Hello readers, I haven't posted a story in a long time so now is a good time as ever to start again woohoo! This time I have decided to write something a little different, YAOI! Well don't get too excited I'm not exactly one for writing out graphic details but if that's your cup of tea hey I'm not judging, in fact good for you! LOL.

Anyway, getting back to the subject needless to say after watching/reading Sweet Pool by Nitro Chiral, I was a bit disappointed and frankly a little irritated. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO MY BABY YOUJI...WHYYYYYYYY! Sorry got carried away lol. I was seriously annoyed by the ambiguous ending for the supposed "True Route" and so I have decided to write my version of how the story should have went combining the route "Miracles May" with "Red Road".

I will let you know ahead of time that there will be a few OCs for story progression purposes and I may or may not be able to keep the characters with the exact personalities in the story since it can be a bit difficult for me but I will try. Some of the information may or may not be correct since I am writing this from memory. Now for your entertainment, the story.

Chapter 1: Amnesia

There were only a few things he remembered; A gunshot, the sound of creaking rusted metal and then the sensation of falling.

He couldn't open his eyes and he couldn't breathe. His lungs kept filling up with water making it near impossible to get air into his system. As he struggled endlessly the water continued to flow in. He felt tired like he just wanted to surrender and give in to his hopeless situation, but at that point when everything feels meaningless we find hope. While struggling with an aching pain in his chest and the tsunami of water he felt bliss. It was hard to describe but there was something that seemed to make him feel hope again. A warmth, like that of a mother tightly embracing her child. It was nice. It was a feeling Tetsuo had longed for as a child but never got until he was much older.

The short blond haired teen tried desperately to open his tired eyes but to no avail. The warmth didn't disappear; it lingered there at his waist and back for what seemed like eternity. He then heard a small voice. It seemed very distant yet somehow crystal clear.

"You have to survive."

That was all he remembered before giving in to the warmth and gradual darkness

In a room surrounded on all sides by maddening white walls Tetsuo slept soundly. The only sounds to be heard was those of a heart monitor beeping in jagged lines on a small screen and the sound of an oxygen machine as the teen took labored breaths through a plastic mask on his face.

Light shone in through the fluttering drapes as cool air blew through the open gap in the window. It was truly maddening how incredibly quiet it was. It was eerie.

Tetsuo felt air being pushed forcefully into his body by the air mask. He slowly opened his eyes blinking a few times till he was fully conscious. There was the sound of a door opening and he heard a few voices chattering about in the once quiet room. A woman was holding a clipboard and flipping through the papers and someone who Tetsuo assumed was the doctor stood in a professional manner fidgeting with his white coat. He glanced over at the boy in the bed.

"Aw, Mr. Shironuma, how are we feeling today?"

Tetsuo didn't answer. It's not like he didn't want to but rather that he couldn't right away. Still discombobulated and still feeling like there was a haze cast over him made it much more difficult to function.

"I don't blame you for not being able to speak properly, you were shot and almost drowned in a pool. It might take some time but you'll be back to normal before you know it."

Again Tetsuo didn't answer. Without even noticing his eyelids began to shut again.

"Shot? I was shot?"

Tetsuo had no recollection of the event whatsoever however there was still a small pain from where he assumed he had been shot. Not caring at that moment he drifted back to sleep.

"You have to survive…"

Tetsuo woke up again. This time around though he felt a warmth on his hand and when he looked down a small pale hand was holding his rather large hand. When he looked up he saw the blurry image of a figure with black hair and pale skin wearing a blue cardigan and light blue dress shirt smiling at him.

"You have to survive...you must."

When he fully opened his eyes the blurry figure morphed into that of a female with tired looking eyes staring with eyes of compassion and concern.

"Okaasan." he spoke in an almost whisper.

"Tetsuo." the woman replied stroking her son's hand.

While Tetsuo was never much of a speaker to begin with this was one of those few times where he wished he could tell her not to worry, that he would be okay, but how could someone who couldn't even remember how he ended up in the hospital possibly say he was okay.

He was confined to the bed for several weeks after that. When he finally was released he somehow felt an emptiness.

