Hay every one, here's a new story I hope you like it



"Talking telepathically"


I don't own Naruto or the DC Universe

"So you actually told her?" Naruto glanced over his shoulder at one Pamela Isley better known as Poison Ivy; Ivy was a beautiful woman with long red hair, emerald green eyes, and a greenish tint to her pale skin, which gave her a unique look; she was wearing a black skin tight body suit that hugged her curves, showing her b-cup sized breast her nice round ass, with green moss covering parts of her body.

"Is it really that surprising, just like with you, our clones got to know Kara, she became one of our precious people," Naruto said as he stood at the stove cooking breakfast.

It had been three day's since Naruto had told Kara everything, and in that time nothing had really changed, aside from Ivy coming out to stay, and get away from Gotham for a while.

"I suppose," Naruto tensed a bit ass the woman wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her rather large breast into his back, before he relaxed, enjoying the feel of her body against his.

Three years ago, the clone Naruto had sent to Gotham, having sent one to a number of cities around the world, had gone to a botanical garden, which happened to be the hideout for Ivy at the time.

Not knowing that she was watching him with curiosity, since he did walk into her hideout willingly, Naruto's clone moved to an open patch of grass and began to meditate, having read about senjutsu in the forbidden scroll; as he meditated, Ivy's eyes widened in shock as the trees and plants around him began to sway and grow.

After a few hours of this, Naruto had left without a word; when he returned the next day Ivy was surprised, especially when instead of meditating he began training; as she watched she began to get angry as the boy began destroying a number of plants, though not purposefully; imagine her surprise when, after he was done training, he performed some strange hand movements and placed his hands on the ground, causing the trees he destroyed to regrow, as if they were never damaged.

After a week of this Ivy finally had enough and decided to sate her curiosity and talk to the boy; her surprise only grew as after their conversation, in which he told her about himself and his world, he stole a kiss from her in her surprise, before running of, promising to return; while him stilling a kiss was surprising, she was even more surprised that the poisons that her body made weren't affecting him.

"So what's the plan for today?" she asked pressing her breast into his back; during the years following their initial meeting, Ivy had really grown to care for Naruto, in a way she hadn't cared for anyone or anything else, minus her plants, since she gained her powers.

"Well I was planning to let mom, Mikoto and Galata out of their pods, they should be fully healed since we left STAR labs," nodding her head in understanding, she released him in order to let him finish cooking.

After breakfast, the two headed down to the cellar, once there Naruto moved over to the three pods and after typing in the code, opened all three, using his clones to carry the three women up to the main house.

Galata groaned as she slowly sat up, cover's falling off of her, leaving her bare to the world.

"What happen, where am I?" she slowly looked around before spotting a pair of cloths on a chair near the wall; after putting on the cloth, a pair of jeans and a shirt that stopped below her breast which fit her perfectly, she left the room she was in and headed down the stairs, where she could smell food cooking.

"Ah, glad you're finally awake," as Galata entered the kitchen she saw someone she knew, and she cared for deeply, despite Hamilton's attempt to stop it, Naruto.

"It's good to see you again Naruto," she smiled as she entered the kitchen before stopping, seeing three other women sitting at the table, and they weren't Fu, Haku or Kurotsuchi. "So how long have I been out this time?"

"A little over a month, Hamilton was planning to try and wipe your mind again, so it was the perfect time to leave," Naruto placed a fresh plate of food on the table as Galata sat down, glancing at the other three women. "I guess I should make some introductions, well, you already know Ivy from all the info Hamilton shoved into our heads," Galata nodded at Ivy, who simple smirked at her as she drank some tea.

"The other red head is my mom Kushina," Kushina nodded with a smirk on her face; Kushina, appeared to be about sixteen, she had long red hair that was tied in a ponytail and violet eyes; she was wearing a pair of jeans and red t-shirt.

"The last person is someone I considered a mother figure before she was killed, Mikoto Uchiha," Mikoto gave Galata a small warm smile; like Kushina, Mikoto appeared to be about sixteen, she had long black hair and black eyes; she was wearing a pair of jeans and a black blouse.

