So this is an idea I had for a multichapter for all you DenNor fans :) It's an AU, a police/crime/romance AU or whatever so I hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in this story, just the plot.

Matthias's P.O.V.

People often ask me why I don't go to work for the police department, or even bigger agencies like the CIA or the FBI. They tell me I'd be more successful there than with the little private investigation firm I run now. And to be honest, they're probably right. I won't lie, I am one of the most, if not the most, highly recommended spy and detective in the United States and police departments all over the country are constantly asking me to take some of their more difficult cases. I even get called on by the CIA and the FBI when they get stumped.

But the thing is, I don't want to work for those guys. If you ask me, I think that they're all a bunch of idiots. I kind of like it when I get calls from them requesting that I help them out, or in other words, figure it out for them. It makes me feel superior to them when they're forced to come to me all the time. And boy, do they hate me for it. They feel humiliated when they have to get my outside help, that's why they keep nagging me to just join the force. But we both know that no matter how much they beg I will always be their outside consultant. I kind of like to think of myself as their Sherlock Holmes.

And that's the reason why I'm standing here, outside the New York City Police Department. Their cheif of police, Berwald Oxenstierna, had given me a call earlier to meet at his office as soon as possible. The man hates my guts. I can't really blame him though, I did embarrass his whole police force a few months back when he had asked me to investigate a case that had been on their hands for almost five years and I, naturally, was able to solve in a matter of months. He must be really desperate right now if he was willing to call me.

I walked into that building with a confident stride as if I owned the place. Alright, maybe I was a little too cocky but I couldn't help myself. Most of the officers who recognized me glared in my direction as I walked pass them. And of course, I gave them a smile in return. They knew why I was here and they were not happy about it.

By the time I had reached the chief's office, I had probably pissed off ninety five percent of the officers there just with my presence. Watch out New York City, you'd better stick to the speed limit today because you're going to have a lot of grumpy police officers hanging around.

I smiled at Tino, Berwald's secretary, and he smiled back at me. Well, that was my first friendly greeting today and it would probably be my last. I'm pretty sure something's going on between Berwald and his secretary. I haven't exactly figured it out yet but me being a famous detective and all I'm bound to figure it out soon enough.

Tino called Berwald to let him know I was here and he motioned for me to enter his office. When I opened the door I was surprised to see that it wasn't just Berwald who was waiting for me but there were a bunch of others waiting for me as well. Some of them I recognized while some of them I had never met. I recognized Ludwig Beilschmidt, one of the directors of the FBI who I've worked for a few times in the past. Next to him was Arthur Kirkland, a former spy for the CIA. We had collaborated on missions once or twice when the CIA decided he wasn't good enough and had called upon me to help him out. To put it briefly, the man still held quite a big grudge against me. There was someone else there too, some guy with glasses and a bomber jacket. To say the least, he didn't quite fit in the picture with the rest of the group dressed in uniform.

Despite the fact that they all hated me I smiled at them and sat myself down in front of Berwald's desk. This apparently was an emergency as Berwald got straight to the point, skipping all the usual formalities.

"Just to clarify, you were our last choice. We tried everyone else before coming to you. Got that?"

If he was trying to make me feel less important then he only made me feel more superior. "Well, then that simply says that I'm the best, doesn't it?"

I could feel their anger boiling as I smirked at them. Berwald decided not to argure on the point any further as he realized it would only lead to more humiliation.

"There has been a thief committing huge robberies all across the United States for the past eight months. We have tried everything we can to get more information on him but we haven't been very successful. We even have the FBI and the CIA on the case but we've still got nothing. You are our last resort, not that I expect that you will get any more information than what we already got, but it's worth a try."

So that's why all my enemies were here because none of them were smart of enough to figure this case out. The only mystery left was the guy with the bomber jacket.

"Who's that?" I asked, pointed to the man.

Berwald glanced in the direction I had pointed. "That's Alfred Jones, one of the directors of Goldman Sachs here in New York. Turns out that this unknown thief managed to steal almost thirty million dollars from their bank. More the reason why this case is so important. Major banks are being robbed all over the country and we need to stop it."

Well, that came as a surprise. I certainly wasn't expecting that from a man like him. But now I started to understand why they were so keen on catching this guy. He must be a criminal mastermind!

"You should just know," my fellow spy chimed in. "that if you take this job, anything you find must be reported back to us. No going off on your own as this is technically not your case."

"We'll see about that." I replied smugly. I thought this case would be simple, after all, he was just a bank robber. And I was right, finding him was easy enough, but the actual catching him and putting justice back in order, well, that was a case of wild emotions and the hardships of true love.

And that's the introduction everybody! Tell me what you think and if I should continue this.

I'm not promising any weekly updates as my other fics come first. I just wanted to get this up so I wouldn't forget about. But if I see enough people are interested in this then maybe I'll spend some more time on it.

Please review/fav/follow! Bye!