Back at the Batcave, Jason decided to wait a while before explaining the whole gun runner thing, and by a while he meant till the morning. Those thugs were gone by now either way and he had already altered the police anonymously after he finally managed to say goodnight to Stray and stop kissing his stupidly perfect plush lips. Anyhow, it could wait and Bruce was already back from his own patrol, a surprisingly quiet night in Gotham for tonight. Though Bruce's idea of quiet is petty theft and only getting into three small scale fights.

Jason agreed it was a slow night and nothing eventful happened, yep, totally normal, nothing out of the ordinary and nothing exciting happened at all.

"Nothing eventful?" Bruce asked, cowl pulled back but that infamous Batman stare was all over his face, the brow of questioning lifted into position.

"Yep, it wasn't that interesting at all." Jason reported, nodding at his own story. Bruce didn't seem to buy it and then pointedly looked down to Jason's bare hands

"Oh right…" Jason back pedaled. "I lost those…and my cape…no big deal." He laughed a little, he was not gonna crack, not gonna crack, not gonna crac-

"Lost them…lost them how?" Bruce asked, crossing his arms.

"Oh you know…just…kind of forgot them when I took them off…for no real reason. Annnnyhow, it's almost three in the morning, better get to bed if I want any sleep tonight, gotta do so much studying tomorrow, yep. Goodnight Bruce!" Jason blurted it all out in a rush and he knew that gave himself away but if he could just make it to the stairs before Bruce-

"Jason Peter!" Bruce called after him, Jason slowly turned around, rooted to the spot, he hadn't even made it two steps. That didn't stop Bruce from taking long strides up to him, looking down at him with this unreadable look on his face. He reached out and softly touched Jason's chin and tilted his head.

"And what exactly is that?" Bruce demanded, quietly but sternly.

"Uh...what's what?" Jason asked, not daring to move his head, but still trying to look at what Bruce was staring at like it was the devil itself. "What's it look like?"

"It looks like a hickey." Bruce spat the word out, like he didn't know why he would ever have to say such a thing.

"….that son of a bitch."

See Faked It To Make It for the next part of the adventure.