"It's nice to meet you all," Galata said a little shocked that she was actually meeting Naruto's mom.

"So Naruto, is this one of your future mate's," Kushina gained a fox like grin as Naruto gained a little tint to his cheeks and avoided her gaze.

"Yeah, this is Galata, Kara's clone, and one of the girls who's agreed to be with me," Galata blushed at that, while she may have been created to be a weapon, she still had emotions and feelings, and she did love Naruto, he was the first person that was kind to her.

"So you finally got a girlfriend after all this time, I wonder if Sasuke has one yet," Mikoto calmly drank her tea.

"Well from what Naruto's told us, I'd say no, though I am glad Naruto's going to be bringing our clan back," Kushina smirked at Mikoto, who gained a twitch in her eye.

"Does that mean you're going to be helping him Kushina?" Mikoto asked with a glint in her eye.

"Of course, I'm going to be one hot MILF," Naruto choked on his food at that. "And I assume you're going to be helping us as well," Mikoto nodded at that before the two kunoichi turned their attention onto Naruto.

"What do you say Naruto, would you like to get started repopulating our clan's now?" for a second Naruto stared at the two, his face lighting up the entire kitchen, before he poofed out of existence, showing that he was a clone, causing the three older women to laugh.

"Well that was fun," Mikoto chuckled as they calmed down from their entertainment.

"Yeah, though you do realize I was serious about helping him reform our clan, I figure since I couldn't be there as a mother, why not be there as a lover," Mikoto nodded in agreement while Ivy and Galata stared at the two, honestly surprised by their behavior at something people of this world would consider wrong, not noticing a second poof of smoke.

Standing on top of a building in Gotham, Naruto's crimson face stood out like a beacon in the gloomy city that was watched over by a rat with wings.

'Damn, now I'm really glad I got dad's cool head, or else I probably would have been out cold from that,' Naruto though with a shiver; his mom had told him all about his dad the fourth hokage, and she even commented that he had his cool head, though he still had a lot more of her personality then his.

"Man, I just hope they don't follow through on their plan anytime soon," Naruto scratched the back of his head. "So tell me, to what do I owe the honor of the illustrious dark knight coming to see me?" Naruto glanced over his shoulder as Batman stepped out of the shadows.

"I've heard rumors of people with kryptonian powers, gathering both heroes and villains alike for something, those rumors led me to you Mr. Uzumaki," Naruto gained a smirk on his face, he really was impressed that the dark knight, he apparently picked up breadcrumbs that the four had missed.

"That still doesn't answer my question as to why you've come to see me," Naruto turned to fully face the dark knight, though he could sense Superman fast approaching.

"What are you planning?" Naruto smirked, this would be fun.

"And why should I tell you anything, just because you have Superman here as backup," the man of steel's eyes narrowed as he floated behind Naruto. "As you've said, I have Kryptonian powers, and I know how to use them, as well as my own powers, which you know nothing of, so again I ask, why should I tell you?"

"Because, we need to know if you're a threat?" Naruto glanced at the man of steel with a bored look on his face.

"Tell me something Clark," both heroes froze at the mention of superman's civilian name. "If I were a threat why would I have asked a number of hero's to join me, and why would I let both of you come to me like you are now?"

"If you're not a threat then why not tell us what you're planning by gathering these people together, people live Freeze, Killer Frost and Livewire?" Naruto once again smirked.

"How about a trade Mr. Bruce Wayne," the heroes once again tensed up; this guy knew the civilian name of two of the leagues founding members. "You meet some of my demands, and I'll consider telling you what we're planning."

"What do you mean by 'we', are you telling me there are more of you plotting?" Superman asked, as Naruto looked at him over his shoulder, before giving him a wide fox like grin.

"Wouldn't you like to know," at his words Superman made to move, only to stop as a knife appeared at his neck, and while normally a knife wouldn't even scratch his skin, this one caused a small trickle of blood to appear.

