Summary: What if Tony escaped the cave a few days faster than the original timeline? Therefore, when he treads through the desert, Rhodey didn't find him first, Rose Potter did. Rose, who was taking a vacation from her dimension, stumbles upon a dying man. So what does she do? Save him. Curse her saving people motto. FEM Harry! (MOD)

Disclaimer: Ichigo0-0Rose does not and will never own Harry Potter or Marvel in any way.

Ichigo0-0Rose: Hey guys! This idea came to me as I was re-watching Iron Man! Hope this goes great! :)

Chapter 1- Prologue

Pain. That was all Tony Stark could feel. Well that, and dehydration and hunger. He didn't know anymore. Everything looked the same in this desert. The sky, the sand, the sun…and he swore to God, if there was one, he passed that rock sediment at least three times already. Was he just wandering in a huge circle?

Tony looks at the ground behind him then in front of him. Well, he didn't see a trail of blood in his distance, so maybe either everything looks the same or he finally cracked and hit the level of hallucinations. Or maybe the wind was blowing the sand around him to cover it. He could barely make out his footprints.

"I wonder how long I've been here?" Tony thought as he fell to his knees and holding his hand to his chest. How is he still alive with this wound? Let alone the fact that he also doesn't have the energy to power the arc reactor for the electromagnet Yinsen put into him. He fell flat to the floor with his head to the side so he didn't take a mouthful of sand. His energy has depleted from him. He could barely move a muscle.

So this is how he's going to die.

He couldn't believe it. He had so much to live for. Gadgets to build. Friends, well only two really, to hang out with. New cars to drive. Girls to take a spin with. And this is how it ends. Tony sighs in defeat. If he was hidden away in a cave to build a nuke missile for terrorists, then he would bet that the next town, if it had any cellular service, was probably miles and miles away. It had to be far enough from civilization to not to notify the public (the boom would probably be something to raise heads), but close enough to get there by car for supplies. And since he only had wobbly feet instead of a car, he was pretty much doomed.

He flips himself over with whatever last minute strength he has, while grunting in pain, and stares at the cloudless sky. Arms spread out. Well, if he's going to die, might as well enjoy the sun and pretend he is sun bathing at his house in Malibu. He closes his eyes to what believes is his last, and says, "I'm ready now. Take me."

He only had about ten seconds to enjoy whatever he was doing before being startled by someone speaking to him.

"Um sir…are you alright?" A female voice to his right above him called out. "I'm on the floor bleeding probably a huge amount of blood, I can't move a muscle, and the shrapnel shell shards close to my chest are now closing into my heart because the magnet isn't powered. Of course I'm not alright!" Tony thought. He had to be dead now, and a demon or an angel, who was female (bonus!), has come to retrieve his soul.

"Have you finally come to take me away?"

"Um." The female voice says uncertainly. "Take you where exactly? A hospital? Because I don't blame you if you say yes."

"No, I'm dead. You're going to either take me to heaven or hell. But because it is me, I'll probably end up going into neither."

"I see. Well, um, I hate to burst whatever hallucinatory bubble you are in right now, but you're not dead. I think I would know."

Tony retorted back, getting slightly crankier by the second. "Was it because my inanimate body is suddenly talking or because no vultures have come to wipe me clean of everything besides bones?"

"I think I need to get you to a hospital sir. ASAP if I'm judging the blood I see you've seem to accumulate. Hold on sir, I'll give you a lift." The girl says soothingly as if she was trying to calm his anger slash sarcasm. So she had to be an angel!

"Tony. I'm not sir, I'm Tony." He said with his eyes still close. He hasn't open then once during his conversation with the angel. He was still in the denial that he was alive.

"Oh, okay Tony. My name is Rose. I may not be a health expert, but common sense is telling me this isn't the right time to continue our pleasant, civilian conversation."

Tony snorted. "By all means, do whatever the hell you want with my body. As long as you don't sell my organs, because that is a big no no." Tony tried to wave a finger up like a parent scolds a child, but the finger and arm went limp due to lack of energy and blood pumping.

"Okay, hospital now. Tell me Tony, where is the nearest city?"

"You don't know? I would have assumed you knew since you are willing to help me. Are you lost too?"

"Ah. I was just traveling until I saw your body."

"Well you might as well just leave me to die. I'm a lost cause anyways." Tony stated. "However, if you do decide to be a good Samaritan and not sell my organs, then can you take my body back to either one of my friends, Pepper Potts or James Rhody? They would probably like a body to see when they bury me six feet under."

"You're not going to die! Not on my watch!" Rose cried out.

Tony sighs. "Look lady, you sound nice and all; probably got a rocking body too, judging by what I'm sort of feeling as you hold me close, but unless you can magically heal me or pop us to the nearest population, I'm as good as dead."

Tony hears Rose whispers to herself thinking he couldn't hear her. "I can't believe I'm doing this. Hermione was right, I do have a people saving problem."

Rose sighs in defeat. "You're going to be my responsibility from now on! And one of the requirements of watching over you is to keep you alive. So hold on tight, and try to stay awake as long as possible. Oh, and try not to throw up."

"What?" That was the last thing Tony heard and thought of before passing out when his whole body suddenly felt like it went through a narrow tube.

Author's Note: Alright! We got through chapter 1. I'll be following the Iron Man arc on this one, but tweaking it to mould around with Rose. I don't know if it will crossover to the Avengers or not, but we'll see. I hope you guys enjoyed the story so far, and I'll see you in the next chapter! :)