Hey guys! Yuu-booty here with another freaking MikaYuu Fic despite not finishing my other two xD

I would've updated but I just rewatched an old favorite anime of mine called Kannazuki no Miko and I seriously wanted to write a MikaYuu version of it, It's soooo cute :3

Full Summary: Yuuichirou Amane was a normal kid that attended a prestigious academy alongside Mikaela Shindo, a well know prodigy. Putting up a front that makes them seem to be only acquaintances they are actually close friends that had met in a rose garden and have continued to meet since. While things seem normal in their quiet town, an evil race known as the Kyuketuski have awaken and are hell bent on destroying the only two people that have the power to seal them once again.

MikaYuu Reincarnation fic set in a AU anyone?

Standing on an open field dressed in his priest robes, stood a man with messy black hair and beautiful green eyes sparkling from unshed tears.

"I promise we will meet again..." The gentle voice coming from a blond man with soft blue eyes assured him, with a gentle smile.

"When?" The black haired man shouted, wanting to chase after the blond before he retreated into the shrine before it shut its doors, locking him inside forever. To his dismay the grand doors slowly began to close.

"In due time.." The blond promise, the last thing that raven haired man saw was a smile that finally brought his cries out.


"Yuu wake up!"

"Mmm..." Yuuichirou Amane raised an arm over his emerald, green eyes, shielding them by the blinding sunlight coming from the window. His loud roommate's voice had waken him up from another strange dream. He had begun to have them recently but would always forget the content of each one as soon as he woke up. The only thing he could recall was the promise of reuniting with someone...

"You're finally awake!" A cheerful voice said. Hovering over him was his roommate, Yoichi Saotome, who had his usual kind smile. Pulling away from Yuu he held up his phone looing at the time.

"Despite waking up earlier than usual however, you're still late for your morning chores." Yoichi informed, walking over to a desk, occupying the corner of their shared room.

"R-really! Ah!" Yuu had climbed out of his bed, but lost his balanced and toppled to the ground, his bottom half still on top of his now messy bed.

"Ouch...huh?" He was on the ground groaning until he heard the sound of a camera shutter. Opening his eyes he looked up to Yoichi holding his phone up, taking a picture of Yuu's state with a smile still on his face.

"Got another one." Yoichi teased.

"Come on I wasn't even ready for that one." Yuu lifted his hand out to reach for his phone, but the smaller boy held it away from his reach.

"Not a chance Yuu!" He said, backing away from the boy. Yuu tried to reach out for him more, only for him to fall off the bed entirely and ended sprawled on the ground.

"Ah, another one!" Yoichi laughed as he took another picture of Yuu.

"Cut it out already." Yuu sighed as he up, wide awake and ready to get dress.

"Than lets go! Get dress or I will take more pictures." Yoichi warned. As Yuu got dressed Yoichi took it upon himself to take pictures of Yuu taking of his pajamas, brushing his teeth, buttoning up his dress shirt, and putting up his pants, all with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Are you done yet?" Yoichi asked, while Yuu was in front of the mirror, trying to pat down his bed hair. After finally taming it he grabbed his school bag and rushed out his door, apologizing to Yoichi for almost making them late.

Together they walked up the steps to their academy, Yoichi skipping a couple steps at a time. Turning around he called for Yuu to hurry up.

"I would if I could." He muttered trying to get past a group of girls who were taking their time going up the large number of steps.

"Hey can I get b-" He started to ask, but was interrupted when another girl walked up from behind him and gently pushing him out of the way to join her group of friends.

The push had caused Yuu to lose his balance, about to fall backwards down the stairs.

"Yuu!" Yoichi exclaimed, already rushing back down to help him up.

It wasn't needed though. In a flash, a hand grabbed Yuu's wrist, successfully catching him from his dangerous fall. He gasped as he was pulled into the warm embrace of his savior, along with the many other girls who squealed when they saw who had caught him.

"Look! It's Mika!"

"Ah, Mika's here!"

"Mika looks as handsome as ever!"

"Who's that guy he's hugging?"

Yuu felt his cheeks begin to warm up as he felt the attention now on him.

"Are you alright? You didn't hurt yourself did you?" Mikaela Shindo asked Yuu, concern dripping from his tone.

Shaking his head against his chest Yuu answered nervously, "No, I'm fine..." He immediately pushed himself away from Mika and bowed.

"Thank you for catching me!" He thanked than noticed Mika's bag on the ground. Picking it up, he dusted it off with his sleeve. "I'm sorry about you dropping your bag though.." He handed it back to Mika feeling guilt wash over him.

Mika just gave him a kind smile. "It's fine. I hope you have a nice day, Mr. Amane." Yuu just stood as Mika walked passed him and continued up the steps catching a sweet smell coming from the blond's hair. After Mika had climbed a couple more steps Yuu turned around with happy grin on his face.

"You have a nice day as well Mr. Shindo!" He called after the blond, who only waved back at him, making all the girls squeal and send death glares at Yuu.

"My Yuu, you must be considerably lucky for Mika to show so much attention to you of all people." Yuu heard his friend say. Looking away from his work he frowned at the brunet.

"What's that suppose to mean?" He asked, feeling a slight sting to his pride. Was he not special enough or something?

"I didn't mean it like that Yuu, give me some credit, I'm not that mean." Yoichi said, giving him an offended look. Sighing Yuu looked out the window as the short boy sat himself on the edge of his own desk.

Outside of the window, he had a perfect view of the tennis courts which students were now practicing on.

They had just finished their morning classes and were now on break, the students all talking to each other while their teacher graded some papers.

"Still, I'm curious as to what his hug felt like. Was it like this?" The small boy wrapped his arm around Yuu he chuckled at his friends antics.

