Frisk the Human was having a very confusing day. Less than 3 hours ago, they were hiking through the forest, enjoying the scenery when they decided to explore a cave in the old mountain. There, they fell down into a new world. They had been there not 2 minutes, when a psychotic flower tried to kill them, but something stranger still happened then. As the Flower talked to them, something about love or something, a child-like voice spoke in their head,
"Just kill him. Spare us from this insufferable monologue, and end his suffering."
Frisk found this command disturbing and was surprised to find they could respond.
"Why not?"
"Because killing is wrong."
Suddenly, little pill shaped objects were flying towards them. Frisk dodged them on instinct, and was tempted to apologize. The flower tried again. Frisk was getting a bad feeling about this, and decided to purposely avoid the next barrage, and the one after that, especially when the flower seemed to get increasingly angry. Suddenly, the flower's form changed and in a menacing tone it said, "You know what's going on here, don't you? You just wanted to see me suffer." Then with finality, he grimly said, "Die."
What Frisk now knew to be deadly bullets appeared all around them, undodgeable. The sadistic flower started laughing as they encroached.
"I told you we should kill him!"
"Not now, uh… Who are you, actually?"
"That's not important, considering we're both going to DIE NOW!" Just as that statement finished and Frisk felt tears well in their eyes, a fireball knocked the flower away and all the bullets disappeared. "What?" they both heard the other say.
They turned to face the source and found a tall goat lady who kindly said, "What a terrible creature, torturing such a poor, innocent, youth. Ah, do not be afraid, my child. I am Toriel, caretaker of the Ruins. I pass through this place everyday to see if anyone has fallen down."
"That's convenient," thought Frisk. The other voice was silent.
The goat woman continued, "You are the first human to come down here in a long time. Come! I will guide you through the catacombs."
"Well, that's nice of her."
"Yeah, sure, I guess." Frisk noticed the apprehension and decided not to push with their new… friend? Sure, they'd call them that until further notice.
Toriel led them through the ruins, helping with puzzles, even holding their hands. Frisk always smiled up at her and liked the hand-holding. The voice groaned each time they did so, but they certainly weren't going to stop just from that. Toriel introduced them to a talking dummy and Frisk talked to the dummy, giggling at how silly it seemed. Toriel was pleased and they continued on. Eventually, as they were walking, a Froggit hopped towards them. The voice asked, "Can you give me control? You have that stick for a reason." "No, I got this." then audibly said, "You have beautiful eyes." The froggit seemed confused, but happy, until Toriel raised a fireball and glowered at it until it left. The voice said, "Maybe we should wait on killing her, yeah?" Frisk refused to dignify that with a response.
Soon Toriel told the child she had to do something difficult and leave for a moment. Frisk didn't feel even the slightest feeling of doubt, and neither did the voice, but Toriel seemed worried. Frisk calmly walked to the end of the room.
"You know she's behind that column, right?"
"Yeah, but let's not let her know that."
Toriel soon appeared and explained that it was an exercise in independence. She then gave Frisk a phone and told them to stay put before leaving. Frisk sat down for about five minutes.
"Do you want to leave, Frisk?"
"1. Yes, 2. How do you know my name?"
"1. I'm in your head, 2. You're a moron." Frisk laughed and then stood up.
"Alright, let's go." Frisk walked out and saw a Froggit. Before talking to the Froggit, Frisk's eyes fell upon a nice bed of leaves. Frisk felt drawn to the leaves and played in them for a bit, feeling flush with a feeling like none other, before returning to the patient monster. Frisk noticed the Froggit was intently watching and walked over with a wave and a smile.
"Excuse me, Human. I have some advice for you about battling monsters. If you act a certain way or fight until you almost defeat them, they might not want to battle you anymore. If a monster does not want to fight you, please, use some mercy, human."
"Will do." Said Frisk.
"Or you could, y'know, not."
"What is up with you?"
"Nothing. Nothing." The voice said defensively. Frisk then remembered a Froggit was still watching their internal battle, then smiled and waved again before turning around.
Immediately after, a Froggit bounded up. This time, Toriel wasn't here, but Frisk was sure they had this. One measly attack dodged and a compliment later, the Froggit bounded away satisfied. Frisk wasn't hurt, but only just barely. They decided they needed to get good at this, and fast. Next, they walked North to find a bowl of candy. The bowl said take one, so Frisk did. They then thought,
"Let me guess, you want me to take another?"
"What, no, it's disgusting. It's not like it's chocolate or anything. If it was, then absolutely, but I don't even know why you're even taking one."
Satisfied with this answer, Frisk put the candy away and called Toriel. "Hi mom." "Huh? Did you just call me… mom? Well, I suppose- would that make you happy? To call me, mother?" Frisk rolled their eyes as they heard gagging sounds in their own head. "Well then, call me whatever you like!" Then she hung up. "Kiss up." The voice remarked. Frisk giggled at the jealous sounding comment. Frisk didn't know what it was about the voice, but they liked it. It was annoying, and said a lot of things they didn't agree with, but having company was nice, and having a friend, or even a frenemy, never hurt… They hoped. They forged onward, eventually calling Toriel while passing through a seemingly pointless room where they fell through the floor. They learned Toriel lived here in the ruins, not surprising, and continued to move on.
