Hey guys Qrious here for another chapter of Remnants of an age forgotten!

Uh, before any of you read I have a question, have any of you noticed something wrong with Team LNAR's name? And that Weiss wasn't in the SC members list?

For those that have noticed congratulations, for those that haven't worry not because I only noticed that when I was writing this chapter... Nora's name wasn't included in the team name. So to rectify that the team's name will change to LNNA (Luna). As for Weiss her position will be Sergeant-At-Arms along with Yang.

If any of you notice any discrepancies I may have missed please let me know, it'll be very much appreciated.

Also there will be announcement at the bottom about the something regarding the fics pairings.

I'll be honest... I kind of ran out of ideas for this chapter after redoing it a couple of times so the quality may not be great and some things may not make sense even though they have an explanation, so sorry about that.

PS: since there have no official or unofficial maps/layout/blueprint of Beacon Academy (that i've seen anyway) I'll be making a few liberties in some of the building layouts, hope you don't mind.

"How is there a tumbleweed a here?"


"Ustedes dos son idiotas. (You two are idiots.)"


"See where? I think we're gonna have to get you a system re-calibration Lopez."


Want me to teach you how to read people lips and communicate by hand signs?"


"Good morning Master, my name is Aisaka Taiga and I'll be your maid for today, got it?"



With Yang, Ruby and LNNA

After they had their lunch the group of friends went to Professor Ports class, it was pretty much uneventful other than the Boarbatusk Yang punched all the way to the next room. Though they did note that Team PNE, Weiss, Blake and Naruko weren't in attendance which was quite strange for a few of them, Naruto they could understand since the majority of his time is apparently taken by managing a TON of paperwork but Weiss, Blake and Pyrrha?

It's somewhat hard to imagine those three skipping class even if they have the privelege to do so, especially Weiss since she is the heiress to a well known company. Though they weren't sure about Eucliwood it actually isn't hard to imagine that the girl would be with Naruro since she seems to be quite attached to him much to Yang's chagrin. As for Naruko, she sent Jaune a message saying that she wasn't feeling quite well so she's currently back at Team LNNA's room.

Right now the teens were on their way to the dorms talking about mundane stuff. Yang then stopped getting her sister's attention "Something the matter sis?" Yang patted her skirt and put her hands in the pockets searching for something but didn't find what she was looking for.

"My comb's missing, must've left it at the SC room. You guys go on ahead I'll catch up." And Yang ran off in the direction of the SC room not waiting for a reply. It took Yang a few minutes to reach the Hallway leading to the SC room when she saw Naruto entering the room which made her smile. Seems that she'll get some alone time with him today and hopefully have true proper conversation with him about his disappearance without the others present. She ran towards the door and opened it "Naruto!" only to be greeted with an empty room.

'What the...' but she just saw him enter a minute ago, didn't she?

Yang searched the room in case Naruto was trying to pull a fast one on her which wouldn't be the first time he did so. In the end she didn't find him, there wsn't even any sign that anyone was even in the room. With a sigh she went to her assigned seat and found her comb, she pocketed it then walked to the door. Just as she was about to touch the knob she turned back towards the SC room and studied it for a bit, she shook her head and went out of the room.

With Eu, Blake and Pyrrha

After keeping watch over Naruto and Weiss and Eu's failed sneaking mission the trio followed the duo throughout Vale, discreetly of course, and follwed them to a clothing store called Ewige Schönheit. Weiss more or less had to drag Naruto in with the blond hanging on to a pole for dear life. The two were quite a ways away from them but they could clearly hear Weiss trying -and failing- to convince Naruto to come in the store only to get a vehemently refusal from Naruto.

Eu and Blake were quite confused as to why Naruto was so against going inside the clothing store, Blake is also glaring daggers at the heiress since in her eyes Weiss is making her friend do sometjing against his will. Pyrrha is looking at Naruto with a sympathetic look since she knows why the blond is so against going in there. Ewige Schönheit is a well-known clothing store throughtout Remnant for their horrendously high prices and their exceedingly high quality dresses, though for some reason they only sell them in no other color than white.

