Hey there, and welcome to the very first chapter of Into Oblivion.

It's been a while, but a few of you may remember me from my last story, Don't Even Bother. And chances are, if you read that story, then you recall how I said I'd be starting a new story soon.

Well, about three months later, the time has come. Finally, lol. Let's get cracking.

Disclaimer: I don't own Steven Universe. Steven Universe is owned by Rebecca Sugar.



Author's Note

Steven glanced at the warp pad. They still weren't back.

As always.

With a gentle sigh, Steven pulled up his legs and pressed them tight to his stomach, and he allowed himself to sink deep into the couch. Even though the Crystal Gems had only been gone for a few hours, the house (to him, at least) felt like it'd been empty for days.

"Man, I wish they'd just take a break for once... isn't that what I taught Pearl and Amethyst to do? It's like they're working themselves to death!"

Steven shook his head as the thought crossed his mind. Though he knew the many benefits of rest and recreation after a hard day's—or in their case, month's—work, the Gems would never hear it. He could practically hear their voices already:

"Steven, finding Malachite is more important right now. I'm sorry."

"Steven, I'm afraid we need to look for Malachite first. Besides, you know I've never been fond of sleeping."

"Now's not the time. Those clods need to be located and dealt with accordingly."

"Come on, little guy, just a little longer! We can do this."

"Yeah, we can do this... without me, right?"

Now Steven knew he was being selfish. Ever since he had developed the ability to use his shield, Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst had always been generous with allowing him to go on missions. But every now and then, there were simply times when they just wouldn't let him come along. Usually because it was 'too dangerous,' as they put it.

Even though he knew they were looking out for his well-being, however, he still wasn't too happy about their decision this time around. Could looking for Malachite in a typhoon belt really be that dangerous, compared to what they'd done in the past? It wasn't like they were fighting a gem monster, or something even more threatening.

"... Unless we actually find her."

Just then, a loud echo burst throughout the house and brought Steven back to reality. He jumped up from the couch.

"Did you guys find Malachite?"

The beam from the warp pad faded mid-sentence. Garnet was the first to step off and walk to the foyer, and she was followed closely by Amethyst, Pearl and Peridot. She stopped in front of him and kneeled down, coming eye-to-eye.

"No, Steven, I'm afraid we didn't. My future vision was incorrect."

"Oh... I understand." Steven sighed and put his hands in his jean pockets. The Crystal Gems quickly swapped glances.

"Uh... well, look on the bright side!" said Pearl. "At least we're narrowing down places to look... right?"

None of the other gems said a word. Pearl's eyes fell to the floor.

There was no bright side.

Jasper closed her fist. She couldn't see it.

Just like the last time.

The more she thought about it, the more Jasper realized she had no accurate sense of time. She hadn't since the moment Lapis dragged them down to the bottom of the sea. For all she knew, it had been days since her captivity began. Maybe weeks. Months. Years.

It all blended together. But it wasn't like she was in a rush. On the contrary, she had all the time in the world.

And that was the problem.

Jasper grit her teeth and growled, and she waved her arm out blindly in front of her. The dark made it impossible to see. Instead, the only feeling she got was resistance from the water, the same infinite oblivion all around her.

It was time to try again.

Jasper kicked her legs down under, and waved her arms to her sides. Gaining speed and movement as her limbs synchronized, she swam up the pitch-black waters like a rocket, faster and faster. She had to wonder how high she could get before the chains would kick in, and drag her back down below.

Whenever it was, it would be before she reached the surface. It always was. She came close to breaking through, sure, but Lapis was always there to stop her. It was inevitable.

... Aside from that one time. She still didn't know how or why it happened. She didn't even know when anymore. But those variables didn't matter; all that did was that it happened at all, and it was still fresh in her mind.

She still remembered when she broke free from the water, and brought Lapis down to take her place.

It didn't last long. Only a moment or two, before Lapis summoned her wings and regained control. But even if it was just for a few seconds... to be above the surface, free at last, was worth the struggle. She'd do it all over again.

