Author's Note: Even now, a year after I wrote it, One Week stands as my favorite among my Everwood fanfics. After being overly-consumed by "The Longest Day" and the massive depression in this season of Everwood, I felt like writing something with a lighter touch to it.

Epilogue: A Year After One Week

            Amy stalked the aisles of the drug store looking for him. Where did he go? This store isn't that big… Suddenly, two arms slipped around her waist as she felt familiar lips kiss her neck.

            Amy smiled brightly and turned around. "I thought I'd lost you."

            Ephram flashed a grin. "Never." Ephram pulled two bouquets of flowers from the plastic bag sitting by his feet. "Had to run across the street to pick up the flowers."

            Amy smirked and smelled both bouquets. "Good choices. But why two?"

            Ephram held out the second bouquet, filled with white roses, to Amy. "Did you really think I'd be caught coming back from a fruity, colorful flower shop without getting you something?"

            "I don't deserve you," Amy whispered in Ephram's ear as she hugged him.

            "No you don't," Ephram joked back. "So did you get what you were looking for?"

            Amy nodded, holding up the package of Twizzlers and a couple Sprites. "You were expecting something else?"

            Ephram chuckled. "So let me get this straight: I had to go to the flower shop while you bought junk food?"

            "I've got better taste in candy," Amy giggled.

            "Fair enough." Ephram walked over to the cashier and glanced at his name tag. "Hi…Tommy."

            The youthful man ignored Ephram's friendly gesture and scanned their items. "Three-fifty."

            Ephram silently paid, grabbed the bag and walked out the door. Amy took another glance at the cashier and quickly followed.

            Ephram rolled his eyes and opened the car door for Amy. "What was his problem?"

            Amy shrugged. "No clue."

            The two shared the twizzlers and soda in Ephram's car. They weren't in a hurry to go anywhere. Being together was the only thing on their to-do lists. Very little mattered outside of those boundaries.

            Amy placed her hand in Ephram's. "Thanks for coming with me today."

            Ephram shrugged. "Hey, I owed ya for offering to take that part-time nanny job my dad's been trying to fill. That last one was a total bitch."

            Amy smirked. "Madison? She seemed really nice-"

            "-for the daughter of Satan," Ephram hastily cut in.

            Amy laughed. "Well I was happy take the job. Gives me an excuse to hang around your house more often."

            As Ephram started the car, Amy glanced out the window and saw Laynie walking into the drug store with a yellow slip of paper. Looks like one of those drug prescription papers dad and Aunt Linda hand out. "Hey it's Laynie."

            Ephram paused. "You wanna go say hi?"

            Amy lightly shook her head and looked forward. "No, it's okay. I'm here with you. My number one."

            Ephram smiled and nodded, driving down the street. "So what do you think of my dad dating your aunt?"

            "I think it's great. They seem good for each other, though it's kind of weird to think about. I mean, if they get married, you and I will be cousins."

            Ephram tried to suppress a shudder and returned his focus to the steering wheel. "Heh, yeah."

            Eventually he parked by the cemetery and pulled one of the bouquets from the back seat. The two got out of the car and slowly walked up the hill, holding hands. Finally, they reached Colin Hart's grave.

            Ephram handed Amy the bouquet. Amy opened her mouth to speak, but Ephram stopped her.

            "You don't need to explain this to me. I've never made you do it before." Ephram backed away.

            Amy nodded and kneeled down, setting the flowers on his headstone. As she lightly spoke to Colin, Ephram watched silently, remember how much he wanted to fly out to New York to visit his deceased mother.

            After a few minutes, Amy was finished. She wiped a single tear from her eye and approached Ephram.

            Ephram offered her his hand. "You okay?"

            Amy squeezed his hand and nodded. "I'm fine."
