Good day! I have no clue why I'm posting this! Probably because I'm bored.

...Definitely because I'm bored.

Anyway, the premise of this is exactly as the summary says. Have fun!

"And this will do what now?" Mona asked when Plague Knight handed her a recipe for his latest concoction.

Plague Knight fidgeted. "Well, it'll increase my height," he told her in a low voice.

Mona looked confused. "Why would you want this? Using a bomb-burst probably wouldn't be a viable option if you had any extra weight. The whole thing was designed around your current height and weight. Any more or less and you'll have to differentiate between your more powerful, likely more limited, bomb burst potions and your standard weaponry."

"But I don't want to be small!" Plague Knight growled. "I don't know why, but it's starting to get on my nerves that everyone is taller than me except Tinker. Forget it, you wouldn't understand, you're the tallest person in the village. Are you going to help me or not?"

Mona raised an eyebrow. "I don't see why not, but how is it going to work?"

"Ah, yes, about that… as much as I don't want to do it, the only way we could get it to work without messing with the brain's chemicals is with a pinch of magic." He held up a small bottle of somehow liquidized magic. How exactly it was obtained was beyond him, but apparently it was a long process involving a lot of chasing things around, so if they messed up and had to try again, they'd likely have to help get some more to cut a couple hours from the wait time.

"We're going to be using magic?" Mona asked, surprised.

"I know we don't normally use magic with alchemy, but I think we can make an exception this time."

Mona nodded. "If that's what you want."

"It is. Now let's get started!"

An hour later, they had made the desired potion.

"Are you sure about this?" Mona asked. "I mean, shouldn't we test it on another subject first? We've never tried anything like this, after all."

"We were only able to make enough for one person with the magic that the Magicist gave me. Trust me; it can't kill me more than once."

Before Mona could protest further, Plague Knight took the small bottle of their product and downed it.

They both sat there for several minutes, waiting.

"Well, it didn't kill me," Plague Knight concluded. "But it's not doing anything. I wonder what was wro-" Plague Knight stopped talking, cutting himself off mid-word. Mona looked at him worriedly.

"Plag-" She too paused mid-word. He was… shrinking. Mona probably would have laughed if she wasn't so worried, and knew that it would definitely hurt his feelings.

When his shrinking was done, he was half his normal height. Not only was he shorter vertically, but horizontally as well, so he was now as tall and skinny as a young child. His clothes and mask were not being affected by the potion, and thus did not change. His cloak barely stayed on at all, and was hanging half off his shoulder., his hood covering most of his face. His mask fell to around his neck, hanging there by the string that normally kept it in place. Due to his new height, it was easily as long as he was tall, and managed to hit the ground with a nice 'thud'.

The stunned look on his face would have been laughable if the situation wasn't so strange that it kept Mona from making a noise.

Plague Knight let out a whimpering sound that sounded vaguely akin to 'Huh?' as he looked over his new form.

"I don't think that worked," Mona said after a couple seconds, deciding for the moment that she wanted to be a smartass about the situation.

"No shit," Plague Knight squeaked in response. Mona couldn't tell if he squeaked because his voice had changed, he was just startled, or a combination of the two.

"What do we do?"

"I don't know." Plague Knight heaved a sigh, placing his face in his hands, which were covered by his sleeves, distressed by the outcome.

"I'll go get the Magicist," Mona said, turning for the door.

"Wait!" Plague Knight called out. Mona paused and looked back. "Can we not? I don't want this to get out."

Mona shook her head. "We need more magic if we hope to fix this mess, and you know it. We just need to make sure to keep her quiet."

"Alright, but what am I going to do? I look like a little kid! I won't even be able to walk around my own lab without being laughed at if they find out about this!"

"'They'? Who are you worried about, your minions? Just blow up any that do, they'll learn that you're still something to fear."

"But still…"

Mona could tell Plague Knight was uncomfortable about the whole mess, so she told him, "Very well then. We'll just have to fabricate a new persona for you."

"A what?" Plague Knight asked, confused.

"If you're stuck looking like a little kid, you might as well have some fun and act like one," Mona explained in a rather cryptic manner.

"You expect me to become the child that I look like?"

"Unless you want to reveal to your crew your little mishap."

"Fine. But how does a little kid act, exactly?"

Mona blinked in surprise. "Hyper," she replied after a moment of thought.

"That's it?"

"Obnoxious, needy, and overly curious."

"Ok, the latter one, I can pull off… I hope."

Mona nodded. "Good. Think about it while I go get the Magicist."

And so Mona left, leaving her now tiny partner to sit there and sulk. Moving around was not an option, unless he wanted to throw off his oversized (technically normal sized) clothes, which would be awkward as all hell when Mona returned with the Magicist. So, he settled with sitting down, grabbing his mask and chucking it across the room angrily. He scooted over to a nearby wall and leaned against it, closing his eyes with an aggravated sigh.

