
A/N Hey, no idea where I'm going with this. It's my first ever fanfic and I hope it's not my last. Let's go for 5 reviews for the next chapter. Sorry this doesn't reveal much but this chapter is just so I can see if I'm ready to start writing fanfics or if I need more practice.

This chapter has been edited due to some reviews. It's just a bit longer than last time and Harry is a bit more canon but he will still be different.

Also My English isn't great so anyone offering to be a regular beta reader?

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, if I did there would of been a few changes.

Part one;)


Harry James Potter sat up in his bed and stretched. He sat there for a second taking in the smell of fried eggs and bacon. The sound of birds singing filled his ears before a loud screech suddenly cut them off. Harry knowingly smiled and looked at the snowy white owl sat in the corner of the room.

"Morning Hedwig." The owl looked over to her companion and chirped happily again. Although the pair had only been together roughly three years their bond was incredibly powerful, so strong Albus too many names Dumbledore could sense it.

With his senses now fully operational after fully waking up he looked around his room again. Taking it all in for the last time this holiday, as today he would be heading off to the burrow. At first glance it seemed like an empty spare room, but just like everything else in the wizarding world if you knew where to look you'd notice a loose floor board that housed all his school equipment and other valuables from the exciting world. Oh what he wouldn't do to be there all the time. He got out of bed and walked over to the said floorboard and removed it and checked its contains was all still to be accounted for. He started to tick of items on his mental list. Like his letters of his "serial killer" god father who also happened to be an immature animagus. Wand and spell books check and homework he forgot to complete check. Wait... what? Shit he mentally scolded. After a few more less important items were ticked of his list he reached the bottom.

Quidditch world cup ticket. He rooted around some more until he found it in a brown envelope along with a letter of his best mate Ron. Check. He reread the letter delivered by Ron's newly acquired Owl Pigwidgeon or aka pig.

Hey mate,

How are you? Them Muggles better be treating you well because if not Gred and Forge have been working on some new food pranks. Like Bacon that explodes edible paint all over the victim's mouth. Or fried eggs that can't be swallowed that would sort the pigs you live without. Anyways I have some great news! My Dad normally gets tickets to the quidditch world cup because he works with the ministry of magic and guess what this year he manged to get two extras for you and Hermione to come as well. You'll find you ticket at the bottom of this envelope, keep it safe harry it costs a small fortune that does. The World cup itself will be held a couple of weeks before our fourth year starts so mum says you can come the night before the world cup and then stay till school starts. How are you getting here I here you ask? Don't worry Dads fetching you in that bloody flying car... so actually do worry. Have you heard of Padfoot recently? I hope he's okay. Bloody ministry to busy up its own arse to admit its wrong. I guess you can tell me when your here. Also I probably shouldn't say this but Ginny still won't shut up about you. Percy thinks you've slipped her a love potion. Whatever you've done, please stop, its doing my nut in. On that note I'll tell you the vital piece of information your dying to know hey mate. When you're getting collected from that hell hole you have to call home. Have all your school things ready and stuff for August 17, 15:30 because Mum normally goes out then so we can quickly get you with her being none the wiser.

See you then,


Harry smiled at the thought of being in the cosy comfort of the burrow and sorted his things out and pocketed the ticket. Harry put the floorboard back and stood up. He glanced over at the digital clock on his dresser. One of the few things Little Dudder whale wasn't bothered about keeping.

August 17, 10:21.

That was a respectable time to wake up on, on a Sunday. Well to him anyway. He liked to wake up at this time as Uncle Vernon had left to work by now. Not today though. No post or work on Sundays. Picking up his hand me down clothes that still dwarfed him and his towel which he brought last year. With becoming a teenager, he decided he didn't want to share with Dudder whale anymore. He quickly showered and checked his reflection in the mirror at his undernourished body. He had grown a lot in height since last year now standing at a tall 5ft 10 and his Raven black hair had now reached a new level of untamed. His green eyes had lost some of their shine because of the lack of food he'd been eating again recently. His ribs were once again visible but that's nothing a couple of meals at Hogwarts couldn't sort out. Although it was nowhere near as bad as before as the threat of Sirius dropping in kept the Dursleys on edge.

