Chapter 4


It had been a long week and she was ready for some time with her friends. She had stopped at the store on the way home and had a bunch of different alcoholic drinks and some munchies. It was the perfect way to unwind from the mentally exhausting first week at her internship and Bellamy mentioned that he was going to invite some of his teammates over as well.

A knock on the door pulled her away from arranging the munchies on the counter. She had bought a lot because she was unsure how much hockey players ate and if it was anything like football players then it was a lot.

"We're here!" Raven cried as soon as the door was opened. She walked in followed by Monty, Octavia, Harper, and Jasper. They all wrapped her in a hug at the same time. Losing their balance they all fell to the floor in a pile of laughter. Bellamy chose that moment to come out of the bathroom. He took in the scene before him and licked his lips with a smile, obviously holding back a laugh.

"I didn't know it was that kind of party Clarke." Bellamy really did laugh then. "But I'm up for it." He added with a wink.

"Gross Bell, I'm your sister." Octavia said as she detangled herself from everyone else and slugged him in the arm.

"Well, minus you of course." Bellamy told her and she hit him again playfully. "Ouch!"

"In your dreams Bellamy." Clarke told him. Their eyes locked for a moment before Bellamy looked away with answering. But she could have sworn he wanted to say something else.

Monty held his hands out for Jasper and Harper and helped them up while Clarke and Raven climbed to their feet.

"Hey Bellamy, it's been a while." Raven said in way of greeting once she was on her feet. "Guy's this is Bellamy, Clarkes new roommate and Octavia's brother."

The boys nodded in greeting and Harper gave a little wave and nod. Then Jasper and Monty headed over to the food and started to stuff their faces like they hadn't had anything to eat for a week.

"Raven it's good to see you." He gave her a nod. "I actually know Jasper and Monty already. They hang around with O."

"Okay, so this is Harper." Clarke introduced them. "Now that that is out of the way, when do you team mates get here?"

"I told them around eight, so not too long. It is just Murphy, Lincoln, and Miller. Maybe some girl that Murphy picked up."


The boys arrived just after eight; it had been a long week for all of them with practice being so brutal. Eight to ten hour days of practice and then all of the med checks to make sure they were clear for the ice. Their first game was on Sunday so they had Saturday as a rest day. Today had been a short practice followed by their last med check before the game. They were all ready for a little unwinding.

"Hey Clarke looking good!" Murphy called to her as he came in the door. He took another look at Clarke and had to agree that she did look good. But he was actively not thinking about what she looked like or how she acted or anything besides the fact that she is his roommate.

"Thanks Romeo." She raised the glass of some type of drink she had just made up at Murphy in a silly toast. "However, I am not your Juliet, you'll have to find someone else." Murphy laughed in response.

"Guy's this is Miller, Miller these are Clarke's friends – Raven, Octavia my sister, Jasper, Harper, and Monty." He told Miller after he closed the door behind him. Miller's eyes landed on Monty and they stayed for a moment before he looked away and his cheeks seemed to flush. Bellamy looked over to Monty and saw that he was also a little flushed. Hm, he had known they both liked guys, Monty from O and Miller had admitted it to him one drunken night. He just hadn't thought about it much. But he was sure that if his sister noticed she would be attempting to match make immediately.

After introductions were done they all grabbed a drink and turned music on, Jasper and Murphy sat down on the couch and turned on the PlayStation and immediately became engulfed in one of his shooter games. The trash talking was started in earnest and he ended up sitting around the table with all the ladies and Lincoln as they played a game of cards. Miller and Monty had started talking near the island in the kitchen and hadn't moved much from that area in the last hour or so.

With one final drink of his beer he said, "Why don't we play a drinking game all of us can play?"

"What do you have in mind Blake?" Miller asked him from where he was standing.


"What is that?" Harper asked.

"You didn't go to any college parties did you?" Clarke smiled at her. "It is a shots game basically, we will all sit around a table and put our heads down not looking at anyone, then someone will say Medusa and you look up and look at someone. If you are looking into someone's eyes you have to grab your shot and get it down faster than the person you are locking eyes with. If you lose you take another shot. It can be a lot of fun."

"I'm down." Jasper said as Murphy shut the PlayStation off, controllers discarded on the small table in front of the couch.

"Sounds fun." Monty added.

"I'm in!" Octavia cheered as Lincoln got up and grabbed the bottles of pucker. Clarke had gone all out and bought all the flavors so they had plenty.

"Well you know I'm always down for this game." Raven laughed.

