Luna was special - she saw dead people. Not just ghosts, everyone saw those. No, Luna saw people that died and were supposed to be gone or, at least, invisible to the living. Of course she never told anyone. She was already seen as a freak.

During her school years, Luna grew accustomed to casually talking to souls that were wandering about the grounds of Hogwarts. What she never expected was those unknown faces of strangers to change into ones of her friends. She should have thought of it, really. The losses after the battle of Hogwarts were enormous, so it was a given there would be familiar faces among the dead. But Luna was so busy helping to repair the castle, that she never thought about her ability, and what that meant for her.

She was sitting by the lake, when she felt a presence behind her. She turned around and froze. Her eyes wandered over the red hair, the crooked nose...

"Hey Fred." She finally said. The boy smiled slightly.

"Hey." He replied, sitting down next to her, with his knees tucked under his arms. "So it is true. You can see me."

"Yeah." Luna said quietly. They sat in silence, listening to the lapping of water. Fred seemed concerned. "We won you know." The girl said with sadness and a bit of anger in her eyes. "That's what they say. We won."


"This is not a victory, Fred. Everyone lost." She said feeling hollow. Fred felt his heart go out to the small girl. He went to hug her, but then remembered he couldn't. He was dead.

"How's George?" He asked, hesitantly and Luna grimaced.

"Not good. But he will be. I'll make sure of that, I promise."

"Thanks." The girl hummed in reply. Not another word passed between them, as they sat there, mourning, taking comfort in each other.

Soon the sun started to set and Fred got up with resignation.

"I have to go." He frowned. "Please take care of yourself, Luna. The world will move on and this will be history. I know it's unfair, but that's life, that's how it works. We should also try to move on." He attempted to smile and she felt a pang of regret that she couldn't take his hand. They both needed that now.

"I know. I'll see you again someday."

"You will. Hang on until then." She watched as he walked off. Both of them had tears in their eyes and a longing for a hug. But both knew they wouldn't get one.