A/N: i feel lonely

so i write



Sawada Tsunahime sat glumly in her first-class seat on the plane. Twitching uncomfortably, she cast another furtive glance around the cabin. The only sound that met her was the hushed whisper of conversation carried out by a few passengers seated a ways from her. The sixteen-years-old girl sunk into her seat, a grimace crossing her face as she tried to focus on the field of clouds below the plane.

"Are you okay, Miss?" Tsuna startled out of her daydream, and turned with an abashed blush to face the air stewardess. Did she look that uncomfortable? The half-Italian gave a small shake of her head at the concerned lady, forcing her lips up in a crooked little smile as assurance (the air stewardess looks all the more concerned at that, but Tsuna quickly turned back to the small window beside her seat).

The light for the seat belt icon shone a sickly luminescent blue, and the brown-haired girl fumbled with the seat belt a little, her eyebrows in a worried crease.

She was finally back in Japan, after spending most of her life in Italy. Her mother had gone on ahead first to get the old house ready (Papa offered to get the professional cleaners, but Mama said that she wanted to do it herself), leaving Tsunahime to board the plane alone now. It was nerve-wracking, and the girl was feeling more than a little homesick. She wondered if she would see Felicita again…

Then again, it wasn't like Tsuna didn't have friends back in Namimori; but she was six when she was uprooted and tossed to Italy - who remembers their friends back from when they were six? There were a few playmates she could remember though - warm hazel eyes and a bright grin; bright orange hair and a sweet smile; spiky hair and a shy smile... But for the love of everything good, she couldn't remember their names.

Grimacing, the girl clasped the seat belt and leaned back, feeling wholly uncomfortable in the large seat. After ten years, she was going to land in her homeland again…

If only she felt that starting over wouldn't spell disaster for someone such as herself.

As her ears popped and the plane descended through the clouds, Tsuna let out a dejected sigh and thunk her head back onto the cushy headrest.

Bye-bye, Italy. She thought glumly.

Nana had picked the teenage girl from the airport, her spirits high and her smiles bright. Tsuna didn't feel much like reciprocating, but instead just went along with her mother who bustled her back into the taxi. Watching the unfamiliar sights as the taxi passed by was halfway nauseating – she missed Italy very much all of a sudden, and Tsuna wasn't even gone for a full day yet.

The moderate two-stories house that they arrived at didn't do much to lighten her heart – but the orange tulips clearly planted by Nana beforehand made her smile a little. The gardens may not be as large, the house not as extravagant, and the people different – but perhaps Tsuna could try living here for the next few years. Perhaps.

"Tsu-chan, bring your things upstairs and come down for a little snack, okay?" Nana said cheerily, in her hands a stack of fliers and letters as she locked the main door behind her.

The brown-haired girl adjusted the shoulder-strap, fiddling with it a little. "Yeah, okay." Tsuna muttered back in Japanese – feeling wholly uncomfortable with the unpracticed tongue. Nana beamed, clearly happy that her daughter was at least making an effort, before heading deeper into the house – presumably to the kitchen.

Grimacing, the girl heaved the luggage up step by step upstairs.

The room assigned to her (which was very prominent to spot, what with the tuna sign hanging over the door thanks dad you're lame) was furnished sparsely – and Tsuna was part-thankful that her mother gave her some space. Tsuna wasn't averse to putting up some posters of her favourite boy bands or such, but she had left them all back in Italy.

Thinking back about Italy just made her homesickness worsen, so the girl flopped on the bed with a groan, staring up at the ceiling blankly. A few stray noise flitted over from the half-closed window, and Tsuna sighed as she got up, intending to shut it before any godforsaken bug crawled or flew in. Hashtag no.

The sounds of laughter teased her ears as Tsuna's hands reached out for the window. Curiosity peaked – it was a suburban area, and hardly anyone lived around aside the old married couples or grannies, from what her mother described – the brown-haired girl peeked out of the window. Loud boisterous laughter followed – and then Tsuna saw them.

The sweet tinkling laughter she had heard first must have been from the lady with green hair and eyes as blue as the sky itself – her grace and poise easily matching any number of high-society ladies Tsuna had seen at Italy. Mouth falling open in awe, Tsuna leaned out a little, hoping to catch a better look. The louder laugh must have been from the blond with an army-patterned band around his head – but his expression was rapidly changing from before as he said something agitatedly to the man in fedora beside him… The latter's body was angled away from her though, so she couldn't see anything past his outfit. A girl with cropped blue hair thwacked the blond on the head painfully, and Tsuna winced. That looked painful...and the guy in the fedora radiated smugness even though his face was not visible.

Shrugging herself out of the train of thoughts, Tsuna settled back down on her bed, the window forgotten.

They couldn't have been older than high-school, Tsuna wondered. Maybe this was why Grandpa Tim wanted me to attend the Vongola Inc sponsored school here… If the students all turned out this polished, she wouldn't be averse to attending too.

That's right, school. Dread filled the girl's heart as she realised that she had to meet new people. What if I stand out too much? Or worst – I screw up?! Clutching her head and messing up her brown-haired in despair, Tsuna groaned and fell back onto her bed, wild thoughts filling her head.

Whimpering, the girl curled up into a ball.

"I want to go back to Italy..." she murmured dejectedly, the soft Italian she spoke only managing to suppress her homesickness a little.

That was the sight Nana came unto when she went up to check on her daughter's slow progress – a frown fixed on the sweet girl's face as she squirmed uncomfortably on her new bed, having fallen into an uneasy sleep.

Oh my, Nana thought, perhaps that flier could actually help.

Dear new Nami-Freshman (yes, new, because there are some who stayed back a year just to enjoy the Orientation again – we're that good),

This is an informal invitation for you to join us at our Freshmen Orientation at Namimori Senior High, hosted by our very own Namimori Student Council! Starting anew in a different environment will always be hard, and transition and change will be harder. The seniors have thus organised the FO in hopes of helping to smooth over any rough edges you may encounter – and what's better than making friends and memories at the very place you will spend the next three years in?

Come join us for two weeks of fun and games with the seniors and other freshmen! Sign up at this website: namifo/signup/2603804


Date: 26 March (Saturday) to 8 April (Friday) (first day of school: 11 April Monday)

Time/venue of meeting on first day of camp: 10am at the Sports Complex in Nami-High (map is provided at the back of the flier)

What to wear: comfortable clothing

What to bring: packing list is available for download at the link above after sign-up!

To note:

This is an overnight camp!

Camp fire will be on the second to last day (7 April, 7pm), all family members are invited.

This camp is proudly sponsored by Vongola Incorporations.

We hope to see you at Namimori Freshmen Orientation!

Namimori Student Council

Disciplinary Committee

Liquidation Committee

A/N: So… I'm starting a new fic because why not.

Shameless advertising for my two other ongoing KHR stories – go check them out on my profile.

Also, I hope this fic gets as crazy as I envision it, because Xanxus and Byakuran as group leaders cheering their hearts out? You caN NEVER ASK FOR MORE IN YOUR LIFE ANY MORE – OH AND

Sneakpeek into the group formation I planned to make you guys more interested so that I will be more motivated to write faster and then you guys will be happier and blablabla (it's a feedback loop trust me):

Camp Oceanus

Camp Commander: Lal Mirch

Vice Camp Commander: Dino

hahaha what was I thinking when I arranged that man

anyway, for any Change fans reading, the three brothers are alive and kicking and this time I promise no killing

this is pure camp craziness, sue me


Review pls. Tell me if this is a bad idea