"Um, so what happened exactly?" Asked a rather tall man, 6'3 to be exact, he stood wearing a plain blue work suit with a white undershirt beneath; the unyielding heat on this windless day had made his glasses fog; his dark ash brown hair dripped with sweat which was only made worse considering he had been standing outside in the sun for about an hour.

Even despite his height the man stood timidly even in his dull looking suit, he was clearly feeling uneasy about the situation, especially from the rather short elderly lady standing in front of him who was just finished telling him a rather bizarre story which he really couldn't believe.

"A giant hand flew into town and we left the city just to be safe, oh it was good ting to because before anyone knew it the hand fell out of the sky blowing up half the city."

"Uh huh." He said ,shaking his head.

'She has to be senile' was all he could repeat in his head, considering her constant chatter about monsters; strange women with powers; and now a giant flying hand from space he couldn't wait to speak to someone more...normal.

"Mom where are you! We have orders waiting to-there you are." Called a middle aged man with dark skin and a thick Ghanaian accent as he walked out of the small pizza place which he could only guess was his; he walked out wearing a pale green work shirt covered by a white apron with several smudges littering it; brown shorts reaching just above knees; and a pair dark tanned work shoes with a hairnet finishing up his work attire.

"Mom please don't bother the young man, he must be hungry having to stand outside in this heat." All around the three was just pure sunlight bathing the surrounding stores and no wind wherever he'd go, so the sound of a refreshing meal and drink sounded like a good idea albeit with the name of the small restaurant being 'Fish Stew Pizza' he'd rather not risk it.

"So then mister...?" Realizing that the man didn't even give his name to the proprietor standing before him he began to stutter his response.

"O-oh me? I'm so sorry I'm being rude, the names Matthew Corals." Looking at the newly acquainted Matthew the other man felt like he need to properly greet Matthew as well.

"Hello Matthew, my name is Kofi Pizza and this is my mother Nanefua; and this beautiful slice of Beach City is Fish Stew Pizza. So then mister Matthew what would you like to order?" With all of their names being known Matthew began to smile weakly feeling like his only choice was to go inside and try the food just to be polite, but he luckily remembered why he was there in the first place.

"I'm so sorry but I-I'm actually here on business!" Matthew happily said aloud, looking at Kofi with a smile. "I'm your new local House Insurance representative and I'm here to look into the apparent damages at all the local establishments; houses:; and the city as a whole, and from the information regarding *cough, cough* 'giant hands falling from the sky' I was hoping-"

"Oh please don't get me started, hands were not 'falling' from the sky."

'Yes! Finally someone who's not going on about a giant hand!" Matthew cheered inside his head, feeling like he could have a actual conversation about the recent events regarding the city and the-

"There was only one." Kofi stated which put Matthew in a rather awkward moment; trying to finish his thoughts and speak at the same time.

"Err-ex-excuse me?"

"There was only one hand, and it didn't 'fall' from the sky it came crashing down over by the beach beneath the lighthouse, go talk to the people living there, they know all about what happened." Kofi stated as he began to go back inside his pizzeria with his mother Nanefua following behind him, leaving Matthew standing alone in the heat feeling defeated.

Turning around he look all around Beach City to see that it wasn't as destroyed as his other interviews said, everywhere he looked he could see some rather inexpensive damages ranging from simple patches on roofs, to several holes riddling the marina.

Looking at the lighthouse Matthew began to remember of the people who had lived below it, he had even saw a path leading to a part of the beach he didn't noticed before.

"Alright, maybe the people living there will be more normal then everyone else."