Chibi-devil Pyrrha appeared on her shoulder "Did you forget the other thing Ewige Schönheit is most famous for?" Pyrrha shrugged her shoulders not remembering what it was, Chibi-devil Pyrrha too a deep breath and shouted "WEDDING DRESSES!"

Pyrrha's eyes widened at the answer, wedding dresses? Don't tell her that Weiss is gonna... No, no that's... But stil...

While Pyrrha's mind is going through multiple system errors Weiss finally entered the clothing store with Naruto in hand who had a rain cloud over his head grieving about the fact that Gama-chan will be skinny once again. Blake and Eu, Pyrrha had to be dragged, followed them inside the building. It was fairly easy for them to hide due to the many racks of clothing in the store, it actually took them a few minutes to find them.

Then out of nowhere Coco appeared behind them "Hey gu-" the three of them put their hands over her mouth and 'shush'ed' her. The clothes enthusiast asked what they were doing in the store and they told her what had happened so far, by the end of it Coco was smiling as if she just won the lottery. And why shouldn't she? Her year's batch was absolutely boring as in nothing happened, at all, no drama no nothing. But this year's batch is just the exact opposite, here we have the President of Beacon's SC on a date in of the well known clothing store in Remnant with three people spying on them. And among those three she's sure atleast one of them is in l-o-v-e with the whiskered Prez... ok maybe a crush but you get the idea. Not to mention the fact that Vel was quite comfortable around him which was a surprise to her since she's never that comfortable around people she' never met before.

They soon set off and found them at the end of the store looking through party dresses, much to Pyrrha's silent relief, with Weiss holding a dress in each hand.

Naruto was looking at both dresses with a scrutinizing eye imagining how Weiss would look on each one. What? Weiss asked for his opinion so he's sure as hell going to give an honest one.

Naruto shook his head at the dress on the right, it didn't really... 'speak out' to him... or something but the one the left (the dress Weiss wore during Prom for those wondering) seemed to match her perfectly "The one on the left is better." Coco nodded at his decision.

Weiss looked at the article of clothing and looked at it then at Naruto "You think?"

Naruto nodded and found himself dragged just outside of the dressing room with Weiss telling him to wait just there, he never got a word out because Weiss was already inside the dressing room. He sighed with his head tilted down, he then looked around and then something caught his eye "Hey Weiss, I'm just gonna take a look around, call me if you're done."

"Huh? O-Okay..."

He walked to the door leading to the back of the store, he made sure no one was around before he went through. He walked through the store's storage area and exited the building into an alley "You can come out now."

As soon as he said that a person slowly flickered into existence in front of him. The person is female, if the figure is any indication, and is wearing cyan armor.

"As sharp as always."

"Wouldn't be able to call myself your commander if I wasn't." The two share a brief laugh.

"It's good to have you here Carolina."

The now named Carolina snorted "Please, aside from you and Winter I'm the only person who can keep an eye on the team."

"Don't forget Wash."

"Speaking of Washington, where's the rest of the Reds and Blues? The only people I saw were Simmons, Lopez and that purple guy being chased in the sky in a Pelican by the Vale Air force."

Naruto chuckled sheepishly with a hand behind his head and was about to answer and until processed what Carolina said "What?"

Carolina raised an eyebrow behind her helmet and spoke in an amused tone "Haven't you noticed the chase going on in the sky."

He craned his neck upwards and like Carolina said a Pelican is being chased by Vale's Air force. He pulled out his scroll and called the Pelican, after making sure that the call is in an encrypted channel, and was greeted with Lopez's helmet and the sounds of Doc screaming hysterically in the background.


"Sí comandante?"

"Lopez, why am I seeing one of our Pelicans in the sky being chased by aircraft of the Vale Air force?"