But to Jasper, that felt like an eternity ago. It very well might have been.

She had no idea.

Steven rolled on his side. His eyes met the bright ambush of his digital clock screen; the time read 11:39 PM. "Why can't I get any sleep?"

It was well known among the family that Steven was a pretty heavy sleeper. Once he hopped in bed, it usually took just a few minutes for his eyes to shut for the night, and for wonderful dreams to follow soon afterwards. It was rarely a difficult process.

But tonight, something was on his mind. And he needed to find out what it was.

Steven sat up in his bed and turned to the downstairs level. All the lights were off, but he had a feeling she was still there.

"Hey... Garnet?"


Steven whipped away the covers and hopped to the floor. He then went to the head of his stairs and jumped down two at a time. Just as he expected, on the couch sat Garnet, her legs propped against the coffee table and her arms crossed.

"Steven, why aren't you asleep?" she asked. "You know it's well past your bedtime."

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Steven waddled over to the couch and hopped up, settling in next to her. "I actually wanted to ask you something."

"Oh? And what's on your mind?"

"Well, it's just..." Steven locked his hands and clicked his heels together; his eyes danced around the room, but stayed away from Garnet. "I've been thinking a lot about it recently, and it's because of how much we've been looking for Malachite. And I think I can only ask you this, not the others."

"Go on, Steven," said Garnet. "What's bothering you?"

"Garnet... what makes a fusion?"

Garnet cracked a smile.

"What makes a fusion? Steven, you already know what it's like to be fused. I'm not sure what you don't understand."

"No, that's not quite what I'm talking about," sighed Steven. "What I mean is... look. I know this'll sound weird, but just compare yourself to Malachite for a second. What makes you so different from her?"

"Different? How so?" asked Garnet.

"In appearance. Malachite looks like some scary monster from a movie, but you aren't anything like that. Why?"

Garnet paused for a moment to collect her thoughts. Steven was certainly asking a valid question; though he had experienced it for himself before, he still knew very little about the finer details of fusion. And like he said, not even Pearl and Amethyst could teach him these as well as her.

Time for a lesson.

"Steven... do you remember what it felt like to be Stevonnie?"

"Of course! It was a little weird, though... I still had control of myself, but I felt like I was a part of something bigger. Connie and I were at a beach the whole time. It was really bright and warm, and the water was calm."

"I see... the beach makes sense, you and Connie have grown up near it your whole lives," said Garnet. "You see, Steven, when two gems fuse, the originals don't just disappear. Rather, they're instead sent to a place within the mind itself."

"Within the mind itself?" asked Steven. "What do you mean?"

"Well... think of it this way. When two gems combine, everything about them, such as gem types, abilities, personalities, and especially the relationship between them is taken into account. And as the fusion takes hold, your two minds become one, and the environment your previous separate forms will reside in is created. In your case, it was the beach. A bright, cheerful place."

"Wow... I guess that explains why we'd be somewhere so nice," nodded Steven. "Connie and I are best friends, after all. But what about Malachite? Do you think her realm is like the place I visited that one time, in my dream with Lapis?"

Garnet's face fell downcast. She removed her shades and gently placed them on the coffee table, before gently squeezing Steven's shoulder.

"Steven, Lapis and Jasper have a toxic relationship. They both despise each other, and will do anything they can to undermine the other. Couple that with their clashing personalities, and you have a mixture where nothing good will come. And I'm afraid that mixture is Malachite.

"To answer your question, Steven... whatever her realm is, I imagine it's like a prison for them both. Didn't you say you watched Lapis and Jasper get dragged down somewhere in your dream?"

"Yeah, that's right... why?"

Garnet sighed. "Then that's where their fusion realm is. And whatever it is they see down there... to put it nicely, it's horrifying for them both."

Garnet's eyes shot back to Steven. Giving a light chuckle to break the silence, she pulled him into a quick hug and kissed the top of his head. Steven wholeheartedly wrapped his arms around her in return, and snuggled his head into the crook of her neck.

