Twoshot songfic of "Do It For Her". I'm... also Steven Universe trash so, um... sorry in advance?
Crossposted on AO3, with an A/N that credits the inspirations for this and links to their blogs accordingly.
This was getting to be too difficult.
Chat Noir practically collapsed on the rooftop, his beloved partner Ladybug following suit. He could practically feel his muscles burn with the aching soreness of pure physical exertion against such a long, drawn-out, tedious akuma fight. Of course, it wasn't like tough battles were anything new to the super duo, it was always something they could manage to do when they happened pretty occasionally. But these fights were becomingconsistently tough, the easy ones becoming rarer and rarer, and if that wasn't bad enough they were becoming more frequent too.
Seriously, that made the fourth akuma this week.
And it wasn't like there was anything wrong with how he and Ladybug fought, no, they stayed consistently in sync, always moving in tandem to one another, exchanging thoughts and emotions too complex to convey with simple words with a simple lock of the eyes. He trusted her implicitly with his life, and he could feel that she trusted him to follow her to the ends of the earth, to which it was his privilege to serve.
So it wasn't like their teamwork needed some work. As far as Chat was concerned, there was literally no way to improve on their perfect dynamic. They couldn't get any better, and yet the akumas were getting stronger. And it really was making it infinitely harder to save the day.
Which was a pretty big problem, now that he was thinking about it. But honestly, even though the facts presented themselves plainly in his head, he was just way too tired to even care.
Ladybug, faced down on the rooftop's asphalt, gave a moan that perfectly echoed and conveyed the emotions to Chat's thought process.
With his back against the roof and his eyes staring unfocused to the night sky, Chat found just enough energy to mimic her with a moan of his own.
He could see her trying to lift her arm with her hands in a feeble fist, but what she attempted to be a playful punch to his arm just kinda crumpled back to the ground before she could so much as graze him.
"Me-ouch," yawned Chat dully, more than happy to play along but not quite possessing the energy needed.
Ladybug lifted her head lazily, eyelids drooped down. "Is Hawkmoth on some kind of paid vacation? Because I seriously don't understand how he has the time to send akumas every waking moment."
Chat chuckled. Although it was quite possible Hawkmoth just found someway to manage his time so he could be evil more often. Which obviously wasn't good, but that butterfly man made it possible. Of course, since Adrien somehow always found the time to be Chat Noir on top of school, modeling, fencing, basketball practice, andChinese lessons, it didn't seem all that impossible for Hawkmoth to do his thing. Not to mention how much more packed that Felix's schedule was long ago…
"Seriously," Ladybug continued, gaining a bit more focus as she got into her rant. "It's not like he's supposed to be any stronger than us, he's just got butterflies and evil energy and all, his akumas weren't that hard at the beginning, why is he getting so much better?"
"We always find a way to win, though, My Lady," Chat tried, attempting to reassure her in some way.
Apparently it had the opposite effect. Ladybug just stared at him. "Someday we might not, Chat."
The pure conviction in her voice sobered him up.
She lied her head against the rooftop's gravel, giving a groan of frustration. "I just… Everything's getting harder and harder and we're not getting anystronger and honestly I know we need to dosomething about it but right now all I want to do issleep ugggh… "
Chat nodded, even though it went unnoticed by the faceplanting Ladybug. She had a point, after all… okay, she always had a point, that was nothing new, but still. While their teamwork was spot on (he refrained from giggling at his mind's pun), they needed to get better at actually fighting. It was one thing to blindly swing a baton around, and it was another thing to put years of fencing skills to use with a weapon that was definitely not a fencing sword, but to learn the full range of skills a baton had to offer? To learn actual fighting tactics that allowed him to better hold his own and not always have his weapon batted away? That seemed to be beyond his capabilities at this point in time.
Oh, sure, the suit gave him super strength, and there was a fair bit of muscle memory to his steps as time went on, but there still must have been a right way to fight alongside his Lady. He needed to find a way to be strong in the real way.
And of course, operating a yo-yo as a weapon must have been incredibly difficult for Ladybug, magic as it may be. Chat could see the frustration in her eyes whenever any of her attacks would just flat out miss or the akuma would knock it away as if itwasn't capable of bashing their teeth in. If Ladybug could find a way to use her weapon to its full potential to her advantage, Chat was sure she'd be all for finding a way to do that.
