Rated M due Violence and explicit sex scenes

Disclaimer: I don't own them.

Well this is the last chapter of this story.
What a night they had, and both are quite ravenous you know?
Laurelin has right the Future is not written yet... she and Prime are writing it right now folks!

The Future isn't written.

The night's activities were so intense, and when give place to the day, they were already sleeping exhausted.

Laurelin is top of Prime, sleeping peacefully and he has a protective arm on her waist, and is in stasis.

Around the middle morning she starts to awake, and while doing that sees Prime's handsome face, his helm shining with the sunlight. The view is so beautiful for her, seeing her husband sleeping peacefully, she felt some movement in her waist, something caressing her, then sees,

Optimus open his optics looking at her, "Morning sleepy head!" Optimus chuckled when heard what Laurelin said, "Morning my beloved, how you feel right now? Ready for other round?" The girl smirked, "You are truly amazing, but I am hungry right now!" Then adds, "I think our yelling from our memorable night was heard by everyone here on this base." And laughs a bit.

Optimus look at her," Yup… I have to agree." He sits with her on his lap," So what you plan for now?" She says," Well… eat a good breakfast." He sighs, but for that we need to get out from here !" She nods," Yes we have… I am starving my Husband, and is your fault… you were quite energetic last night." He places a hand on her leg," You too my beloved, you were quite ravenous." He let out a smile, "Lets get you dressed my beloved." She Laughs saying," First we eat, then we make love once again."

Laurelin get dressed in 15min and Prime Increased his size to normal, pick Laurelin placing her on his shoulders.

When both left the quarters, noticed some humans… they glanced to them and whispered to the others about the couple, but never said nothing against them, for the contrary.

Lennox appeared," Morning Prime, Laurelin" The girl is set on the floor," Hiya Lennox, how was your night?" The girl blushed like a ripe tomato, "Well… ahem…" He just waves his hand," I don't wanna know Laurelin."

The Major look at Prime," Hey Big Buddha we need to discuss a important issue." He asks," About the Prototypes?" Lennox advanced," Well it appears that we detected a signal." Prime put his hand on the chin," I see, you don't know where is the signal?" The human answers," We are trying to trace it, Prime." The other crosses his arms over the chest," Good, my Autobots can help you tracking the signal." Lennox look at both smiling," Thanks Prime, now I will let you both eat a decent breakfast and enjoy the company of each other." Then whispers to Laurelin," Try not "destroy" the base with your… moaning." Laurelin blush hard, while Lennox leaves both stunned.

One month passed since that day, when they coupled again, Prime is away from the base and Laurelin works a lot in her dancing, Ricci well… coupled with Ironhide and loved each moment, Laurelin knew about it by Ricci.

Laurelin misses Optimus a lot, craving him a lot and FirstAid notices her mood, and calculated," I know you miss him Laurelin." She sighs," Yes and I am also worried with him Doctor." FirstAid places a finger on her shoulder," He will return to you, in one piece." Her look brightens," I know." He stays a bit quiet, Laurelin look at him and knew right away, "He's returning right FirstAid?" The CMO nods," Yes, it seems that the signal was false alarm, some human civilians found some scrap in a junkyard." She lift a ridge," What? Some junk, and no Prototypes?" The CMO nods," Yes, there was a body but half destroyed. Prime is bringing his body to be examined by me." Laurelin sighs, but she hears from the CMO," And you are healthy like a horse." She's stunned, " Like a horse? Where you learned that expression?" He laughs," Well I am among humans for so many years and catch some… quirks." Laurelin look at him fondly," You are remarkable FirstAid." My his look hardens a bit," Laurelin your body is adapting and if you wish you can carry sparklings." Laurelin smiles," I know that, the changes inside me are complete, now is my exterior that is changing and I will endure everything with my Prime and Ricci."

