special thanks to the amazing Spamjamz from Tumblr for the cover art for this story.

rated M for

Course language


descriptive dark imagery

and sexual content

Chapter One: The Nightmare

Three years ago a bunny cop ran into a con artist fox; they solved a case together, and six months later that cunning fox became a cop and the lover of the bunny. Their names were Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps. However, their relationship being one of predator and pray they thought society would never accept them, but they were wrong, Nick and Judy were an inspiration to all the predator/pray couples and to everyone who believed love had a limit. After two months of being together Nick asked Judy to marry him, she agreed, and soon she became Judy Wilde. She took Nick's surname to make him understand that even though his parents had passed, she was there and was now his family.

Nick and Judy had built an undying love, one that wouldn't falter by a simple argument or fight. In fact, they only ever seemed to get closer and feel more for one another after a fight.

Nick told Judy she meant everything to him that he wouldn't know what to do without her, he told her she completed him that he was destined to be with her that they were to be together to the very end, and Judy felt the same.

Being a cop was something that was very demanding of Strength, physically and mentally. Having to chase criminals seeing dead animals and on rare occasions having to kill a criminal.

Nick had never killed before, but One day Judy had no choice, she had to kill. It had ripped her apart, but Nick helped her thought it he did his best to calm her through it all. After it had happened, both began to have thoughts about losing the other to the job, but those thoughts that plagued their minds had faded into the backs of their heads, well mostly.

After a long day working a double shift, Nick and Judy finally reached their apartment by seven PM and began their usual routine.

"So Carrots what do you want for dinner?" Nick asked with a grin on his face knowing exactly what she would have. Nick continued his question with a big smile, "Do you want fried crickets or a fruit salad?"

Judy looked at Nick with annoyance and responded, "What do you think I would want your fast food over my perfectly crafted salad?"

Nick answered sarcastically, "Carrots we got our food from the same place!"

Judy leaned against their apartment door and replied without hesitation in her tone as she looked at Nick who walked closer to her, "so that doesn't matter."

Nick hovered over her leaning against the door with one paw on it and the other in his pocket.

"And you know Cotton Tail; you tend to change your mind," he said with a devious grin.

Judy looked confused; she never changed her mind. Once she made a decision, there was no going back.

"What do you mean, I never change my mind?" Judy asked confidently looking up at him, thinking Nick had no evidence to back his claim.

Nick grinned while thinking, got ya! He then answered Judy with a slight increase in volume, "Last night, you said you were too tired to do anything after dinner."

Judy responded hesitantly having her ears fall slightly, "Y-Yeah so."

Nick had Judy right where he wanted her.

He answered her once more, this time with a little more contentment, while he removed his paw from his pocket and subtly rubbed his finger on her lip, "When we headed to bed you came on to me in a very energetic way."

Judy Blushed as Nick touched her lip, her face becoming very red and hot, and her leg beginning to tap on the door.

"T-That's because you d-do things like this," she answered with a stutter.

Nick stopped rubbing her lip then; he kissed her on the forehead.

"And you love me for it," he said joyfully as he stood up straight no longer using the door for support.

Judy moved away from the door then turned around and stuck a key in the doorknob, she twisted it, and it unlocked.

"Carrots you okay?" Nick asked worried he upset Judy.

Judy stood facing the door ears droopy with her keys still in her paw with the apartment one in the door.

Nick placed his paw on her shoulder and added apologetically, "I didn't mean to upset you I was just having fun."

Judy dropped the bag of food and the next thing Nick knew she turned around and jumped on him scaring him. Nick fell back onto the floor and was Judy on top of him, with one leg on each side of his toned upper body.

"Jesus, Carrots you scared me!" He exclaimed in surprise.

"Ha, I got ya!" She laughed out overjoyed that she scared him.

Nick then realized what she had done, he had made a bet with her a few weeks back saying Judy could never scare him and if she did he would have to do all her paperwork for a week, but if she didn't within a month, she would have to do his paperwork.

"Dammit! How could I have fallen for that?" Nick asked now shocked over the fact that he lost.

"Because I'm a sly bunny and you're a dumb fox," she answered as she chuckled.

"How did you know that was going to work?" Nick asked with bewilderment.

Judy smiled, then replied with content, "I didn't, just hoped for the best, but I thought since you were extra flirty with me, I could play the, too emotional card and then scare you. It looks like it worked, now you need to do my paperwork for a whole week."

"Fine, a bet is a bet," Nick said with disappointment.

Judy smiled then kissed Nick on the lips before getting up and off him. Nick then pulled himself off the ground and got over his loss within seconds of standing.

Judy grabbed her keys that were hanging from the doorknob and placed them on her belt. Then, she picked up the bag of food and opened the door to hers and Nick's apartment. Nick closed the door behind him and turned on the entrance light, then he followed Judy into the living room, and he turned on the light in there as well. Judy dropped the bag of food on the coffee table then sat down on the couch behind it.

Their apartment had a decent sized kitchen with a table in it, but neither of them sat at it for dinner, the only time they actually used it was at breakfast.

