At College Francois Dupont, the students were all in their seats as the teacher welcomed in a new girl who stood before the class.

She was about 14 years old she had long black hair with a streak of midnight blue in her hair she was wearing a dark purple shirt under a black leather jacket, jeans with a silver chain leading to her pocket black leather boots and her eyes were a steely grey. Many of the students were curious while Chloe looked unimpressed.

"Everyone this is Tala Marcus. She has come here from America." the teacher introduced them. She turned to Tala, "Would you please greet your fellow classmates?"

Tala looked up and spoke in a bored fashion, "It's nice to meet you all."

Over by Marinette and Alya, the blog girl spoke to the secret superhero, "Well isn't she a ray of sunshine?"

"Maybe she's just shy." Marinette replied.

As Tala walked to her seat around back, Nino spoke to Adrien, "Guess, that's one girl who may not be vying for you my man."

"Not that I need more than I already have." he eyed Chloe who was admiring herself.

Later on after class, the students were taking off. Tala was walking out with her hands in her pockets, only for Alya to call out to her, "Hey, there! Tala!"

Tala looked over at her, "Yeah?"

"I like to keep up on the latest data on the class and I was hoping to get an interview with you?" Alya requested.

"Whatever floats your boat." Tala replied with a sigh.

"Awesome!" she brought her over to a bench and used her phone to film. Tala crossed her arms, as Alya began the interview, "So what part of America did you come from?"

"I was born in Michigan, but I was raised in Alaska."

"Ooh. What's it like in the arctic?"

"It's cold," she answered bluntly, "My sister is opening a shop here in Paris, so hence the move."

"What kind of shop is it?"

"Clothes, jewelry. Anything fashionable."

"Ooh. Sounds cool."

"Yeah." Tala rolled her eyes.

"So what do you think of school here. From a first day POV?" Tala only shrugged not having an opinion, "Well, if you wan you can pal around with me and Marinette." she motioned to her friend who was being her usual awkward self.

"Is she always like that?" Tala noted her behavior.

"Yeah, but she's cool." Alya replied.

"And you want me to pal around with you girls?"

"Yeah. Better than paling around with certain others here who're worse influences."


"Over there," Alya motioned to Chloe who was as always bringing down one of her fellow students morale with Sabrina following like a dog.

"Jeez what crawled up her pants?" Tala asked.

"Chloe's the mayor's daughter and thinks she can do whatever she wants."

"Perks of being in an alpha position." Tala muttered.

"So just be weary if she tries to say anything hurtful to you. Or even get you in trouble." Alya warned her.

Tala replied with a smirk, "Don't worry about me," she got up and touched something her pocket, "I know how to handle bullies or anything like them." she walked off.

Marinette walked over to her friend, "Sp got everything ya needed?"

"More or less," Alya answered, as she looked over at Tala, "Seems that girl's kinda closed off in a way."

As Tala was walking outside the school, a voice called out to her, "Hey, newbie!"

Tala turned her head and came face to face with Chloe and Sabrina. Tala was silent as Chloe spoke up, "Listen up. At this school everything I say goes. Step out of line and there will be trouble."

Tala went to Chloe's face smirking, before answering, "Girl, you don't know what trouble is," she said and noticed Chloe's movement seeing hesitation, and answered, "You're not Alpha material," she walked off, and thought, 'Weakling.'

She continued to walk on while looking up at the sky, "New place. New life." she pulled out a flute shaped like crescent moon, and a little voice spoke.

"I love it when you play." Coming out of her bag was a greyish wold like creature.

"Try and keep a low pro, Zelena." Tala warned the creature.

"I know the drill." Zelena replied.

"I tell ya first day and it's been something." Tala began.

"I'll say. Saw how you talked down to that one girl."

"She asked for it."

"Over all, you look like you got some nice classmates."

"Yeah. Let's see how long that lasts." Tala said dismally.

"Not everyone is the same. Take it from someone who's been around for millenia. People are different."

