Erin regretted falling off the deep end. She didn't know how to handle her feelings and the drugs and alcohol seemed like the easiest way for her to push her feelings away. That was until Jay got kidnapped.
Erin walked down the hospital hallway towards Jay's room. She needed to see with her own eyes that he was okay that he was alive. Erin stopped before Jay's room to gather her thoughts. She knocked quietly on the door before opening the door.
"Hey" Erin spoke quietly.
"Hey." Erin moved closer to where he was lying.
Jay saw the pai n in her eyes. He knew that she was blaming herself for his kidnapping.
"Er, this isn't your fault."
"Yes it is. If I had been at work you would have never gotten kidnapped."
"Erin, you did everything you could have and no one blames you especially me."
"Come here." Erin stood next to his bed. She desperately wanted to climb in next to him and snuggle into his neck like they usually did. Erins eyes welled with tears. She knew everything about Nadia's death would surface she just didn't think that would be right now.
"Sit with me." Jay spoke softly. Erin quickly got in bed with Jay and snuggled her head into the crook of his neck, he still smelled like gunpowder and Calvin Klien cologne, she smiled to herself.
"I was worried sick about you." Erin said.
"Hey I'm okay."
"Yeah but I'm not. I can't lose you Jay, especially not after her, I would die." Tears fell down Erins checks.
"Hey, it's okay, I'm here, I would never leave you. And if we're being honest here I thought they were going to kill me and if there were I wanted to die thinking about you. You were all I thought about. I knew that if they killed me you would never be okay..." Jay let his words trail off.
Erin kissed Jay's neck. Erin felt safe. She felt safe with Jay's arm around her side and her knees pulled into his torso and him holding her tight. God how did I get so lucky to have him, Erin thought to herself. The two just sat there in silence the presence of the other bring enough. After a while they both were lulled to sleep in each other's arms.
In the morning the entire 21st district went to the hospital to check on Jay. Hank was worried when Erin hadn't shown up. When the district arrived everyone walked to Jays room together and to be honest no one was surprised when they got to Jays room. Erin was pulled into him and they were fast asleep in each other's arms, they looked peaceful. Hank was furious and everyone had noticed. Antionio immediately realized what Voight was about to do and stepped in.
"Ok, we will come back later, right now we need to find the guys that did this to Jay." The entire team started walking back to their cars but Voight didn't and Antonio and Al stayed.
"Leave them, they haven't done anyrhing."
"They know the rules." Hank spoke with aggravation in his voice.
"Hank there partners." Al spoke
"You can deal with this later." Antinio spoke.
"Fine." Voight stormed off. Al and Antonio looked back over their sholder's to Erin and Jay. She was pressed against his chest with her hand around his torso and her head was snuggled into the crook of his neck. Jay had his hand wrapped around her back holding her to him while his face was buried in her hair. Olinsky and Dawson looked at each other chuckled and then walked away to get back to the district before Voight could do anything stupid.
Erin woke up soon after Olinsky and Dawson had left. She smiled to herself, she didn't realize she fell asleep in Jay's hospital bed snuggled into him. She lightly kissed his neck, hoping not to wake him, he needed the rest. She let herself relax in his arms, she put her head back in the crook of neck and waited for him to wake up.
Jay woke up with Erin in his side. He smiled and kissed her hair. Erin felt Jay kiss her hair and she pulled her head out of the crook of his neck.
"Hey." Erin spoke, her voice quiet.
"Hey." Jay spoke just as softly.
"How are you feeling?" Erin asked as she put her head back on his sholder breathing in his cologne.
"I'm okay...Thank you for being here." Jay said.
"You've been there for me before..." Erin let her words trail off.
Erin felt Jay relax into her. His body was warm and she was cold. His hands felt nice against the thin material of her shirt. He moved his hand closer towards her hips, He gently lifted the end of her shirt up and rubbed his thumb along her soft skin. Erin sucked in a breath when Jay's calloused hand touched her skin. She turned her head and kissed his neck and jawline lightly. She let out a breath.
"When Al called me and told me you got kidnapped I freaked out, I don't know what I would do without you, you mean so much to me. I've never been good with dealing my emotions and you've been the only person besides, Hank, Al, Camille and Justin to have broken my walls down. You terrify me sometimes."
"Why?" Jay asked simply.
"I feel like if you asked me to tell you about my past and all my mistakes I could and Hank and Al are the only ones who acutally know how bad my childhood was."
Jay felt tears streaming down her face.
"Hey, it's okay, you can talk to me. Er, I care about you more than anything in the world and that will never change."
"I know Jay." He kissed her hair and held her tight. He knew if Voight saw them like this he would surley have his head. Erin never wanted to move from her spot in his side. The pair stayed like that for a long time, just holding the other.
Dawson was the first to arrive at Chicago MED. When he got to Jay's room he saw the pair in the same position there ere when they were sleeping, he quietly chuckled to himself before knocking on the door.
"Antonio." Jay spoke.
"Hey, how are you feeling?"
"I mean I've been better." Jay chuckled.
"Just an FYI Voight is on his way over here so Erin you better get out of Jay's side before Voight Kills him." The three chuckled, it felt good to laugh. Erin heard Al say Voight's name and she jumped out of Jay's side and onto the chair next to his bed. Jay and Antonio chuckled at Erin. Voight saw Erin in the chair next to Halstead and felt better. They knew the rules about in house relationships.
"Halstead you don't look so dead today." Ruzek said.
"Haha, funny." Jay shot back.
Will, Jay's younger brother came in.
"How you feeling bro?" He asked.
"Okay, then, I'll send Nat in a while to get you to sign your discharge papers."
"Huh." Jay spoke.
"Don't" Will already knew what his older brother was poking at.
"The whole unit laughed.
"Erin, can you come with me for a second." Will asked.
"Sure." Erin had no idea what Will needed.
"I just wanted to say thank you."
"For what?"
"For having his back no matter how annoying or aggravating Jay can get."
"Yeah well he's had my back so."
"I know he'll never admit it, not now anyways but he's in love with you."
"Really" Erin questioned.
Jay had just signed his discharge papers and was heading home when Erin caught Will's eye. He pulled out his phone and sent Erin a text saying, 'Take care of him for me, I know he wants to be around you.' all Erin replied was 'Of course, I want to be around him too.' She smiled at Will before driving Jay to his apartment. The drive back to Jay's apartment was silent. When they got there Erin walked JAy up hoping he would ask her to stay the night with him. They got up the stairs and JAy opened his door, he left the door open silently inviting Erin in. They were both tired and JAy just wanted to go to bed with Erin in his arms. Jay walked into his bedroom and Erin followed him. Erin sat on his bed and Jay threw her on of his shirts, he turned to look at her.
"Stay the night."
"Of course." Erin replied trying to hide the smile that was forming on her lips.
They both changed and crawled into Jay's bed, the sheets were cold but Jay's body wasn't. Erin faced him and he pulled her into him. She relaxed and they were both lulled to sleep in eachother's arms and it felt so right to be in Jay's bed with his strong arms rapped around her tiny body.