Soon, Frisk found a room with a rock and what looked to be a pressure pad and without even reading the sign on the wall went to push the rock. At that moment, Toriel called and asked if they preferred Cinnamon or Butterscotch. They carefully weighed their options, until both agreed cinnamon was the way to go for this completely pointless question. Shortly after, Toriel made sure they didn't dislike Butterscotch. They agreed they didn't mind it, and if two beings within one mind that had met about an hour ago could look at each other with suspicion, they would've been doing it. They continued to encounter and spare moldsmals, froggits, and whimsums everywhere, and eventually met a funny rock that didn't understand the concept of going to a switch and staying on it.
Frisk came upon a hallway blocked by a ghost staring up at the ceiling. Frisk waited for minutes, while the ghost said the letter z aloud multiple times, then decided they might need to be a bit more direct. They asked the ghost to move and the ghost started apologizing for being in the way and crying all at once. One of the tears grazed Frisk and stung, so they knew to avoid the tears as another attack. After some dodging, patience, and positivity, Frisk got to see a cool "hat trick," (Frisk told the joke in their head and the voice practically hissed at them to stop). Frisk applauded the trick, and the ghost kindly moved. Frisk kept walking and found a room covered in webs with a sign, that read, "Spider Bake Sale. All proceeds go to real spiders." That sounded okay to them and they left 7g in the first web and soon received a donut with spiders in it.
"Can we at least stomp on some of the spiders, they're gross and dangerous."
"N-O." Frisk spelled out with exaggeration on each letter.
They went North and met several frogs, each with helpful advice. Frisk walked into a new room and grasped that amongst the piles of leaves were structurally weak spots they could fall through to find the switch that solved the puzzle. After some wandering, they met a new monster, had a nice meal, reconnected with their new ghost friend, and finally found something interesting. They found a cute ribbon, and decided to put it on.
"Why are you putting that on?"
"Maybe they'll want to hit me less if I look cuter." Frisk elected to ignore the following scoff, guffaw, and snicker from their companion, soon followed by an indignant snort.
Frisk went through a puzzle about perspective with ease.
"You must really like puzzles, hunh?"
"Hmm, yeah, I guess I do. They're fun to solve."
"I hate puzzles, they get in the way and slow you down from what you're going for." Frisk was still thinking on this when they prepared to walk North.
"Wait! There's something to the East, I think you should check it out." Frisk didn't like the tone in the voice, something was fishy about it, but did so anyway. There, they found a toy knife on the ground.
"Pick it up."
"You never know, maybe you'll have to defend yourself."
"The stick will work fine." The voice took a pleading tone, like a child wanting a cookie and said,
"Fine, but only to make you happy."
"Yay!" Frisk picked up the knife. It felt uncomfortable in their hand, but they supposed it was fine. It's not like they ever intended to use it, but they figured, as long as they have a voice in their head, they might as well throw it a bone every now and then. Then they went North and ran right into Toriel, about to call them on the phone.
"How did you get here, my child? Are you hurt? There, there, I will heal you. I should not have left you alone for so long. It was irresponsible to try to surprise you like this. Err… well, I suppose I cannot hide it any longer. Come, small one!" Frisk obediently followed, and was filled with that same feeling as before at the sight of a lovely house such as Toriel's. When they entered Toriel said, "Do you smell that? Surprise! It is a butterscotch cinnamon pie. I thought we might celebrate your arrival. I want you to have a nice time living here. So I will hold off on snail pie for tonight." The almost uncontrollable joy and anticipation Frisk felt for the pie, lessened somewhat at the disgusting thought of snail pie, but they decided they would get over it. The voice replied to their thoughts, "Hey, don't knock it til you try it." Frisk agreed that that sounded fair and followed Toriel as she declared another surprise.
"This is it. A room of your own. I hope you like it!" Toriel gently rubbed Frisk's hair, and Frisk thought to themself (selves?) "I think the ribbon had something to do with this." A laugh came through their head and they were satisfied that one of their jokes finally hit home. They went inside as Toriel went to make sure her pie didn't burn, and realized how tired they really were. It had been an exhausting, but fun day so far. They decided a nap would do them well. They lay on their new bed but couldn't seem to sleep just yet, so they decided to reflect.
"So, uh-" The voice began, "-how did you fall down here?"
"Well, uh, I used to live at this orphanage. It sucked. Everyone that worked there was either a jerk or couldn't care less about us. I always went outside and played in the forest when they weren't looking. Yesterday, I got… disciplined, for doing that, and decided to spit in their face and go further than I ever have. I went to the mountain, even though they said never to do that. The old lady that ran it always talked legends about monsters in the mountain, but everyone thought it was an old wives' tale to scare children away from exploring. Guess we were wrong, hunh?"
They chuckled, but there was no joy in the laughter.
"I explored, then fell down here. Then you started talking to me."
Silence followed for a time.
"Why do you want to go back? It seems like there's nothing back there for you."
"I don't know. I guess I just feel like, I belong there. I don't know how else to live."
More silence for an even longer time.
"Excuse me?"
"My name. You asked my name earlier when we almost died. My name is Chara."
"Oh. Nice to meet you, Chara."
"I guess you're alright too, Frisk." Frisk smiled and then turned on the bed, soon falling into a deep sleep.