"Well, maybe to you. But to me everyone I've met turned out to be the same in regards to me." Tala voiced her doubt.

"Tala, you need to try more." Zelena said.

"I gave up trying. Right now only one thing matters. That's why you were given to me."

"Yes. But there's more to life than just saving the world." Zelena reasoned, while Tala just sighed.

Meanwhile somewhere in Paris, a young woman was putting on a show with her pet python.

"Come one and all and me amazed by the lovely Sara and her darling serpent Carter!" she declared, before blowing on a flute which got the snakes attention, "Jump, Carter!" Carter the snake leaped up, "Nowdance." the snake moved around as if it were dancing

Just then a policeman approached, as he got through the crowd, "You have a license to be performing out here?"

Sara looked in confusion, "License? Since when does one need a license to entertain?"

"It's the law, and that snake of yours really shouln't be out in the open. It could very well hurt someone."

"Only if they provoke him or get too close," she argued. He's quite gentle. Around gentle people at least."

"I'm sorry ma'am. But you must pack this up and cage that reptile. Unless you want to be charged."

Sara frowned and spoke, "You just don't want anyone to express their talent. Come on, Carter." she put him in his cage and left as the cop made the crowd disperse.

Meanwhile in Hawk Moth's domain, he spoke, "No respect for the great talent. It can certainly stir up the anger in one. A perfect target for my little akuma." a white butterfly went into his palm, as he used his power to make it back, "Fly away my little Akuma, and evilize her!"

The Akuma flew off and found its way to Sara who was leaning against a wall fuming while holding onto Carter's cage. She held a snake charmer's flute and spoke to her snake assistant.

"He's wrong. You and I are a team. We're the best, no matter what they say."

The akuma flew into her flute and Hawk Moth's mask appeared over her face, "Pythonia, I am Hawk Moth. From now on you will have the power to command the serpents of the world and show the people the true might of a snake."

"With pleasssure." Sara hissed like a snake.

"In return you must bring me the miraculous of Ladybug and Cat Noir."

"As you wish, massster." she hissed as darkness covered her body.

She was no wearing a snake skin dress with a beady eyed mask over her face. Along with that Carter broke out of his cake and grew fifteen feet tall.

Soon enough the report was all over the news as the reporter was giving the latest, "This just in, a woman calling herself Pythonia has just taken control of entire zoo's reptile house's snake exhibit using a flute. All are to remain indoors and safe."

Marinette and Tikki saw the woman playing a flute with multiple snakes following her lead. What shocked them was the fifteen ft snake.

"Another victim of Hawk Moth." Tikki gasped.

"Why'd it have to be snakes?" Marinette sighed.

At Adrien's place, he also saw the footage, "Snakes, my least favorite reptile."

Plagg who was eating camembert replied, " Yeah why can't it be something cool like camembert?" Adrien rolled his eyes, as the two individual heroes called out.

"Tikki, spots on!"

"Plagg, claws out!"

The two transformed and headed off to stop the villain.

Tala who also saw the news bulletin in a TV shop window spoke to her own kwami, "Time to go to wok.

"Remember your ability to use sound. But if you use it you will start to lose power and change back. When that happens you go someplace clear and recharge. That is the power of your Lunar Howl."

Tala nodded as she reached into her pocket where the chain was. She picked it up revealing it was connected to a pocket watch, "Zelena! Howl it up!" Tala called holding the pocket watch out.

Zelena flew around and into the watch. Tala held it away as it changed to a grey silver with a midnight blue wolf print on the front appears. Tala swiped her right hand over her eyes making a silver mask. Suddenly her whole outfit changed to silver. She swiped her hand through her hair making wolf ears appear. She struck a pose and was ready to go to fight.

Meanwhile with Pythonia, snakes were slithering all through the streets of Paris while she rode atop Carter.

"Yes, my pets the city is ours. They will see the true beauty of serpentine." she declared.

Just then Ladybug dropped, "Sorry, but snakes don't have the best type of beauty."

"Ladybug. I've been expecting you."