Harry now fully dressed and bags packed walked down stairs and into the kitchen where he could hear the sound of Mr and Mrs Dursley chatting away about stuff that never really mattered. By that he thought, he meant like Mrs Harriet's horrid new car against the street that ruined the look of the whole road. Meanwhile Dudley Dursley was sat at the kitchen table scoffing on Eggs, Sausage and beans. The fat pig he mentally insulted. Harry may have to enquire about them new products the twins had produced. He started to pour some cereal into a bowl when Uncle Vernon shouted at him.

"Boy" he bellowed "get me my coffee."

Harry feeling confident with Sirius threat still thresh in Uncle Vernon's mind replied "ask nicely Uncle Vernon"

Uncle Vernon's face came to life and lit up as red as a raging fire and his face shrivelled up like a prune. You could hear Dudley drop his cutlery in shock

"WHAT?!" Uncle Vernon roared. He was beyond mad now. "It seems you have forgot your place since you've been at that school. He advanced towards the boy.

Harry stood his ground although inside he mentally scolded himself for getting too cocky "I wouldn't do that if I was you, my god father wouldn't be to impressed."

Uncle Vernon stopped in his tracks and you could see the fight leave him as he walked back and slouched in his chair although he was too stubborn or lazy to ask nicely. Dudley had once again began pigging out even licking the plate clean when he had finished.

Mrs Dursley not wanting her husband's pride to be too greatly wounded by the brat cut in. "Don't worry dear I'm closer, just give me two minutes. I'll even add that chocolate powder you love" she added in a desperate attempt to restore Vernon's rare good mood.

Uncle Vernon's smile slowly returned. "That would be great thank you and you he said looking back in Harrys direction, I want you out my way as much as possible for the remainder of the holidays.

"That will be easy I'm departing early this year" Harry replied smugly.

Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon had recently decided that instead of wasting time trying to keep him from that world that they would instead encourage him to go and stay with friends as much as he wants to keep him out of their house. When this first started last year he was pretty shocked and thought it was a trap but soon realised that the Dursleys had just given up.

Harry finished off his cereal and had another glance at the clock.


He had four hours left. He was now bored and counting down the time to leave. Hedwig sensing her companion's boredom got restless and started pecking at the window.

"What's the matter girl?" Hedwig now started head butting the window like dobby when he was punishing himself.

"Ahh you want to go outside" he asked rather stupidly. The owl hooted an affirmative. With a heave the undid the old window clasp and pushed it open. The owl hopped onto the ledge and took off into the sky.

"Just be back by half three" he shouted.

Looking back into the mirror he noticed the clothes hanging off him like a dress. He had an idea that would kill sometime.

I can't go to the quidditch world cup in total rags he thought. He still had about £140 left from last year when he decided it would be a good idea to keep some muggle money on him in emergencies. He'd learnt you can exchange gallons to pounds like when you go on holiday. He walked down the the park where there was a bus stop situated. The next bus would be five minutes. So Harry did what he did best, next to getting into life ending peril and waited. When the bus pulled up Harry felt his gut twist a little. It was then that he realised that this would be his first time going into an open muggle area on his own.

An agitated voice snapped him out of though.

"Are you getting on the bus or what sunny?" a white skinned middle aged bus driver asked.

Harry went red with embarrassment for being caught in a day dream.

"Yes sorry, err how much?"

"Depends on where your heading" he chuckled at Harrys lack of knowledge.

"Town please" Harry said nervously now getting extremely embarrassed.

The man sat with an amused smile on his face. "£2.10" he said his London accent aggregating the pound part. Harry stepped on to the bus and took in the public stench of the bus and passed over a £5 note and waited for his change.

