To Fly And To Love

Author: Nightstar Fury from Nightstar Productions.

Rated: M for Mature

Pairing: [Hiccup/Elsa]

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from HTTYD or Frozen.

Chapter Twenty: Happily Ever After.

The day finally came, Hiccup and Elsa were allowed to take Sylvi out of the house but no one knew. They'd planned it just right, to be able to enter the Great Hall with their baby at the time everyone was there and eating. No one knew but Valka, Stoick, and Svedka about this. Sylvia was bundled for the flight, they were going to fly on Toothless. Once everything was ready the two stepped outside smiling, Elsa was holding Sylvia as Toothless came over quickly. "Hey bud...want to meet her?" Hiccup asked, Toothless jumped around panting. Elsa knelt down a bit as Toothless sniffed the baby, he licked Elsa's cheek, the Hiccup's. They both laughed. "Yes she's alright now. Want to give us a ride to the Great Hall?" Hiccup asked him. Toothless smiled wide as he turned letting Hiccup get his gear on. Hiccup climbed up first and then Elsa holding Sylvi.

"Alright Toothless, nice and easy okay?" Elsa told him. Toothless cooed as he took off carefully and they flew to the Great Hall.


"It's so weird not having them around..." Heather sighed.

"I know...but their baby needs them right now." Snotlout added as he looked over seeing Astrid holding their son who was asleep in her arms.

"I know. I couldn't imagine what they are going through right now..." Astrid said as she stroked Hagen's head lightly. Suddenly the doors opened and Hiccup walked in with his head down. Toothless was behind him, his wings were blocking the view of Elsa and the baby.

"'s Hiccup!" Yelled a villager, he was swarmed instantly but his friends pushed to the front.

"Chief!" Yelled another.

"Is everything okay?"

"Where is Elsa?"

"How's the baby?" All questions being thrown at him by the villagers. Stoick pushed through now.

"Give the man some room to breathe!" Stoick ordered. They all backed off a bit.

"Thanks dad...So you all know that our daughter was born 2 months early...and that she might not make it...Well..." Hiccup trailed off now, the room fell silent now fearing the worst. "Looks like we have another really strong willed, stubborn Viking with us. Toothless..." Hiccup said smiling now as Toothless lowered his wings allowing Elsa to walk in with the baby. "Because our daughter Sylvi, is here to stay." Hiccup announced with his hands up. The room erupted into cheers and clapping. Elsa and Hiccup kissed as he stood beside her, an arm around her waist both of them looking down at their sleeping daughter.

"Hiccup! Don't you ever scare us like that again!" Astrid scolded him after she'd handed Hagen to Snotlout to hold.

"Come on, you know I have a dramatic flare to me." Hiccup laughed softly.

"So she's okay? Like really okay?" Heather asked him now.

"Yes...she's perfect. Still small, but stronger than ever." Elsa added in.

"How...?" Astrid asked curiously.

"Lets all go sit down and I'll explain it..." Hiccup suggested. They all moved towards a spot on the table where they could sit together. Hiccup began explaining everything from when his mother told him about him being born early, to when Sylvi's health began to improve when he was talking to her.

"That's amazing..." Heather stated after he'd finished.

"It's a miracle in my eyes." Hiccup said softly as Sylvi began to awaken now.

"Hiccup, can you take her? My arms are getting tired..." Elsa asked softly.

"Of course love. Come her big girl." Hiccup said as he took Sylvi in to his arms, she instantly giggled a bit.

"She's going to be a daddy's girl." Astrid pointed out smiling.

"That is fine with me." Hiccup smiled as he kissed Sylvi's forehead. The rest of that day was spent just talking, and enjoying all life had to offer. Each day that passed, Sylvi got stronger. She was a very happy baby too. Elsa had already sent a message to Anna and Kristoff about it, a few weeks later they got a letter back saying Anna was expecting now and sea travel made her sick but wanted them to visit soon. Hiccup returned to his Chief duties right away, he was always checking in and home for dinner every night. Heather and Tuffnut were married a couple of months later, as were Astrid and Snotlout. Fishlegs and Ruffnut had gotten engaged, they were now planning their wedding for sometime next year. Toothless and Nightstar were just as happy raising their little Night Furies, everyone was happy. Hiccup and Elsa were so blessed and thank God every day for what they had.

(5 years later)

"Daddy! You promised to take me flying today!" Came a young girl's voice who ran in to the room and jumped on her father making it sit up with an 'oof'.

"You better get up, Hiccup. You know she's persistent..." Elsa smiled now.

"Alright alright...I'm up. Good morning my beautiful girls." Hiccup said as he kissed Elsa and then hugged Sylvi tightly.

"Come on daddy!" Sylvi pleaded tugging his arm to get him out of bed. Hiccup and Elsa laughed.

"Hold on sweetheart...How are you feeling this morning?" Hiccup asked looking at Elsa now, she had her hands on her stomach rubbing it slowly.