"It wasn't like that Yoichi, you're exaggerating." Yuu told him. Yoichi looked at him with surprised.

"You didn't think it was a big deal!? He comes from the most distinguish family, excels in academics and sports! He's like the perfect man, the shining star of this academy, our own Mikaela Shindo! He receives countless love letters and proposals from every girl and almost every guy! Do you still not consider that a big deal?" Yoichi asked while Yuu just stared at him, flabbergasted at how he knew so much.

"Seriously though-" Yoichi continued, not waiting for an answer, "If there was anyone that deserved Mika there's only one person that would make the cut. She ranked first in all standardized test and is nearly equal to Mika when it comes to athletics, Shinoa Hiiragi, the princess of this academy." Placing his finger against his chin he added, "She is the only one to be considered to be a possible candidate for Mika I guess."

Nodding his head in agreement Yuu said, "Those two would make a good match."

"Right?" Yoichi nodded his head to. When he felt a hand on his shoulder he turned to see a student.

"The teacher wants to talk to you." The student informed Yoichi who sighed.

"Thanks for the heads up." He thanked the student who nodded and returned back to his desk which was right in front of their teacher.

"I'll talk to you later, okay?" Yoichi said to Yuu who nodded and returned his gaze back to the window. While Yoichi dealt with the teacher Yuu focused who was playing on the tennis courts against each other.

Both Shinoa and Mika were playing a match together. Or were, Mika was now sitting on a bench drinking a bottle of water while Shinoa dried herself off with a towel.

Watching the both of them Yuu thought back earlier with his run in with Mika. The boy had whispered something only loud enough for Yuu to hear.

"At noon, the rose garden. Meet me there."

Yuu looked over at the clock on the wall. It was only five minutes till noon. Smiling with a light blush on his face, he pushed himself away from his desk and left the classroom, giving Yoichi a wave goodbye.

"I can't find Mika anywhere..."

"I wanted to have lunch with him today."

"Has anyone seen him?"

"Well he does always disappear during lunch."

Lunch time was the part of the day where practically all the girls of the academy wanted to dine with Mika, bring him the lunches they made especially for him or just to be in his presence. Yet they never were able find him.

Unlike Yuu.

Standing outside of a large rose bush, Yuu was holding onto his on lunch looking at all the different colored roses. Looking left and right to make sure the coast was clear he quickly got onto his hands and knees and crawled through the bush, carefully trying to make sure he didn't get pricked by the many thorns.

After successfully getting passed it he entered an area surround buy a fence that was covered by the roses. In the small space stood a great tree and sitting underneath the tree, perched on top of a blanket sat Mika. He had his usual kind smile on his face and when he noticed Yuu it grew wider.

"Please." He patted a spot on his blanket, "Sit with me."

Smiling, Yuu hurried over to him and sat down beside Mika.

"I'm sorry I made you wait." He apologized as he placed his lunch down on the blanket.

"It's alright." Mika reassured him, making Yuu relax. Opening the basket that was beside him he pulled out a tea set along with a thermos and a set of neatly sliced sandwiches.

"Mika." Yuu began as he opened his bento, "You're always super busy with student council and sports yet you always come here." He looked over at Mika with curiosity, "Why is that?"

Pulling the teacup away from his lips he answered, "Because this is the only time I can ever spend any time with you." Blue eyes glancing over to Yuu he asked, "Is that bad?"

Raising his hands up Yuu shook his head frantically, "No! Of course not!" He really enjoyed the times he's spent with Mika, it was nice and quiet and quite relaxing.

Putting the teacup back on it's saucer Mika said, " If it bothers you we can stop. I don't have to steal you away from any of your usual duties."

Yuu frowned, "Don't say that. That's not how I feel at all, our lunches together are great and-"

"Yuu." Mika interrupted him. "Your tea is ready."

Yuu blinked when Mika handed him his own teacup and saucer. Taking it he gave Mika a small thanks. Stirring it with a tiny spoon Yuu continued speaking, "Still, I'm curious on why you want t hang with me anyway."

"Why do you think that?" Mika asked after taking a bite from his sandwich.

Yuu shrugged, "I mean, you're smart, kind, handsome-" Mika laughed at that, making Yuu blush with embarrassment, "I meant it like you should be hanging with girls that want your attention or maybe even that Shinoa girl." Yuu noticed Mika's hand twitch when he brought up Shinoa.

"...Why do you think I should hang with Shinoa?" He asked softly.

"Because you two compliment each other perfectly!" Yuu exclaimed. Mika looked at Yuu, confused at his words.

"How so?" He asked.

"W-well, she's like a princess and you're definitely like a prince." Yuu looked up at the sky, "Perfect in every way.." he added shyly.

Staring at Yuu, Mika placed his sandwich on top of his napkin.

"You're wrong." Yuu heard Mika quietly say. Looking over to the blond Yuu saw that Mika was now looking up at the sky. The remainder of their shared lunched remained silent between them, something that Yuu wasn't use too.

When the bell signaling them to return to class rang Mika handed an envelope to Yuu, who was clearing up his mess.

Staring at it he asked, " Isn't that an invite to your birthday party?" He was confused, Mika had already given him an invitation weeks ago.

Shaking his head Mika said, "That was an invite that was given to all the students because my family is throwing a party." Pushing the invite towards Yuu he continued with a grin, " This is party that I want to spend with just you."

Lightly gasping, Yuu stared at the invitation a bit longer, until he finally accepted it with a grin.

"Sounds fun!" He chuckled, with Mika laughing along with him.

He could only wonder what a party between just the two of them would be like.

Until the next chapter :3