"U-Umm... *KRZZHT* Estoy *KRZZHT* unicaciones, *BEEP* (U-Umm... *KRZZHT* I'm *KRZZHT -unications, *BEEP*.)" Naruto and Carolina were looking at the Scroll with both shock and amusement.

"Did he just.."


"Are you-"

"I'm sure."





"I think I'll replace this weeks order of oil with super glue."


The explosion, which came from the clothing store, made Carolina jump up in surprise and pull her pistol from its holster while Naruto just stood calmly "What the hell!?"

"Nothing to worry about Agent Carolina." Carolina looked at her commander incredulously. Nothing to worry about! The explosion came from inside the store and if memory serves his female friend is in said store that just exploded. Naruto sensing that Carolina is being skeptical about how calm he is despite what just happened motioned for her to follow. They both entered the store and walked to where the dressing room is and found out it was ground zero of the explosion. And in the middle of ground zero is Weiss, Blake, Pyrrha, Eu and surprisingly Coco and they were all fine. Their clothes were a bit cut up in different places and is very dirty and Weiss is glaring at all of them.

"-can't believe this! Do all of you know what you just did!"

"And what exactly has been done?" all five of them widened their eyes and they all turned around to see Naruto walking towards them with a mix amusement and annoyance on his face being followed by a woman in cyan colored armor looking around the damage done to the store, everything in the store apart from the dressing rooms, the cashier and the clothes that Weiss has with her is either burned or has holes in them.

"Well-/You see-/Umm..-/I just got here-/I was forced into this-" they all spoke together then Naruto cut them off by raising his hand towards them and massaged his temple.

"Don't, just don't."

They were all surprised when they heard a shriek of horror coming from the counter and they all saw the owner of the store doing a perfect impression of The Scream.

"Who, who did zis?!" Naruto slumped and walked towards the manager. It seems Gama-chan won't be skinny, he'll be turned inside out.

Flight on the way to Beacon

As the sun sets on we find Naruto and friends inside a bullhead on its way back to Beacon. After paying for the dress Weiss got and everything that the five girls destroyed back at Ewige Schönheit Naruto decided that they had enough fun for the day in Vale and announced that they are all going back to Beacon. The trip to the airport up to mid flight is very uncomfortable for the four girls and amusing to the other two, during the entire trip Naruto was treating them to the Silent Treatment and he would not budge. Weiss and Blake didn't really mind it since they've been on the receiving end of quite a few times back then, Carolina and Coco were getting acquainted with one another, Pyrrha seems to be ashamed, of what he didn't know and finally there's Eu who is sitting quietly beside him looking quite depressed.

"Attention all passengers we are now approaching Beacon, strap yourselves for landing."

While everyone set to do just that Eu gave no indication that she heard the announcement, she continued staring at her lap with depressed eyes. She was shook out of her funk when she felt someone put on her seat belt for her she looked at the person who did it for her and found Naruto crouched in front of her with an amused smile on his face "Such a troublesome little teammate I have." he patted her head which prompted Eu to close her eyes to enjoy the feeling of hair being ruffled and let her remember of times past. A time when she just a dreaming child, a time before the incident.

When she felt his hand leave her head she looked at him again and he gave her a small smile while going back to his own seat, she wanted him to pat her head more! The others looked at the two with smile on their faces some a bit more strained than others.

After touching down they walked towards the courtyard and into an intersection that lead to the amphitheater that they just went through, left to Beacon tower, right to the dorms and forward to the main school building Naruto turned around to address the others "Pyrhha, Eu the two of you go back to dorms, same with you Blake and Coco." (hope those directions made sense)

"You're not going back yet?" Pyrrha asked her teammate.

Naruto shook his head and motioned it towards Carolina "Nope, she's actually one of the new guards alongside Simmons, Lopez and Doc and since Ozpin is either asleep or is suffering a caffeine overdose I'll be handling her paperwork."