If they both wanted to get stronger, did that mean that they needed an… instructor? Someone to teach them the way to fight besides just improvising as they went along? He couldn't imagine there'd be many people who could teach two superheroes and be super awesome at fighting to know their stuff. Maybe he should ask Felix, see if he knew anybody that could-
Right on cue, the duo's Miraculouses beeped in unison, breaking Chat from his thoughts and causing Ladybug to groan. "I know I have two spots left, but I'm so tired."
Chat sat up, stretching his arms as he immediately felt more awake, considering his sudden revelation. He spared a glance at his ring, and he could see the paw pad and one little toe bean still a vibrant green. So, two left as well.
"Hey, Bugaboo?"
"Uhn?" she moaned.
"You want us to get stronger, right?"
Ladybug raised her head. "Yeah?"
"Well… I might know a guy that could help us out," Chat shrugged, not even sure that he would go for it. It's not like he'd been doing any crime fighting for the last three years.
Now attentive, she sat up and gave him a quizzical look. "You know a guy?"
"He's a great fighter," Chat explained. "Really skilled, really experienced. And he's definitely not the type to go all starstrucked for superhero celebrities, so we don't really have to worry about him getting distracted from teaching us all he knows." Not like he'd get starstrucked by his own brother. Or… starstrucked period.
Ladybug nodded slowly. "Okay… And are you sure that he could teach us?"
"Absolutely. I, uh… don't know if he would want to, though," he admitted with a sheepish grin. "But I could try and convince him. If I can get him on board, he could be a huge help."
Ladybug stayed silent for a moment, probably contemplating the idea until the final beeping of her and Chat's Miraculouses snapped her out of her thoughts. She stood up, took out her yo-yo and said, "If you can convince him to help us, then bring him to patrol tomorrow night, alright?"
Chat got up to his feet and gave a royal bow. "I'll do my best, my Lady."
"See you around, kitty." Ladybug grinned, throwing her yo-yo and launching herself off into the night.
Chat, alone, watched her silhouette fade into the murky colors of the city, and it wasn't long before a green flash of light enveloped him, signalling the end of his transformation.
Plagg popped out of the ring and immediately rested himself upon Adrien's shoulder. "I am juststarved, you better feed me when you find a way to climb off of this roof."
Adrien elected to ignore that little detail. "Do you think he'd go for it, Plagg?"
The kwami stayed silent for a moment. When he spoke, it was shockingly not to complain for cheese. "Hard to say. He's always been a real stubborn kit."
"And you're not?" Adrien teased.
"Hardy har har," Plagg groaned with a roll of his eyes. He gave a huge yawn and curled up on the boy's shoulder. "Take me home already so you can gorge me with cheese."
"That sounds incredibly gross, but okay."
As he tried thinking of ways to get off the rooftop without breaking a few bones in the process, Adrien kept himself hopeful that he could find a way to get his older brother to somehow train him and Ladybug. It couldn't be that hard to convince him, right?
"No," said Felix, turning his chair back towards the computer screen.
"Wh-c'mon, Felix!" Adrien groaned, poking his brother in the arm. "I need you to do this for me!"
"I already taught you the ropes of crime fighting, Adrien, there's not a whole lot more I can do," Felix said, pointedly ignoring the poking in favor of focusing completely on the computer.
Adrien pursed his lips, retracting his arm. "But these fights are getting harder , Felix, and you're the only one I know who can help us get stronger."
Felix said nothing, just continued to stare at his computer. It didn't seem like he was readinganything, either, he wasn't even scrolling the page down.
"Fe, please."
"I have a term paper due tomorrow."
"Plagg, help me out here."
The kwami jolted to attention, lying on the proportionately huge bed with a giant piece of cheese stuffed into his mouth. "Oh, uh, yhuh, whuh he suhd."
Adrien at least tried to have Plagg's incredibly unhelpful attempt have some merit by nodding desperately along.
After a long, deliberate second of staring down at his hand concealed by the sleeve of his shirt, Felix swiveled himself around to face Adrien with his piercing green eyes. "Look, I'm not going to teach you how to fight just so you can get yourself in over your head."
"I've been doing this for over two years, Fe," Adrien retorted.
"And I've done it for seven, but none of that is even relevant."
"Why is it any more different when I'm the one fighting akumas and you're the one who's already fought your bad guy?"