"I feel fine, Hiccup. Take her flying before she tears your arm off." Elsa laughed lightly. Hiccup nodded as he got off the bed and went downstairs with Sylvi. Yes, it had been 5 years since Sylvi was born and she was a happy, healthy, thriving, strong, smart little girl. Elsa was pregnant again, due in 4 months, this time they were expecting a boy. Elsa was very excited about it, so was Hiccup. Sylvi pulled Hiccup towards the pen where Toothless and Nightstar were, their kids were already jumping around happily. Hiccup was getting Toothless ready now as Sylvi played with the younger Night Furies.

"Daddy, can I fly Starlight on my own?" Sylvi asked him.

"I don't know, Syl...I don't know if you're ready yet." Hiccup frowned a bit.

"Please? I'll be good! Please please!" Sylvi pleaded with her big green eyes. Hiccup smiled with a sigh.

"Alright. But you do everything I tell you to, okay?" Hiccup said.

"Yay! Come on Starlight..." Sylvi said excitedly as she and the young female dragon with dark blue eyes rushed out of the bed. Hiccup smiled shaking his head, every bit of him and Elsa combined. She loved dragons as much as he did, and learned quickly. Hiccup started taking her flying on Toothless when she was 3, and Sylvi bonded with Starlight at the age too. Sylvi had gotten a smaller saddle and got it hooked up on Starlight as she climbed on and looked at her dad who was already on Toothless.

"Just give her a little nudge, and hold on." Hiccup instructed her. Sylvi gave Starlight a soft kick in the side and she took to the sky, Hiccup was right behind her on Toothless. "There you go." Hiccup said flying beside her.

"Weeeee! This is amazing daddy!" Sylvi exclaimed.

"I know..." Hiccup smiled as he looked down seeing the village under him. Ruffnut and Fishlegs were married now, and expecting their first child soon. Heather and Tuffnut had two, twins actually. Astrid and Snotlout were waiting a bit longer. Hiccup waved to his mother and father who were outside, they waved back with a smile. Sylvi ended up not having the ice powers like her mother, but she had her hair and smile. Sylvi also had Hiccup's green eyes and strong willed personality. Fishlegs still ran the dragon academy, and Snotlout turned out to be the best second in command Hiccup could of asked for. They'd all grown up so much. Hiccup was 25 now, Elsa 24. "Alright Syl, lets get back. I have work to do, and you have to help mommy." Hiccup called to her.

"Awe, okay. Can we fly again later?" Sylvia asked as she turned her boy to look at him.

"Syl pay attention!" Hiccup urged her, Sylvi looked forward as a bunch of Terrible Terrors startled Starlight and she reared back, Sylvi fell off and screamed. "Sylvi! Toothless, dive!" Hiccup commanded in fear. Toothless whipped around and dive towards Sylvi who was falling. Toothless picked up speed as he dove under and Hiccup caught her in his arms just before she hit the water. "Sylvi! Sylvi, are you okay? Talk to daddy..." Hiccup asked after Toothless landed on the docks.

"I'm okay daddy..." Sylvi responded finally after recovering from shock of falling. Hiccup looked over her quickly seeing she had no physical injuries, he hugged her tightly.

"You always have to pay attention when you fly honey...Especially you because you're younger...You scared me, Syl." Hiccup said as he pulled out of the hug now.

"But you always look around!" Sylvi argued.

"Sweetie, daddy had been flying for 10 years...And Toothless knows how to react. Starlight is still a baby herself, just like you." Hiccup told her gently.

"I'm not a baby, I'm 5 daddy!" Sylvi pouted crossing her arms over her chest.

"But you're still my little girl, Syl and you don't know that much about flying yet. You have to pay attention, always. If you'd seen the Terrors coming, you could of avoided them...I'm just glad you're alright..." Hiccup sighed softly kissing her forehead now.

"Okay...I'm sorry daddy..." Sylvi said looking at the ground. Hiccup picked her up and climbed on Toothless again.

"Its okay. Lets get you home...Starlight, come." Hiccup stated as Toothless gave a purr and took to the sky again, Starlight following beside Toothless. They arrived home as Elsa greeted them outside.

"Hey you two. How was the flight?" Elsa asked kissing Sylvi's head and then Hiccup.

"I fell..." Sylvi stated.

"She's alright. She flew on Starlight who got spooked when Terrible Terrors came out of nowhere...She fell off, Toothless and I caught her...But we've learned to pay attention when we fly, right Syl?" Hiccup asked her now. She nodded. Hiccup smiled. "Alright now give me a hug, I'll be home later." Hiccup said, both Sylvi and Elsa gave him a hug before he stepped back and got on Toothless, they took off to get their work done for the day. Hiccup landed by the food store house seeing Snotlout there.

"Hey Chief." Snotlout greeted.

"Morning, what do we have?" Hiccup asked him.

"Just doing a tally. Seems like we're where we should be for this time of year. Could do with some more fish." Snotlout reported.

"Looks good. I'll send Bucket and Mulch to get us a few more catches. How's the wife and son?" Hiccup asked with a smile.

"They are great. Hagen is itching to fly but Astrid told him he had to wait." Snotlout chuckled.

"She's right. I let Sylvi take Starlight today, she fell. She's alright but I think we're going to hold off a while longer too." Hiccup laughed.