"But you don't need to worry about that. Have I helped you understand fusion more?" she spoke.

"You sure have... thanks, Garnet," replied Steven. His eyelids began to droop. "You know, I think it's about time for bed..."

"I agree."

Steven was still wrapped tight in Garnet's arms when she stood up. She quietly walked to his stairs, and carefully made the trip up to his room. When the two reached the side of his bed, she gently laid him on the mattress and pulled the covers over him. And then, just before she prepared to leave, she kneeled and gave him one last kiss on the forehead.

"Good night, Steven..."

"Good night," he mumbled in reply. She stood and started to walk back downstairs.

"Hey, wait!"

Garnet stopped. She reversed on her heel and turned around.


"Um... you still haven't really answered my other question, now that I think about it. What makes you and Malachite so different?"

Garnet placed a hand to her chin, and her three eyes closed simultaneously. "Steven, Ruby and Sapphire have a very healthy relationship. But as for Malachite... her bond is based on hatred and negativity. As a whole, the fusion is extremely unpredictable, and it very much shows."

"Is that why she looks so different compared to you?"

"It is. The relationship between fused gems affects more than just the fusion realm in your mind. It also affects the gem's physical appearance. The more stable a fusion is on the inside, the more it'll be on the outside."

Steven gently nodded his head. He closed his eyes and stifled another yawn; his sleepiness creeped into his eyelids and made them heavy. He curled up in his blankets and brought them closer. "I understand now..." he mumbled at last. "Thank you, Garnet."

Now it was Garnet's turn to nod. Once again, she turned around to leave. But just at the head of his stairs, she craned her neck to give him one last look.

"Good night, Steven."


Garnet walked down his stairs and across the kitchen. Steven vaguely heard the sound of the temple entrance sliding open, only for it to close just a moment later. He let his eyes fall shut at last.

Lapis tugged at the chains. They finally held firm. She had stopped moving.

"Thank goodness..."

Safe with the knowledge Jasper had tired herself out again, Lapis tightly balled her hands into fist, and she sank to her knees. Her eyes trickled down to her murky reflection in the water below: her short blue hair, unkempt and frazzled, stuck out like a sore thumb. Her deep blue eyes, once bright and pulsing with life, throbbed dull and lifeless, and her chest heaved with each breath.

But she wasn't about to let go.

For the next few minutes, save for her own troubled breaths, the room fell quiet. Even if just for a little while, she had won herself peace; she knew from experience Jasper was too tired to fight to get to the surface again. Now was the time to recollect her strength, and start the cycle over.

But then a noise broke through the dead air and darkness, and cut through the silence like a knife. It wasn't made by her. And it sounded like... water.

Lapis opened her eyes. She stumbled to her feet and yanked at the chains again; there was no telling what it was. Was Jasper trying to break free again? Was she already at the surface?

The chains felt solid. If they were loose, it meant Jasper was getting higher up; it definitely wasn't her. But if it wasn't Jasper... then what?

Lapis' gaze whipped around the room, and she looked for something, anything different from what she could remember. Her answer came from just a few feet behind: a tiny, yet continuous stream of pond ripples broke at the surface of the water, like someone threw a stone. The tiny, almost inaudible blurb of water was the source of the noise. But the odd part was, the ripples didn't just die away; rather, they continued to come forth, and repeat in a never ending pattern. On their own.

And then they started to get bigger. Lapis' heart sped up.

"B-but why? It can't be Jasper... what's going on?"

Lapis' eyes shot from corner to corner, but her eyes met nothing but the darkness of the beyond. She grunted, and shifted her attention to above, instead of from side to side.

And that's when she saw it.

Directly above the freely flowing water ripples, a small, red speck slowly descended from the darkness above. It was almost unnoticeable at first, but she could see it better the lower it came: it looked to be some kind of creature, and its arms were spread with its back to the floor. She couldn't get a good look at its face, but closer it came. Closer.

It crashed to the ground behind her, still flat on its back. She angled herself to face it, and let her eyes latch on and look it over for a moment. And then she saw the yellow star.

