Hello the Author here and i just wanted to say even though Naruto looks a OP he's not the reason is because the lvl he's at 15 is not that high in his world remember he was lvl 1 while everybody else was 6-9. So i'm gonna make him master his skills enjoy the story and review since this is my first fanfic i want to know my mistakes.

Skill list

Gamer's mind: Makes thinking clearer. Negates negative psychological effect. Max lvl

Gamers Body: Adjust body so gamers body can be use use. Max lvl

Leap: Use 5 chakra to empower the body temporarily so you can jump: lvl 5 can jump higher

Chakra run: USe chakra 5 chakra to temporarily run faster. Lvl 5: run faster

Substitution jutsu: Allows to replace yourself with a nearby object. Lvl Max

Transformation: Allows to turn into anything. :Lvl max.

Range weapons(kunai, shurikens): Passively increased range weapons accuracy by 18% Lvl 5

Close range weapons: Passively increased close range weapons aim by 18% lvl 5

Obserserve- Get information. lvl 5 get more info. strength and weakness and emotions.

Rinne-Sharingan: Copy any Jutsu Users elemental affinities boosted, No elemental affinities gain, Genjutsu is 100% easier, Yin-Yang release 3 paths Unlock. currently able to use 2 tomoe in each eye. Further powers will unlock as character evolve physically and emotionally.

Hyoton: Ice lvl:5 all hyton techniques are named Hyoton. Hyoton jutsus consume 25-200 chakra

Crystal Release: lvl 5. Crystal release consume 100-300 chakra

Uzumaki Tai: Lvl 5. +20% physical resistance

Uzumaki sealing: Lvl 5: faster seals.

Doton techniques: Lvl 5: Doton techniques consume 5-300 chakra

Suiton techniques: Lvl 5: Suiton techniques consume 5-300 chakra

Fuuton techniques: Lvl 1: Consume 5-300 chakra

Uzumaki ken: +25% dmg all ken moves

Light Jutsu's: Lvl 5: light jutsu's cost 400-2000 chakra

"Okay so i got all my skills up to an acceptable genin lvl." said naruto after he was kicked out of his own mind. How did i get kick out of my mind he thought. Oh well the world may never know. "So i got 3 months of summer left I wonder what i should do with it."


New quest: Summer Planing.

Find thing to do in the summer

rewards: 500 ryo. Suiton scroll for the heat.

"Hmm i guess i can make a training schedule and complete some quest and also lvl up my skills, train my light chakra."

Quest complete.

Ryo:12100. suiton water bubble.

Would you like to learn the Jutsu.


After i learned the jutsu i decided to make my schedule. 5-10 a.m. physical . 11-3. Elemental and chakra training. rest. 4-10p.m. free period. 10:30 to 4:30 sleep. That seemed like an acceptable schedule. Since it's early in the morning and i'm gonna begin training tomorrow i went back to meditating and i suddenly appear in front of the cave again and i see a 27-35 year old woman with red hair and the most beautiful figure figure i've ever saw. So i ask her what anybody would ask if a pretty women was inside you. "Yo beautiful lady what are you doing inside me." "Well i wouldn't be inside if you're smartass of a father didnt seal me inside you now would I." "Can you believe that stupid minato sealed his own wife." "Wait what you're my mom but how." "Well let me explain you see the kyuubi was created from the 10 tails chakra so it was just a bunch of chakra given will and went we were fighting the kyuubi i sealed a piece of my soul inside you to help but it went wrong and my whole got suck and the seal and since my love t protect you was so strong i absorb the kyuubi and so here i am sochi.' "Now are you gonna get me out of this cage or do i have to ground you." "How do i know this isn't a trick." Naruto said. "You don't now open the damn cage or i swear to the ramen goddess i will kick you ass so hard not even your english counterpart will be able to believe it." "Yes mom." so how do i open this cage i thought to myself let's see its in my mind so... "Thank you sochi." You welcome ma." "Wait can you get out of the physical world." "No since i died." "Also all of the kyuubi chakra is yours you just need to unlock it." "How i ask." Suddenly her lips gave a twisted smile and she said "By defeating me." She charge at me and i did a backflip and landed behind her. Then i try to kick her head she dodges it and punch me in my stomach I activate observe

Kushina kurama Uzumaki

lvl: ?


ck:9,000,000 Hp: 9,000,00

stats: 900 all.

"Shit." "Language sochi."Kushina said sternly. How do i defeat someone in... my... mind... "Well fuck it." "I use all my will power and imagine her powerless." It work. "Well looks like you win sochi i'm proud of you. You have access to kurama's i mean you're chakra not but you have to transform and each transformation give you 1/9 of the chakra."