Carolina snorted "Please, like the man could suffer from an overdose, wouldn't be surprised of his body is made out of the stuff."

"Well whatevs, I'm gonna go on ahead and get back with my team, they're probably worried since the store I was in exploded after all." Coco headed on inside but not before giving some final words to Naruto "Don't do anything I wouldn't do now Mr. Prez!"

"The two of us should head on back too." Blake and Weiss said there goodbyes before entering the dorms.

"See you later Naruto, come one Eu." Pyrrha walked towards the dorm with Eu following. Before she could enter the building Eu looked back at Naruto and Carolina, Naruto having an idea of why Eu stopped said "I'll be back before 8:30!" Eu nodded and entered the building.

As soon as Eu was inside the two member of TF Maelstrom made their way towards the SC room and rode the elevator down towards their underground base. They're currently walking through the hallway between the mess hall and the armory in silence when Carolina broke it"Can't imagine how much time and trouble they spent building this place."

Naruto nodded "Yep, it's also very suspicious of them to do so."

While the two of them are part of the same organization that exists to protect Remnant James and Naruto never saw eye-to-eye with each other on many things. One of them being the equipment that TF Maelstrom uses, James is in the position of wanting this kind of tech to be used by the people of Remnant to be used against Grimm while Naruto heavily opposes such an action. Especially when it came to the armor that the Task Force uses. The armor is strong enough to withstand a direct attack from a Deathstalker and has it's own shielding system and like Carolina's adaptive camo, add more enhancements to the armor. The fact it also runs on a different energy source other than Dust is also a plus, unfortunately for him though only Naruto has access to the power source that the armors as well as the vehicles run on.

Him also trying coerce him into convincing Ozpin into committing an attack on the Elemental Nations, now the Grimms homeland, is also part of it. Humanity doesn't have the necessary strength to fight a war in the Grimms own territory. Even during the early days of the Human-Grimm conflict even though humanity had the advanatge in numbers and technology it still wasn't enough to fight against the Grimm.

Also, putting the Task Force back together and putting him in charge of it once again after the Freelancer incident was his way of keeping an eye on him, not that it matters since the members of the Task Force are all loyal to him.

"You really don't trust him don't you?"

"Other than Qrow, I don't really trust anybody else in Ozpin's little group."

Carolina looked at Naruto with raised eyebrow behind her helmet, she actually thought that the blond trusts Ozpin all things considered.

They soon came to a door and Naruto entered first followed by Carolina, the room was quite small though it was large enough to accommodate four filing cabinets, a table with a chair in front and behind it and a large brown sofa.

Naruto took a seat behind the table while Carolina took the seat in front.

"I actually have a question Agent Carolina, if you don't mind me asking?"

Carolina made a 'go on' gesture and he asked his question "After the Freelancer incident and the unit got broken up everyone else stayed within the Atlesian military but you went off radar. Mind telling me why?"

Five hours later

Outside Team PNE's room

Naruto stood in front of his team's room staring at the closed door with a troubled expression on his face, the meeting he had with Carolina a few hours ago still in his mind. He rid his mind of the thought, he'll just have to prepare proper countermeasures if she's right. He took out his scroll and unlocked the door, he gently opens the door in case Pyrrha and Eu are already asleep and judging by the turned off light he'll go with 'they're asleep'.

He made his way to the bathroom and took a quick shower and came out wearing his pajamas, a burnt orange shirt and blue shorts, and was greeted by Eu who is wearing a white and violet sleep shirt with a cartoonish drawing of a bear on the front and scythe themed pajama pants.

"You're late..."

"It's only an hour-"

"Then be an hour early, leaders orders." Eu walked back to her bed and went back to sleep leaving Naruto with a sweatdrop on his head.

With Lopez, Doc and Simmons

Now back at base after being chased by Vale's Air Force for the better part of the day the three Reds disembarked from the Pelican on wobbly legs.