Several minutes passed, and Plague Knight didn't move, even with the door opened. "Plague Knight?" Mona called out as she entered. "What are you doing?" There was no response.

Mona walked over to him, crouching and poking him. He jumped, looking at her like she just popped up out of thin air. "Give me some warning!" He told her.

"I did, you just failed to notice."

Plague Knight grumbled something and leaned his head back on the wall.

"Aw, does someone need a hug?"

Plague Knight turned his head and looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "What could that possibly do for me?"

Mona mirrored the look. "Have you had anyone show any affection towards you, ever?"

"My parents gave me a wide berth," Plague Knight explained.

Mona nodded in understanding; no one had particularly liked her either. But at least she knew what a hug could do for a person.

Feeling bad for her friend, she picked him up, pulling him into a hug more or less against his will. He didn't resist, but mostly because he was too confused to do anything. After a moment, he relaxed, and a small smile appeared on his face.

Several minutes passed, and the Magicist got annoyed. "Ahem?"

Mona and Plague Knight looked up at her. "Oops," Mona said sheepishly, hastily placing Plague Knight, who grumbled unhappily, back on the ground.

The Magicist looked at Plague Knight, who had swiftly returned to his withdrawn side. "What did you do, exactly?"

Mona got the recipe they had used.

After looking it over, she concluded, "You were using the magic all wrong."

"Well, excuse me for studying alchemy all my life instead of magic," Plague Knight replied grumpily.

"On the bright side, though, it's a simple fix, provided we can get the magic necessary for the act."

Plague Knight nodded. "And how do we get that?"

"It's… complicated. We'll have to do it in a couple days."

Plague Knight stamped his foot on the ground. "We'll do it today!" Mona tried and failed to suppress a snicker, which Plague Knight noticed. "What are you laughing at?"

"You," she informed him. "You unintentionally pull off the little kid act so well!"

Plague Knight scowled, which only served to increase Mona's laughter.

The Magicist, also seemingly amused, told him, "I'm afraid that's not possible. We need to gather the materials, the subjects from which we'll get the magic from… It's all a bit of a mess. You're just going to have to adjust to your new body for a couple of days."

Plague Knight sighed. "Fine."

"Good. Now, what was it you decided upon doing to keep your team from knowing?"

"I'm going to pose as a little kid."

"Have you decided upon a name?"

Plague Knight frowned. "No, I haven't." He looked up to Mona. "Got any bright ideas?"

"Um, Erebus?"

"What, no, where did you even get that?"

Mona shrugged. "I don't know. Thanatos?"

For several minutes, Mona suggested whatever came to her mind and Plague Knight would reject them in turn. Finally, she yelled, "Fine, you're Adam, and you're going to like it!"

"Wait, I don't get a say in this one?"

"No, you're going to shoot down my ideas all day if I give you the chance! So, you're now Adam."

"OK," Plague Knight (er, Adam) muttered, stunned enough that he wasn't going to come up with a snappy retort.

Mona picked him up. "Good, now that we've got that settled, we need to get you some clothes that actually fit."

"Wait, where are we going?"

"To the village, where else?"

Plague Knight wasn't overly happy with the idea, used to getting forced away with a potential mob if he was seen too close without a guard to calm the crowd. Once, he had been attacked when he was out of bombs because he had gone out on a combat-heavy mission that ran him dry of his weaponry, leaving him to punch a good number of people when trying to return. He never quite figured out how he got out of that mess alive.

Mona picked up on this easily, telling him, "Don't worry. They won't recognize you."

"But what if they do?"

"How could they? They don't know your face, and you have the body of a child. You're much more paranoid than you need to be."

"You kind of have to be," Plague Knight reminded her. "We're studying something that's illegal, and we're constantly stealing to get the ingredients we need. Why aren't you paranoid?"

"Because we cover our tracks well. I go up to the village often, and they never suspect a thing, though they don't exactly like me too much because they think I can't be bothered to get off my lazy ass to do anything."

Plague Knight snickered. She was the least lazy person he knew when she got really into something. Of course, the whole apathetic side of her was just a ploy, but it amused him to no end to know just how well it was working. "Well, then… Onwards to the village!"

So, the 'chapters' after this are all going to be a bunch of shorts that revolve around issues that arise when a short character is made shorter still. Poor Plaguey. So the title has a double meaning!

If you think of a situation you want him to be in, tell me and I'll implement it. Otherwise, I'm not sure how long this will be. I do have a couple points in mind, so...

Also, question. Why is Mona not one of the characters on the list!?