It was Steven.

Steven's eyes blinked open. He groggily sat up and brought a hand to his temple, and shook his head.

"Ow... what's going on? Garnet, did you—"


He stopped dead in his tracks. That voice sounded familiar.

Adrenaline quickly coursing through his body, Steven hopped up to his feet. He took a quick glance around the chamber, and he half-expected the walls of his bedroom and the windows to the beach; instead, all he got was complete and utter darkness. "Where on Earth AM I?" he thought. "Is this some kind of dream?"

He got his answer when his eyes fell upon her. Every muscle in his body froze.


"Steven!" she yelled again, falling to one knee. She tightly shut her eyes and waved her chained arm in front of her, as if she were keeping him at bay. "What are you doing here?! I told you not to come back! I don't need your help!"

"I-I didn't try this time, honest! I don't know how I got here!"


Steven tightly grabbed his head. He forced himself to take a breath.

How? How was he back here again, as a part of Malachite? Why was he here? Was it some kind of sick coincidence, returning to this place not even a few minutes after discussing fusion with Garnet? Why was this happening again?

And then it dawned on him. If he was going to get any answers, he had to get the most critical information first.

"Lapis, please, I understand you want to hold Jasper down, but TELL ME WHERE YOU ARE! I can help you!"

"You could never understand, Steven! Now leave!"

Steven said nothing; rather, he quietly dragged his feet to the chain bound gem. His eyes traced over her crumpled form: bruises covered her arms from fingers to shoulder. Her dress was very much worse for wear, with many small tears ripping at the hem and sides. And to top it all off, her breathing sounded forced and labored.

He almost couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Lapis... what happened to you?" Not bothering to wait for an answer, the child crouched next to her and gently placed his hand on her shoulder. She swatted it away.

"Steven, I told you, go away! Leave me alone!"

Lapis's mind ran a mile a minute.

Why? Why did Steven have to come back AGAIN? She was certain she had gotten the message across after what happened last time, but he just had to return and try to "help," whatever that meant. How was she supposed to keep Jasper down if she couldn't focus?

"It just doesn't make sense..." she thought. "Can't he see I'm trying to help him? Why does he insist on stopping me?"


She almost didn't hear him whisper her name; her mind was too far away to pay much attention. But if he was still here and trying to talk to her, then she knew he wasn't going anywhere.

And there was no point in fighting it. Not yet, at least.

Lapis quickly tugged at the chains yet again, to ensure they were still holding Jasper. They seemed just a bit more loose than from a few moments before, but still holding firm enough for her liking. Releasing a gentle sigh to the waters below, she slowly turned around to face him.

"... What do you want, Steven?"

"What do I want? I want you to be safe! Why are you still fused with Jasper? You know—"

"I'm doing this to protect you! And I'm not letting her go!" snapped Lapis. "I told you, I don't need your help!"

"YES YOU DO!" Steven pressed his palms against the surface of the water and shot to his feet. "When's the last time you've seen yourself, Lapis? I'm not going to sugar coat it for you... you look terrible. And it's because of this fusion!"

Lapis said nothing, but her eyes carefully watched his each and every move. He chose to continue.

"Lapis, you and Jasper hate each other. Fusion is meant to be a bond of trust... but what you have here isn't trust. Why do you do this to yourself?"

"I told you, Steven, it's to protect you." Lapis absentmindedly fiddled with the end of her dress, and her eyes suddenly avoided contact with his. "If Jasper breaks free, then she'll hunt you down. Is that what you want?"

"I know that! Jasper's dangerous, I get it. But even if she is... you don't have to put yourself through this! Not for me..." As his voice trailed off, Steven walked next to Lapis and took a seat, and put his hand on her shoulder once again. She didn't shy away this time.

"Lapis, listen to me. I know you don't want to break the fusion, but I promise I can help you. If you just tell me where Malachite is, I'll wake up and come get you, right now. You don't have to do this anymore..."

The gears in Lapis' mind began to turn.