"F-finally back." Doc said hugging the ground

"Let's not do that again."

"Mis piernas ni siquiera deben ser inestable , soy un robot para ponerse a gritar! (My legs shouldn't even be wobbly, I'm a robot for crying out loud!)" Lopez complained.

"Then maybe you guys shouldn't have taken the Pelican for a spin in the first place." the three of them looked towards the hangar entrance and saw someone they haven't seen for a year.

"CAROLINA!/Perra. (Bitch.)" the three of them ran towards the former Freelancer.

Carolina was about to greet them back but a disembodied voice beat her to it "Welcome back!" a polite, chipper disembodied voice.

"Uhh, who was that?" Carolina asked.

"Me? I am the A.I, designation Cherry, assigned to this base. My role is to support TF Maelstrom with whatever they need during their stay here."

"Ooohh, so that's what that button was." Simmons said with a hand on his chin. You see, when he was at the comms center he noticed a button labeled AI, he had no idea what it meant so out of curiosity he pushed it and when nothing happened he just shrugged it off thinking it was a faulty button. Who knew it would unlock the base's Artificial Intelligence unit?

"At least she seems smarter than Lopez."

"Thank you!"

"Por lo menos yo estoy haciendo el trabajo real y no pegado a la base de contestar correos de voz. (At least I'm doing REAL work and not stuck at base answering voice mails)"

The hangar turrets suddenly activate and all were aimed at Lopez who grew quite nervous and for good reason, some of the turrets in the hangar were made for anti-armor purposes.

"Whose answering voice mails?"

Simmons and Doc looked at each other and each asked the silent question 'Why do we always get the crazy bitches?'

As for Carolina "I like her."

Time: Unknown

Location: Patch

"Now, before I continue just to let you know, I never witnessed the opening days of the Grimm invasion. Heck I didn't even witness the middle part."

The figure tilted their head in confusion.

What do you mean?

"What I mean is my memory after the 4th Shinobi War is blank or vague at the very least. You already know that during the war's final moments" he pointed over to the boy in the crystal "the brat over there and his emo friend were to seal the Rabbit Goddess but the emo one got himself killed but the brat managed to seal the Rabbit Goddess in the end, correct?"

The figure nodded their head remembering that the old fox has told her that much. Though she would prefer if she knew the boy's name, Kurama only ever really referred to him as 'the brat'.

Yes but you never told me what happened after the sealing.

Kurama laid down and got comfortable making the cave rumble slightly from his movements "Because my memory of the events after the sealing up to the final months of the Grimm invasion of the Elemental Nations is fuzzy at best. I can clearly remember something wrong happening with seal, how Kaguya was impossibly breaking through a freshly made seal, how the Allied Shinobi Nations almost started fighting amongst one another once again and how me and my siblings had to be sealed alongside Kaguya in the moon in order to contain her with the brat staying here in order to keep the peace. I basically blanked out after that and woke up a century later with my body wracked in pain, the brat in front of me bleeding quite heavily, Kaguya wrapped up in more seals than I could count and the surrounding area was just full of people and Grimm fighting and entire area just engulfed in a raging inferno." and he wasn't kidding. He remembers that the area they were at was the eastern parts of Hi no Kuni inside a large burning city and he, Kaguya and Naruto were in the middle of large crater in the city's center. The city was overrun with Grimm at the time with the defenders holding them off while evacuating the civilians with little success, and if fighting the Grimm wasn't bad enough there were humans fighting there fellow humans, it was hell on earth.

It was also the time that he first bled. As a being made entirely out of chakra Kurama doesn't bleed, unlike humans that need blood, water, food, air and etc, to survive the Biju only require their chakra to survive. It's also the reason why they can't be killed because if they are 'kiled' their chakra just scatter and they just have to wait a few years to come back into the world.

But that day he did bleed, that day he felt that he could be killed

Then what happened?

