazar," Albus said turning back to face Imogen who was in the process of informing the two healers, Albus and the rest of the Malfoy family about the evidence that she had witnessed from Lucius's memories that clearly indicated both psychological and physical abuse was being perpetrated by Severus's father on the child. Just as Albus was about to rise and head down towards the mentioned location, Taylor Greengrass and Edward Gladstone walked out of the fireplace looking grave.

"Has Severus Snape been located?" Taylor inquired without preamble.

"We have just been informed of his whereabouts by Hogwarts," Albus told him.

"Good, it has become abundantly evident that Severus Snape will become a ward of the Ministry of Magic. Miss Malfoy I am pleased to see you here as a representative of the Child Welfare department you can activate a case against Madam Prince and Mister Snape on multiple cases of child abuse and Mister Snape will need to be brought up on charges of spousal abuse as well. His wife will need to be placed under protective custody Miss Black I presume you can contact someone from the DMLE?" Taylor said darkly.

"The case against Mr. Snape was already underway, but I shall add the case against Madam Prince to it. As for making Severus Snape a ward of the ministry that will be unecessary he is after all an heir to a prominent pureblood lordship and as such falls under the purview of the Protection for Magical Bloodlines Department. Or has Madam Prince failed to mention this?" Bryanne stated bluntly.

"She had failed to mention that her grandson was the Prince heir. I presume you will be making the contacts?" Taylor stated.

"Of course, now I believe we are not all required for this any further. Father I will see you tonight at the manor. Mother, sister, brother good day to you," Bryanne said rising, "I will be in touch Albus."

"Of course Bryanne," Albus said with a pleasant smile as the women left through his floo. Imogen rose and nodded towards everyone else in the room.

"I will also be taking my leave Albus, we will be in touch regarding staff interviews once I have concluded a few meetings," Imogen stated and left for the ministry as well.

"I will return tomorrow to conduct the remainder of Mr. Snape's testing and apprenticeship paperwork," Liz said with a gentle smile. "Edward, Gabriel it is time for us to depart. Shall you be accompanying us Lord Greengrass?"

"Yes I believe my work here is done," Taylor stated. "There are a few more signatures I require from you, we can complete those." With that Taylor and the three healers left the headmaster's office.

"We will also take our leave Albus," Abraxas' said before he led the remainders of the Malfoy family through the floo. Leaving only Lucius and Narcissa in Albus's office.

"I think you two might be helpful to my confrontation with young Mr. Snape, why don't you two come along. Horace will you be so kind as to get Madam Pomfrey as well please. Meet us in your office I think that will be a much more relaxed place for our discussion." Albus said warmly indicating the door.

Author's Note: All translations to Old English are done using LingoJam's Old English Translator.