A/N: I am so sorry for not updating my other story but this one would not leave my mind and then there's other stories that are crowding in my head so in the near I feel I will posting more. Unfortunately I am not abl to post as much as I like as I don't have internet at home and have to mobile which never seems like enough *sigh*.
Hopefully you like this story and I can post another chapter soon!
Disclaimer: I do not own either Inuyasha or Twilight each belong to their respective owners.
Chapter One: Lost in Italy
The existence of vampires was nothing surprising to the young time traveling miko, she had seen things that were simply unexplainable and had done feats that would land her in the underground
level of some research lab. So to know that there were beings out there that needed to live on blood and that had a government system that kept them from making the themselves definitely caught her attention.
"Are you sure that we should be doing this Kagome-sama?"
"Hai." She strode down the paved walkways, seemingly to know where she was going, but in all honesty she was not fooling anyone. She was definitely lost. Her sense of direction had was the same as it was 500 years ago. Something that her son loved to rile her up over. The cute and cuddly little kit that would never had said so much as a teasing comment towards her was no more. He respected her no doubt about that but he also had connected deeply with his kitsune nature, and there was nothing that would save anyone from his pranks and teasing. Well maybe the threat of a set of prayer beads for him, but that doesn't last long and is at it once more.
Seeing that he was kitsune and to see him be who he was with Kagome made her prouder than for him to show a front of what he's not. So it wasn't often that she held the reigns to his mischievous ways, and was known to participate in more than one prank when it concerned a couple of dog demons that they were around all the time.
Blinking out of her inner thoughts she turned to Daiki, a neko youkai who was never far from her these days.
"I am sorry to say this Kagome-sama," his tail twitched before it settled, expression somewhat amused but also wry. "But we have passed this area three times already."
A self-conscious cough made its way out of her, and she turned to the wall that was on the other side of her and the neko. Yup it definitely looked like the dozen other walls she had passed the last couple of hours.
Sighing she gave up on the notion that she knew where she was going and turned to Daiki. "Fine, you win Daiki."
The small knowing smirk that flashed through the neko made her narrow her eyes before huffing in exasperation, "This doesn't mean that I'm giving up though."
Gun metal eyes narrowed briefly and then he sighed, "Just as well Kagome-sama. We have not felt anything abnormal, maybe it is time to go to the hotel and prepare our things."
The last statement came out more like a question, but still communicated his thoughts on her harebrained idea to look for the vampires she had hear Sesshomaru and Inuyasha discussing a few weeks ago.
It wasn't fair for them to be hiding this kind of information when they knew she wanted to know more about the supernatural community. No doubt Inuyasha thought it would be tried to be eaten (drunk from?) by the vampires and only worried for her safety. Like always.
And as for Sesshomaru well he might have just been contemplating all the sorts of damage she would cause on his peace talks with them.
She didn't understand what the big deal was, so she had fried a few werewolves, and may have been banned from ever even setting foot in the underground tunnels of the fey in Dublin after ripping the glamour's of some of their changelings, and it totally wasn't her fault they wanted to force her to marry their leaders or whatever, they should have known better than to mess with the liaison between the realms. She had strength of her own and did not need Sessh and Yasha to fight her battles for her. Something she was sure they had finally learned the hard way.
Vampires though, she thought, might be a bit more civil and more approachable. They had once been human and were not completely ruled by their instincts-like the werewolves- or their arrogance-like the fey- and might be more forthcoming with their laws and the government they governed themselves over.
The ringing tone of her phone brought her out of her musings, digging in to her jean pockets she saw that the incoming call was from none other than her hanyou friend. "What's up Yasha?"
Putting the phone to her ear she signaled to Daiki to keep his lips shut. It wouldn't do for them to be discovered so early on.
They would surely lock her up somewhere and not let her out for a couple of centuries. Not that they would be able to get her to go along with it peacefully.
"Kags," the harsh excitement in Inuyasha's voice made her focus more on his words and take her gaze away from the stoic neko. "You will never guess what happened! Koga and Shippo returned from their trip and the Runt said that Koga got his ass handed to him!"