Kurama sighed "I don't know, the brat only told me the bare minimum. The moon exploded, my siblings and I along with Kaguya fell towards the earth, Grimm pouring out of our bodies, it wasn't until much, MUCH later that I'd find out that someone called Salem was responsible for all of this and when I asked the brat who this Salem was he never answered."

The figure palmed her chin, this is very enlightening, she noted to tell the others about this.

"And after that I was sent to Remnant along with countless others to prepare it for the Grimm while Naruto and whatever forces that could be scrounged up would delay the Grimm."

And that was another surprise to the fox back then, it seems that two decades after the war explorers managed to find unexplored land, the land had four main continents with a an island south of one of the continents. This would soon be called Remnant, the last safe lands of humanity.

And how long did they delay them?

"Fifty years."

The figure was stumped by the answer, Fifty years!? They lost Mountain Glenn within a month! It's even unfair to make a comparison since the Grimm in the Elemental Nations were much stronger than the ones in Remnant.

And how many managed to get back to Remnant?

"One." of the many people left behind to stall the Grimm and this Salem, Naruto was the only person to get to Remnant.

How did he get to Remnant?

"Turns out that the brat had made a Fūinjutsu portal in advance during the opening days of the invasion, one in Remnant and one in his clan's homeland. And before you start worrying, no, the Grimm and Salem can't use it."

The figure breathed a sigh of relief, if the portal was still open then- the figure had an idea but first they needed to confirm something.

But can you?

Kurama scoffed "Of course I can, who do you think I am?"

That's all she needed to know. The figure stood up and dusted themselves and looked at Kurama.

Well this has been an enlightening night, I thank you for indulging me Kurama.

"No, thank you for the company, it gets rather irritating here when all I have to talk to is Larry."

The figure laughed, Larry is the Ursa that let her in the cavern, Kurama always complained about Larry on how he is a 'big, lazy ass' and how he always seemed to break stuff. The figure took out a Scroll and looked at the time and their eyes widened like dinner plates. 6:27 AM!

Darn I better get going, the girls are about to wake up and who knows what Tai might think.

As the figure ran out of the cavern Kurama looked at Naruto, while he and the boy are friends -although it took Kurama a while to admit that- there are a lot of things that he doesn't know about that Naruto kept him in the dark on particularly on Salem, the century wide gap on his memories and Kaguya. He is pretty certain that the war against the Grimm has a conncetion between these three things and so far Naruto has yet to tell him anything about it. But he can wait, he trusts Naruto to tell him eventually, after all he's waited for more than a thousand years he can wait a few more.


Now as stated in the opening AN there's news on the pairing situation; someone may or may not be getting put out of the harem. I'm not saying who but I may take that person out but I'll be pondering on this 'till we get to volume 2.

Another announcement for those that don't read Naru Zwei thus not knowing what the announcement was, I'll be making a new Xover fic between NarutoxHighschool DxDxGundam Seed/Seed Destiny but I already encountered a problem with it, nothing big but the timeline and all the technical information is giving me problems. So it will either be a NarutoXHighschoolDxd Xover with Gundam seed/Seed Destiny elements though that sounds a bit meh, a NarutoxGundam Seed/Seed Destiny with HighschoolDxD elements or a full on Xover between three. And the explanations about certain stuff like factions, the mechs, etc. will be toned down, I'll only give explanations as i see fit or if there are things that will be different from canon because for example giving an explanation about the Earth Alliance, ZAFT, OMNI, Orb and etc. is headache inducing.

For exapmle, Highschool DxD takes place in Japan and Japan is part of the Earth Alliance but in the fic it'll be ZAFT territory and because it's different from canon I'll be explaining how it became ZAFT territory and only that.

Also tell me guys what you think about Eu, initially I planned to make her as a sort of little sister figure to Naruto and the gang but pairing them also seems like a good idea. So what do you guys think? Little sister figure or another heart fallen to the whiskered immortal?

As always leave a review, fave or follow. This is Qrious, signing out.