"Because your villain isn't deadly, Adrien." Felix refused to back down now, and Adrien could feel Felix's burning gaze betraying no emotions other than the sheer intensity of it. "Hawk Moth is just a silly butterfly man trying to follow in the footsteps of someone who's been gone for a long time now, someone who needs to stay gone. He thrives off of chaos and despair, but never has he come close to attempting cold blooded murder, and I'm not about to let you get near that sort of fighting when you're not fighting for your life."
Felix started to turn back to his computer, having conveyed his point.
"The answer's no, Adrien."
"I'm fighting for the Miraculouses, Felix. Mine and Ladybug's. And I'm fighting for Paris."
He paused in his tracks, sparing a glance at Adrien.
"I don't know how dangerous your villain was," said Adrien, "but Hawk Moth's getting stronger. And he might not be deadly now, but his akumas are getting worse, and it's getting harder and harder to protect our Miraculouses. If he gets his hands on those, there's no telling what he could to Paris. O-Or to Ladybug."
Felix was now fully attentive. His intense scrutiny while he himself betrayed no opinion in his eyes or body language unnerved Adrien to a very minor degree.
He surprised himself with how soft yet resolute he spoke. "Ladybug is my everything. I have to protect her, and that means we have to train to get stronger. I have to get stronger. I can't be a burden, I want to help!"
When Felix said nothing, Adrien's vehement words started to peter out into a sort of wistful plea.
"Please, Felix. The city needs us. It's our home, and Paris is your home too. Can't you help us protect it?"
It felt like eons as Felix just kept staring with that same scrutinizing look, any expressions indistinguishable on that sharp, angular face. Until, finally, he… nodded? He actually nodded? "Alright then."
Adrien blinked. "I-huh?"
"I'll teach you how to fight in the real way," Felix said, standing with his hands on his hips and a very serious expression on his face. "But you have to take this absolutely serio--OOF!"
Immediately Adrien just straight up glomped him, hugging him so hard and so fast that it almost made the elder brother lose his footing and fall to the floor.
"Uh, Adrien?"
Felix just smiled as Adrien nuzzled his head into his chest, the younger boy blubbering like fifty miles an hour.
With a chuckle, Felix patted Adrien's back.
Patrol time had come again and Ladybug was honestly worried that Chat wasn't here yet. Sure, it wasn't like they had any set time and sometimes they'd meet up earlier than usual, but it wasn't like Chat to be twenty minutes late. Especially when this was finally an akuma-free day. Although maybe that was more of a reason to take the night patrol off, now that she thought about it…
She shook her head. Ugh, no, Chat wouldn't just bail. If he wasn't feeling up to patrol, he would at least call and tell her. To just straight up not even come without prior notice was something Chatnever did. It wasn't even a plausible option, it just wasn't possible.
Maybe he was doing some last minute convincing with the fighting teacher guy he knew. At least that was more of a probable outcome…
"Hey, Bugaboo, doing some deep thinking?"
Ladybug whirled around, poised into a fighting stance. When she saw Chat balancing himself on his extended baton with that insufferable grin, she relaxed herself. "As a matter of fact, yes."
"I bet it was about me, wasn't it?" he smirked. "You just can't get me out of your head, huh?"
"Dream on, kitty," she snorted, definitely not about to admit how completely true that was.
"My Lady, I dream of you every night," he said, probably thinking that he was super smooth or something.
Ladybug leaned in, craning her head up to meet Chat's gaze with the most seductive look she could muster. Brushing her fingers against his leg and watching his face go seriously red, she spoke with the softest and silkiest voice imaginable. "Mm, what can I say?"
As Chat silently spluttered, Ladybug tapped his baton, enough to make it and him fall in a heap on the rooftop. She leaned down to bop him on the nose, saying, "I'm just a total knockout."
"T-That you are, my Lady," he stuttered, grabbing his baton and shuffling to his feet.
Seeing her cat so flustered brought her into an entirely good mood. When he composed himself, she asked, "So did you manage to convince this guy to help us?"
At that, Chat brightened. "Actually, yeah! He's got this abandoned warehouse we can go to, we can meet him there now if you want!"
"Abandoned… warehouse," she repeated. That didn't sound all that… appropriate.
Chat held up his hands defensively. "I know, I know, sounds kind of sketchy, but that's where he used to train, and if he trained there, then we definitely can."
