"Hello and welcome citizens of Paris to the charity funded fashion show, hosted my yours truly," the tv presenter Alec Cataldi said into the camera smiling "This whole thing has been arranged by the teenagers of Collège Françoise Dupont, and it is all the funds raised by everyone being here will go for charities of the students choices. Don't go away folks; we'll be back after these messages."


It was the night of the fashion show and back stage everyone was in their outfits.

"These are so... great Marinette," Rose said squealing lightly as she span around in her dress.

"Yeah... This dress makes me actually feel like a princess," Juleka said placing on her spider- tiara on top of her head and looking in the mirror set up next to the stage.

"Thanks guys," Marinette said smiling, in her own dress and looking around for Alya, wanting to give her something before the show starts, "Um... Do you know where Alya is?"

"I think she's still getting changed," Rose said looking in the mirror as well.

Checking the time, seeing they only had minutes left, she went inside to find her friend.


On the other side of the stage the boys were getting ready and were also saying how cool the costumes were.

"Chole was an asshole to think these were lame," Kim said bouncing the football around.

"Yeah well that's Chole for you," Adrien said looking into the mirror and fixing his bow tie, it was decided by himself and Marinette that his costume wouldn't have the cane.

"Yeah, can you believe I actually liked her at some point?" Kim asked catching the ball, and looking in the mirror as well.

As he did, Adrien looked around.

"Hey Kim, you know where Nino is?" he asked.

"Er... I think he needed the bathroom," Kim said looking around.

Nodding Adrien went off to find him.


In the class room the girls were getting changed in, Alya was looking herself over in her blue and green dress not believing she let Marinette talk her into this.

Saying so as the bluenette came in.

"Hey I won that rock, paper, scissors, game fair and square," Marinette said says coming over Tiki hovering next to her "Now come on... the show's going to start in three minutes..." she said grabbing her friend and pulling her out to the stage.


In the bathroom Nino was just caught my Adrein as he was coming out.

"Yeah yeah dude I'm just coming," Nino says thinking that's what Adrien was there for.

"Well good, 'cause the show starts in three minutes," Adrien said, Plagg lying across his shoulder, grabbing his friends arm and running with him outside.


"Welcome back everybody," Alec said as the music, the lights and the camera's were turned on again "Now, we get to see what we've all been waiting for... The fashion show!" he called out. "Right here with me I have the parents of the wonderful young lady who made all of the beautiful outfit's we are about to see, Tom and Sabine Dupian-Cheng, have you got anything to say?"

"Our daughter worked very hard on these outfits," Sabine said "So I hope you all like them."

"I'm sure we will," Alec says looking to the camera again "So lets get the show going..."

In the end the show was an absolute success.

Everyone went on, and came off when they were meant to. The audience clapped and cheered to each outfit.

And all together they had raised €216, and Marinette received tens of orders from the audience for their own outfits.

Over at the bakery, everyone was in their regular outfits again, and was celebrating their success.

Up on the roof, Marinette, Adrien, Tiki, and Plagg were enjoying their cookies and the hot chocolate.

"It's been really quiet lately hasn't it?" Adrien finally said, looking up to the moon "What with no Akuma's running around destroying everything..."

"Hmm..." Tikki says nibbling on a cookie "But Paris still has its problems, they're just not as big."

"At least they aren't all after Chole meaning we have to rescue her anymore," Plagg says eating some cheese.

"Well I believed she deserved every Akuma that went after her," Marinette said proud that she managed to make said brat suffer the worse.

Somehow... the pictures Adrien took of Chole when she was a statue had been posted up on the school website and everyone saw them.

After a few minutes of silence Marinette asked Adrien which Akuma, excluding herself, was the one he enjoyed the most and why?

"Out of all of them, Stoneheart," Adrien said smiling "Because it was the first time Imet you."

This response getting Marinette to blush, Tikki to smile and Plagg to gag.

"Mine's Dark Cupid," Marinette said avoiding Adrien's eyes "I know i said back then the kiss was only to break the spell... Meaning it didn't mean anything. But now I'm wondering if that was true or not."

Smirking, Adrien put down his mug, got Marinette to place down hers, wrapped his arms around her and kissed her on the lips.

"That answer your question?" he asked pulling away.

"Are you going to do that every time I can't decide on something?" Marinette asks smirking "A simple 'Yes' or 'No' will do thanks," she says as Adrien was leaning in once more.

"Well do you want it to be?" he asked both ignoring their Kwami's as one 'Aww...ed' and the other pretended to be sick.

Thinking, Marinette leaned in and kissed Adrien quickly pulling away, blushing "That answer your question?" she asked, getting a nod and a hug from the boy.

With that, they both went back to drinking their cocoa and looking at the moon.

Both wondering what the future will have in store for them...


AN: Sorry it took so long to wrap up - i was having difficulty trying to work out what to say, but...

It's finally over, I hope you liked it, Merci beaucoup for all the favorit-ies, followers, and reviews I got


Ugly-Duckling123 ;)