Everyone gathered around the table as Clarke started to pour out different flavors of shots and gave them to everyone.

After they all had their shots Clarke looked around at everyone and said "Ready?"

With nods from everyone they all bowed their heads. He couldn't hide the smile on his lips as he thought of who he was going to look at, he ran through where everyone was mentally and decided on playing it safe and looking at Murphy for the first time.

"Medusa!" Raven cheered.

Everyone looked up at the same time. He looked at Murphy, Murphy was looking at Raven, Raven was looking at Clarke, and Clarke was looking at Raven. They both smirked before snatching up their shots and downing them. Raven finished first. "Take that!" She laughed and pointed at Clarke who was also laughing.

Bellamy looked around at everyone else. Miller and Monty had looked at each other, Harper had looked at Murphy, Jasper had looked at Monty, and Lincoln and Octavia had looked at each other. Miller won between Monty and him and Octavia won between Lincoln and her. There was so shit talk between all pairs that had looked at each other before the losers had to take their second shot.

No one had been looking at him so he felt fairly safe of not getting too drunk with game day on Sunday.

"Again!" Octavia laughed and everyone followed suit and bowed their heads again. He didn't have time to think of whom to look at when Clarke said, "Medusa!" Because it had been her that had called it out he naturally looked at her only to find her eyes on him.


He grabbed up his shot a second too late and ended up finishing after Clarke. She laughed at her win and he was charmed. With a smile and a sigh he picked up his second shot of the night and with the other losers, Murphy and Harper, he took his lose like a man. The game went on like that and more times than not once he was feeling the alcohol he found himself looking to Clarke first. She seemed to look at each person around the table; no one was off limits for her. And she laughed each time she had to drink the loser shot.

They got loud and they got sloppy. There was lots of smack talk all in good fun and they all got to know each other. When finally Octavia broke in and said, "Enough. Lets play Dare or shot instead."

Jasper cheered and clapped his hands together! "Dare! I pick Dare!" He was clearly drunk.

"I guess you get to go first." Monty told him.

"YEEESSSSS!" Jasper shouted and hung off of Harper's shoulder.

"Okay, I get to dare you Jasper, since it was my idea." Octavia told him with a grin. "I dare you to give an intimate massage to someone here that is the same sex as you." Harper giggled and patted his hand on her shoulder. The dare set the tone for dares.

Jasper straightened up as if seriously considering it and then he looked around at the guys that were there. Murphy gave him a kissy face and Monty laughed. "You know you want too." Murphy told him and put his hands on his chest like he was grabbing his own nipples.

"What the hell." Jasper laughed and unsteadily made his way around the table to Murphy and proceeded to give him an 'above the belt' massage. After he was done he looked around at everyone and said, "Okay, Clarke, Dare or Shot?"


He acted like he had to think about it before saying, "I dare you to spin this bottle on the table and take the shirt off of who ever it lands on with your teeth. No hands."

Without hesitation she grabbed the bottle out of Jasper's hand and put it on the table and gave it a quick spin. The bottle spun rapidly in a circle before coming to a stop pointing directly at Bellamy. His eyes widened and he swallowed dryly as Clarke seemed to prowl around the table to him. "You ready for this Bellamy? I'm going to be good at this." She promised. Arranging his chair to face in her direction she knelt before him and lowered her head towards the bottom of his shirt, which also happened to be at his crotch. He watched her movements transfixed by her nearness. The voices of their friends became just background noise as her teeth grabbed a hold of his shirt and started to drag it up his stomach.

He felt the puff of breath come out from between her lips and blow across his highly sensitive skin. She rested her hands on his legs as she got higher. When she reached the collar area she seemed to realize how impossible the task was going about it the way she started so she let go of his shirt and it fell back down between them. She laughed, "Well that didn't work. Lets try this way." She moved to his arm and she grazed his bicep with her bottom lip as her teeth got hold of his sleeve. Then she started to tug down to release his arm. He helped by pulling his arm through the hole. She repeated the process with the other arm and the sensation went straight to his dick.

Biting his lip he held back his groan. Everyone else was still cheering and being generally loud, completely oblivious of his reaction. After his other arm was free she moved to his neckline. He felt her breath on his neck moments before her mouth was on his neck trying to mouth his shirt between her teeth. A light rumble was released low in his throat and he knew she heard it because she hesitated her mouth on his skin for a moment before trying to get his shirt again.