There was some sort of implication there, but she really didn't want to bother trying to figure it out. "Alright then, if you're sure."
"I'm pawsitive."
She gave a glare that held no malice. "Just lead the way, chaton."
"With purr-easure."
True to its name, the abandoned warehouse looked abandoned. The entire exterior seemed to be completely corroded, as if any slight interference could make the entire structure collapse.
Ladybug eyed it with distaste. Surely it must've been some other abandoned warehouse, right?
"This is the place," Chat said, as if reading her mind. "It looks better on the inside, trust me."
"Are you sure, Chat? This place looks very… unstable."
He gave her a playful wink. "Don't worry, I checked it out earlier. It's supposed to look this grody so no one goes in."
"It's definitely working, then," she muttered.
"C'mon, he's waiting for us inside!" With a bounce in his step, he headed through the doors, Ladybug following along with ease.
Entering the warehouse, Ladybug was surprised to see how nice it actually looked inside. Sure, years of disuse had kept the machinery rusty and old, but the faded look of the walls and floors seemed almost nature-like. Weeds and vines grew out of the cracks in the stone, and while a fair bit of the ceiling was pretty much gone (actually, that pile of broken rubble near the corner of the large room seemed to have originated from the ceiling), it paved the way for the glow of moonlight to illuminate the entire area in a soft, mystical tone, bathed in the diluted pink and orange of the walls to create the illusion of daybreak.
All in all, it gave the warehouse a very archaic, mysterious vibe, like there was a history to it just waiting to be uncovered.
At the center of the room, standing amongst a rack of what Ladybug believed to be an array of weapons, was a blond man in a grey looking suit. She wasn't really close enough to make out any other details.
Chat tugged her arm, as excited as a kid in a candy store that sold cat themed halloween candy, and bounded over to the man, Ladybug quickly following suit.
"Hey, we're here!" Chat said eagerly to the man, the latter turning towards the-
...whoa wait THIS is who Chat meant?
"Glad you both could make it," the man (no wait Marinette you KNOW this guy) nodded. "My name is-"
"Felix Agreste?" Ladybug blurted out, still trying to process why Chat had gotten Adrien's brother to train them.
Both Chat and Felix just stared at her, the latter hiding his shock better than the former. "I… yes, that would be me. How did you know?"
"You're Adrien's brother," she said, more for her own sake than to actual answer the question. When she realized she would have to elaborate, she fumbled for an appropriate response that wouldn't indicate that she knew Adrien outside of her mask. "I mean, obviously, everyone knows Adrien Agreste so most people know you. Of you. That you're Adrien's brother. Felix. Agreste. Um… yeah."
Chat and Felix shared a look, but honestly she was just hoping that totally awkward answer would be believable enough for them. And it seemed to be, as Felix averted his gaze and cleared his throat.
"So, yes, I am Felix. And Chat tells me you two need training, yes?"
"Uh, yes, mmhmm, we need training," Ladybug nodded. "Hawk Moth's getting stronger, so we need to get stronger to have a chance at defeating him." She pulled out her yo-yo and kind of tossed it a bit. "If you know of any better ways to fight with this thing, I'm all ears."
"This will take weeks of training at the very least.And you both are willing to do whatever it takes to improve your fighting and yourselves?"
"Of course." "Whatever it takes."
Felix gave a curt nod, then turned to Chat. "Let's start with you first, then."
As Chat approached Felix, Ladybug stood there, a bit confused. "Oh, we're… not doing this together?"
"Separately," Felix answered. "I'm more adept at one on one, and as a fencer, a baton is more around my area of expertise than a yo-yo. So Chat's first. You can sit off to the side and watch if you'd like, Miss."
He motioned roughly to the wall, focusing more on getting Chat ready than Ladybug actual being there. Which did irk her slightly, but mostly because the looks he and Chat were giving each other seemed like they knew something that she didn't.
...well, so long as Chat was getting trained, she supposed it didn't exactly matter all that much. With that in mind, Ladybug situated herself against the wall and watched quietly.
Chat stood yards away from Felix, an extended baton in the former's hand, while the latter took out an old, rusty baton of his own from the rack of weapons.
"Remember, Chat," said Felix. "A baton is not a sword."
That seemed to throw Chat off a bit. "I… yeah, obviously, what's that got to do with anything?"
