After walking for a few more hours Edward could no longer go on. He went off the path and into a grassy area. He transmuted some bread and wolfed it down before collapsing into a deep sleep.

When Ed woke up a still a little drowsy he felt a heck of a lot better. He sat up and stretched his legs and arms out wincing slightly at the soreness.

Looking around Edward smiled brightly, the birds were singing, the sun was shining and no one was trying to kill him. Ed had a feeling it was going to a great day. He popped up getting a small breakfast of transmuted bread. Then he got started going down the road again. It had been a while since he had been able to walk leisurely and enjoy the scenery. It was actually quite beautiful. The forest seemed to be somewhat ….. magical? The sky was a clear blue covered with only a few white clouds. Everything seemed to be perfect.

Until it started raining. After a few hours of complete bliss it started pouring more than just cats and dogs. The rain hit Ed like a ton of bricks drenching him to the bone. Ed groaned in pain as his ports screamed at him. Like it was his fault it was raining. Of course the weather ended up like this. Even in an alternate universe nothing went his way.

Ed continued stumbling forward when he heard humming a tune Edward definitely hadn't heard before. After a few minutes Ed turned around and saw a small man a three yards away from him in strange looking clothing with … greenish skin? Ed shakily raised an eyebrow. Some sort of chimera? He shook his head, it didn't matter. Even though Ed thought that he gave into his curiosity and stole another glance. This time Ed eyes met directly into the others. Awkward~. Ed quickly looked away walking slightly faster than before, despite his ports protests.

Ed felt a tap on his shoulder and he jumped slightly swiftly turning his head around to become face to face with the odd man. Ed felt the color drain out of his face. What the hell! How the freaking heck did he get so close in such a short amount of time! Ed's heart felt like it was trying to run away and leave him behind.

The man smiled creepily showing off slightly sharp teeth.

"Is everything alright dearie?"

Edward bristled, anger coursing through him.


The man smiled wider laughing freakishly high.

"The heck you laughing at?" Ed gave him a death glare.

"I never said that you were short or get mistaken as a girl. I assure you are a very tall young man."

Ed calmed down brightening up, putting his hands on his hips and beaming.

"Finally! Someone who sees the truth!"

Ed's happiness last only a few second before he started hacking his guts out. He brought his metal hand to his mouth until he stopped coughing.

The man's smile wavered a bit.

"Looks like you need some help dearie.

Ed shook his head and straightened up.

"Nuh-uh. I don't need help. I am perfectly fine. He started to walk away briskly, again in despite the pain emanating from his body.

The man decided to walk behind him

"All the evidence point to you needing my help. You're soaked, you're sick and you are clearly in pain. I can help you."

Ed twisted his head around again glaring at the man who had a super creepy smirk on his face.

"Why the heck would i accept help from you! I don't even know who you are!" Ed suddenly felt really tired, "I'm just gonna take a nap. I don't need your help. Bye".

He went back to the edge of the road flopping on a soft patch of grass and falling asleep before the strange man said anything.