Nick sat down beside Judy then reached for the bag of food, he grabbed it and pulled out a plastic bowl that had a lid on top. Inside the bowl was Judy's salad, he popped the top off and gave her the food, then he reached into the bag again pulling out a fork for Judy and his fried crickets which were also in a plastic container.

"Here you go Carrots," he said with a smile giving Judy her fork.

"Thanks, babe," she replied with content grabbing the fork from Nick's paw and immediately sticking it into her salad.

Nick opened his transparent plastic container of food and tossed a few fried crickets into his mouth.

They both quickly finished their dinner, so Nick decided to turn on the TV. Judy snuggled herself into Nick's torso laying her head on his abs; this is what they did for hours most nights before getting ready to call it a night.

When they did decide to get ready for bed, they both went to the bathroom and brushed their teeth before heading to their room.

Nick opened the door to their bedroom, and he walked in while Judy followed him.

"Hey Carrots, make sure the alarm is set for five-thirty that clock doesn't seem to know how to go off when told to do so," Nick ordered with a peaceful, yet serious tone.

Judy nodded her head then walked over to the night table on the left side of their bed, on it was the alarm clock Nick was talking about. She picked It up and fiddled with the alarm settings until she got the alarm set for five-thirty AM.

"There it is set," she said with a flat tone.

Nick walked up to Judy and kissed her on the forehead before he said with a pleased tone, "Thanks, Carrots we wouldn't want to be late to work now would we?"

"No I remember the last time the alarm didn't go off the chief was so pissed," Judy replied with a louder tone as she began to undress.

Nick chuckled and added with a happy tone, "he was furious." Then he said with a deeper mocking tone while he pointed at Judy, "if you two are late again I'll have your badges!"

They both laughed happily, and Judy asked with a joy in her voice, "isn't that what he said the time before that?

"Yeah," Nick replied with a smile as he too began to get undressed out of his police uniform.

As he was undressing, he took his gun with the holster and placed it on his night table where Judy had placed hers. He undid his belt and left it on the floor with his pants. Judy saw him do this and it bugged her for, she liked to keep the room clean.

Judy made a grunting noise and said with annoyance, "Nick I thought I told you to hang them up in the closet."

"Come on Carrots I'm going to put them back on me tomorrow morning, why is it such a big deal?" He asked with slight frustration yet still smiling.

"Because it looks messy," she said annoyed by Nick's reply.

"Alright if it will make you happy I'll put them in the closet," Nick replied smiling at Judy.

Nick picked up his pants and belt; then he walked over to the closet on the other side of the room. He opened the closet, and the light came on once the door was open. Nick grabbed a hanger and hung the pants and belt on it; then he hung the hanger in the closet beside the hanger with Judy's uniform.

Nick loosened his tie and removed it from around his neck, and he unbuttoned his shirt, then he placed them in the same hanger as his pants and belt.

Then he said with a calm tone after closing the closet doors, "there you go now they're not on the floor."

"Now was that so hard?" She asked with a smile and a chuckle.

Nick walked by the light switch and turned off the ceiling light, leaving only the lamp on the night table to the right of the bed lit up. Nick removed his underwear and tossed them into a hamper of dirty laundry which was in a corner by the door. Nick jumped into bed beside Judy who had already gotten into bed and finished removing all her clothing.

Nick finally replied to Judy with fake exhaustion, "it was extremely hard, I almost gave up."

"Uh huh," she added with a flat tone.

Nick shuffled closer to Judy, and she leaned against him, and Nick extended his arm around the back of Judy's neck.

Nick looked at her, and she looked at him, then Nick said with a calm, joyful, yet serious tone, "you know I love you, right?"

"Yes, I know, you tell me at least twice a day," she replied with a smile of joy.

Nick then removed his arm from around her neck, he turned his whole body to her and placed both of his paws on her shoulders.

"I love you so much I don't have words to describe it," he replied with joy, looking deep into her eye seeing the purple glow and glisten at him.

Judy smiled and also said with delight, "I love you too."

Nick picked up Judy and toppled over with her in his arms; he kissed Judy on the lips breaking it after five seconds.

"Have I ever said thank you?" Nick asked while he, looking up at Judy who was now on top of him. "For believing, I could be something more than just a con artist, for loving me, and for letting me love you," Nick replied with a loving tone.

"Yes Nick you tell me this at least once a month, if not more," she replied with content and a smile.

Judy then fell over making her face meet with his, and she gave him a kiss for a few seconds before breaking it and lifting herself up and back into her sitting position on Nick's chest.

"Come on let's get some sleep," Nick said happily.

Judy replied with content, "yeah, I am kind of tired."

Judy got off of Nick and laid down beside him. Nick reached for the lamp and turned it off before he pulled the blanket over them to stay warm.

Nick moved closer to Judy, and he wrapped himself around her, and he gave her one last kiss, this one being on the cheek.

"Sweet dreams Carrots," he whispered softly into Judy's ear.

Judy made a pleasant hum and readjusted herself, becoming more curled up in Nick's embrace and her head resting on his upper arm.

