December arrived with out much fun around the castle. Or at least not for Nikki. Ron was trying his best to get back on Jamie's good side while going insane at the same time. Rumor was he was going to be carted off to ST. Mungos soon. He was also showing his real colors. No one liked him anymore he was one of the most hated kid in school. Hermione had dumped Jamie the moment he started bringing his grades up and not holding back anymore.

Nikki was glad that Christmas was coming or he had been until he got a call while in the Common Room a week before break. He was soon arguing in Russian with his Mama. The Slytherin's looked at him. He was packing up as he argued. He came here for a few hours a night to work with the Study group he'd been assigned to at the beginning of the year.

"But, Mama!" Nikki suddenly cried, "that's not fair! I had plans for New Years!" he listened. " Jamie invited me to the Potter's New Year's Party this year! I don't want to go to Russia to meet your family!" rapid Russian from the other side of the cell as Nikki headed out of the Common Room. "But, Mama!"

He was back to talking in Russian. He argued all the way back to his Common Room that he shared with Logan and Emma. Emma looked up from her book and Logan from grading papers. Nikki was really working himself into a fit over this. Both understood perfectly what he was saying. Emma because she was getting a translation in Nikki's head she only knew basic Russian and Logan because he spoke it.

'New Years in Russia?' Emma mouthed to Logan who shrugged at her. He didn't know what was going on either.

"But MAMA!" Nikki bawled, loud scolding from the other side. "Da, Mama. Ya tebya lyublyu." he sighed and hung up throwing himself on the couch next to Logan. "This isn't fair. I was actually going to go to the Potter's New Year Ball when Jamie got up his nerve to ask me. Now I have to spend it in Russia with family that disowned Mama because she wasn't a witch. "

"If they disowned her why are they having her come back?" Logan asked, liking how cute Nikki looked when he pouted then cursing himself for having such thoughts about an 11 year old.

"I don't know." Nikki sighed leaning against Logan and closing his eyes. "Sadly, I think I must be the only magical grandchild. Papa has to go too even though he and Mama aren't married. "

"Really?" Emma asked smirking knowingly at Logan who growled at her but put his arm around Nikki and rubbed his back. The sigh he got went right to one body part. Nikki snuggled closer and Logan flinched inside because this was just a little too intimate a situation for his little Tsar right now."Is that so? Then why don't you take along your own boyfriend?"

"Mmmmm..." Nikki yawned snuggling closer. "Don' have one, yet."

Yet. Logan's heart stopped beating. Yet? Did he have his eye on someone? Yet?! Who was it? Whoever it was was going to get impaled by his claws if they didn't leave his little Tsar alone! YET?!

"Really?" Emma chuckled, "A cutie like you?" Logan growled at her. " I believe you should ask your prospective boyfriend to go with you then."

"Logan, will you go with me to Russia?"

Logan's heart did stop this time. He knew Nikki was too tired to comprehend what Emma had just manipulated him into revealing but he didn't care he knew now that Nikki had the same feelings for him.

"Sure." he whispered to the 11 year old. "Nikki, it's time for you to go to bed."

It was the last day before break and Nikki forewent his uniform all together. He wore tight black jean, a black belt, black boots, black gloves, his black jacket and his hat and back pack. He had been really looking forward to Christmas until he'd been told that he would be spending the whole break in Russia . Nikki had talked them around to Logan coming along.

"Hey, Nikki!" Everyone froze. No one called Nikki by his first name it was Jamie. "Uh, I know it's kind of last minute and all but would you like to come..."

"I would." Nikki said, earning a grin. "But I can't." Jamie frowned. " I was informed a few days ago that I will be spending the holidays in Mother Russia with the family I have there. They wish to see me for some reason. Anyway they always have this giant New Years Ball where all these mega influential people from all over the world come. Funny, though, I don't think there's ever been anyone from the U.K. to go. You're such a closed off Nation like that. But anyway I can't and don't bother asking Logan he's coming with me. "

"Awwww..." Jamie whined a bit then recovered. "That sounds amazing . Where is it being held?"

"While the Muggle side of the family lost rule or Russia our Wizard's did not." Nikki told Jamie as they walked into the Great Hall the whole school was listening. "From what I understand they have rebuilt our reputation in both worlds up again and are prime to reclaim the Throne again. The Ball will be held in the Peterhof Palace. "

Draco Malfoy and the other Pure-Bloods all seemed to be unable to keep their jaws off the ground. They hadn't made the connection.

"My mother would love to see that place." Jamie said, absently following Nikki to the Slytherin table. " She heard that it was completely refurbished recently. "

"Oh, yes it's all true. " Nikki said airily thanking Merlin he was able to keep up with the outside world. " To it's original architecture of course some modern things have been added for security reasons. " They sat at the very end of the table away from everyone else and across from each other. "I hear it's quite beautiful . I haven't seen it in person my self as I am here."

Nikki said it as if it were the most simple thing in the world.

"You'll need warmer clothes wont you?" Jamie said eyeing the clothes he was wearing. "I mean you must be freezing. "

"Not really." Nikki said, as they ate. Suddenly he cell began going off again. He grabbed it. "It's Mama. Da?" he listened and said Da every now and then. " Mama , please I know how pack, and I'm not ever letting Emma take me shopping again! I told you this years ago. The mall Mama the girls took me to a New York City Mall on Black Friday. Never again."

Logan up at the staff table had to suppress a laugh he remembered that well they'd had to hand Nikki back over traumatized and the boy had refused to leave the safety of the Helicarrier for a Month.

They were now talking in Russian. Nikki was now Protesting in Russian. Nikki was now hanging up and sighing.

"Mama is so mean. " Nikki said standing up. "I have some stuff I have to do before the train leaves you can come with."

Jamie followed asking questions that Nikki rattled off answers to. They were soon going into Nikki's room and Jamie was looking around they packed everything up. They exchanged small talk and Nikki tested Jamie's Mind. The other boy was doing well and could most likely hold up to James and Lily but not Severus or Dumbledore. Nikki made sure to tell him he was doing well.