"Your fighting style is incredibly reliant with using your baton as a sword," Felix tsked, and Ladybug noted how very perceptive Felix seemed to be if he knew exactly how Chat would usually fight. "Those are two very different weapons, you know."
Chat snorted. "Says the guy comparing fencing to a baton."
"Hey, you of all people should know how adept I am at using a baton." Sheesh, what was with that lookhe was giving Chat? And then he smirked. "Ready?"
Chat met his with a smirk of his own. "Ready."
Felix immediately began to falter. "I-no, that's completely wrong."
He blinked. "What do you mean, Felix?"
Striding over to the cat boy, Felix stood next to him and poised himself in a specific position. "Following along?"
"Uh, mmhmm!" Chat mimicked Felix's stance.
Felix nodded. "Alright, everything begins with your stance. Remember… You do it for her... "
As he swung slowly, steadily, a firm yet gentle grip on the near end of the baton, his entire tone shifted into something more… passionate. His voice began to carry a certain rhythm as he methodically swung, shifting his weight on the balls of his feet at a consistent beat.
"And you would do it again."
Chat followed along to the best of his abilities, and although he was incredibly light on his feet, he just couldn't follow the consistent beat of the swings perfectly.
"You do it for her, that is to say, you'll do it for them."
And so they kept on training, focusing more on the best position for Chat to stand, giving him optimal mobility and the like. Ladybug watched on with a tinge of amazement, seeing the sheer scrutiny Felix gave the cat themed superhero.
"Keep your stance wide."
Chat widened his stance.
"Keep your body lowered."
Chat lowered his body.
Felix stood in front of the boy, baton raised. He mimed out shifting forward and back, and soon Chat was able to mimic him.
"And as you're moving forward, balance is the key."
Felix moved in tandem to his own words, effortlessly moving to his own rhythm. And damn it all if Chat wasn't trying, but it really looked like he was having a hard time truly following along, too focused on Felix than to his own steps. And that was crazy, Ladybug knew how expertly Chat could move when he wanted to, he shouldn't have been getting so bogged down over this.
"Right foot, left foot."
"Now go even faster."
"And as you're moving backwards…"
Chat stole an unsure glance at Felix, and Felix just gave him an intense stare, one he had been giving long before Chat had even met his gaze.
"Keep your eyes on me."
This went on for quite a while. Much longer than the scant few hours the night allowed them. In fact, these training sessions pretty much became a daily thing; Chat would be taught the proper stances and the way to wield his baton like an actual bato n, as well as the maneuvers to swing and block and twirl his weapon until this particular style became second nature to him.
A few days into this and Ladybug still hadn't had the chance to train for herself. Which would've been fine if Felix hadn't been so adamant on working with Chat alone, in such an intense way that it frankly scared her.
Chat gripped his baton firmly, his chest heaving with each purposeful breath. "Keep my stance wide."
"Keep my body lowered."
He twirled his baton in one hand, his stance wide and his body lowered.
"And as I'm moving forward-"
"Concentrate!" Felix snapped, causing Chat to drop his baton in surprise. "Don't you want her to live?"
Chat just gave Felix a determined nod, one thatmust have conveyed a deep, intense meaning because it gave her this pure, gut feeling of oh god.And it was at this point Ladybug was convinced that this wasn't becoming a good thing anymore, that that nod meant something that she didn't know even though she felt that she might have figured out what it meant and that frightened her.
Chat's stance shifted into something different, something careful yet somehow entirely reckless."Right foot, left foot."
"Yes, but put your whole body into it!"
She snapped her head to Felix, the man's eyes flaring with a burning ambition and his fist clenched in front of his face. The light glimmered off a certain black object around one of his fingers, and she caught just enough of a glimpse to see that it was a ring. A ring with a red jewel adorned in the middle and shaped like a cat. A black cat.
Why did that ring look so important?
Felix threw down his hand, obscuring the ring from view. "Everything you have, everything you are, you've got to give…"
"On the battlefield."
A man, suit bleeding into the dark of night, rushed his way through a flurry of butterflies, swinging blindly at the darkened insects even as more of them swarmed in each time, never impeded by the soft snowfallen air. Even as millions spread themselves far and wide over Paris as a harbinger of desolation and despair, nothing seemed to stop thousands of them from their single goal of keeping him from protecting her.
