Rumplestiltskin paced outside Belle's room as she dressed.

She'd asked that he be there, since he wouldn't mind pointing out if she looked absolutely his part, he thought this highly improbable, if not impossible.

However, there he was, and there he waited as Belle's maids dressed her up. He had his own reasons as well-it was, after all, Belle's birthday, and he had a present for her.

He was facing away from the door, and felt her presence before he saw her.

"You're still not going to come with me?"

He did not turn around immediately.


"Well, the least you can do is tell me how I look. After the time I had to spend getting ready, someone I like should see it."

He turned around, and stared. Gold. She'd chosen to dress in gold.

In ordinary dress, hair in constant disarray, Belle had been lovely. Now, she looked like an angel from the heavens in golden silk.

The dress was simple at first sight, with a design in gems along the neckline. You had to look a little closer to notice the way the cut of the bodice accentuated her figure, the skirt falling in layers of silk. She wore elbow length white gloves, and her mother's pearl necklace. Most of her hair was held back but a few curls artfully framed her face.

A little darkness around her eyes to emphasize their blueness, a touch of pink on her lips and cheeks completed the stunning ensemble. The overall effect was regally elegant.

She looked...a Queen.

But he wasn't sure if he didn't prefer his Belle, half-warrior and half-bookworm, her expression fierce and thoughtful and kind in turn. This Belle was a fae creature, unlike any other lady he'd met still, but not the girl he'd come to..admire.


Her gentle voice broke the spell, and he noticed the touch of mischief that sparkled in her eyes.

Belle considered that this ball might not have been a total waste after all. The thought surprised her, because she couldn't remember ever wanting to impress with her looks before.

He'd forgotten how to praise, he thought, forgotten to smile without ulterior motive, just because something pleased him. He was used to dealing with too many who used their beauty as precisely as any weapon, not bright eyed little princesses who wanted his honest opinions.

"Mm...not bad."he managed, "But something's missing."

Belle tilted her head in that curious way of hers as he held up the small box.

"If you'll have it."

Even Belle, not usually caring for finery, gasped at the intricate web of gold fibers woven into the most exquisitely designed necklace she'd ever seen. It managed to be simple and lovely all at once, much like her own pearl pendant, with a single jewel in a dazzling shade of cerulean.

"You made this? Rumple, it's beautiful!"

So are you.

It was on the tip of his tongue, an honest compliment if ever he gave one, but thankfully the foolish notion was gone as soon as it appeared.

Belle looked like she wanted to hug him again, but before he could decide whether to be hopeful or afraid, she remembered her dress and make-up that had taken hours to complete.

"Put it on?"she asked instead.

Gently, he lifted her hair to secure the necklace in place, the silky strands she's decided, for some reason, to wear half loose down her back tumbling into place.

A dazzling smile was the reward for his effort, as she teased gently.

"It's not cursed or anything, right?"

"It has a protection spell on it," he told her. "No one may harm you while you wear it."

He wasn't about to tell her, even in this strange trance her proximity seemed to cause, that the gold had been spun for this very purpose, the spell embedded into it as he thought about her as he spun.

''Have a good evening princess,'' he said, in a bow only half-mocking, and disappeared without a trace of smoke, just before Sir Gaston turned the corner, looking rather too pleased with himself.

''Good evening, Lady Belle. Permit me to escort you to the ball?''

Looks like Papa is matchmaking again.

''Of course, Sir Gaston.'' Belle muttered, slipping almost effortlessly into the court manners she'd been taught as he linked his arm though hers.

As I seem to be fresh out of romantic interests.

It was going to be a long evening.

It was easy to see that her Papa had had too much wine.

It was the first ball Avonlea had seen in years, and the ballroom was filled to overflowing with ladies in fine gowns and gentlemen in formal garb. She had of course, followed Rumplestiltskin's suggestion, and the thought that joy was being brought to every home in Avonlea warmed her heart. She stayed by her father's side as he received congratulations and gifts, and she offers to dance. The cut of her bodice, incidentally, showcased her shoulders and collarbone, with barely any decolletage at all.

It was hard not to leave for fresh air from time to time, but she had to keep an eye on the proceedings. She was glad for it, when Sir Maurice stood to speak.

He rose slowly. She could see it was taking a toll on him, being there, but it was not as bad as it had been. He spoke with little weakness in his voice.

''Today we celebrate our freedom from the threat of the Ogres and the birth of my daughter, the lovely Lady Belle.''

Applause filled the room, and Maurice held up a hand for silence.

'On this joyous occasion, I would also like to announce her betrothal, to a knight who has proven himself loyal and capable in hard times- Sir Gaston.''

She wasn't sure if he said anything else or not. Shocked as she was, her first thought was that no-one could possibly call Sir Gaston capable. The second was that she wasn't going to marry the knight who currently sat with the blonde triplets, but hastily stood to make a speech about Belle's beauty and his own joy, obviously memorized.

Someone nudged her gently. She was expected to speak as well.

She stood, nervously but with her decision already made.

''There will be no wedding.''