New skill learn.

Jinchuriki cloake. +9 to all stats. 1/9 of 9,000,000 chakra. Powerful regen. No debuff sin kurama is dead. Grows a tail of chakra for each state. Increase speed.

Due to kurama's chakra being claimed by you you're chakra has been merge.

Buff: Godlike stamina.

Well that's cool. "Sochi i have a little bit of time left you wanna talk." So i spent time with my mom crying, laughing, joking, playing doing all the things i never did until she went. And for the first time in years i went to bed crying tears of happiness.


Quest: Use Jinchuuriki Cloak.

Reward: Foxfire scroll. Cloak mastery.


Yawn. "Oh its 4:30 lets get to trainingand completing the quest." So the 11 year old got out of bed brushed his teeth, took a shower, got breakfast which was not ramen. Okay so ill do laps from 5-6, Exercise from 6-8, and tai from 8-10. Many exercise later(Imagine spongebob narrator voice.) Okay so I trained my jutsu and they leveled up by 1 lvl and while trying to create jutsu's i found out i can create dungeons and I.D. nice.

I.D.: Dimensional space to train and make personal dungeons.

Dungeons: Place where boss, monster, special items exist and can be collected.

Now time to try jinchuuriki cloke. So i created an I. close my eyes and focus on the chakra inside and pull with much force until finally after minutes of trying i got half of 1 tail.


Status: Tail mode: Ck:530,000

Man i feel powerful. "This is awesome i screamed while bouncing in the air."


Debuff: Jinchuuriki cloak can only activated while training or have need for it unless mastered the ca summon whenever you want.

Quest completed.

r:Foxfire, cloak mastery plus 1.

"Hmm that's a good debuff i wouldn't want to get powerful quickly." So weeks went bye with Naruto training and Naruto only manage to summon 1 tail. He also started getting quest to help people and deliver stuff and whatnot. "So i'm gonna visit the dungeon next week cause i don't know anything about the monsters."

Name: Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze

Level: 15 Exp:0/17,000

Titles: Dead Last, Kami's Chosen, Heir of Clans, Jinchuuriki of 9 tail fox, Prank Master.

Class: There is no class that can define you- Makes you unpredictable.

HP: 9000/9000

MP/Chakra: 20,000(+50%)=30,000 +1,000,000 per tail

STR: 5



WIS: 22

LUK: Fox's like- as the jinchuuriki of the the kyubi you became extremely lucky.

Point: 30

Money: 11600 ryo

Bloodline: Uzumaki Chakra chains, Namikaze chakra mould.

Skill list

Gamer's mind: Makes thinking clearer. Negates negative psychological effect. Max lvl

Gamers Body: Adjust body so gamers body can be use use. Max lvl

Leap: Use 5 chakra to empower the body temporarily so you can jump: lvl 5 can jump higher

Chakra run: USe chakra 5 chakra to temporarily run faster. Lvl 5: run faster

Substitution jutsu: Allows to replace yourself with a nearby object. Lvl Max

Transformation: Allows to turn into anything. :Lvl max.

Range weapons(kunai, shurikens): Passively increased range weapons accuracy by 18% Lvl 5

Close range weapons: Passively increased close range weapons aim by 18% lvl 5

Obserserve- Get information. lvl 5 get more info. strength and weakness and emotions.

Rinne-Sharingan: Copy any Jutsu Users elemental affinities boosted, No elemental affinities gain, Genjutsu is 100% easier, Yin-Yang release 3 paths Unlock. currently able to use 2 tomoe in each eye. Further powers will unlock as character evolve physically and emotionally.

Hyoton: Ice lvl:5 all hyton techniques are named Hyoton. Hyoton jutsus consume 25-200 chakra

Crystal Release: lvl 5. Crystal release consume 100-300 chakra

Uzumaki Tai: Lvl 5. +20% physical resistance

Uzumaki sealing: Lvl 5: faster seals.

Doton techniques: Lvl 5: Doton techniques consume 5-300 chakra

Suiton techniques: Lvl 5: Suiton techniques consume 5-300 chakra

Fuuton techniques: Lvl 1: Consume 5-300 chakra

Uzumaki ken: +25% dmg all ken moves

Light Jutsu's: Lvl 5: light jutsu's cost 400-2000 chakra

Jinchuuriki cloak: Mastery 1/9 1,000,000 chakra per mastery.

Hey author here i hope you enjoy my story and please review.