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Yeah I know that I let you down
Is it too late to say I'm sorry now?

I'll take every single piece of the blame
If you want me too
But you know that there is no innocent one in this game for two
I'll go I'll go and then
You go you go out and spill the truth
Can we both say the words, say forget this?

-Justin Bieber

It took two weeks for Harry to regain consciousness. He woke to his hand being held in someone elses, his first thought was Fenrir, was he really here?! Had it all been a dream? Was Fenrir innocent, could they raise their child together? Then as the reality set in the hand was too small, a gust of air escaped his lungs as a sigh before he forced his eyes open.

"Harry!" It was a feminine voice that his mind couldn't decipher at first.

"Potter?" Came the second voice then it clicked, Draco and Hermione. The two had become unlikely friends when she had agreed to take over his case. They now worked together in a small bookstore that Hermione owned. The store held both muggle and magical books, it was part of Draco's probation to work there.

"Mmm?" Harry moaned out trying to will his eyes to open, it wasn't happening instead he gave Hermione's hand a soft squeeze.

"Harry, where is the baby?" The witch gushed out, it was clear Harry wasn't pregnant now. She had told Draco of the situation knowing he could be trusted, or at least she trusted him.

That was what caused Harry to panic, where was his baby? He suddenly sat bolt upright forcing his bright eyes open as he pulled away the blankets to show his flat stomach as if nothing had ever been there. "Did you take my baby?!" He shouted at Draco looking at him with a pure evil look in his eyes.

"Woah, Potter I've not touched your kid!" The blonde wizard stepped back quickly seeing he wasn't in the right mind. "Where were you before you passed out? The Auror said something about Azkaban?

Then it clicked into place.

"She is safe." He mumbled as he lay back down, "she's with her daddy."

"She?" Hermione piped up her amber eyes looking over at Harry, the kid was practically going to be her niece. "You had a little girl?"

"Wait? Where is safe please tell me you haven't left a child in that place!" Draco raised his voice, suddenly thankful for the muffilo charm he had casted the moment there was signs of the raven haired wizard waking. "That place she will die! It is cold and damp and disgusting Potter! How could you be so stupid that is if your bloody lover doesn't kill her first!" He snapped, he had only spent two weeks there but it was enough for him to not want anyone to ever go there. He wouldn't ever wish that on anyone, well except his father who could rot there for all he cared.

"My daughter is safe. She is with her father," He repeated himself calmly before closing his eyes once again. "You're welcome to go see Fenrir, I need to sleep tell him I sent you." He mumbled sleepily before he drifted off the stress was too much for his still fragile body.

Draco looked up to Hermione, "let's go, I don't trust Fenrir at all. The man is a psyco."

"I-I don't think he would harm his own child." Even Hermione didn't sound convinced at her own words. She had read about his history while at Hogwarts, Fenrir certainly wasn't a little ray of sunshine.

Thankfully Draco was known for visiting his own father in Azkaban so it didn't raise too many questions when he requested to go over that day.

Hermione was hidden below the cloak only extending a hand out of it as Draco helped her out of the boat when she got to the other side, the blonde wrapped his arm around her holding her body close to his. "You'll be okay" He mumbled softly against the hood, they would be fine as long as they didn't see his father.

"You sure you're okay finding your way Mr Malfoy?" The Auror asked

"Fine, thank you we won't be long."

Draco led the way up the stairs, he knew he had seen Fenrir in one of the cells around here. It didn't take the pair long before Draco was met with the familiar hairy back of the wolf.

"Greyback." He bit out, trying to see around the wolf he couldn't smell blood but that meant nothing Harry was here bleeding just a few weeks ago.

Fenrir didn't tense, didn't even move to acknowledge anyone had even spoken behind him, he was just hoping they wouldn't speak too loudly. His little girl had just fallen asleep, the small child hadn't grown much over the time she had been here, her hair seemed to lighten no longer the dark colour she had originally had, now getting closer to his own dirty blonde hair. Not that his hair looked very blonde I here it was more a muddy brown much like her alternate form the dirt was just too deep.

"Mr Greyback, please. I know you probably don't want to talk but I'm a friend of someone who seen you a couple of weeks ago." Hermione wasn't sure if he knew who had carried his child. She slowly lowered herself to the damp floor not wanting to seem threatening.


Hermione rose her hand silencing Draco.

"He is okay, he only came conscious earlier today, he's pale but just told us he left a little something with you. Would I be able to see?"

Fenrir grunted but made sure his daughter was well hidden before standing and turning around, he didn't even glace to Draco, ignoring his presence completely. "How can I trust you? Three questioned, who, gender, how." Was all his gruff voice said, he needed to make sure he could trust them he was sure she was who she said she was.

"Who? The mother for all purposes, Harry Potter. Gender, a little girl. Not named as far as Harry remembers anyway. How? I don't know how he gave birth, I know she was conceived while we were on the run and he obliviated you to keep you safe he wasn't aware he could actually get pregnant seeing as you were his first. Before you say anything else, he does have the memories saved for you for when you come out if you chose to want to know how. Equally I will make sure everything is in place for incase you don't want to be with Harry that you will have equal rights over your child." Hermione explained everything as logically as she could. After seeing Harry in the hearing room wanting to save Fenrir they had exchanged many letters so she could make sure she had all of the facts together incase it was ever needed.

"What? He oblivated me?" Everything else seemed to be forgotten in that moment,

"Yes, you had met up several times while we were on the run."

"Amira," Fenrir whispered out softly.

"Princess?" Draco spoke up looking up to Fenrir, maybe if that was the meaning he had intended the child would be safe...

"My princess. Did you train as a healer Malfoy?" He suddenly asked watching the blonde wizard carefully he needed someone to check over the child really.

"Yes and Hermione is a midwife."

That was enough for Fenrir, he looked around making sure no one else was there before he slowly moved to the back of his cell.

"I've cast a muffilo charm and a notice-me-not." Hermione said the moment the wolf began looking around.

Fenrir grunted his appreciation it was all they were going to get from him. Carefully he picked up the sleeping child, "she's sleeping."

Hermione nodded watching as a small bundle came into view she held her arms out letting Fenrir place the tiny bundle in her arms. Carefully she bought her through the gaps in the bars.

"She's tiny" she whispered but began casting careful wand movements over the child reading the stats that came up above the bundle, "perfectly healthy, she's premature, all stats are good." She looked up to Draco for confirmation no harm had come to the child.

"Yeah all healthy as far as I can see. You've done good Greyback" Draco nodded watching Hermione reluctantly hand the child back over to the father.

Fenrir grunted once again thankful the girl hadn't woken as he lay her back down to sleep in her hidden place below his bed.

Hermione took that as her cue to leave, "thank you sir, I'm sure Harry will be by as soon as he is able."

Draco took down the two charms before helping the witch Stand up quickly leading her out of the place and away from the wolf he still didn't quite trust.