Soon she fell asleep in his arms which made her feel safe for; they were relatively toned, the red and orange fur felt soft and warm on her face. The rest of her body felt the same for Nick's whole body was muscled, and his fur was soft all over him, and it gave off warmth for Judy.

Nick eventually fell asleep to the feeling of Judy's small, curled up, body in his grasp.

"Ugh ... Uh ... Judy," Nick murmured to himself.

"Judy! He exclaimed in worry not being able to find her.

He looked around not finding her in the whole ZPD, then ... BANG! Nick heard a gunshot, and he looked from the upper floor of the ZPD, he saw Judy lying on the ground by the front desk.

"No!" He yelled in anger and terror.

Nick ran to the stairs he jumped onto the railing and slide down it when about half way down he jumped off it and rolled to break the fall, then he continued to run until he reached Judy. He stopped I front of her falling to his knees.

Blood pooled around her from the bullet hole in her chest.

"Judy!" He exclaimed with a sob.

Nick picked her up in both his arms and her head fell back.

"Wake up please wake up!" He cried out, tears falling from his face soaking his shirt.

Suddenly, Judy groaned and tried to lift her head, but couldn't, so Nick moved his paw up to support her head.

"Judy h-hang on I-I'll get you help," Nick cried out with fear she would not make it.

Judy coughed blood splattering out of her mouth hitting Nick in the face and chest.

"Nic-," Judy blurted out with immense pain.

Nick looked at her with a faint smile, not one of joy, but of sadness, his entire jaw trembling in fear.

"I lo- ... Love you," she stuttered out in pain.

"I love you too Carrots," Nick replied with a whimper of sadness.

Then she gave her last breath, her heart beating for the last time, and her eyes giving life and joy no more. Her blood continued to spill out of her onto Nick's legs.

Judy was gone, Nick's only true love gone, and it broke him. He held her body close to him as he rocked back-and-forth whimpering until there were no more tears left for him to cry.

Nick mumbled to himself bleakness, "I'm sorry ... Judy ... Forgive me ..." Then he screamed out in anger longing the world, "no!"

Then, he awoke.

Nick flung himself up pushing Judy away from him waking her. Nick sat on his bed looking into the darkness of the back of the bedroom. He was panting deeply making his chest rise and fall quickly and profoundly. His body sweating enough to soak his fur to dampness.

Judy was in a daze she sat up and looked at Nick in the moonlight shining through the window, she was confused over what had happened.

"Nick," she said with worry.

Nick looked at her still panting without control, and Judy looked at him with shock. She could see fear in his eyes something she had never seen before, and it scared her.

"Nick," she said again with distress.

Judy crawled across the bed towards Nick.

"What's wrong?" She asked with a caring voice; then she placed her paw on Nick's shoulder.

Nick looked at her straight into her purple eyes with his emerald, tear-filled eyes, he threw himself around her and held her tightly.

When Nick did this, she felt his sweat, and how it had soaked him, she could also feel his heartbeat and how it was faster than it had ever been.

Just wrapped her arms around Nick and they hugged for what felt like an eternity.

Nick's trembling began to fade, his heartbeat slowed to its regular speed, and the sweat that once covered him dried.

"I-I thought I lost you," Nick whispered into Judy's ear with a small whimper in his voice.

"Nick I'm right here, you're not going to lose me," she whispered back with a soft reassuring voice.

Nick pulled away from Judy and said with despair, "I ... I saw you, no, I felt you die in my arms!"

Nick began to breathe quickly and unsteadily as he exclaimed in terror, "I felt your blood on my paws, I could feel your last breath on my face, I ..."

Judy pulled Nick back into her embrace, and she rubbed the back of his head softly to try and calm him while she said calmly, "Breathe Nick, just breathe, it was only a nightmare."

Judy breathed in and out with him until he calmed again, then she broke away from him and looked at him in the moonlight and city lights.

"Judy, I'm petrified of losing you, you're the first one I've ever loved, and it scares me to think you're not going to be here forever," Nick said suddenly with a saddened tone. "And that dream it ... It felt so real I could feel your blood on my paws," he added with discomfort.

"Nick, look at me, it's over you're not going to lose me," Judy implored, while she held near the back Nick's head with both her paws.

"I-I'm sorry for waking you," Nick replied with a sniffle.

Judy let Nick's head go, and her arms fell to his.

"Don't worry about it sweetheart," Judy replied with a content tone and smile.

Judy again kissed Nick on the lips; however, this kiss was different it was more than just a simple kiss, it was a one of compassion.

"I love you, Judy," Nick whispered with passion.

"I know honey, and I love you too," Judy replied affectionately with a smile of content.

Nick and Judy went back into the position they were in before Nick's sudden awakening. Just soon fell back asleep, but Nick, however, couldn't sleep, for he feared if he did the dream would continue and he would have to feel the pain of her death once again.

Hello and thank you for reading the first chapter of my Zootopia fanfic.

Please tell me what you think of the chapter by leaving a review, I always love to hear the readers feedback

Until next time