(A/N) Hello I am Chris, and I'm Maddi. Today we have something planned for you all… Though the ones reading this might just be our friends. Eh we can still have fun with this. Anyway today we have a story on a combination of RWBY and Kingdom Hearts! This will take place as RWBY is starting and Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance has ended. So keep in mind there will be spoilers. That being said, please enjoy!

(ChrisandMaddi do not own RWBY or Kingdom Hearts, Monty Oum Created RWBY, Tetsuya Nomura made Kingdom Hearts. So we hope you enjoy)

Prologue: Be Prepared.

It was a normal day at Yen Sid's tower, outside the tower, Kairi and Riku where clashing Keyblades with one another, Riku giving her some pointers on stances. Being a fresh new Keyblade master, Riku had taken the job of training the Princess of Heart to learn how to wield the Keyblade.

"Think of it as an extension of yourself Kairi!" Called out Riku, as Kairi was swinging the blade down on a practice dummy. Kairi nodded and held it in a stance with her arm to her side and swung at the dummy with force, causing splinters to be knocked loose from the hit. Riku nodded with a smile. While those two where practicing how to swing the Keyblade outside the tower, inside the Tower. Lea, old name Axel, was still trying to master summoning his own, both Yen Sid and The King of Disney Castle, Mickey, were trying to explain to the ex-Organization XIII member that he had to let his heart call out to it. Mickey continued to explain this to him while Yen Sid walked into his study next to a sleeping Sora, and focused his magic to call an old friend.

While Yen Sid knew he'd need the Keyblade wielders there, however he was confident this trip would be just enough for his student, Lea to get the training he deserved. Yen Sid was old and the school his friend made trained students to become Huntsmen and Huntresses, famed in their world for being strong and sophisticated, he then looked over at Sora and nodded, before using his magic to call for Sora out of the Sleeping Realm. Yen Sid also called for Riku, Kairi and Lea, and the three came up as Sora woke from his time in the Dream Realm, with a yawn loud enough to shake the heavens.

"Good evening. I trust you all are well," Said Yen Sid with a light smile. Sora, Riku, Kairi and Lea bowed down to the Master of the Tower, although Lea did a slight sink, until Kairi who was right beside him stepped on his foot and he bowed lower with a wince.

"Yes, Master Yen Sid." All four said, Yen Sid smiled and looked at the people standing before him. Sora, self-trained Keyblade Welder from Destiny Islands, kind-hearted, a bit hardheaded and goofy. Next was RIku, a self-trained Keyblade Master, made a master by Yen Sid for passing the Mark of Mastery, mostly serious and protective of his friends. To the right of Riku was Kairi, Princess of Heart from Radiant Garden, under training from Riku, she was kind and smart for the most part, as a Princess of Heart she was supposed to be, finally was Lea, ex-Organization XIII member from Radiant Garden, he was mild mannered and cocky, gets into fights way over his head and loves to eat. Yen Sid smiled at the Keyblade wielders he had in front of him and beckoned them over.

"You four are going to a brand new world, this world is not like worlds you've been to before, in this world there are already monsters there, and there is a series of schools that train students to defeat these monsters and keep the peace in their world, these monsters…" He said and waved his hand and a beast with black fur and a pure white face made of bone was conjured up, however it was a hologram. "Are named Grimm. These monsters come in various shapes and sizes, just like Heartless and Nobodies. Grimm, however, are drawn to Negative Emotions, like Despair, Envy, Fear, these monsters will be what you fight when you go to the school."

The look on Sora said it all, he was confused and surprised at the same time, it had been a good 3 years since he was at school and he wasn't sure how he could sit in a classroom again, However before he could speak up, Lea called out for him.

"A school, Can't say I was expecting that from you, though that does sound interesting…"Lea's look of interest showed on his face, his green eyes closed in thought and then he laughs and smiles. "Okay old man, I'm game" He said looking at Yen Sid, the wizard smiled. Riku looked at Yen Sid and raised an eyebrow, "So… we're going to this school… what will we do there?" He asked the wizard.

"You four are going to be attending this school, you will be students of this school, to train to become better warriors… Sora and Riku, You two might have gained a lot of feats under your belts but you'll be quite surprised with how powerful these students can be." Yen Sid smiled and opened a portal for the four of them, and rubbed his beard. Sora and Riku where intrigued then Riku asked a very important question on his mind

"But Master Yen Sid… What about Xehanort?" "Ah Yes, We have time before then Riku, as for how much time that is… We do not know… but one thing is for certain, you all need to be more powerful… and Lea needs to learn how to summon his Keyblade at will…" "I'm trying old man!" "Even so… this world will be different from the worlds you faced before, I am not forcing you to go, but if you wish it, you may go." The wizard smiled softly and Sora looked at Kairi and Riku and smiled his big, goofy smile.

"Come on guys!" Sora called out and smiled as he ran into the portal, Riku sighed and followed his hyperactive friend. Kairi followed Suit and bowed at Yen Sid before leaving, Lea Chuckled and faced Yen Sid. "See you old man." The ex-organization XIII member said before walking through the portal, Mickey looked at his former teacher and smiled "Gosh, do you think they will be back in time?" "I have no doubt in my mind Mickey… and they will be back stronger." Yen Sid smiled as the portal closed.

(A/N) Thanks for reading this first chapter of SLKR, Thanks to ShinamiUchiha and Syntras for beta reading this. As for when the next chapter comes…. Depends on Chris not being Lazy…. He's worse than Sora! HEY!