"Was Elsa mad?" Snotlout asked.

"Nah, she was just worried. Like Toothless and I would let anything happen to her." Hiccup reminded him.

"True. But hey, I found out this morning that Astrid is pregnant again. She's thrilled." Snotlout smiled.

"That's great news Snotlout. Congratulations." Hiccup patted his back.

"Thanks, how's Elsa doing?" Snotlout asked now.

"She's great. Baby is growing fine too. He's a strong one for sure." Hiccup laughed out.

"Good to hear. I heard Ruffnut is due anytime now. Fishlegs has been freaking out." Snotlout said.

"I'll stop by and talk to him." Hiccup nodded. "Alright, all looks good here. I'll go see Bucket and Mulch first, then Fishlegs." Hiccup said as he got on Toothless. "Great work, Lout!" Hiccup called as he and Toothless took off again. Hiccup found Bucket and Mulch on the farm, he landed and walked over to them.

"Morning Chief! What can we do ya for?" Asked Mulch with a smile.

"Fish is a bit low. Mind going for another catch?" Hiccup asked him.

"Sure thing. We'll leave right after we get this wool, milk, and eggs. Oh your father stopped by, he said if we saw you to let you know he wanted to see you." Mulch stated.

"I'll drop in. Thanks guys. Good job." Hiccup told them with a smile before he got back on Toothless and they were gone. Hiccup decided to see his father first, then Fishlegs. He flew to his father's and landed.

"There you are son." Stoick smiled hugging him.

"Yeah, Mulch gave me your message, what's up?" Hiccup asked him.

"We saw Sylvi fall this morning, is she alright?" Valka asked now.

"Yeah, Toothless and I got her. Starlight got spooked is all. She's fine." Hiccup said.

"Oh good! How's Elsa doing?" Stoick asked.

"She's great, just tired from the pregnancy. She's home right now." Hiccup stated.

"Well we'd love to have you over for dinner son." Valka added in with a smile.

"I'll talk to Elsa. I gotta get back to work." Hiccup said preparing to fly off again. After he was gone, Valka hugged Stoick.

"When did our little boy become such a grown man." Valka asked.

"When he met Toothless, then met and fell in love with Elsa." Stoick said smiling.

The day carried on, Hiccup had gone home for lunch to spend it with his family, he and Elsa talked about going to his parents for dinner. She said she'd let him know later if she was feeling up to it. Elsa then told him she had gotten a letter from Anna, saying that her and Kristoff were coming to visit with their daughter, Kristanna. Hiccup smiled nodding. He gave them a kiss before heading back out to finish up his work. That night, they did go to his parents and had a great time as Hiccup told everyone what had been going on lately. Hiccup and Elsa invited them for dinner tomorrow night, they accepted right away. Hiccup and Elsa went home, they put Sylvi to bed, then cleaned up and went to bed themselves.

"I love you Hiccup. And our growing family..." Elsa told him gently.

"I love you all as well." Hiccup replied as the soon went to sleep.

(4 months later)

It was happening again, Elsa was in labor and he was kicked outside with Sylvi and his father. At least this time, he knew Elsa was a full 9 months and everything would be fine. His mother emerged smiling, "You can come in now." She said cheerfully. Hiccup picked up Sylvi and rushed inside to see Elsa on the bed holding a small baby boy. The brown hair was already visible, and his eyes showed blue like Elsa's.

"Daddy! Is that my brother?" Sylvi asked happily.

"Yes, he is." Hiccup smiled as he walked over sitting on the edge of the bed with Sylvi in his lap.

"What should we name him?" Elsa asked gently.

"I named pick this time love." Hiccup chuckled.

"How about...Halvor. Yes...Halvor Haddock." Elsa smiled.

"Perfect." Hiccup smiled as he kissed her gently.

"Mommy, can I hold him?" Sylvi asked softly.

"Yes you can sweetheart. Daddy, will you get her ready?" Elsa asked him.

"Of course." Hiccup said as he placed Sylvi in a chair, then adjusted her arms and put a pillow under one of them. He took Halvor from Elsa gently and placed him in Sylvi's arms, her face lit up.

"I pwomise to love and protect you always, little brother..." Sylvi said softly putting a kiss on his forehead. Elsa put a hand over her heart as Hiccup smiled.

"That was so sweet..." Valka stated gently.

"We'll play together, and ride dragons together..." Sylvi went on and on about what they would do, Elsa and Hiccup could only listen. It was a bit longer until Halvor began to cry because he was hungry. Hiccup took him and handed him to Elsa, he then brought Sylvi to get something to eat before putting her to bed. By the time he got back upstairs, it was dark and Halvor was back in his cradle, Elsa laying down and looking at him. Hiccup spotted Sylvi laying in their bed, he smiled and crawled under the covers and kissed her cheek.

"She wanted to be close to her brother." Elsa whispered.

"That's fine. She's going to be a great big sister." Hiccup replied gently.

"I love you Hiccup. We have the most perfect family..." Elsa sighed softly.

Hiccup shook his head. "No, Elsa. We have the perfect life, and we will...Forever and Always. I love you." Hiccup whispered as they shared another passionate kiss.