"You know, you make the weirdest friends Naruto," Haku smiled as she appeared behind Clark with a kunai pointed at his throat, wind nature chakra covering the blade; Haku was wearing a pair of jeans and a blue sweater with snowflake patterns on it.

"So I've been told," Naruto sighed as the ice user. "By the way Haku, what are you doing here, I thought you were of trying to recruit the two Tamaranean sisters, Starfire and Blackfire?"

"Oh I did, Blackfire was quite interested in the proposal, and after some talking with Starfire, she agreed as well," Naruto nodded at that before turning his attention back towards the dark knight.

"As you can see Bruce, I do in fact have more people helping me, and as I've said if you meet a demand or two I have, I'll answer your questions," Bruce glared at the two, he could tell that this was probably the fastest and easiest way.

"What are your demands?" Naruto and Haku blinked at that, they didn't think the bat would give in so easily. "But be aware that if the demand is unreasonable or will harm the people in any way, I won't do it," the two shared a glance before nodding.

"Our demand is quite simple really, we want the location of a few people," Naruto tossed him a scroll containing some of the people they were looking for.

Curious, Batman opened the scroll and scanned through the names: Ten of spades, Solomon Grundy, Scarecrow, and Morgaine Le Fay.

"Why do you need to know about these people?" Batman narrowed his eyes at the two.

"I plan to offer them the same deal I made to the other people I've talked to, both heroes and villains, a chance at a new life," the two hero's shared a confused look before turning their attention back to Naruto.

"Alright, I suppose I can find them for you, now what's the second request?" Naruto let out a small sigh, and glanced at Haku, how simply nodded her head.

"Our second demand is rather simple; we need a large building, roughly the size of your manor fully equipped with food and medical supplies to last for about a year," Bruce narrowed his eyes, trying to figure out what they would need with all of those supplies.

"Fine, now tell me what you are planning," Naruto sighed, it seemed that the dark night was not easily deterred.

Shaking his head at the dark knight's attitude, Naruto motioned for the two hero's to follow them, Haku having let Clark go, before leading them to an old abandoned warehouse where he told them a fraction of what he told the others, telling them about being from another dimension, which they would be returning to at the end of the year, and the fact that he offered many heroes and villains the chance to go with him and start new lives, where they could be themselves.

"I see, so is this why you want to find these people, to offer them a place in your new village," Naruto nodded at the question, before noticing Clarks serious expression.

"Something on your mind Clark?" the man simply scowled at the two shinobi, apparently something didn't sit well with him.

"Who all did you make this offer to?" Bruce glanced at his old friend before turning to the two dimension jumpers, while he was honestly curious as to who the two asked, he wouldn't pry, since they asked for a big favor just for them to tell them about the plan, he didn't want to think what they would ask for in return for that information.

Smirking and turning away from the man of steel, Naruto moved over and whispered into Haku's ear, who nodded, before turning his attention back onto the two.

"Don't worry, you'll find out who we asked after we return home, until then, it was nice meeting both of you, and Bruce, I'll be in touch about my demand soon," with that both shinobi vanished in a cloud of smoke.

"I don't like this," Clark said glancing over at Bruce, who was looking at the spot the two had been.

"I understand your concern, however I don't think there's really anything we can do at the moment," Clark's eyes widened in shock. "Remember, those two both have the same powers you do, as well as their own unique powers which we know nothing of; we also don't know if it's just the two of them or if there's more, if we were to try and force them into telling use anything we would be putting a lot of people in danger, and if we were able to capture them they would be gone by the end of the year, and I don't think John would be able to enter their mind."

Letting out a tired sigh and nodding in understanding Clark left the dark knight, who remained for a few more minutes before leaving as well, neither noticing the small plume of smoke that appeared after they left.

Thanks for reading, I hope you all like it

Naruto's harem

Naruto's world






DC Universe


Fire-Beatriz da Costa

Ice-Tora Olafsdotter

Poison Ivy-Pamela Isley

Silver Banshee-Siobhan McDougal