AN's: This started out as a cutsey one sheet and morphed into what will now be a three part explosion of my feels. Oops. Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Peace of mind, warmth in heart, joyful soul is what you give me.

Lightning flashed and thunder boomed across the black velvet sky as Alec, soaked and shivering, trudged up the steps to Magnus' loft.

The rain had taken him by surprise- the cherry on top of a particularly hellish week. He, Isabelle, and Clary had either been on missions or hauled up in the Institute trying to track Valentine with the help of Jocelyn and Luke. His parents had returned to Idris to pull their resources there. They'd left in the night without a word- a brief note the only acknowledgement.

It stung, but was nothing compared to the void they all felt in Jace's absence. No one spoke of it- they worked and hunted…and waited.

Magnus had been busy as well, either helping the Institute or with his own clients. When the text with an invitation to dinner came- their fifth or sixth date in as many weeks- Alec left the girls and the Institute to their own devices for one night.

He shook the water from his hair as he let himself into the loft. There was a fire in the hearth and Alec was half tempted to just lie on the floor beside it until Magnus found him, but an upbeat tempo and an alluring aroma floating in from the kitchen had him making his way down the dark hall.

Magnus appeared to have not noticed his arrival and for that Alec was glad. Otherwise his eyes wouldn't have met the sight of the warlock dancing around his kitchen as he chopped and mixed and stirred, tossing ingredients into the bubbling pots on the stove. Alec's throat went slightly dry as he leaned against the door frame, taking in the way Magnus' hips moved with the music…and how the cut of his silk shirt was low enough for Alec to follow the glimpse of tanned skin down, down, down. His fingers twitched.

"Not that I mind the attention, but are you going to stand there all night Alexander?" Magnus' voice shook Alec from his reveries as he smirked over his shoulder. The smirked dropped immediately as he took in Alec's state. "You're soaked!" He dropped the knife he'd been holding, a towel suddenly appearing in his hand as he hurried over. He wrapped it around Alec's head as he tutted, an amused smile on his lips now as he attempted to dry Alec's hair, his fingers pressing into Alec's neck. "And you're freezing!"

Alec could only stare, a haze settling over him as his senses were overwhelmed by the warmth of the touch. His twitching fingers came up to grip at Magnus' hips as his head bent down to capture his lips. Magnus startled only for a moment before sighing. The towel fell to the floor as his fingers dove through Alec's damp hair.

"You're warm," Alec murmured against Magnus' mouth. "So warm."

Magnus pressed closer, his tongue hot against Alec's as his hands worked their way down his chest and up his back. Heat and magic radiated between them as they both shivered at the same time. They parted with glazed smiles, holding each other up.

"I missed you too," Magnus whispered, resting his cheek against Alec's. Alec hummed, closing his eyes as he buried his face in Magnus' neck. He shivered again and sniffled.

Magnus pulled back with another tut. "We need to get you out of these clothes…and not in the fun way," he raised a finger at Alec's sly grin. "Go take a shower and change."

"What about dinner? You cooked and everything…" Alec stalled as he tightened his grip on the warlock's waist. "I'm hungry…" though his eyes revealed it was for more than food. Magnus couldn't help but chuckle as he allowed Alec to pull him in for another kiss, a sound akin to a purr escaping his lips only to turn to a soft yelp as Alec's icy fingers skimmed under his shirt. He pulled back fully with a laugh at the pout on Alec's lips.

"Dinner can wait," He bent to pick up the forgotten towel and pointed to the hall, eyes alight with mirth as he tossed it at Alec before turning back to the kitchen island. "Shower! Or a bath if you prefer."

Alec stared down at the towel, an image of the large, Jacuzzi tub springing to his mind. "A bath does sound nice…" he trailed off as the music changed to something soft and Magnus' hips swayed with it involuntarily. Alec bit his lip, wringing the towel in his hands. "Join me?"

The question was soft, lingering in the air and Magnus turned slowly, surprised to find Alec not by the entryway but right in from of him. Alec's breathing was shallow and his eyes wide. Magnus placed a hand to his chest, feeling the race of Alec's heart beneath the wet fabric. "Alexander, we don't have-"

"Magnus." Alec raised a finger to his lips and a hand to cover Magnus' over his heart. The warlock took in a sharp breath. Alec's eyes were dark and wide- he was surprised at himself. He had always thought that in this moment there would be a hundred thoughts running through his mind. All the time he spent in confusion and self-loathing. The last few months of denial and the last few weeks of finally being himself combined with the stress and tumult of an upcoming war. And Magnus there through it all, pushing past Alec's walls and bringing him a peace he'd never known before. But his mind was quiet. He looked into Magnus' eyes and he knew what he wanted. "It doesn't have to be…" he trailed off as his fingers flexed and he swallowed. "Join me."

There was no question in his words this time and Magnus' heart surged as he exhaled. "Alexander Lightwood," he shook his head, a little dazed as a smile played across his lips. He pressed them to Alec's finger, waving a hand. The bubbling dinner on the stove disappeared for a much later time. He took Alec's hands in his own and, wordlessly, led him out of the kitchen, down the darkened halls, and through his bedroom. When their feet met marble floor he stopped, tilting his head up at Alec. His cat eyes were gleaming and searching…asking. It wasn't what he planned when he came there that night, but Alec was becoming used to surprises. He looked down at Magnus, releasing his hands so that his fingers could trail the length of the cut neckline down, down, down. He felt Magnus' breath hitch and a new warmth coiled in Alec's stomach as he gripped the silk and pushed them the rest of the way through the threshold.