I don't own Oz or the characters. Sorry it's been so long.

Elliot looked around the yuppie elementary school that they had been sent. The body of a teacher had been found that morning. He had the word 'Pedo' carved into his chest along with his genitals being severed. Since he was a third-grade teacher, this was their first stop. Fin and Munch were interviewing the man's wife.

He caught Liv's eye when the secretary seemed a little too nervous. Her eyes had been huge as saucers when he walked through the door, he thought she would pass out. She had then told them to wait for the dean but kept looking over her shoulder at the door they had walked in.

"Is something wrong, Ms. Kendrick?" Olivia asked. The woman jumped ever so slightly.

"No…just…horrible news about Paul."

"Did you know him long?" Olivia asked.

With as jumpy as she was, Elliot decided to keep his mouth shut. No point of making her even more jumpy unless there was a reason.

"What? No, I…I've just known him for a few months. I only started at the beginning of the school year."

Before they could ask any more questions the dean's door opened and a tall woman with wispy black hair walked out.

"Dean Garibaldi?" Elliot asked.

"Yes, you must be Detectives Benson and Stabler." She pushed her falling hair out of her eyes. She was a little more relaxed than he expected a dean of an expensive private school to be in middle of a murder investigation.

"Yes, we're here to talk about Paul Odem," Elliot told her.

"Of course, such tragic news. Come into my office." She looked at the secretary. "Please, hold my calls, Kitty."

"Yes, Mrs. Garibaldi."

Stabler decided he would do a background check on the secretary, there was something off about her. But he had more important things to deal with at the moment.

Toby got a call that they were releasing the kids early from school. Maureen was still in class so he had to get them. He picked Matthew up from his firm's daycare and called the hired car he sometimes used.

Because the school was so exclusive, it did make him wonder about the reason for the early dismissal.

"I'll be right back," he told the driver before unbuckling Matty from his carrier and picked his sleeping son up.

There were a few parents and caretakers around gossiping, if he didn't have Matty he probably would have listened. Listening to gossip wasn't something he used to do in his old life, the life before Oz. But living in Oz you needed to keep your ear to the ground to survive. He did notice the visible upset faces of the people picking up children.

"Did you hear?" a short, round man came up to him, asking.

Toby vaguely recognized him as the father of a little girl in Harry's class.

"No, I just got the call about early dismissal."

"Mr. Odem, Ariel and Harry's teacher was murdered last night."

"Here?" he asked, heart beating out of control.

"No, I don't really know where it was. I've only been hearing bit and pieces."

"Where are the kids?"

"They should be releasing them any minute now. We just saw some cops go in there. I wonder who killed the guy, I thought he was perfectly nice."

Toby could only nod. He had only met the guy once, he seemed a little too nice for Toby's taste. Usually, when someone was like that they were hiding something. But the man had passed the school's sturdiest background checks.

Before anything else could be said a woman with long blonde hair came out of the front door.

"Excuse me, I'm Hannah Lyndell, the school psychiatrist. Your children will be released in a few moments. They will be escorted out by their teachers. Anyone who has a child in Mr. Odem's class, please follow me," she said.

"What about our other children?" the man he had been talked to asked.

"If you have other children, give me their names and they will be waiting in cafeteria until after you are finished."

Toby gave Holly's name to the prim woman and followed her into Harry's classroom.

His son was sitting at his desk, tears running down his little face. Toby's heart ached for his son and wanted to run to him.

"Would you like me to take the baby?" the blonde woman asked.

He didn't know why but this woman gave him an uneasy feeling. "No, that's okay, I'm fine. Really."

She nodded and left the room. As soon as she was out of the room, all the children got up and ran to their parents.

"Dad, Mr. Odem is dead," Harry said quietly.

Toby wrapped his arm around his son's shoulder and hugged him. "I know."

The doors opened again, Toby looked up and was shocked to see Elliot Stabler. For a split second it was Chris, just like every time he saw Elliot. The detective in question stopped when he saw Toby. His eyes were questioning but Toby had no answers for him.

