
Isabella Swan took a sip from her glass of water before she redirected her eyes to the audience: Twenty-eight acting students in their last year, listening to her words with rapt attention and eager faces.

She hadn't been exactly hot on giving a lecture at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, but her agent Angela had argued that, since she was already in London, she might as well do it. And so she had agreed, and so she was spending her afternoon off of filming by telling her young audience about the hardships and joys of the acting profession.

"Yes, please." She gestured at a small, black-haired girl with enormous, horn-rimmed glasses, a bit like Bella's actually.

"Hi," the girl said. "My name is Alice, and my question is: Do you get bothered by fans a lot? I mean, can you walk around and stuff, or do you have a bodyguard with you?"

There was some giggling, probably both at the question and at Isabella's expression as she removed her glasses.

"Well," she smiled, "Alice, I am sure you're aware of the fact that, first and foremost, I'm a stage actress. Yes, I make movies as well, but they're not really the blockbuster-ish kind."

Another set of giggles.

"So, yeah, sometimes I get recognized on the street, and when I'm doing a Broadway show, there are people waiting at the stage-door, wanting my autograph – but other than that, no, I don't get bothered a lot. And I certainly don't have a bodyguard. Does that answer your question?"

The girl – Alice – nodded her head.

"I'd like to ask you a question, Alice, if I may?"

Alice nodded again. She seemed a really enthusiastic and energetic spirit, grinning at Isabella. She noticed that the young man next to her was lightly shaking his head, his lips drawn into a crooked smile. Her boyfriend?

"Of all the questions you could ask – why this one? Is that idea something you dream about for yourself, or something you'd want to avoid? Stardom?"

She let her eyes sweep over her audience and addressed them.

"What about all of you? Why did you take up acting? To be rich and famous, to be a star?"

Some smiled, some frowned and shook their heads, some seemed to ponder the question.

"Because, let me tell you, if that is your aspiration, you may be sorely disappointed along the way. Not just because of the unemployment-rate among actors, which, as I am sure you are aware of, is at a whopping ninety percent. Consider that the remaining five percent are not necessarily doing jobs they want to do. They might be doing ads, or act in really shitty reality TV formats. I'm not telling you this to scare you." She drew in a breath and took another sip of water. She noticed the guy next to Alice stare at her while biting his lower lip, his brows worried in a frown.

Okay, and now she had lost her train of thought.

She took another sip of water.

And a deep breath.

Rosy, blushing cheeks and full lips.

"So, yeah, as I was saying… Don't rely on your talent – which you have, otherwise you wouldn't be here, in your third year at one of the most renowned acting schools in the world. But if you don't love your art, if you're just doing it for ulterior motives, you will not only waste your own time, but very possibly also that of your audience. Passion for your art – if you don't have it…"

She shook her head and replaced her glasses on her nose, somehow feeling safer with them. But – fuck – now she saw them even clearer. The truth was that Isabella didn't exactly need those glasses, except when she was driving. But they often felt like a shield. Unless she was looking into the brilliantly green eyes of a beautiful young man.

"If you don't have it," she continued, forcing her brain to get back into working mode, "if you don't have that… passion… well, you'll never get to live life on the stage to its fullest.

"Being an actor can be the most fulfilling profession in the world – and the most depressing one. When rehearsing and acting in a play, or making a movie, you might get to a point where you're really 'one' with the character you're playing. Those will be the best times of your working life. Prepare yourselves for the other times."

A hand was raised.


"Um, hi, I'm Alec. Thank you so much for doing this for us. Can I ask you a question, as well?"

His smile was bright, but she could see the sheer, cold ambition in his eyes.

"How many 'other times' did you experience during your career, Miss Swan?"

"You mean, times when I didn't know how to pay the next rent?"

Alec nodded. Isabella noticed Green Eyes rolling said eyes.


"Yes, I had those times, certainly. At the beginning of my career, I was just this young and pretty overwhelmed little thing. My only experience of life was acting school…"

That was not entirely true, Isabella thought to herself, but it was not something these young people needed to now.

"I was eighteen when I was accepted to Juilliard, coming from a tiny town in Washington. I was quite lost in the big city, you could say, and I struggled for some years. But I was determined, and I was lucky, too."

Green Eyes smiled crookedly, and for the first time, they made direct eye contact.

And her heartbeat sped up.

"How did you deal with the media after your breakup –" Alec spoke up once more.

Thankfully, Isabella was saved.

"Okay, right," Mr. Banner, who'd been conducting the Q&A, interrupted. "Time's almost up. Let's thank Miss Swan for sharing her experiences with us, shall we?"

The applause was respectful and sincere. Mr. Banner presented her with a lovely bouquet of flowers, for which she thanked him.

Directing her attention at the audience once more, she said, "I enjoyed myself very much tonight. Thank you for your hospitality; you're very kind."

One last glance at Green Eyes, and she was escorted to the door of the auditorium.

She was almost out of the door when a soft voice made her turn around.

"Miss Swan?"

The auditorium was emptying out, only a handful of students staying behind – among them, Alice… and Green Eyes.


He was opening his mouth, but the young girl beat him to it.

"There's a thing," she started. "We're all performing scenes of our own choosing on Saturday night. We'd be honoured if you might find the time to drop by."

Both she and the young man had expressions of such hopefulness and eagerness it touched Bella's heart.

"You mustn't impose on Miss Swan," Mr Banner started saying, but Bella stopped him.

"I'd love to," she said graciously. "When does it start?"


Hello, my lovelies, I'm back. I'd love to hear what you think?

I'll try and update once a week.