FirstAid smiles, not because of Laurelin but Ricci," Oh… I see, 'Hide is completed in love with her and coupled with her Laurelin and is having the same changes as you." Laurelin smiles," I have to ask Prime to borrow the matrix for them." FirstAid nods," I agree at least to accelerate her changes." But let out a smirk," Well… he's quite ravenous and Ricci loves that a lot." Curiosity speaks louder, "How you know such things?" That question caught the CMO by surprise, "W…well…" She crosses the arms over her chest, "Well?! You are listening behind the doors?" He cough a bit, he was embarrassed," Damn I caught you, FirstAid, you have no shame?!" He blushed hard, and is ashamed, " Laurelin please don't tell to Ricci and Ironhide." Laurelin look at the CMO," Ok… I will not tell them nothing, but never do what you did ok?" He nods, the human girl leaves the MedBay, "See you later Doc."

A day passes , Optimus returned to Laurelin's house, and when she sees him through the window left what she was doing and run towards him.

When he sees her, transforms to robot mode and changed his size to the human's, and hug her," My beloved!" And kiss her with passion, "Oh my love I missed you so much." He caresses her hair," Sorry my Beloved, tell me how was this month." She give him a peck on the lips," Yes I will."

Laurelin told everything while walking towards home, and Prime listened carefully, is happy about the news of her changes.

When they enter at home he sits on the sofa and places his hand on her waist," Why you don't sit here with me?" She replies," Well I need to prepare something for you to eat, and the sun is almost setting." He get up," Let's prepare the meal and watch the sunset." Both come to the kitchen and started preparing some food, energon.

"My employers aren't here, we can watch the sunset without being bothered." He placed the tiny cubes on a plate," Yes, we can enjoy ourselves, you can get some coverings to protect you from the cold." Then Laurelin looks through the window," You know I have hope for the future." He agrees and keeps listening," First you appeared in my life, we fall in love and right now we are living together." He adds," You are changing to one of us as well and can carry a sparkling." Laurelin smiles," I pretend to do that, I want to be a mother." He kisses his mate on the forehead.

Laurelin bring some pillows and blankets, going upstairs, she pretends watch the sunset and then the stars in her terrace, it has a great view to watch the stars, so she prepares a makeshift bed and adds the pillows to get more comfort.

She has a small table where she can place the food, "Perfect!" Thinks the girl.

"Laurelin what happened?" She heard Prime calling, and answers while raise her voice a bit," I am here on my terrace, making our bed."

When Prime hears her, pick the food and the drinks, placed everything on a tray and goes upstairs. When he climbed the stairs, sees Laurelin looking the skyline, and he goes to her, and places a hand on her shoulder, the girl leans into him.

They watch the colours of the sunset, shades of pink, dark orange and reds, "Your planet never ceases of surprising me." She ask, never turning around, " Really my love?" He says with a hint of surprise," Yes… I never saw a sunset with my human friends, they…" She interlocks her fingers with his, " Now you have my love, enjoy the view."

The sun is setting, and Prime could watch every detail, "Just beautiful Laurelin." She has the eyes closed, feeling her mate, even notices that he has his hand on her chest, "I am happy to be with you Laurelin, you taught me so many things. " She turns to him," I did that?" Prime nods," Yes, you gave me hope and faith in mankind, when I had lost it." She smiles," I am glad in hear that."

They saw the day giving place to the night, and a blanket of stars appears on the night sky, "Just beautiful… like you my Beloved!" She gives a kiss on Prime's forehead, "Thank you my love." Optimus lay her on the makeshift bed, "I want you my love." But the stomach of the girl growled, "Oops, sorry." Prime Laughs, "No worries Laurelin." Then she says, "First we eat, and then we will make love." He laughs.

They enjoyed their meal, and he says to her," Laurelin, you are remarkable and I love you!" She looks at him smiling," Oh my love, me too."

