Chapter One:
She could remember the day he proposed like it had happened five minutes ago. Every two weeks they met up for lunch formally. They did other things together, occasionally study in the library together. See one another at the few parties they went to. Haruhi had gotten to enjoy his company quite quickly as they were the only two relatively sane people in the Host Club. They talked classes and business and very rarely their personal lives.
Until they were, it was a lunch. The restaurant was much more posh than usual, Haruhi who usually paid for at least half of her lunch knew she couldn't afford this place on her best paycheck. He said it as if it was boring, as if he was asking for a dollar.
"Marry me." his eyes were locked with hers. Haruhi began to laugh as if he was joking. Kyoya shot her an almost offended look. "I' m serious Haruhi, I want you to marry me." They weren't even dating. "Kyoya?" "Haruhi." "You can't be serious." "Why would I lie or trick you?" "We aren't even dating!" "You don't always have to marry for love." "But I want to and you know that! My father…" "knows I asked him for his honor." "You asked my father!"
Kyoya put his hands up "He told me if I got you to agree than he would support your decision it's not like he is putting pressure on you." "Kyoya where is this coming from?" He took his glasses off his face, he was putting his guard down. He looked her dead in the eye "Haruhi, my father is retiring soon he wants to hand the company down to someone. He won't even consider me if I don't have a spouse." "And why does that have to be me?" "My father has always liked you, hes told me numerous times you would be the perfect wife."
Haruhi looked up at the ceiling in exasperation "so I'm just supposed to marry you and act like we are in love my whole life." Kyoya frowned slightly "no, for at least a year so I can get the company secure maybe a bit longer. Then I will be forever indebted to you. I will pay off any debt you or your father could ever have the rest of your lives. Even if we aren't married anymore." Haruhi looked at him shocked "you know I don't care about money!" "That's all I have to offer you!"
Haruhi felt her heart sink in her chest as she stared at his desperate eyes. He truly believed he didn't have anything else to offer her. Kyoya and her had never been her best friend but she enjoyed his company. "Kyoya I thought you were okay with being a doctor?" He looked down at his hands "I was, I'm the third son I didn't have much if any claim on the company I had to pave my own path. But then my father told me he was actually considering me."
Haruhi stared at him. The shadow king. All through her time at the Host Club she knew he wasn't as emotionless as he made himself out to be. She knew he loved the Host Club in his own way. He cared about each one of them in his own way he did little things for them. Like backing Tamaki secretly without him knowing, helping the twins. She could even recall once or twice her being particularly stuck on a math question and after she took a break his delicate hand writing would write the equation helping her.
This man and her had never been particularly close. But he had never asked her for anything, and even when he was being intimidating he always treated her with respect and would help her when she asked or was too stubborn to. Haruhi cared about him and this was what he cared about. Kyoya his whole life wanted this and she knew she would forever feel bad if she didn't help him. He could have went very different ways with this proposal she knew he had blackmail on her but he chose to ask. Kindly.
"Yes." She said low at first. Kyoya's head shot up. "What did you just say?" he asked, surprise clearly in his voice. "I said yes. Kyoya Ootori I will marry you." A genuine smile crossed his face "thank you. I know this isn't your ideal but you won't regret it." Haruhi reached across the table and placed her hand on top of his.
Pain, so much pain. She didn't know where she was. The light burnt into her retinas. She couldn't breath, she gasped for breath in terror. She couldn't move, she couldn't feel most of her body. Her eyes darted around the room which was very blurry. "Mrs. Ootori." A voice rung out. Her head was pounding. Something wasn't right, definitely wasn't right. "Mrs. Ootori try to follow the light with your eyes."
Another light dragged along from side to side, it hurt so bad. Her eyes darted around the room. Finally a woman's face came into view "Mrs. Haruhi Ootori can you hear me?" Haruhi. Haruhi Ootori that was her name. She was so confused. "Haruhi." a deeper voice said. Haruhi's eyes darted to the other side. There Kyoya stood. His eyes full of concern "Haruhi, I'm so sorry. Can you follow my finger with your eyes?" She tried the best she could. Something wasn't right.
Suddenly she couldn't breath at all, she began to silently scream. She looked at Kyoya who's eyes widened and he started yelling. She tried to move her shaky hand to his, he noticed her effort and clutched her hand. He nodded down at her "we have you Haruhi." Then she heard "sorry this is going to hurt your jaw is locked," She saw felt someone place their hands on her jaw and there was pain like no other. The last thing she could remember was screaming in agony.