Assumptions – Rating M

Chapter 08The Journeys End

Warnings – Swearing, violence, mentions of rape and scenes of sexual activity are shown or mentioned in this story. Some of the cast may appear OOC from Canon. Some scenes may be upsetting to some readers.

A/N – The long awaited finale of Assumptions is here… Is Harry found Guilty or Not Guilty? Does Hermione keep the baby? Does Ginny get her just deserts? Find out more in the finale of Assumptions…Coming up right now!

I was going to upload this tomorrow but decided to upload it today as I had finished it earlier then planned (I had already prewrote most of it before I wrote the first chapter! It was a case of finishing the last couple of bits off. it is...


Potter Cottage, Godrics Hollow, Cheshire, England

14th August 1999

Harry James Potter was happy in a way. He was finally with the woman he loved and had a son he could look at and think 'That was all thanks to Hermione.' Admittedly he told Hermione that he would only be married for the sake of their baby, he knew he still had feelings for her.

The Wizengamot had found him Not Guilty of raping Hermione and Ginny following the medical proof of him and his condition, followed by the confessions of Ginny Weasley and her allegations of rape, she was put on trial.

During the trial of Ginny Weasley the Wizengamot found her Guilty on the charge of Perverting the Course of Justice and Line Theft and sentenced her to 15 years in Azkaban, having been unable to pay a fine of 5480 Galleons as compensation to Harry.

Molly Weasley banned Harry from visiting The Burrow after he hit Ron, who had not forgiven Harry and Hermione sticking together after he left them on the Horcrux hunt. Ron accused Harry of feeding Hermione a Love Potion resulting in him being battered by an angry Harry.

Molly tried to get him in front of the Wizengamot on charges of assault, but failed following her husband putting his foot down on the matter. Ron ended up getting Lavender Brown pregnant and was forced by a depressed Arthur Weasley to marry her.

Remus Lupin divorced Nymphadora Tonks, with the custody of their son Teddy Remus Lupin being awarded to Andromeda Tonks, following the suicide of Nymphadora, who went into a depression when Remus divorced her.

Jacqueline Zeller lost her job from the Auror department after her part in the letter being leaked was revealed to the Daily Prophet. She ended up working as a Crime Correspondent for the Daily Prophet newspaper; whose fortunes failed significantly following the libel lawsuits that were undertaken by Harry Potter.

Hannah Abbott was disowned by her parents and kicked out of the Abbott ancestral home following the revelations by Augusta Longbottom that Hannah had actively conspired against the head of the Great Alliance, and her betrothal to Ernie Macmillan was cancelled, with the Abbott family being put to shame in front of the Alliance meeting.

Augusta met with her great nephew, Harry, after the Wizengamot hearing, resulting in the last Potter and the Matriarch of the Longbottom family working together to organise a new deal for the British Wizarding World. Little would Harry expect for it to lead to a betrothal contract between his son and the daughter that Luna Longbottom, who Neville dated and married following his failure of a relationship with Ginny Weasley, was due to give birth to any day soon.

Hermione gave birth to James Sirius Potter on 31st August 1998, three months after the trial and a month after the wedding. Her father, Adam Granger brought her as a wedding present a bookshop in Alcester that was for sale with an accompanying flat for the couple. The bookshop over the last year had made a significant profit for the Potter family, with Harry tending to it during the remaining days of Hermione's pregnancy and on alternate days whilst Hermione looked after their son.

Harry looked at his pregnant wife and son and smiled. All was well.


A/N – And that's the end of Assumptions. For all of those who have read the story, I thank you very much. For those who have reviewed and given their opinions, I have appreciated them they much. Please remember that if you have enjoyed this story to Favourite it and share on Social Media and with friends.

This story was based on characters and themes introduced in the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling and A Sleep walkers mistake by Broomstick Flyer. Both authors rights are respected.

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