With a nervous thank you and a stumble he looked down the aisle and found he was the only person traveling today. He stumbled and fell on a seat as the bus pulled off. The bus ride itself was only 10ish minutes and soon he arrived in the middle of town. Time to do a little shopping he thought happily. He walked down the street until he arrived at what looked to be a pretty but small shop at the edge of town. As he pushed open the door a woman stood behind a desk smiling; she must be a shop assistant he thought. Her name tag read Sarah; happy to help. She was young, nineteen maybe, she had long blonde curls with blue eyes and relaxed looking features. Her deathly pale skin made her look twice as beautiful as it made all her other features stand out.

"Welcome to snazzy sales, how can I be of serves" she greeted.

"Hi" Harry shyly greeted back rarely having to deal with women this pretty. He felt a bit dirty not being able to take his eyes off her. "I have about £130 and need a new outfit..." He blushed and paused "and I have no clue about fashion." That took a major blow to his ego to admit that.

The lady gave him a winning smile. "I think I have just the thing."

A few minutes later Harry was holding a small pile of cloth.

"Go try these on in that changing room over there" she said pointing to the changing room in the corner. Harry went into the changing room and removed his hand me downs. When he had finished changing he looked at his refection in the full length mirror. He now had a black snapback, plain black top and a white and black checkered hoodie. He now possessed a pair of black skinny jeans to complete his new outfit. He picked up the clothes of the floor and decided he would bin them at first chance as he preferred his current look. He walked out and gave the shop assistant a twirl.

"You young man", said Sarah with a wink "look very handsome."

Harry went several shades of red. Never had he been complimented outside of school or… outside of school for what he looked like and this made him very happy. Harry was mentally screaming at himself for not being able to find that confidence he possessed earlier when confronting Uncle Vernon. He blamed himself and the large mammal for this stuttering state he was in now. Sarah noticing Harry having an inner argument in his head as his face showed conflict cleared her throat and for the 50th time that day Harry stood embarrassed and the colour that would put Ron to shame.

"w-w-why thanks… I… err have never been complimented like that before." He admitted more to himself than the shop assistant.

Sarah frowned. Harry noticed this and panicked thinking he'd done something to cause the frown began to apologise.

"I'm so sorry" he started before Sarah giggled and cut him off.

"I wasn't frowning at you silly but at the idea no one has said that to you before. Well to be fair to you… you were wearing them…" She stopped, trying to think of a nice way to phrase what he was wearing before.

"Rags" Harry finished for her. "oh and well we are on that subject I'll buy these" gesturing to what he was wearing and "bin these" he said holding the offended clothing.

"That's one way to put it and I have a bin here" she said gesturing to behind the counter. "Just pass them over." Harry passed her the clothes and paid for the ones he was wearing.

"Thank you so much for all your help" Harry smiled

"It was nothing, see you around", she replied casually.

Harry left the shop and headed back down the street. The passed a corner shop on the way and brought a sandwich and a can of fruit juice. Just as he arrived to the bus stop the same bus he had gotten on earlier pulled up.

As the doors swung open the bus driver smiled

"You again" he said without the agitated tone and more of one with amusement. "You've sure changed the space of three hours."

"Holy crap!" Harry yelled losing his composure. "That would mean it's about 3oclock."

The bus driver not believing this was the same boy from earlier looked at his watch. "Ten past three actually." Harry let out a moan "I have twenty minutes to get home."

"Well come on then lad get on, because the bus is dead today and you've amused me enough the rides on the house come on."

Harry thanked the driver and got on and yet again fell into the same seat as it pulled off.

When the bus reached the park again Harry ran off the bus and shouted his thanks to the man. After running all the way home and up the stairs he saw the clocked with an annoyed look Hedwig looking at him.


He had one minute to spare. Just then a shadow fell over the room as a big blue car materialised outside his window and a ginger head popped his head out. Mr Weasley!

"Come one Harry get in quick before someone spots us."

With Trunk in hand and Hedwig already flying toward the burrow harry leaped out his window and past the open back door of the car.

"Seatbelt Harry Mr Weasley said." And with that the blue car disappeared into thin air.


o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o A/N so that was my first ever fanction chapter, what do you guys think? Positive criticism would be really helpful thanks.

Part one signing out.