Ladybug spoke holding her yoyo, "I can believe it."

Pythonia took out her flute and started playing a tune as the snakes started slinking up some poles and struck at Ladybug who used her yo-yo to swat them away. One went behind her going to strike only to be hit by Cat Noir's staff.

"Need some help my lady?" he flirted

"It would be appreciated." she replied.

"Now I have both of you right where I want you." Pythonia started playing her flute again.

The snakes started coming at them, as they used their weapons to swat them away. Ladybug spoke, "The akuma might be in her flute."

So let's end this tune," Cat Noir tried to get close, only for Carter to try snapping at him, "Whoa!" he jumped to a wall, "That's close."

Pythonia played another tune, and the snakes went around the heroes wrists restraining them, "Now to take your miraculouses."

"Yes, do it now!" Hawk Moth ordered.

Suddenly a new flute tune started echoing around the area, grabbing their attention, Where's that coming from?" Ladybug looked around.

The snakes were moving in a confusion manner. Cat Noir looked down at a nearby tunnel, "Look there!"

The looked seeing a figure coming down from inside the tunnel before exiting. It was the wolf hero playing on her flute.

"Such an ear splitting sound that overshadows mine." Pythonia frowned.

"Sounds a lot better than yours." Ladybug remarked.

The wolf heroine looked up at Pythonia while aiming the blade flute at her, "I will not allow villain scum to desecrate this city."

"Wow, she's got a way with words." Cat Noir admitted.

"But who is she?" Ladybug wondered.

"I will not allow you to interfere in my plans." Pythonia played a tune making the snakes attack her.

The heroine held the blade and swatted the snakes away as she made her way up to Pythonia. Hawk Moth's mask formed as the villain saw through the eyes of his servant seeing the heroine and spoke seeing the pocket watch.

"It can't be! Another miraculous? Pythonia, take that watch of hers!"

"Yes, master." Pythonia tried to attack the heroine but Cat and Ladybug stopped her.

"The odds have shifted yet again, Pythonia." Ladybug called.

"You forget I have my pets!"

"The snakes went at the three. They jumped aside and fought the snakes off, while Cat Noir called, "Hey, uh... What do we call you?"

"You can call me Lunar Wolf."

"Not bad." Ladybug said.

"With the three of us, this villain won't stand a chance." Cat Noir said confidently.

"Yeah. Three of us." Lunar said sounding unsure.

"The Akuma is in her flute. get it from her." Ladybug said.

"Ok. Deal with the snakes. Remember they have a major weakness their cold blooded." the wolf heroine explained.

Lunar engaged Pythonia in combat, as the villain was using her slippery snake like movements to avoid blows.

Cat Noir and Ladybug were trying to lead the snakes away, as C.N saw an ice truck, " Ladybug, let's lure them in here."

"Good thinking." she said, as they led the snakes to the ice truck.

When they were all in it, the two jumped out as Cat Noir powered up, "Cataclysm!" he used it on the doors of the truck locking it tight, "That'll hold that batch off."

"Let's help Lunar Wolf." Ladybug said, as they went back.

Meanwhile Lunar and the villain were engaging, as the villain spoke, "I'm going to skin you alive."

"I'd like to see you try." Lunar activated her own power, "Lunar howl!"

The pocket watch glowed as it transferred power to the blade flute. She started playing the flute releasing it's tune. The sound vibrates showing Lunar Pythonia's next move. The villain was going to strike at her side, but Lunar intercepted it. She twist her arm and tossed her Pythonia who spoke to Carter.

"Carter, sick her!"

The snake went at Lunar who block it with her blade as Ladybug and Cat came. Ladybug quickly activated her own power, "Lucky Charm!" Coming down was a fire extinguisher, "A fire extinguisher?"

"No fires here. Unless you the count the one that burns in my heart when I'm with you my lady." Cat Noir flirted.

"No time for your flirts." Ladybug said in annoyance.

"Agreed. I could use some help here Kitty Cat." Lunar called.

"I'm on it." Cat Noir went to help.

