Alright! So I was originally going to do a Bella/Tanya but holy mother of god I can't write Bella in character. It. Kills. Me. Inside.

So! I decided to write this Emmett/OC story instead.

Rose and Alice may be a couple...sorry. I haven't decided yet though but if not that then Alice will most likely be single while Rose is with some random OC. This is because I have plans for Jasper's mate and they aren't Alice (Sorry I do this like every story where Jasper is involved.)

I felt my hair being pulled and shifted into a ponytail as I sat on my sister's bed. I was facing the window, looking out onto a tree and the dismal background I'd come to know as Forks, Washington.

I wanted to move to Portland with Phil's job but noooo. We had to give mom and her boyfriend some alone time and we needed supervision. Well Bella wanted supervision, I felt like the entire notion was ridiculous.

I had fun with my mom, we were similar with the flighty instincts and habits of getting ourselves into certain not so good situations. Bella was honestly the adult out of the three of us, she kept us fed and the money in check. I think the flighty bit was honestly where 'Isabella' and 'Ivalyn' came from, she was apparently on an Italian kick when she was pregnant. Mom just sort of went along with every idea I had, even if it wasn't the best idea.

Mom started ballet with me to drop it for yoga, then we started fencing which I stuck with for a little over a year before I dropped it and dragged mom into quilting. Now that was one of our worst ideas. I wound up sewing my pants and the edge of mom's t-shirt to my quilt leaving Bella to drive us back.

"Ivy?" I looked up from the rain spattered window to see my sister waving her hand in front of my face.

"Sorry." I snickered as I stood and stretched a little, hearing my joints pop as Bella's face scrunched up with disgust.

"If you're sorry, why do you keep doing it?" She asked sounding annoyed as she pulled on a sweater and pulled a hat down over my ears.

"Its fun." I declared with a grin as I moved the hat up a little.

"Its raining outside, not snowing." I declared when s he went to adjust it again. The second time she tried is when I swatted her hands away, saying something along the lines of 'hiss-hiss' with a little more spit than I meant to use.

"You'll thank me when you're waiting around outside." She warned as I shifted the hat again and followed her down the stairs. Charlie was already gone, old coffee and stale half eaten bread left behind on the kitchen table. I pulled on one boot then another as Bella opened the front door.

"What?" I asked as I peered over her shoulder to see why she was just standing in the middle of the door way.

"Weather here is weird." She mumbled as she went out the door, her coat's fabric rustled against itself as she took the steps carefully. I closed the door when I heard a "oompf" and glanced over my shoulder as I locked it.

"You get a 4. Didn't sound very enthusiastic." I declared, rating her fall as I stuck down a hand.

"It was wet. Anyone could have fallen." She glared at me as she took my hand and pulled herself shakily off the wet cement, it'd stopped raining it seemed.

"Right. Just happened to be you...Like last time...Like every time." I grinned as I stuck my hands in my pockets and started to walk towards the end of the drive way. We choose not to waste the gas when the grocery store was that close by, felt like the crustacean of a car would guzzle it. I jumped in a few puddles on our way to the grocery store then quickly got bored and cold when the water started to soak into my shoes and socks.

I was elected to push the cart, stopping every few paces when Bella saw something to check off of her list. Eventually I started to wander ahead of her, it was all fine and good until I ran into someone.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." I exclaimed as I went around the cart to help up a boy around my age. He waved me off with a good-natured grin as he stood, dusting himself off.

"Mike Newton." He introduced himself and held out a hand.

"Uh...Iva Swan." I stared at it for a second before quickly shaking it. I was expecting more of a 'what the hell is wrong with you, look where you're going' kinda thing, not a 'hey how are you?'. I didn't want to say my name to this kid that potentially was going to high school with me. When your name sounds like you coughed at the beginning of Evalyn and someone wrote it down, you didn't go around shouting it from the rooftops, especially not in high school. Kids were frickin' vicious.

"Oh yeah, the chief's kids! Don't you have a sister or something?" He snapped his fingers as he remembered, running his eyes up and down my 5'1 body. Whew this is a small town. I opened my mouth to respond when someone else did it for me.

"Ivie!" I could hear Bella shouting and turned my head to see her speed walking with a head of lettuce in her hands.

"Shes right there." I smiled at Mike as I jerked my thumb back over my shoulder at her. She was only little over a year and a month older but due to the birthday months and the way Fork's school worked, we were together in the same year. It was a little exciting to know she'd be graduating in two years with me.