He refused to even look behind him, he knew the sort of discord that was happening to the city, any reminder of that was pointless when it didn't pertain to his single minded goal of just getting past these stupid butterflies and getting back to herthey shouldn't have even been separated in the firstplace.
Until finally, finally, he broke through.
And was immediately met with the clear sight of his Ladybug standing face to face with Papillon.
Too far, he immediately thought. Too far away, she was too far away.
She stood with her back facing her partner, but it was obvious that with her feet planted and her shoulders squared she had the sort of confidence that showed how entirely ready she was to face off against the cold, calculating, ruthless man that had killed people with his akumas, and only one thought rang in the hero's mind.
She's going to get herself killed.
He felt a twisting feeling in his gut, and if he were in any other situation he might have tried rationalizing it as just involuntary fear, or that he might have been concerned only because she needed to stay alive as a kiss from her would break his curse and not that he actually cared for this simple, reckless girl who spurned his flowery advances. But any and all logic was completely drained away and he was left with the raw, burning emotion that refused to let her die.
"When everything is chaos, and you have nothing but the way you feel…"
Because damn it all, he had come to care for her. And he would protect her at whatever the cost.
"Your strategy and baton."
From his perch aboard his blimp, Papillon deliberately gave him a lifeless yet sadistic stare, almost like he were daring the hero to take action, just as the akumas started to swarm back in and obscure everything, including Ladybug.
He brushed his fingers against the black ring he wore, embodying all that is bad luck and cursed like his namesake, and knew without a doubt that he would lay down his life for her.
His purpose resolute, Chat Noir grasped his baton and charged through the swarm of akumas.
"You just think about the life you'll have together after the war."
"And then you do it for her. That's how you know you can win."
Felix swung his baton, caution thrown to the wind, as Chat Noir successfully blocked each expert attack with his own baton. They shared a look, evident that they were completely on the same wavelength now. And considering how devoted to this ideal Felix was, that wasn't something she wanted for Chat to match with his own.
"You do it for her, that is to say, you'll do it for them."
For them…
Was it for Paris, Ladybug thought? Would Chat give it all he had, all he was for the sake of the city?
Of course he was devoted, but this sort of devotion that Felix seemed to bring out of (or worse, instill into) him?
Chat began to wring his hands out, continuous sheer gripping of the baton taking its toll. Felix shook his head with a slight, sympathetic grin.
"Deep down, you know you weren't built for fighting."
He looked up at Felix, alarmed, as if to say, 'No of course I am I can do this I am built for fighting', to which Felix met with a look of pure empathy.
"But that doesn't mean you're not prepared to try!"
Somehow understanding his words on a far deeper level, Chat nodded and readjusted his grip, his slight wince going unnoticed only by Felix.
"What they don't know is your real advantage."
The falter in his steps, however, did go noticed, and Felix went over and put his hands on Chat's shoulders reassuringly. Much like the times before, an entire, nonverbal conversation ensued between the duo in only a few moments.
"When you live for someone…"
And then Felix turned his head and looked at Ladybug, acknowledging her existence for the first time since all this training stuff had even started.
"You're prepared to die."
Ladybug gulped, the true severity of what Felix was asking of her partner hitting her full force.
Chat seemed entirely too engrossed on obeying Felix's lesson, and whether or not he was aware of what Felix was trying to teach (or hell, if Felix was aware of this) was hard to tell. "Deep down, I know that I'm just a human."
"True," said Felix.
"But I know that I can wield my baton and fight!"
Chat attacked the air, performing some tricky moves with his baton that would otherwise have been really impressive had he not been throwing his all into it.
"With my short existence…"
"I can make a difference!"
"Yes, excellent."
"I can be there for her, I can be her knight."
He stood so triumphantly, proud to have finally mastered using his baton, but holy hell did that just make Ladybug feel even worse.
He practically beamed at Felix, holding out his baton in victory. "I can do it for her!"
Felix did the same with his baton, speaking in unison with him. "You do it for them!"
And then with a grin of approval, Felix said, "Okay now do that again."
"Yes, sir!"
"You do it for them, and now you say…"
Chat, that sweet, sweet, devoted cat, kneeled in front of Ladybug like a goddamn knight practicallybegging to give his life all for her. And with a voice as soft and as peaceful as can be, he spoke.
"I'll do it for her."
Oh god.