Ladybug looked around, as her mind started checking all her surroundings from a lamp post to a mail box and Carter himself.

As Lunar and Cat Noir fought Pythonia, the heroine spoke to the hero, "You got good moves for a cat."

Cat Noir felt insulted, "Hey, we're all heroes. Can't we fight side by side without letting species get in the way?"

"Absolutely. I'm not one for being a speciesist." Lunar answered.

Ladybug's voice came warning the two, "Get back guys!" Ladybug jumped from the lamp post to the mail box and as she went up to the air Carter tried to jump at her. She activated the fire extinguisher spraying Carter in the face blinding him.

"Carter!" Pythonia called, as the snake fell right toward her. She cried as it landed on top of her pinning her to the ground. She saw the flute in front of her. She tried to stretch out and grab it.

But Ladybug grabbed it and broke it in half releasing the Akuma, "No more evil doing for you little Akuma. Time to de-evilize!" she caught it in her yo-yo. She opened it revealing the purified bug, "Bye bye little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug!" she called throwing the fire extinguisher into the air.

It dispersed spreading her magic throughout the city restoring all the damage and all the snakes were put back in the zoo. Sara and Carter returned to normal, with Sara confused, "What happened? Carter! My little buddy!' she nuzzled with the snake.

"Pound it!" the bug and cat heroes did their fist bump.

They saw Lunar, and Ladybug spoke, "Hey, that's for your help."

"Don't mention it. It's part of the job."

"We all make quite a team." Cat Noir added.

"Team?" Lunar added.

" Yeah. We're all heroes and Hawk Moth's not going to stop until he has our miraculouses." Ladybug explained.

"So we have to stop him to make sure he doesn't get them." Cat Noir put in.

"Well, there's no way I'm letting him take my miraculous." Lunar looked at her pocket watch seeing one of the paw pads disappear, " Looks like i better split before I change back."

"Same for us." Ladybug agreed.

"Here's to our next meet up." Cat Noir said.

Lunar nodded as she disappeared from sight. The other two left as well. Lunar went down into a subway and came out the other end as Tala.

"Team, huh?" Tala asked while holding her miraculous, "Maybe I could give it a try."

"That's my girl." Zelena said with pride.

Tala took out a strawberry for Zelena, "Here. You earned it."

"Yum! Strawbery!" she ate it, as Tala smiled.

Just then her phone rang showing a text from an unknown sender, "Come to the school for a surprise?" She shrugged and hurried back there.

At Hawk Moth's lair, the villain frowned, "Another plan failed. But it's not a total loss. With the emergence of another miraculous, that means another power to take. Until next time, Lunar Wolf." the observatory window closed.

Tala walked into the classroom at school which was dark, "What the hey?"

Suddenly the lights came on and party poppers popped. The girl looked seeing everyone from class save for Chloe and Sabrina were present and standing under a welcome banner, "Surprise!"

"Welcome, Tala. Please come in." Alya welcomed her.

"What's all this?" Tala asked in surprise.

"It's a welcome part, of course." Nino answered.

"A welcome party?" she asked in confusion.

"Yeah. We wanted to make you feel welcomed." Marinette said.

"I don't know what to say," she looked at all the students smiling at her in a welcoming manner, "You all did this for me? A complete stranger?"

"You're not a stranger to us. You're in our class now. So you better get used to it." Adrien replied.

Tala smirked playfully and spoke, "It's a stretch, but I can dig it. So let's get this party started!" The students cheered.

Tala walked through the party and thought, 'Maybe this won't be such a bad thing after all.'

"So how're you liking this party?" Marinette asked.

"Not bad at al."

"You see the banner? I made that."

Tala smiled, "You made that? Wow you're just as good as my sister maybe even better."

"Really? What does she do?"

" Like I said fashion and jewelry she's opened a shop."

"Nice. I'm working to be a designer myself." Marinette replied.

Tala looked at Adrien, "So that guy, he's getting quite the attention."

"Oh, yes. Adrien is the son of my idol Gabriel Agreste."