"Ival!-" She started to scold as I stopped her, slinging an arm around her shoulders.

"This is Mike Newton!" I exclaimed with a forced smile. Her eyes drifted to Mike who stood there smiling awkwardly as hell.

"Oh. Hello. Bella Swan." She'd started to try and scold me when I motioned to Mike, stopping her scolding in the process.

"Nice to meet you two! I'm guessing you'll go to Forks? I mean its kinda the only high school you could go to unless you went to Port Angeles or if you're part Quileute..." Mike continued on with us nodding every once in a while. Instead of yelling at me for disappearing, she now just sort of stood there nodding to herself and squeezing lettuce. A minute of him talking went by.

"Hey, well its great to meet you! We've gotta get back and all." I sighed and interrupted him when he went to take a breath.

"Of course, see you guys at school tomorrow!" I shook his hand roughly and pushed the buggy forwards towards the frozen area. Bella tsked at my rudeness once we were a little ways away from him.

"You would have totally just stood there all day while he talked. You're lucky I'm this level of rude." I waved a finger as her as she rolled her eyes and finally deposited the head of lettuce into the cart and checked her list off again.

We practically dragged everything through the mud and wet rain back to our house where Bella promptly fell in front of the stairs again. I didn't comment on it this time, she was unbalanced with the bags so I was giving her leeway on that. I stepped over her, putting groceries in the house when Charlie pulled up.

"Bells? Ivy, help your sister up for goodness sakes!" He motioned to Bella still staring up at the misty sky when I came out of the house. I walked down the steps to look over her frame. She glared at me.

"Do you want help?" I raised a brow as I hesitantly dropped a hand down to her level.

"No. I'm good." She pushed it away, moving to get up from her knees now.

"See? She's fine." I made a dismissive hand gesture to Charlie who huffed and muttered something to himself under his breath as he stomped into the house.

Dinner flew by which left me to unpack. I may have been avoiding this for a while now. We'd gotten here Friday, two days ago, and while Bella had steadily unpacked I put it off to hang with Jacob Black or watch TV, or go grocery shopping, or read a book, or play the ukulele...I'm really good at avoiding things like responsibilities and consequences.

When we were little, Bella was always the outgoing one, stepping outside before me. The tables had turned since we'd last come around to Forks when we were 7, I was now the louder, outgoing one while Bella stood next to me. She was protective still but more along the lines of keeping my ass out of juvy or getting kicked out of school. I started to fiddle with hair brushes and a string of lights that were tangled together.

I think how quiet she'd become had thrown Charlie off. On the ride home, she sat in front while I stared out the window in the backseat. He made conversation about her hair then said mine was curly. That was the first sign Charlie had absolutely no idea what to do with two teenage daughters. She was close to 18 while I was a close to a week.

"Bella?" I called out as I paused my fiddling, I swear I can feel eyes on me. Its kinda creepin' me out.

"What?" She asked expectantly, appearing in the doorway. I started to look around the room and elected to close the curtains from the dark outside. I couldn't see past the glare of room's light and that in itself sort of creeped me out too.

"Any idea where my Ukulele is?" I asked with a grin forming, trying to ignore the creep feeling in the back of my head.

"Not my tiny guitar to keep up with." She rolled her eyes and shook her head, turning and leaving for her room across the hall. I sighed as I slid into bed and pulled the covers up to pause. Oh. I was still in my jeans...I don't care that much.

I pulled off my socks with my toes and leaned over for the light, flipping it. I was left in darkness as I stared up at the ceiling with only my thoughts and the sound of rain hitting the window. I don't really want to do tomorrow. Or today really. I was good without either of them, it was Bella who got me out of bed.

"Get. Up." Bella was hissing at me from over the blankets, tugging on them.

"Just go without me." I groaned for a second time as I twisted the covers around my frame even tighter. She seemed to disappear for a while as I drifted back into a deep sleep.

"AH, COLD!" I screamed as I scrambled out of bed in a dazed panic. I got one foot out but the other was caught in the sheets, making me smack into the nightstand as I went. I pretty much collapsed on the floor, with wet hair and a wet back. One foot was still trapped in the bed spread and the other with a slight cut on the knee when I hit the furniture. I stared hazily at Bella through tired narrow eyes as she started to snort then bent at the waist laughing.

"Bi-tch." I snapped the first half out before I yawned and finished it. She shrugged still snickering as she left the room her, taking the half filled soup pot with her. I didn't even think Charlie had a soup pot.