A small offended exclamation sounded from the background, telling me that Inuyasha had heard, he had not wasted a moment to brag about his 'nemesis' being beaten.
"And by a bunch of shapeshifting wolves that have barely gotten out of their diapers!"
His loud guffaws made her retract the phone away from her ear. There was sure to be hell of a mess to clean if he kept it up. Koga for all-and Inuyasha for that matter! - of the years he had lived still got easily riled and more so when it came to comments about his fighting and for anything that Inuyasha threw at him, even with her trying to get them to be closer to one another they still did not know when to talk without resorting to taking potshots at each other. Then again it was the only way they could even have a semblance of cordiality.
"What are you talking about Inuyasha?" exasperated with his continued laughing, her tone came out a tad sharper than she intended.
"Nee-chan?" Souta's hesitant voice made her blink in surprise before a soft smile rose.
"Souta? Are you in the compound then? Weren't you supposed to be in Seattle until Christmas?"
"Yeah, Inu-nii picked me up at the airport this morning," he began slowly, before the harsh sound of him swallowing made her narrow her eyes slightly. There was obviously something going on over there.
"There has been an increase of murders and the University thought it best to shut down for the moment until they caught the serial killer."
"What!" she exclaimed the chilling thought of her brother being anywhere near such a being iced her very blood in her veins. "Why didn't you say anything last time we talked Souta? You know what we will talk about this when I get home. I'm heading to the airport right not. And let me tell you Souta. I. Am. Not. Happy."
Hanging up I continued on my way to down the alley to the Hotel. It was a simple thing of grabbing her bags and then skedaddle to the airport and take the jet back to Tokyo. Her staff was always ready seeing that she was never one to idle and when the urge hit to travel she never let it pass her by and insisted on leaving. It was times like this that it was good having lived more than five hundred years and having knowledge of the future. Money troubles were no more.
"Kagome-sama?" Looking over her shoulder she saw an exasperated neko looking at her. "The hotel is this way."
A thumb pointed in the opposite direction of where she had been heading.
Pinching her nose with her thumb and forefinger she had one thought.
If only I could have been able to improve my sense of direction in those five centuries!
"I'm screwed aren't I?" the youngest Higurashi murmured despondently.
Three of companions couldn't help but send him sympathetic/pitying looks.
The other youkai in the room continued to type in his computer, only sparring a caustic 'Hn,' to his question. Then again he had been the one to advise them all to not hide things from their sister/friend/mother/'woman.' For all that he had learned to tolerate the miko's presence from time to time he had more of an insight on her than her other companions. Then again he had never felt the need to protect her from what they deemed 'dangerous' or worrying.
"Don't worry brat, I'm sure the wench will calm down by the time she lands here."
"That or she'll have already made a list of things she'll make you go through until you'll never want to hide anything from her anymore," this-lazily-came from the red haired kitsune that lounged on his mother's favorite daybed she had placed in the study room. The light hit it just right, making it a perfect place to take a warm nap. It also helped that there was the scent of peaches and cinnamon drifted up to his nose. The pointed ears atop his head flicked calmly before they settled down once more.
The horrified gasp from the two coarsest of the males in the room, made the young Higurashi glance at them in rising horror.
He had of course heard the stories, anyone who was close to them knew them. It was something that Kagome had made sure of to prevent from doing this very thing.
One of which only Shippo ever followed through with. Which was why he had been kept him as unaware of as possible. No need to have him rat them out to Kagome.
There was even a slight stiffening to the shoulders of the great Daiyoukai. He had had front row seat to what the two idiots had been put through when they had worn on the miko's nerves. Though it was for a completely different reason that he had become tense. Last time it had occurred he had to rebuild half of the compound and deal with the two for half a century with no peace in sight.
Exhaling he once again-for what seemed like the millionth time- thought back to his peaceful days before allying himself with his brother and the miko.
Those were the days.
Slaying, blood, and slaying anything that ever got in his way.
It was all but a distant dream now.