She pulled on it and got stuck on his jaw so she came back down and brought it up and over his jaw, her top lip grazed his jaw and the corner of his mouth and he sucked in a breath. It was like a slow seduction only he knew it was only the dare and that she wasn't trying to seduce him. Clarke pulled it the rest of the way off and what felt like hours but was probably only a few minutes was over. She held his shirt in her hand in triumph one hand still resting on his thigh. When her eyes came back to him and she said, "Your turn." He thought she meant it was his turn to take her shirt off before she added, "Dare or shot?" Challenge was clearly written all over her face and in her tone.

This night was going to be the death of him. "Dare." He responded. Go big or go home.

She stood up and circled his chair her finger poised on her lips thinking. She tapped it twice before grinning. "I know. I dare you to dance to a slow song, blindfolded, and you have to guess who you are dancing with."

As far as dares went it was pretty tame. Especially for a group of people that were just out of college, he wasn't sure what he had expected but dancing with someone was not it. "Uh, okay."

"Oh and I get to pick the song." Clarke informed him. She walked over to the I-pod and scrolled through it for the song she wanted. "Wait. Do you have a tie?"

"Yeah, let me go get it." He told her and went to find one of the only tie he owned.

"Ready?" He heard Clarke ask him from behind him after she covered his eyes and tied the tie across them.


At the nod of his head she flipped on the song she chose. John Mayer's 'Your body is a wonderland', it was the cheesiest love song she had on her i-pod and she thought it would be funny. She may be a little drunk admittedly and not thinking clearly, but it was the perfect song for Bellamy. As the first few notes came out of the speaker system she watched as Bellamy got a goofy grin on his face. His arms were held out like he was waiting for whoever was going to dance with him.

She quietly motioned the others to get up and help her tease him a little bit. Raven ran her nails down his extended arm as Clarke let the tips of her fingers run up the other arm lightly. Murphy grabbed onto his shoulders and gave them a few massaging squeezes before Bellamy said, "Hey guys, I thought I was supposed to guess who is dancing with me, not touching me." He squirmed a little as her fingers reached his still bare shoulders. Still feather light.

Raven tisked at him, "You're no fun Bellamy."

Octavia grabbed onto Clarke's hand and moved her in front of Bellamy then she gave her a light push into his arms as the song got to 'One mile to everything-'. She held in her instinctive drunken laugh as Bellamy's arms closed around her.

"Hmm," he hummed as he dipped his head down to smell her hair. His hands ran down her back and stopped at the curve of her back. "Female." He informed her and she held back her response as Murphy laughed from his now seated position.

"Good job detective." Lincoln laughed along with Murphy. "There are a few here, including your sister so watch you hands." Octavia laughed at that and then covered her mouth to silence the sound.

"Nope, she is not the one in my arms." He pulled her closer and she felt a warm spread into her core. Maybe this wasn't her best-drunken idea. "I know females." He told her as his hands dipped down to her ass before heading back up her back.

Jasper and Monty burst into uncontrollable laughter at his comment and she watched as a smirk curved his smug lips.

"Come on guess." Murphy cried as he took another shot. "Pansy."

As the second chorus started his hands went from brushing the ends of her curls to run down her back again and then up her sides. His thumbs brushed the sides of her breasts as he leaned into her neck and whispered, "Clarke." Almost mouthing it into her skin. But he didn't let her go and he didn't say it loud enough for everyone else to hear. Instead he ran his hands back down her sides and the bursts of heat in her core almost made her moan. Then he pulled her against him fully and she could feel her affect on him pressed against her stomach. Oh god, totally not her best-drunken idea. She would regret this in the morning.

She stayed in his arms as the song went on and their friends became a noise that she no longer heard. She was lost in his touch and then he lifted his head as the song ended and said loudly, "Raven. It's Raven in my arms." It was like a splash of cold water as he took off his blindfold and his eyes met hers. A slight smile was on his face like he was embarrassed for guessing the wrong name, had she heard him wrong? Had it been in her head?

She forced a laugh and backed up. "Wrong! Now take your shot."

He swaggered over to the table and she tried to compose herself while his back was turned. Then she followed him and took her place across from him. The lust in her didn't go away and she needed to chase it with something stronger. She grabbed her shot and took it and followed it quickly by another.

"Who's next?" Bellamy said after he took he shot. His gaze passed over her and landed on Jasper. "It looks like it's your turn." He pointed at him.

A/N ~ Sorry so long between updates. I had this half done and then my other half and myself decided that it was past time that we got married... so we had a wedding and got married and all that fun planning stuff in about a month. Whew! I was super busy with that stuff so this went on the back burner for a while. So sorry! Really hope it was worth the wait. Let me know what you think!