Welcome to Phanniemay! I'll be posting drabbles and one-shots for every day this month, and I'm very excited to do so!

Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom

Characters: Danny, Sam, and Tucker
Death mention


He didn't have a heartbeat. It seems like something that should shock you, leaving you emotional and bitter about a fist sized organ that only kept your meatsack of a body alive for less than century.

Sam was very worried. She kept touching his skin, looking for a nice sized vein that could carry a heartbeat. She tried taking off the jumpsuit that Danny had gone into the portal with, now inverted and seemingly fused to his skin.

Tucker only sat, mouth agape in shock. Danny felt bad for him. Here he was, learning that he took part in killing his best friend and Danny had accepted it.

He worried about his clothes underneath his jumpsuit. He liked that shirt.

"Sam," he grabbed her hands, her warm fingertips searching for a pulse on his neck. "It's no use. I think I'm dead."

Sam didn't bother to wipe the tears from her eyes. "No! You can't be dead, you're right here! I can touch you! You a-aren't dead, Danny!"

You're right, Danny thought. I can't be dead because I've never felt so alive.

"Just, give me a minute, will you? I need to think." Danny whispered, closing his eyes.

I'm doing this for Sam. I'm doing this for Tucker. Danny focused on warming his body to a normal, alive temperature. Two rings of light sparked into existence around his hips, painfully warm.

He opened his eyes, and gasped. His lungs, empty before, were now burning uncomfortably. He gripped the edge of the table, steadying himself to the gravity that didn't work on him only seconds before.

"Danny?" Tucker asked meekly. "You're alive?"

Danny felt his sluggish heart skip a beat. "Yeah. Yeah, I am."