She knew that everything Steven had said about Malachite was correct. There was no trust or friendship in their fusion. All it was was malice and hatred, fueled by a burning desire for revenge. From both of them. A lethal mix.

And all of it was hell. Holding Jasper down. Keeping herself above the water. Above the fusion realm... she had been down there before, once. Never again.

But now there was a way out. To be free again, to break the chains of her own creation. The thought alone was tantalizing her, to the point of her mouth falling open ever so slightly, and her vocal chords warming up to answer yes. Steven's eyes grew wide.

Lapis' mouth closed. There was still a catch.

Deep down, Lapis knew that her determination was more than just holding down Jasper. Her memory still hadn't dulled about the Crystal Gems: she knew they were a rogue organization, and a dangerous one to boot. Traitors to Homeworld, and their own kind. Sure, her own relationship with Homeworld was a bit on the rocks, but she wasn't anything like them.

And she had to admit it was a little personal, too.

No matter what Steven would try to say to change her mind, the years spent trapped in the mirror were unforgivable. Centuries of being devoid of a physical form, stuck with no method of expression? Like she didn't have a mind of her own?

It all added up clean. As far as she was concerned, the Crystal Gems were untrustworthy. Evil, even. What sense did it make to give up and go from one enemy to the next? It didn't.

But still...

"Yes, Steven a Crystal Gem, but he's different!" thought Lapis. "He didn't put me in the mirror, he FREED me! I can't trust the others, but... can't I trust him?"

Lapis glanced up from the water. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of hope that he'd be gone, but he still sat just like before. His hands were neatly folded in his lap, and his eyes were frozen on her. She knew he was waiting for her answer.

"I have to decide... Jasper or the Crystal Gems?"

Lapis gently sighed, and fiddled with the ends of her dress again. She kept her attention to the floor, and purposely blotted Steven out of the corners of her eyes. She ran through it all again.

Almost ten minutes passed. And then, at long, long last, she slowly nodded her head.

"... Fine. But you have to promise me something."


Lapis looked Steven in the eye. She could visibly see him tense up.

"No matter what happens next, I want you to keep the Crystal Gems away from me. I don't trust them, and you know that."

"B-but why?" questioned Steven. "Why can't you... you know what? I think we all have a big misunderstanding on our hands. They don't know you like I do! Once they see you for who you really are—"

"They don't need to 'see me' for 'who I am,' Steven!" snapped Lapis. "I can trust you... but not them. Once you free me, I'm leaving."

"Leaving? Where?"

"I'm not sure..." sighed Lapis. "I'll figure it out later."

Much to her surprise, Steven curtly nodded without another question. Lapis did the same, and she almost had to force a smile away from the appreciation she felt for his willingness to drop the subject. But she knew he was still waiting for what he came here for, and there was no more stalling.

"Will you keep the promise, Steven?"

Steven closed his eyes and frowned. He wasn't happy about it, but if it meant convincing her of splitting apart Malachite, it was worth it. "Yes... I'll make sure they don't bother you."

Lapis paused for a moment. She allowed herself to collect her thoughts, and her gaze fell into the dark. "To the best of my memory, Malachite is near—"

Jasper pulled at the chain. There was no resistance.


Whenever she started to get close to the top of the water, the chain was always what bogged her down. The little brat always held it firm, and she never budged. Hopeless wasn't quite the right word for it, but... it was hopeless.

But this time it was different. The chain was loose.

Jasper's eyes bulged open wide. She didn't know what was going on up there, but whatever it was, it had Lapis distracted. She wasn't holding the chains! She had no idea why, but whatever the reason, she simply wasn't paying attention.

A sinister grin spread across the Homeworld gem's face. Now was the time to take over.

Her adrenaline rush increasing tenfold, Jasper furiously kicked her arms and legs, and shot up through the waters as fast as she could manage. She was already well past the stopping point from her last breakout attempt, the spot where Lapis held her down; the only other time she could remember swimming up for this long was the last time she broke free.