"Thank all of you for waiting. I'm Detective Olivia Benton and this is Detective Elliot Stabler. We would like to ask your children some questions. We have a room ready to talk privately. After that you may leave."

"Can we stay with our children?" A petite black woman asked. Her daughter was clinging on to her tightly.

"Of course. We'll try and be as quick as possible. Can we see," Benton looked at a sheet of paper, "Melinda Adams."

A little red-headed girl walked to the front being all but dragged by her mother, the woman looked annoyed. It made Toby feel bad for the little girl.


"Yeah, buddy?"

"How did Mr. Odem die?"

"I don't know, but I don't think it was an accident." The police presence was enough for him to know that.

"I don't think so either."

Two more students were called back before it was Harry's turn. With the baby on one hip, holding his son's hand on the other side he walked to what looked like the teacher's break room. Elliot and Detective Benson were sitting at a large table with several folders in from of them.

"Please sit down," Benton said, waving them at the seats across from them. The table was round so they had plenty of room. Toby took a seat where he was opposite of Elliot, Harry pushed his chair as close to Toby as possible.

He felt awful for feeling so good about his son wanting to be close to him. He knew it was because the boy was scared, it didn't mean that he trusted Toby yet. They were closer no doubt about that, but until a year and a half ago he was a stranger.

"Hello, Harry. Do you remember me?" Elliot asked Harry.

"Yeah, you're Maureen's dad."

"I am. I hope she's treating you well."

"Uh huh, she made us pizza last night when Dad had to work late."

Elliot and the other detective looked at each other. Toby didn't like that look. "Really? How long was he gone?" Elliot asked.

Toby didn't want to frighten his son so he bit his lip. It didn't take a genius to figure out they thought they had something with that piece of information.

"I don't know, he was still gone when I was asleep but home when I got up this morning."

"Don't you have any relevant questions, Detective?" Toby said bitingly.

"Right. Now, Harry, how was Mr. Odem as a teacher?"

"He was really funny most of the time."

"Funny how?" Benton asked.

"Oh, you know. He was always telling us funny stories about his puppy. His name's Homer. Oh No!" Harry cried out.

"What's wrong?" Toby asked.

Harry turned his dark eyes at Toby. "What's going to happen to Homer?"

"I'm sure Mr. Odem's wife will take care of their dog," Elliot said.

"Oh no, she can't."

"Why can't she?" Benton asked.

"Because she's a mean, mean lady. Mr. Odem said so."

"Why is she mean?" Elliot asked.

Harry hesitated, clearly not wanting to answer. "It's alright Harry, you can tell them anything, no one will be mad at you," Toby said.

Harry sighed. "Mr. Odem said she doesn't even hug him. He misses getting hugs, so we hug him."

Bile rose in Toby's throat, so many alarm bells were going off right now. Looking at the detectives it looked like this was new information to them.

"Thank you for telling us. Can you tell us why you didn't want to tell us?" Benton said soothingly.

"He said it wasn't allowed, but it was our little secret."

Toby had never heard of a man grooming an entire class. In Oz, he was in with the scum of the earth but even most of them had their limits.

"Is there anything else that's supposed to be a secret?" Benton asked.

Harry again hesitated. "Harry?"

"Do you have to be here?" he asked quietly.

Toby felt like he had been stabbed in the heart. "No, I can Matty and I will wait in the hall," he said.

"We'll be out in just a moment, Mr. Beecher," Elliot said. Toby just nodded.

Elliot watched the despondent man walk out with his baby. If it was him, he wasn't sure he would be able to leave.

"Can you tell us now?" Benson asked.

The little boy was fidgeting with his school blazer. "Do I have to?"

"We really need to know, kiddo," Elliot told him.

"Our pictures, that's a secret too."

Elliot's gut clenched. This was nothing new to him, but it always felt worse when he knew the child. "What kind of pictures?" Liv asked, her voice gentle.

"Just silly pictures," Harry said, his cheeks darkening.

"What kind of silly pictures?"

