(In this story, Adam is 7, Bree is 6 and Chase is 5)

Chase's POV.

I was reading a book in the lab. Bee-Bee was playing with her dolls, and Adee was playing with his trucks. Adee came over to me and tapped my shoulder. I tried to ignore him, but he kept tapping me.

"Chasey!" He whined.

"What Adee?" I demanded as I slammed the book shut.

"Do you wanna play a game?" Adee asked.

"What's the game?" I asked.

"It's called Bionic brother toss. I throw you with my super strength and see how far you go." Adee explained.

"That's sounds dangerous Adee. I don't wanna get hurt because of you being stupid and throwing me." I explained as I went back to my book.

But Adee picked me up anyway, making me drop the book.

"Bee-Bee! Chasey and I are playing a game!" Adee yelled as he carried me one side of the lab.

"Adee don't do it!" I yelled as I struggled to get out of his grip, but it was no use.

"Ready Bee-Bee?" Adee asked.

Bee-Bee nodded, she didn't talk much.

"Three, four, one!" Adee yelled.

I felt myself flying through the air for a second before crashing on some of daddy's inventions. My entire body hurt so bad and I started crying and screaming.

Bree's POV.

I ran over to Chasey and picked him up.

"Chasey, are you ok?" I asked.

"It...it hurts Bee. Hurts bad." Chasey whined before crying more.

"Adee why did you hurt Chasey?!" I yelled as I cradled my baby brother.

"I didn't think he would get hurt. I wanted to have fun!" Adee yelled.

"Well daddy isn't home and now we have to take care of Chasey." I explained.

"What do we do? We aren't doctors or adults. We don't know how to take care of people." Adee explained.

"Daddy normally puts us in our capsules to scan us when we get hurt." I remembered as I saw something red on my hand.

"What's this Adee?" I asked as I showed him my hand.

"I think daddy said it's called blood. And if we saw it, we needed to get him. Is it you or Chasey?" Adee asked.

"Chasey. I'm not hurt." I said.

"Do I need to get the magic bandaid?" Adee asked.

"No there's too much. We need to make him comfy, find out where the blood is coming from." I explained.

"Let's put him down here." Adee said as he grabbed Chasey's blanket that he slept with sometimes in his capsule and a sofa pillow and put them on the ground.

I laid him down gently and held his hand.

"Adee, daddy has some bandages in the drawer under his desk. Can you go get them?" I asked.

Adee nodded and left.

"Chasey, are you feeling ok?" I asked.

"No no. It hurts Bee-Bee." Chasey said before starting to cry again.

"Where does it hurt?" I asked.

"Everywhere, my arm hurts a lot." Chasey explained as tears were running down his cheeks.

"Alright, let me look, ok? It may hurt a bit." I explained as I picked up his arm.

Chasey gripped tightly onto his blanket as I looked at his arm. I found out that was where the blood was coming from. Well, their was a little coming from his leg, but it was mostly his arm. Then Adee came back with the bandages.

"Thanks Adee." I smiled as I wrapped the bandages around Chasey's arm and leg.

"You know how to do that?" Adee asked.

"Not really." I admitted.

After a few minutes, we got Chasey bandaged up and everything, then he started crying again.

"No Chasey. Don't cry. What's wrong?" Adee asked.

"I want daddy." Chasey cried.

"Shh. Daddy is at work. But Adee can be daddy. And I can be mommy. You call me mama. And you are the baby." I explained.

"What's mommy?" Chasey asked.

"It's like a daddy, but a girl." I explained as I ran my hand through Chasey's hair.

"That feels good." He whispered.

"You like that Chasey?" I asked.

He nodded as I did it again.

"Do you want your stuffed bunny?" I asked.

"Yes please." Chasey said.

"Daddy, go get baby's bunny." I said.

"You can't boss me around mommy!" Adee yelled.

"Fine! I'll go get it. You watch baby and let me know if he wants something." I explained as I sped to Chasey's capsule, grabbed his bunny and came back.

"Here you go Chasey."

"Thank you mommy." Chasey smiled as he squeezed the bunny.

"Your welcome Chasey." I smiled as I ran my hand through his hair.

Chasey started falling asleep after that. He was just so cute!

"Adee, since you hurt Chasey, I have to put you in time out." I explained.

"But I helped you take care of him!" Adee yelled.

"Don't yell, you'll wake him up. And your time out was originally for 50 trillion minutes, but I decided that now you get 5." I explained.

"Do you know how to know when five minutes are up?" Adee asked.

"Yes now go sit in time out chair." I said as I pointed to the small yellow chair in the corner.

Adee sulked and went to the chair. I didn't really know when five minutes was, so I just counted to five.