The neon green light began to poke through the surface. She could see the top. Just a little bit closer...


Steven yelled her name again, his face planted to the the water as if it were solid. It didn't work.

She didn't come back.

"W-w-why did she just SINK? Is it Jasper dragging her down? But I thought she had her under control! And why'd it have to be NOW?!" Steven slammed his fist against the surface, and then he tightly shut his eyes. "Still, at least she was able to tell me where she is... now I have to—"

A loud splash of water echoed throughout the room. Steven's train of thought came to a crashing halt as he whipped around on the spot.

His eyes bulged.

Jasper took a deep breath. "I..."

An open toothed smile spread across her face. She had to admit it felt nice, being out of the water. She'd had enough of it for a while. The dry air was more... liberating. Everything about it.

Even if it wouldn't stay that way for long.

Jasper knew Lapis was firmly in control, even now. She was the one who created the chains, and she was in control of the ocean around Malachite. Jasper had no hope of fighting it for very long; these precious few moments above the water was all she was going to get, another little victory to add to the books.

Might as well enjoy it.

After her eyes adjusted to the light above (even the low lighting was dazzling to her), Jasper quickly glanced around the room. It was exactly the same as she remembered it being; nothing on the immediate horizon, nothing up above, and certainly nothing down below. Just a big, empty chamber.

And then her eyes came to rest on him.


Steven's voice died in his throat. His breathing turned slow and heavy, and his feet rooted in place.

"W-why? What's she doing here? Why isn't Lapis back? This is just like last time..."

Just like last time. Even though it was months ago, he could still remember it well: Lapis being dragged under the sea, Jasper taking control, her quiet gasps the word 'you,' like she knew nothing else...

And it was happening again.

As he shook himself out of his thoughts, Steven's eyes shot open wide; Jasper was crawling toward him. Her eyes were firmly fixated on his, and it sent a shiver down his spine. This time, she was completely silent.

But her body language gave away her intent. Her fists were closed.

Steven scrambled to his feet. And then, without so much as a second thought, he turned his back to her and ran the other way.

It was a sad mistake.


With reflexes ever so quick, Jasper jumped to her feet. She sprinted forward to catch up to him, and her legs quickly built up speed as her arms swung from side to side. And then, just before he could escape into the darkness surrounding the room, she leaped.

It was barely enough. Her fingers clasped around his ankle.


Steven could form no other thought, and yell no other word. He furiously thrashed in Jasper's grip, desperately squirming for freedom.




Jasper's eyes were cold, and her tone dead serious. Recognizing the situation, Steven once again reached out to the water and kicked his feet, and tried to crawl away. Jasper responded by dragging him close and seizing the collar of his shirt, and she held him high above the ground. A wide smile creaked across her face.

"Rose... you're the reason I had to fuse in the first place. And now you're going down with me."

Steven opened his mouth to scream. But he never got the chance.

The chain on Jasper's arm jerked back. With no resistance from her, they both thrown to the ground, but they didn't stay that way for long; almost at once, the two began to skid along the ground, and their target was the spot where Jasper first came up. Steven knew that once they reached that point, just a little further back, they'd be yanked below the surface. To the fusion realm.

But he had one more card to play.

Steven closed his eyes. He ceased his thrashing and squirming, and he allowed himself to be dragged along. He felt them dive under the surface, and into the abyssal depths below. And yet he stayed completely still.

"Wake up..." he thought. "Wake up. Wake up. Wake up..."

A low rumbling noise ripped throughout the water. He felt Jasper's hold on shirt collar disappear, and then his ankle. And then, even through his closed eyes, he saw a bright flash tear through the murky water. Brighter and brighter it grew, poking through his eyelids and blinding his sight.

He prayed it was his greatest wish.

This might change in the future, but for now, there'll be a new chapter every Thursday. There isn't really a set time, but I'd say usually a few hours after a new episode airs. (May 12th. Mark your calendars if you haven't already, lol.)

So, what'll happen next? Well... you'll find out soon enough, lol. In a week, to be exact.

Have a nice day.