School went on as usual. He attended Kamiya's classes like he usually did but more times than once found himself staring at an empty seat towards the back of the room. Tetsuo never paid much attention to anyone but for some reason he felt like was forgetting something, something dear.

When the lunchtime bell rang, Tetsuo gathered up his stuff and started to walk out of the classroom that's when he noticed the teen Mita Makoto staring off into space with an almost sullen look on his face. When his eyes met with Makoto it was like he was glaring daggers at him. Suddenly the boy pushed his chair away harshly and stormed over to a very calm Tetsuo and stood in front of him.

"Where is he?"

Tetsuo said nothing.

"Don't act dumb, you two were always hanging out together and then he just up and disappears."

Some of the other students turned their attention to see what the commotion was all about. Makoto was a very likable guy but when he lost his temper it was hard not to notice.

Tetsuo found himself very confused.

"He said we would hang out again, that we could be friends, but now…"

Tears were beginning to form in the corners of his eyes.

"It's your fault! Tell me you bastard!" Makoto grabbed onto Tetsuo's shirt in a threatening manner. "Where is Youji Sakiyama!"

His mind went completely blank. Why was that name so familiar. Tetsuo suddenly felt light headed and nauseous.

Kamiya who was watching from afar suddenly got up from his desk and walked over to the two teens. Makoto looked like he was about ready to punch Tetsuo but was stopped by Kamiya's grip on his hand.

"Makoto Mita. Enough!" Kamiya held a very stern face. "Shironuma doesn't remember anything."

"That's total bull!" Makoto spouted. He jerked his arm free from Kamiya and fled the room.

That nauseous feeling still didn't subside instead it seemed to increase and Tetsuo felt his head spinning.

Kamiya seemed to notice and offered to take Tetsuo to the nurse's office. He tried to refuse but Kamiya insisted.

When they were just inches from the nurse's office Kamiya stopped and turned to Tetsuo.

"I'm sorry about earlier that was uncalled for."

Tetsuo said nothing.

"I know it's been hard since the accident, and being blamed for what happened to Sakiyama"

He couldn't explain it but he felt a hole in his chest when he heard that name.

"Sakiyama…" Tetsuo whispered under his breath as if contemplating something.

Kamiya patted the top of Tetsuo's shoulder breaking him from his thoughts.

"Don't worry about it you don't have to remember; in fact it would be better if you didn't"

He was at a loss for words. Did Kamiya Sensei just say that it was better for him not to remember? Why? Tetsuo looked up with his expressionless stare at the older man. Kamiya just smiled then walked off down the hall.

Tetsuo entered the room and laid down on one of the cots. He looked up at the plain old ceiling, just as boring as one in the hospital. He somehow felt restless and rolled on to his side closing his eyes briefly.

"You have to survive, you must! I won't let you die!"

Tetsuo immediately opened his eyes and sat up in the cot. The nurse was sitting cross-legged at a small desk at the far end of the room. She looked over and smiled sweetly

"Shironuma-kun, feel any better?"

Tetsuo nodded his head and stood up bowing once before leaving the nurse's office. He trudged down the now empty halls seeing as class had already started. He had at first intended to head back to the classroom but instead found his feet taking him to the staircase up to the roof. When he got there he noticed the door had been blocked off by caution tape and a sign that read "Keep Out". He was just about to turn around and leave but then he felt almost like an invisible force was pushing him, urging him to go through. Completely disregarding the warning on the sign he turned the doorknob and walked out onto the roof.

It was such a nostalgic feeling. A light breeze blowing, the sunshine, birds chirping. Everything seemed so peaceful, he felt peaceful. As he stood there on the roof he felt an overwhelming sense of loss. Suddenly, one lone tear rolled down his face.

"Tetsuo…" Like a whisper he heard a voice. It was a very familiar, endearing voice. A voice he longed to hear again.


Somewhere barricaded in his apartment a young raven haired teen was sleeping soundly.

A smile on his pale face.

Wooooooo first chapter! Now onto the next! Hope you like it. Look forward to another update very soon. Let me know if I should continue. Thank you all!