"You can get up now Adee." I said.

"That was the quickest time out ever." Adee said.

Then Chasey started waking up again.

"Hey baby." I smiled as I ran my hand through his hair.

"Mommy, I'm hungry." Chasey said.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked.

"I don't know." Chasey said.

"Daddy, go look in the fridge for something for baby." I ordered as I sat down beside Chasey.

"Okee dokey." Adee said as he went to the fridge.

"How does your arm feel?" I asked.

"Don't touchy! It hurts!" Chasey yelled as he squirmed a bit.

"Ok. Calm down Chasey. I'm not gonna touch." I soothed, running my hand through his hair.

"I brought all of us a snack!" Adee announced as he brought us Oreos and apple juice.

"Yummy!" Chasey yelled.

"Daddy! Baby has to have milk! Not juice!" I yelled.

"But what if baby doesn't want milk? Besides, we don't have any milk." Adee explained.

"Fine. Baby can have juice just this once." I surrendered as I put the straw in the juice box and handed it to Chasey.

After we finished our snack, Chasey started crying again.

"Why are you crying now?" Adee asked.

"I want daddy!" Chasey yelled.

"Daddy is right here." Adee said as he rubbed Chasey's shoulder.

"Real daddy! Not you Adee!" Chasey yelled.

Then we heard the elevator open and we saw daddy walk out.

"I'm home and I made even more money! I didn't even know it was possible, but I'm getting more and more awesome." Daddy said, then he noticed what was going on and picked up Chasey.

"What happened to Chase?" Daddy asked as he held Chasey like a baby.

"Adee came up with a game, Chasey fell on your inventions, so Adee and I played mommy and daddy." I explained.

"So that's why his arm and leg are bleeding?" Daddy asked.

I nodded, then said.

"But I put Adee in time out for five minutes."

"Ok I'll talk to you two later. Right now I need to take care of Chase." Daddy explained.

Adee and I went to go play while daddy fixed Chasey up.

Mr. Davenport's POV.

I set Chase on the cyber desk and unwrapped the bandage on his leg. It wasn't bad, so I cleaned it and put a bandage on it. Then I started unwrapping the one on his arm when Chase started squirming.

"Chase. Let me look." I said.

"No it hurts don't touchy!" Chase yelled.

"Chase, let me look. Alright?" I asked.

Chase didn't answer, but stopped squirming while I unwrapped it. The cut was very deep and badly bleeding.

"Oh boy. You need stitches Chase. This is a really bad cut." I explained.

"No! I don't like needles!" Chase yelled.

'Just like Douglas, fear of needles.' I thought to myself as I hugged Chase and said.

"It's the only way you feel better Chase. I'll even make it numb so you can't feel it. Ok?" I asked.

"O...ok." Chase whimpered.

I grabbed a cotton ball with local anaesthesia on it and held it on Chase's arm. He winced a little at first, but then he relaxed. I carried him to the TV and turned on a show for him. Something called Sharkman and Flipperboy or something like that. I didn't care really. Then I saw Adam and Bree come in the room.

"Is he ok daddy?" Bree asked as she sat down beside me on the couch.

"Yeah Bree. He's ok." I smiled.

"So am I in trouble?" Adee asked.

"Well, Bree already put you in time out, so no. But you have to tell Chase your sorry." Daddy explained.

"Sorry Chase. Forgive me?" Adam asked his brother.

"Don't do it again, but ok." Chase smiled.

"Alright buddy, can you feel your arm?" I asked Chase.

"No." Chase said.

"Alright, let's get you stitched up real quick then." I said as I picked Chase up and put him on the cyber desk.

After I gave him the stiches, I took him back to the couch. I saw Adam playing with his trucks, but Bree hugged Chase as soon as I brought him back. I smiled and went to go work on my newest invention.

Bree's POV.

"Does it hurt anymore Chasey?" I asked.

"I still can't feel it." He giggled, then said.


"Yes Chasey?" I asked.

"You are the best mommy ever."

Should I make this into a two shot in modern time where Bree is upset because of what Chase said in the end of this and she thinks Tasha is replacing her? Don't worry, I'll throw in some Chase whump. After all, it wouldn't be Susz without it. ;)

You all have my 5 year old sister to thank for this. I normally read her my one shot, Back to bed, for a bedtime story and she wanted me to write a new little Lab rats story, so I got this idea.

This is probably cliche and stupid, but I LOVE the idea.

So let me know if I should make this a two shot or if you want me to leave it like this.

Check out my story Big dreams, big disasters if you haven't! Also, there should be a update on Elite invasion today, so you'll know when that comes out.

Over and out.