Tala spoke, "He's all my sis talks about. One of the reasons she set up shop in Paris."

"Hope I can meet her one say."

"Oh, you will. Trust me you won't even be able to miss her."

"What do you mean?" Marinette wondered.

Suddenly a voice called out, "Yoo-hoo!"

Tala's eyes widened, "Oh, god. No!" she said feeling embarrassed.

Everyone looked at the classroom entrance. Walking in was an older girl dressed in a purple dress that looked like a maid's outfit, and her black hair was done up in ponytail.

'Why is she wearing that?' Tala thought feeling humiliated.

Boys like Kim, Max, and even Nino were awestruck, while girls looked amazed by her beauty. The girl looked at Tala and smiled brightly.

"There's my Tally!"

"Tally?" Marinette asked the girl.

"Her nickname for me." she suddenly found herself glomped by the older girl burrying her face into her chest.

"I'm so glad I could make it to your school!"

"Shayla, need oxygen!" Tala said with a muffle in her voice.

Shayla eased up, "I'm sorry. I'm just so glad to see you making so many friends here. I was so worried you'd wind up alone and sad. Oh it would just break my little heart!"

"Sister could you please try and not embarrass me here?"

"Oh, Tally aren't you glad to see me here? You're supposed to run into my arms and say Oh, Shayla I'm so glad you're here. And I'll say oh, Tally Im glad to be here too! Then I'll give you a big fat kiss and then you kiss me back and that would lead to girl on girl action. And wouldn't that be hot?"

Tala was trying to keep her cool, as Shayla spoke, "Oh silly me I'm going off on my little rants. Sorry about that, Tally, sweetie."

"Sis, please control yourself!"

Shayla looked hurt, "Oh, why do you have to be like that? Can you hear your own tone? You're borderline violent. You know I never asked for much. All I want was to showcase my favorite styles."

"Never going to happen." Tala replied.

Alya spoke, "I have to say that is a really cute outfit." she took a picture.

"Why thank you."

"Don't encourage her." Tala whispered.

Shayla spotted Adrien, "Ooh, that's Adrien Agreste the son of Gabriel. He's a cutie."

Tala thought, 'If she hits on him, I'm going to hang myself.'

"So have you found any potential boys here?" Shayla nudged her sis.

"Shayla, that's my business!"

"Sorry, but have you at least made any friends?"

"Well, a few."

Shayla hugged her sister, "Oh, I'm so glad. I'd like to meet them."

'I just hope she doesn't continue to overdo it.' she thought.

Shayla smiled at the class, "It's very nice to meet you all. My name is Shayla Marcus. And if any of you ladies are looking for the latest fashion and jewlery come by my shop." she held out a card.

Alya looked at the card, "Lady Shayla's Fashion Imporium?"

"Came up with the title myself." Shayla smiled.

'Which is decent compared to her other choices.' Tala thought.

"Now Tally, why don't you introduce me?"

'Might as well.'

So ala spent the party introducing Shayla to her classmates it allow Marinette and Adrien to sneak off and talk to their kwami's about Lunar Wolf.

"So Tikki, what do you think?"

" It's nice to have a third hero And it means this one isn't in Hawk Moth's possession."

"Yeah. So she acted kinda distant almost reluctant."

"Well you weren't so sure yourself in the beginning." Tikki reminded her.


Over by Adrien and Plagg, "She seemed all right. I just hope she'll continue to accept our help." Adrien began.

" I'm just hoping you don't start falling for her too." Plagg said.

"Not a chance. Ladybug's the only one my heart belongs too."

Tala meanwhile snuck away from the party outside for some air, "Well, that could've gone a lot worse." Zelena said.

"True," Tala admitted, while thinking of the other heroes, 'They seemed capable heroes in their own way,' she poke to her kwami, " I think I can get use to this place."

She walked back in seeing everyone. She smiled and resumed in the festivities. The scene froze as a shot of Tala with Marientte and Adrien behind them in their hero forms holding their weapons.