She drinks her energon supplement, "You know, our Future is not written." Optimus is surprised," Why you say that?" She explains," Well…no one knows what the Future holds for us, so we try to guess." Optimus is amazed," You never cease in surprising me with you wisdom Laurelin." She gives a sip on her energon," I never guessed that I would meet you, and yet we are together as husband and wife." He starts to understand her words," Oh I see, we don't know what the Future has stored for us." She nods," Yup… so let's live each day as our last one." Then adds," We have to thank to Cade Yeager as well, he help you in many ways, first repaired you, and then to hide the "Seed" from your Creators, kick Lockdown ass, and bring you to me, safe." He remarks, "Not to mention that supported us in our relationship." Laurelin wonders, "Now I ask, how is he, I didn't had the occasion in visit him." Prime decides give the news," Well he's ok and well, right now is working with us, has to stay incognito due Galvatron, he's our...Inventor per se.

But keep tinkering on his own inventions and on his property. " Laurelin when heard about her neighbour is happy.

When their meal is finished they put everything on the table, and lay down to watch the stars, she laid the head on Prime's chest.

He caresses her hair, and then ask," Why you don't sit here?" She smiles, sees Prime pointing to his lap," Sure, why not my Beloved." As usual the things starts to heat up and they end making love, wild sex under the star enjoying each moment.


Pass several years since that hot night, and Laurelin endured all the changes, she had to quit of her work as a dancer, but kept her farm, but never revealed to anyone what she is right now. Laurelin is a beautiful Femme, has several shades of pink but kept some human characteristics, but is a fierce fighter and no one dares to defy or threat her friends or mate. Optimus loves her deeply, and both live each day as their last one.

She and Prime are the parents of 3 beautiful sparklings; Renatus, Envangeline and Lilas, a Mech and two Femmes, they are loved by the two, Prime and Laurelin are good parents, severe but also have lots of love.

As FirstAid predicted she has 3 forms, human to blend among them, Robot mode and vehicle mode, and that made Optimus happy because he had met Laurelin as a human and he love her in her two forms.

But due what the humans did to Prime when she meet him, starts to get very cautious, knew that some of them tried to hurt them both, but never succeed thanks to Lennox.

And Ricci?

Well she endured the same changes as Laurelin, and is Ironhide mate, and can be very fierce in battle as well and sometimes Ricci helps Laurelin with the sparklings.

Laurelin met new friends, Knockout, an Ex-Con CMO who starts working with FirstAid, and he's a Good Doctor, he even help Laurelin with her pregnancies, and her… abortion due some things that had happened several years ago.

One Night they were stargazing when Laurelin says," Remember when I said that the Future was not written?" Optimus nods," Yes." She interlocks her fingers on his, " Well… we are writing it right now, I look into the past, and remembered what we passed together." He hugs her, "Yes, we are writing our Future my beloved, and for now we live the Present." He kiss her deeply, and when the things goes to get hotter…

"MOM… Renatus don't give the toy to Lilas!" Complains Evangeline, the couple looks to each other, "Well… let's put them to recharge Laurelin." The proud parents goes play a bit with the sparklings and then put them to sleep… the night is starting and the couple finds a way… to make love all night long without wake up the "kids".

"The love always find a way my love." Whispers Laurelin to Prime, "Indeed my Beloved, indeed!" And keep make love to her.

Primus is pleased by Laurelin, because she was the one who bring hope for a lost spark…Optimus Prime, and managed to return the hope to him, and in that moment the said god smiles ," Well Done my children." And keeps watching the couple who is now cuddling into each other.

Under the starry sky two souls are cuddling each other, seeking warmth and peace, they seek peace for the Future that isn't written, only the Present.


She endured the changes quite well, and she's the femme that is depicted on the several fan art, and when I said that she kept some human characteristics, her "hair", eyes and of course her emotions.

And she is a lovely mother you know? Will protect the sparklings with her own life, so beware Decepticons! She met some new friends, Knockout is one of them!
Ricci changed as well folks!

The end of this story is open, I pretend write several one shots depicting Laurelin's life while changing, her Children or some of her thoughts about the battles she will have.

For me was an adventure write a story without a translator, it was hard for me because I don't have the English as my first Language... but I learned a lot, and I could prove to myself that I can do that without problems, was nice!
I know it isn't perfect and has some grammar misspellings, and I accept gladly a healthy critic to improve not to demote ok?

I appreciate positive feedback, thanks!