"Kissy face pictures," he said, pulling at his blazer cuff.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what a kissy face picture is. Can you explain it?" Liv asked.

"You look at the camera and pretend to kiss it."

"Are you dressed?" Elliot asked.

The boy's face darkened but this time in anger. "Of course, it's school ya' know."

"Sorry. Are there anymore secrets?" he asked.

"No, just those. Mr. Odem said to keep them a secret. Do you think he'll be mad, you know…in heaven?"

Elliot had a strong faith, but he didn't think for a second Paul Odem was in heaven. Thankfully, Olivia saved him on that. "I'm sure he understands. He'd want us to find out who hurt him, right?"

The boy's face paled. "He was hurt?" Tears started to well up in his eyes.

Elliot looked at Olivia, he had thought all the kids knew what happened. The three kids before him did, but they didn't tell them the things Harry had. Now they had more questions for the remaining kids.

"Yes, he was hurt, that how he died," Elliot said.

"Was it Ms. Kendrick?"

"Why would it be Ms. Kendrick?" he asked. Kitty Kendrick was the dean's secretary.

"Because she saw, and Mr. Odem said that we couldn't tell anyone."

"She saw what?" Liv asked.

"She saw the kissy face pictures. She said that he was sick and she was going to tell. He said nothing was wrong with the kissy face pictures but we couldn't tell because our parents would get mad."

"When was this? When did she see?" he asked.

"Yesterday," Harry answered.

The last question hurt to have to ask but he had to do it. "Harry, I need you to tell me the truth. Did Mr. Odem ever touch you in a way that you were uncomfortable with?"

Harry seemed to think about it. "Sometimes he hugged too long. I don't like hugging much."

"When you say hugging, you mean what?" Elliot asked, he had to make sure.

"Like a hug. You know put your arms around someone and hug them," he said like Elliot was an idiot.

"Do you hug others like this?" Elliot asked.

"Yes, I hug my dad, grandma, Uncle Angus, Grandma Jean and Grandpa Leo."

"Okay, thank you for talking to us. Let's go see your dad and brother," Elliot said.

Toby was pacing the hallway when they exited. His eyes zeroed in on Elliot. He knew the unasked question. 'Was my child abused by this perv?' Thankfully, the answer seemed no. It did look like he had been grooming one or more children in the class though. Elliot shook his head, letting the man know the answer. Toby sagged in visible relief.

"Are you ready to go home, buddy?" Toby asked.


Matty just started to wake up and get cranky. That was the exact time that his cellphone started to ring.

"You need me to hold him?" Elliot offered.

"Thank you," he said, handing over the squirming baby.

His cell quit ringing by the time he pulled it out of his suit jacket. "Fuck," he said.

"You're not supposed to curse, Grandma says."

Toby smiled down at his son. "Sorry, I'll put money in the swear jar."

"You have a swear jar?" Elliot asked.

Toby gave him a look. "I've been told by my family that I talk like an aging cop in an action movie."

"That is a lot of swearing," Elliot said nodding his head.

Toby hated how good he looked holding Matthew. It was like if he squinted he could see what Chris would look like with a baby. But then a chill went up his spine. Chris was a psychopath, he couldn't be around innocent kids. He wouldn't be able to help himself. If Toby pissed him off, Chris could very well kill everyone around them.

His cell started ringing again, drawing his attention.

"Beecher," he answered.

"If you want this thing you better come to St. Benny's. Don't forget to bring your paperwork," Claire said before disconnecting.

"Oh god."

"What? What's wrong?" Elliot asked.

"The baby is coming. I have to call Angus."

"Baby? What baby?" Elliot asked.

"My baby sister," Harry said jumping up and down.

"Shit, I need to call Maureen."

"You're having another baby? Have you never heard of birth control?" Elliot sound exasperated.

"I thought you Catholics didn't believe in birth control?"

"How did you know I'm Catholic?"

"Maureen, duh. I need to go, thank you. Please, let me know what you can about what happened,' he said to Elliot. "I've got to get Holly, call Angus and get to St. Benny's. This is happening so fast," he mumbled before turning around.