The ballroom fell silent in a heartbeat. The last of the conversation died down as every pair of eyes in the room fixed her with identical expressions. Shock, disbelief. Disgust. No daughter, once her father has announced her husband, may flout his decision in public. It was unheard of, disgraceful, humiliating.

Her father stared at her in complete shock. No doubt he had believed that, whatever her opinion, she wouldn't dispute his decision in public.

It would have been true, up until a few months ago.

''Enjoy your evening.''

And with that she somehow managed the to exit with composure, though not fast enough not to notice the whispers breaking out behind her.

Up in his tower, Rumplestiltskin spun.

He usually did this to forget. Now was no different, except that it was blue eyes that haunted him for tonight instead of the brown ones ever-present in his every thought.

I will do nothing else. I will love nothing else.

It was a promise he had made long ago, and he would die before he broke it.

Faint sounds of music drifted up from the ballroom below, a few notes reaching the isolated room in a long-lost melody. It seemed that the entire kingdom had turned out to celebrate his little beauty, and for that he was glad, because no one deserved it more than she.

The temptation to spy on her presented itself. A simple glamour, an invisibility spell, even a scrying mirror would do. She would never know, having only forbidden magic harmful in any way and he did not wish her ill at the moment.

Still, despite her initial misgivings, he was sure she was enjoying herself. For some reason, he had no wish to see her dancing with a handsome prince, laughing with someone the way she usually reserved for him.

Am I jealous? A little possessive of my princess, even though she isn't mine to begin with?

Oddly, he heard the first part in Belle's lilting accent and teasing tone, the second in his own self-deprecating one.

He closed his eyes, his hands continuing the familiar motion without conscious direction. It wasn't a question of what he wanted. She already had too much- his life, his power, his magic. He couldn't afford to offer his heart as well. Even if he did admire her (he refused to call it love) she could never love him back.

She probably didn't want the attentions of an old monster anyway-

A loud thud interrupted his thoughts, followed by another when he didn't immediately respond. Someone was knocking at his door, and only one person ever came to his tower willingly.

''Come in , dearie,'' he called out, in something very like defeat, as the thought of her presence caused his heart to flutter . Mentally, he listed all the reasons he should stay away from her, and counted to ten for good measure.

She pushed the door halfway open and slipped inside, locking it behind her. When she faced him, all other thoughts scattered as he realized her eyes were red from crying.

He had never seen her cry before.

He was at her side in an instant, and leading her to a chair. Later, he would convince himself it was the dagger projecting her emotions. For now, he took a seat opposite her and waited for her to speak.

The wind outside was the only sound for a moment, and Rumplestiltskin considered the tableau they made, she in her gold gown rumpled from running, tear tracks down her cheeks, he in dark leather with a concerned expression he had almost forgotten how to wear. When she spoke, it was almost a whisper.

''He wanted me to marry Gaston.''

Rumplestiltskin considered this for a moment. The 'he' no doubt referred to Sir Maurice. And he wanted to wed his daughter to some oaf of a knight, no doubt for some alliance or wealth he'd been promised. Wait, wanted-


''I refused. He didn't even ask my opinion- he didn't even tell me before, just announced it in front of half the kingdom at the ball. And when I was expected to say my part about how damn happy and grateful I was for such a match ..''

Here, she buried her head into her hands and groaned, ''I refused, and now he's been embarrassed in front of the whole kingdom and probably making a speech right now about how it's only nerves..''

She looked up again. ''My father isn't going to rest until he has his way. And I have no idea what to do.''

''You have the most powerful sorcerer in the world-''

''For five more months. What happens after that? No doubt Papa is regretting letting me have the dagger. But I don't think I could stay here anymore. I never chose to go because Papa needed me, but if I stay..I don't think I could accept marrying a stranger as my fate anymore, after all this.''

''All this?''

''Meeting you. Fighting a war.''

Falling in love.

''You don't have to decide right now, Belle''

His hand had somehow found it's way to covering hers, and the moonlight made her hair gleam and gilded her skin ivory, and oh, he was in so much trouble.

Suddenly she stood up, taking him with her by his hand. ''You're right. Not now. Come on, we need some music.''

Too startled to keep up, he simply conjured some instruments. A sweet tune filled the room, drowning out the music from the hall below.

She pulled him to the center of the room, spinning him once, experimentally. She had never managed to be very graceful, what with her natural clumsiness, but his poise balanced it, and they ended up doing quite the graceful waltz. The moonlight was the only illumination, soft music drifting around the room, and she wouldn't have broken the moment for the world.

''You know, maybe I'll take you up on your offer and go with you.'' Belle sighed.

''An, no dearie, you could never be a good maid. And who will rule the lands you've dealt with the Dark One to save?''

''I may be the only direct heir by blood, but I have cousins. I could invite them here, see if they can manage well.''

''It could work. Where would you go?''

''Well, I've always wanted to travel the world. But first, I think I would like to see your home.''

He smiled at that. Neither spoke until the dance was over,

After she was gone, Rumplestiltskin silently put away the memory, like a pressed flower. Just because she had lost her mind and danced with him once, didn't mean it would ever happen again.

With apologies for the delay. I had to deal with a small emergency involving a family gathering, a birthday gift, and an invasion of toddlers. And this chapter just wouldn't get written.