"I really don't have time, I need to go."

"Alright but I'll have to write you up for child abandonment."

Toby turned around and saw the man smiling, holding Matty out to him.

"Thanks, I would have remembered him." Eventually.

"Dad, come on, she's coming," Harry said, pulling on Toby's free hand.

Elliot and Olivia continued with their questioning. The rest of the kids confirmed everything Harry told them. None of these kids seemed to be abused by the man but that didn't mean there wasn't others. Then about his murder, things were looking like someone knew his little secret. And Ms. Kendrick was someone to look at. They decided they needed to run her through the system before talking to her again.

"What'd the wife say?" Olivia asked Fin as they walked in.

"She didn't know why anyone would carve 'perv' into his chest. He got a call around six last night and left. When he didn't come back home she just thought he just feel asleep at his mother's. Called the mom, she hasn't seen him in a week."

"Well, I guess we have some more digging to do on the good Mr. Odem," Olivia said.

Kitty walked into her small apartment. She wasn't supposed to call Chris after the murder happened. She wished she could just talk to him. She didn't like all this cloak and dagger stuff. When Chris first brought up this plan she didn't like it. His obsession with Tobias Beecher was worse than his with Bonnie. She knew it was closer to love than any of his wives have ever gotten, her included. Sadly, Chris was in her blood, she would do anything for him. Which is why she finally agreed to watch the Beecher children for him.

She had been making her usual trip past the kids' room when she noticed something odd in the younger boy's room. She saw the teacher taking pictures of the kids making kissing faces to the camera. It was a little weird and she didn't get a good feeling from it. But it was his hugging of the kid he took the picture of that worried her. It was a little girl with red hair. Kitty was no spring chicken anymore, she knew what that man was thinking. It was written all over his face when he thought no one above the age of eight could see.

After she confronted the man in his class she left. She planned to tell Chris then the dean. But Chris had wanted to take care of it. She knew last night what he would do. She didn't know who he had do it and she didn't want to know. There were things to this day that scared her about Chris Keller.

Now she had to make sure the police didn't tie her involvement into the murder. Chris had gotten one of his friends to fix her history. Everything was the complete truth except her marriage history and last name. She couldn't allow Tobias to see her because he did know what she looked like. She was terrified he would come through the door earlier. The man had only once been to the school and that was parent teacher night. She wasn't there that day, thankfully.

One day she would break free from the trance Chris had on her, it just wasn't today.

Toby sat in the nursery with his new daughter. Angus and Maureen had met them at the hospital. Claire's labor took a while, so Angus took Maureen and the kids home. Sixteen hours later, Toby was looking at his new daughter, Sasha Christine. He had let Chris name her. He should have guessed the narcissist in him would have to have her named after him. It didn't matter, it was beautiful. She was beautiful.

Someone tapped on the window. Toby looked up and saw Elliot. Placing the baby back in her cot, he walked out to see what the man wanted.

"Is this a personal or business visit?" he asked.

The man ever so slightly blushed. Toby guessed he was thinking of the kiss. Being that innocent about a kiss was very telling. He would have probably been the same way if Oz hadn't forever changed him.

"I was just going to tell you, it doesn't look like he victimized any of his students. I can't say it wasn't on his mind though."

Toby nodded, not feeling bad at all about the man being dead. "Thanks for letting me know.

"So, that's your new baby?"

"Yep that's her. Sasha Christine."

"Please tell me you didn't name her after that killer rapist."

"Well, it's only fitting. She is his biological daughter."

"What? He's been locked up for what? Four years?"

"Listen, detective. I can't tell you anything about her conception. If you want to know, you have to ask Chris. I wouldn't recommend it though."

Just as he was about to turn and go back into the nursery, a hand grabbed him.

"What?" he asked Elliot.

"Why'd you kiss me?"

"I'm sorry, I misread a situation."

"I'm not gay."

Toby laughed. "Neither am I, but I would still give anything to be with Chris…except my kids. Goodbye, Detective."